St Peter's 2-8 Newsletter I 30

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CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329

AM Year 3 House Rounders– PE kit.

PM Year 3 Sports Workshop with Yarm (away)children should wear full PE kit and a cap and ensure they have a water bottle in school. Return to The Avenue at 4.30pm.


Year 2 Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Please remember sunscreen, caps and water bottles. Return to The Avenue at 3.30pm.


Year 3 are supporting a school in The Gambia in Africa. It is in a poverty stricken area and relies on sponsorships and charity donations. They initially built a primary school for local children who have to pay to go. Most of these children are sponsored as they are part of large families and cannot afford it. Miss Murray has visited the school on several occasions and seen the amazing work they have done with the limited resources they have. They have built up a library from books donated from across the world, they have their own chickens so sell the eggs to locals to help make money, they sell vegetables to locals and a couple of years ago, started building a secondary school to provide extended education for the children which is now up and running.

understanding of the world outside of their immediate surroundings. It is important for children to be aware that there are people who have far less than they do and that all over the world there are people living in vastly differing circumstances. There is, of course, a balance to be found between educating children about the world they are living in and exposing them to harrowing, disturbing and upsetting information. We do not, though, allow this to detract from the importance we place on educating our children about the value of kindness and charity. It is embedded in everything we do, and crucial in our commitment to creating global citizens, prepared for world. In addition to the obvious benefits of ‘giving’, whether that is financial, time or kindness to support the values of the school, there is also a tremendous amount of research into how ‘giving’ can support and improve our well-being and even make us happy! I watched this short film with Year 3 whilst teaching PSHE, about how ‘giving’ is most definitely contagious. Click on the links to watch Mr Indifferent and this film A Joy Story - Joy and The Heron which proves one kind act deserves another. It is imperative we teach our children the importance of being kind and the notion of Random Acts of Kindness.



suffering in our world. This is something that our children are accustomed to as they are growing up exposed to images of natural and man-made disasters, however it is of the utmost importance that we do not allow them to accept this as the norm. It is vital that we do not allow our children to believe that they are powerless in the face of disaster, and that these events are happening in a world separate to theirs. Empowering children with the thoughts that ‘we can help, we can be kind, we can make a difference’ is therefore a huge priority in education. This philosophy should be a focus for all schools. It is not a case of holding lessons in empathy, or teaching about charity, but ensuring that these principles are embedded in the education that children receive. This allows children to learn about these principles by soaking the information up subconsciously. This has been our approach during the theme for

The children in Year 2 discovered vanilla comes from Madagascar and looked at ethical and non-ethical farming methods. This has built into work to raise money for Vanilla for Change, a project that is part of Save the Children that operates to ensure farmers get a fair price for their products.

For children to fully grasp the importance of principles such as giving and charity, it is important that they also possess an


During half term children at school rose to the challenge of a Big Sleep Out to raise money for Shelter. The children had to sleep outside or in a less comfortable place than their own bed. This would result, in a small way, in the children gaining some understanding of what it would mean not to have a bed to sleep in. They raised over £2800 for Shelter, a charity that exists to defend the right to a safe home for all. Well done to everyone who took part (including parents). It is imperative that we ensure children understand there is a great deal of

this term ‘Grab your back pack, go on our travels’. As part of their theme each year group have identified a charity in the country that they are visiting. Year 1 have been in communication with a charity to support an elephant sanctuary in Thailand. They have learnt how to make curry pastes and refined their own recipes which they will make to sell at the ‘Grand Exhibition’ to raise money for the elephant sanctuary in Phuket.

Newsletter No: 30 Friday, 11th June 2021


It was wonderful to observe the children running into school on Monday, extremely excited for the final half term of the academic year. I hope everyone managed some family time to enjoy the fabulous weather we experienced throughout the week. There were a number of families who joined the school community on Monday and we warmly welcome you all.

You can follow us

AM Reception Swimming.

Next week the St Peter’s 2-8 Friends will be collecting Bags for School each day. A chance for the school community to show their kindness. (More on this later in the Best wishes, newsletter). All monies raised will be going towards our school charity, Children’s Heart Surgery Fund, supporting the work of Leeds Congenital Heart Unit. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Notice Board MUSICAL NOTES We have been busy this week in Music planning for the Grand Exhibition in July. The children are really hoping that they will finally have the chance to perform live to you this year! Thank you for all the music forms so far for starting Music lessons in September. It is fine to just email them directly to me, no need to print out copies. My email is If you need to give notice to stop lessons at the end of this term, please can you email me so I can arrange this for you? Mrs Hayden

INSTRUMENTAL LESSONS IN SCHOOL As we head to the end of term I have started talking to the children in Reception to Year 2 about the different instruments available to learn from September. If your child is already learning an instrument in school and you would like them to continue, you do not need to do anything. If your child is currently in Year 1 and has been learning the recorder, please note their lesson will become a 30min lesson from September unless you wish to give notice. In Year 2 we usually recommend only having lessons on one musical instrument. In Year 3, we can discuss pupils having lessons on two instruments where appropriate. If you would like to give notice on music lessons, please do so before the end of this half term by emailing If you would like to sign your child up to learn a new instrument, please email the forms to If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Mrs Hayden. Individual Music lessons are offered for the following instruments:

