CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329 Good afternoon children, Parents, Grandparents, Headmaster and our distinguished guests a warm welcome to the St Peter’s 2-8 End of Year Review and Celebration. A chance for us all to review, reflect and celebrate all of the children’s achievements throughout the year. I hope you enjoy what we have planned. What a fantastic year we have had at St Peter’s School 2-8, albeit a very challenging one, re-establishing routines and practices post Covid. The year has been full of exciting adventures for children and staff, even for some of the parents! This has been a sensational year. At St Peter’s 2-8 throughout our curriculum, we believe experiences are everything; without real life experiences, learning would be a process ‘done’ to children and not a vibrant, conceptual experience that develops children. If our children do not look back on their years of schooling with affection, pride and positivity we have failed them. Schools must help our children to broaden their minds, feed their imaginations and develop their love of experiences that in turn will develop self-motivated learners who thoroughly enjoy learning. The staff team believe we do this at St Peter’s 2-8. Most of the credit must go to the extraordinary people around the outside of this room who make St Peter’s 2-8 such an inspirational and extraordinary place. Every single member of staff work incredibly hard to create such inspirational learning spaces and environments for your children and prepare exciting and innovative lessons that inspire your children to learn. The effort they make for your children is staggering. Your work never goes unnoticed and on behalf of the children and everyone else in the room, a huge thank you and congratulations on achieving a school that is quite remarkable.
You can follow us for trips. Thank you to both of you for all your hard work throughout the year. Facilities Assistants They open the school every morning at 6am, sweep paths, prepare the school for events such as assemblies, plays and music concerts. They drive minibuses to allow children to go on trips and help coordinate parking in school. They do get to know your children and are always wearing a smiley face whatever the weather is like outside.
Newsletter No: 34 Thursday, 7th July 2022
the school community thank you for all you have done over the years and please accept this small token of our thanks for all you have done. Finally, the staff. Many people outside the world of education believe the holidays are a time for staff to put up their feet for 8 weeks. The staff will spend time in school preparing the classrooms for the children, completing courses (teaching Assistant courses, Masters qualifications). They will be preparing their learning journeys for the Catering Staff children. The work they do behind the scenes Everyday Stuart our chef is remarkable. will start preparing our Without these unsung lunches at 6.30am. He and unseen heroes the has continued to develop place just wouldn’t work our menu attempting to and not be the place it is provide that fine balance for the children today. between healthy food Thank you to all our and food that the Unsung and Unseen children will eat, heroes. Thank you. providing them with fuel Now it’s time for the for the remainder of the presentation of awards. I day. He is ably supported would like to ask Mrs by Aga, Danielle, Hopwood to come onto Michelle and Moira who stage to present the Year know all the children 3 leaving gifts, scrolls really well. Huge thanks. and trophies. Firstly a huge thank you IT Support Team and congratulations to id=530~3v~desd6J&code=UQ~bWhNyDzVWv8PXqgwpFj0CxBRbKvpcBdUCbI2QRdfp YuMDeS6x4h5nCaGoCefDbDSUorfUspLqGA4DlRHkIWlPeHMFNjfcXNrRzqJclMVUQqo The team have supported &ax=6M~CYbrNfGKcMfR the children for their our digital strategy over incredible ability and the year and have always excitement for learning. been there to guide and advise us when we You just surprise me every day at school with have encountered those difficult IT issues. your enthusiasm, dedicated work, One of the team leaves us at the end of achievements, and the sense of fun you term, he has been a tremendous support to have. Remember that success is being that all the staff at St Peter’s 2-8 and helped us little bit better than yesterday, every day. navigate and design our digital strategy Thank you for making our job as teachers one moving forwards. Barry please can you of the best jobs in the world. accept this token of our thanks. The Year 3 children leave St Peter’s 2-8 today, most of them moving to St Peter’s 8Medical Team 13. I know they are going to continue their We have access to the medical team across inspirational learning journey at St Peter’s 8the campus. Thank you for patching up the 13 and will continue to impress Mr Falconer children and offering tremendous pastoral and Mrs Brooks, Mrs Spencer and Mrs Savage The School Leadership care to them all. Thank you too for being so by getting involved in as many opportunities I would like to take this opportunity to thank reassuring to parents if the child has an as they can and continue to enjoy and love the whole school Leadership team lead by Mr accident or becomes ill at school. Your their learning. All the staff at St Peter’s 2-8 Walker for their continued collegiality, support doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you to will miss you greatly - good luck. friendship, and support. I also would like to Sian who is often found in St Peter’s 2-8. Next we will present the House Trophies: take this opportunity to thank the governors • The Meaby Rosebowl of Housepoints is lead by Mr Bill Wooley for their time, Cleaning Team awarded to: Walmgate guidance and support too. Every morning from 6am the cleaning team • The Interhouse Swimming Gala was A huge thank you to Antonia Clarke for her come to work and turn the school from a awarded to: Micklegate generous support and her counsel. I really do scene that can only be created from 2-8 appreciate all you do, as do all colleagues, children to a beautiful environment ready for • Marks Sports Shield for Sports Day was awarded to: Monk parents and children across the school. Huge them to learn. My thanks to Chris Alder and thanks. his team, whom many of you will never see, Helen Hopwood our Special Education Needs Coordinator has been at St Peter’s 2-8 for Thank you to the parents for your continued for all they do for the school. over 5 years. Helen has incredible energy, support for the school and the feedback that professionalism, and a huge sense of fun. She you provide through school channels that can St Peter’s 2-8 Friends and Volunteers help to improve the offering for your children Thank you to our St Peter’s 2-8 Friends, has been a wonderful teacher and has been a in school. volunteers and everyone else who helps at brilliant Learning Support coordinator. Thank What the children and you the parents see school organising events, workshops, you for all your work not only teaching but and observe is just the top of the iceberg. classroom support and pop up cafes. Thank also covering many year groups in schools The children’s teachers and teaching you. This year they have organised Piggy and being so adaptable in many roles in assistants guide, support and expertly deliver Racing, Quiz and Curry night, St Peter’s 2-8 school. We all wish you the best of luck for their learning and today I would like to Grand Bake Off, Our first ever Charity new adventures that lay ahead. Thank you, celebrate the Unseen and Unsung heroes that Summer Ball, our summer fair – Clif-fest, Helen, we will all miss you and please keep make the school such a special place and is bags 2 school donations, they have organised in touch. Please accept this token of our the unseen part of the iceberg. and led the St Peter’s 2-8 uniform shop and thanks. supported new parents and families who Please can I ask Mr Walker to the stage to say School Administration needed support joining the school and raising a Farewell and introduce the whole school What would we all do without Mrs Fattorini valuable funds for the school charity The for their final performance of the year. I and Mrs Hallgate? They are such a fantastic Children’s Heart Surgery Fund at Leeds hope you all have a wonderful summer and I support to me, my colleagues and to all Hospital. My thanks to Mrs Smith for leading look forward to welcoming the school parents at St Peter’s School. They are always the parent, baby and toddler group on community back to school in September. there in person, on email or by telephone Thursday lunchtimes. It is greatly answering all queries and passing on appreciated. My huge thanks to everyone messages to your child’s class teacher or to who has volunteered for whatever role. your children. They organise the co- Particular thanks to Mrs Todd who has led the curricular programme, school calendar, St Peter’s 2-8 Friends for a number of years events, process finance, organise paperwork who is retiring from her role. On behalf of
Notice Board •Two members of 2-8 School Council took the money they had raised by selling sunflower seeds to their classes, after an idea Kate from Year 2 had to raise money for charity, to the Sunflowers Kids Club. The children handed over £93 and Kate was interviewed by BBC Radio York. Well done to all School Council representatives for helping to raise such a fantastic amount for the charity which will give Ukrainian families a safe space to meet, relax, chat to other Ukrainian people, learn more English and play. The kids’ club welcomes its first visitors on July 13, Ukrainian teachers and psychologists are part of the staff team to help these children and their families feel connected after the disruption to their lives. It is a fantastic charity started by a parent at 28, for more information or to make a donation please follow the link. http:// www.sunflowersinyork.o rg/