Year 1 - recorders, currently taught in pairs or individually by request

Year 2 and 3 lessons are all taught as individual lessons on the following instruments: •

Year 2 - Recorder, piano, violin, cello and guitar

Year 3 - Recorder, piano, violin, guitar, flute, drums, clarinet, pocket cornet (smaller version of a cornet/ trumpet, once the child has grown enough they can transfer onto a full sized instrument easily) or pbone (lighter version of a trombone - students once grown enough can easily transfer onto a trombone from this instrument).

The fees for 2021/22 are: £22.50 per 30-minute lesson. Hire charge of £35 per term where appropriate. Children in Year 1 will have a shared lesson with another pupil. Therefore please note that tuition fees for Year 1 are £11.25 per pupil.

NEARLY NEW UNIFORM SHOP The Nearly New Uniform Shop (located at St Peter’s 8-13) will be reopening after half term. The shop will be open on an appointment only basis between 3.30 & 4.30pm on Tuesday afternoons and between 8.15 & 9.15am on Saturday mornings. There will only be one customer (plus children) in the shop at a time and we do ask that you please do not come to the shop without an appointment. To book an appointment please contact Jenny Black by email at

SUN PROTECTION Just a little reminder that now the weather is really hotting up and the sun is shining (finally!), please could you make sure your child has Once a Day sun cream applied before school and that they have a sun hat in school, so that they are protected for the day.


Notice Board

house points trophy


MONK value champions • Isabella V(RA)

• Sam H (1C)

• Daisy C-S (2J)

• Beatrix H (RC)

• Seth B (1E)

• Esmie T(3C)

• Finbar Y (RC)

• Patrick D-B (1J)

• Toby D (3M)

• Eddie B(1C)

• Harriet R (2H)

• Liam G (3S)

learning superheroes • Bertie R (RA)

• Annabel H (1E)

• Daisy C-S (2J)

• Hannah P (RC)

• Martha T (1E)

• Lochie H (3C)

• Elizabeth B (RC)

• All of 1J

• Gracie T (3M)

• Sophie G(1C)

• Maria P (2H)

•Aurora M (3S)

Music award

PE award

• Maria P (2H)

• Luca P (RC)

•Jemima H (RA)

• Edwin G (3C)

Year 2 have been making the most of the gorgeous weather in their PE lessons this week. With Sports Day just three weeks away, the children have been working extremely hard, practicing all the events so they are ready to race. Before the half term break, the children all completed a long distance run along with sprint races. All the children demonstrated incredible resilience and endurance during the long-distance race, strategically pacing

themselves so that they had enough energy to complete the two laps without stopping. They all also demonstrated brilliant sprinting technique, resulting in some very fast and exciting races! This week, the children focused on the skipping and sack races along with looking at our two field events – the over arm throw and long jumping. Some children demonstrated excellent coordination using a skipping rope and we were extremely proud of everyone

persevering during the skipping race even if they found the skill tricky. Due to some extremely powerful and fast jumps, the sack race once again resulted in some very close and exciting races and the children were very quick to jump back up and carry on with the race if they fell over, which was brilliant to see. The children’s throwing technique was brilliant and there were some impressive distances witnessed. They were quick to


learn the rules and technique for the long jump and were excited to be able to practice their skills in the 8-13 long jump pit! Year 2 overall have been fabulous athletes this week and we cannot wait to watch them represent their houses and year group at Sports Day in a few weeks’ time. We have our fingers and toes crossed for more lovely weather!


Ready, steady, Acorns are off on holiday. We’ve travelled away by train, boat, aeroplane and car! We’ve made ice creams with playdoh, made paint prints with different wheels and to top it all off we just had to have a cold, refreshing lolly! Yum!

After having a much needed sunny half term holiday, it has been lovely being all back together enjoying more of the beautiful weather!☀️ ☀️

We’ve taken a trip to the museum gardens, explored programming the bee bots, discovered our tree has been growing ‘sounds’, and finished off with a refreshing ice lolly in the shade!


RECEPTION It has been so lovely to have all our Reception superstars back at school and enjoying such lovely sunny days together! Our days have been filled with glorious play inspired by the children's interests from making Guatemalan worry dolls after reading the book 'Silly Billy'; to weeding and tending to our new herb cutting garden, making fairy and pixie peg dolls in Forest School and even designing a home for a beautiful 'rainbow coloured' beetle which we found outside! This week has also seen a hive of activity in our new Market Stall role play with the children buying and selling lots of fresh fruit and vegetables! This inspired us to take some children on a trip to The Shambles Market (every child will have the opportunity to go

shopping this half term!) to stock up on some special ingredients for a delicious African Chutney which all the children prepared and made on Friday. If that wasn't enough, they also wrote the ingredients and method for their recipe and designed some very persuasive labels for their jam jars. We will be storing our produce in anticipation of the Grand Exhibition at the end of the year! We have also been finding out about a fabulous charity called 'School in a Bag' and thinking about how we could raise money to help provide essential school resources for children who are living in poverty. We have been genuinely moved by the kindness and empathy all the children in Reception have shown for the difficulties these children face and how much they want to help and make a difference. You make us proud everyday Reception!


What a wonderful first week back in Year 1. Preparations have begun for our Grand Exhibition at the end of the year. There are lots of surprises being planned and we can’t wait to celebrate our learning this term with you all.

finders for our friends to play. We continue to enjoy our text ‘The Elephants of the Tsunami’ and have been retelling the story through story boards and coding, using ScratchJR. We have also created Hokusai's Great Wave as a collaborative art project outside. The weather has been glorious and on Tuesday afternoon we We have been delving even further into spent some time down at the forest learning new tool skills and creating a Thailand this week and have been den building area. We have taken lots learning all about the floating of our learning outside this week and markets, making boats and also fact hope the sunshine continues!



In maths, we have been continuing to learn about money and this week we have been focusing on finding the right amount of change using subtraction and difference between. We have used a range of resources to support our understanding of this including abacuses and hundred squares so that we can see how much is left over. We guarantee that most of the children (and


Year 2 have loved making the most of the sunshine this week! We have been doing lots of art outside, including David Hockney style paintings at Forest School and African patterns as part of Art Wednesday. The children created their own repeating patterns which we hope to transfer on to our very own t-shirts! Also down at Forest School, the children have been busy developing their tool skills by making small hanging decorations which involved using the folding saws, palm drills and knotting skills.

the staff!) will say that their highlight of the week has been vanilla tasting! The children tried a range of foods containing Madagascan vanilla such as yogurts and chocolate - yum! We even had a go at making our own vanilla ice cream using Mrs Hall's ice cream machine. It was so delicious that Mr Hardy came up to have a taste! We learned about the process of getting vanilla into the UK and about the tireless work that many people do to maintain the vanilla's incredible flavour and quality.

On top of all of this, the children have been looking at the seven continents and five oceans through jigsaws, songs, videos, looking at globes and labelling activities. A wonderful week Year 2! Enjoy a bright, sunny weekend off, you deserve it!


Year 3 are cycling the length of the river Nile! We have left Egypt this week and entered Sudan and are using the stars and a compass to navigate our way south! It’s hot, hot, hot in the desert and we have been thinking about some of the things we would need to survive! After writing our survival guides, we then looked at the stars and how they can be used to help us navigate. We looked at the life cycle of a star, before then moving on to plot out our star signs, creating a pattern before we started to sew them using cross stitch and running stitch. In art we looked at Julie Mehertu, an Africa America artist who uses layers to produce her pieces. We then used this style to create our own layered artwork on a base map of Africa. As we continue to head south on our journey through Africa, we have begun to carry out some

research on the different countries within Africa. As we gain lots of knowledge, we are using this to build our very booklets all about Africa! In Maths this week we have been continuing our work on fractions. We have been finding the fractions of amounts and using our multiplication and division skills to help us solve some very tricky problems. To celebrate world ocean day this week we created our very own natural materials mural of the ocean down at Forest School. There were some incredible sting rays, jelly fish, octopus, star fish, crabs and many other wonderful sea creatures all created from our findings during our session. As the week comes to an end, we are heading towards Ethiopia and what awaits us there. We are excited to find out what we will be up to in the next part of our adventure.


Friday 18th June 2021 Bring in your bags of unwanted items and raise money for charity!

YES to all of these:Clothes

Paired shoes (tied)



Socks and tights



Scarves and Ties


Curtains Bed Linen

Household Linen


(But NOT Duvets, blankets, pillows or cushions)

NO to all of these:Duvets, blankets, pillows and cushions

Textile off-cuts

Carpets, rugs and mats

Soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing


Corporate clothing


COLLECTION DAYS Nursery – Monday 14th June Reception – Tuesday 15th June Year 1 – Wednesday 16th June

Year 2 – Thursday 17th June Year 3 - Friday 18th June 2021

The Collection Point for Bag2School will be behind the Nursery/ Hope House building, at the Friends of St Peters 2-8 shed.

Just follow the A-board signs, queue up at 2m intervals and use the one-way system in place, to ensure we abide by strict social distancing guidelines. If you miss your year group’s day, don’t worry, you can drop off on another day, but we are just trying to keep as socially distanced as possible.

Thank you Friends of St Peter’s 2-8

Acting Movement Storytelling


Crafts Games Free Play

Creativity Collaboration Confidence

SUMMER WORKSHOPS Ages 5 - 8 St Peter’s School - YORK August Week 1: 9th - 13th Week 2: 16th - 20th

From £31.50 a day

09:00 - 16:00

A theme a day Run by professional actors

Book Now - 07814 339138



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