School Council
PE This week the children continued to work extremely hard on their cricket skills. Year Three have focused on the correct bowling technique, windmilling their arm around ensuring they brush past their ear to direct the ball straight to the batter. Everybody else has put their batting and fielding skills to the test and displayed wonderful teamwork skills in order to get the ball back to the bowler, as quickly as possible. What an incredible sporting year it has been! So lucky to have such incredible sporting talent at the school and most importantly watching children blossom with confidence and show their inner Rita Resilience to develop their physical skills further. I am incredibly proud of all the children this year and it has been wonderful to watch them progress in a range of sports on offer to them. I cannot wait to start teaching back in September to all the children at St Peter’s 2-8. But I must say a big farewell to my lovely Year 3 children! They have shown great deal of potential in their sporting talent and I hope the sheer determination, resilience, fair play, teamwork and competitiveness carries on through their sporting journey as they progress through the next stages of their education. I must also give a massive thank you to my Sport Graduate Miss Hopper, who has worked alongside me this year. Next year she will be undertaking her PGCE in the school. It will be lovely to still have her around and to continue to see her work further with the children. We wish her luck. I hope you all have a lovely summer holiday!
Miss Flockhart
CONKERS Time really does fly when you’re having fun!
From all the team at Nursery we would like to wish you all a very happy Summer and thank you for all your amazing support this year!
RECEPTION We can’t believe this is the last week in Reception for our little superstars. They have made us so proud each and every day and we know they are going to continue to do so in Year One. This week memories of our trip to Filey on Friday have been much talked of! We had a wonderful time, building sandcastles, moats and sculptures in the sand, paddling in the sea and enjoying an ice cream treat all to the backdrop of some very dramatic weather! On Monday we took the children on another trip out to Homestead
Park, it was a joy to see the children playing so happily together, trying out some very tricky obstacle courses and looking at the many beautiful plants and flowers. Of course this week has also been ringing with the sound of the children's voices as they practiced their songs for the End of Year Review - we are so proud of their singing and signing! We wish all our Reception families a wonderful summer and thank you for all your support and kindness this year!
We can't believe that this is our final newsletter of Year 1. We are so incredibly proud of all the children, and we will miss them all so much when they go to Year 2. They have had a fantastic year full of fun, play and surprises and they have all made amazing progress. We have made memories that will last forever and as we write this week's news; we are looking forward to the 'End of Year Review' on Thursday to celebrate the end of what has been a fantastic year. We hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing summer break and thank you all so much for such a brilliant, happy year.
YEAR 2 We began our last week in Y2 in the best possible way, with a trip to the seaside. What a fantastic day we had! The children spent all day digging holes and moats, building sandcastles, burying each other in the sand, paddling, playing cricket and drawing on pebbles. There were many highlights, but probably the top ones were seeing Gran Betty in her chalet and choosing- then eating!- huge ice creams…
mostly bubblegum flavoured! We came home full of fresh sea air and ready for the rest of our final week in Year 2. All of the team would like to say a big thank you to our lovely classes and to their supportive parents. The children have made so much progress and we have had such fun along the way. We wish you all a very happy summer and we look forward to saying hello in September!
YEAR 2 Bridlington
And just like that, another Friends school year is over! 2021/22 has, for obvious reasons, been our most productive year since 2018/19. We have managed a complete year of parent and children fundraisers and it has felt great to finally get back to normal and see our friends in a social setting once again. Every event we have organised has been a huge success and has raised significant funds for our school charity as well as for the Friends of St Peter's 2-8. From The Great St Peter's Bake Off back in October, through to Clif-Fest only 10 days ago, via Piggy Racing, Christmas Cards, Easyfundraising, Christmas Wreath Making, Bag2School, Nearly New Uniform Sales, Quiz Night and our amazing Summer Ball, the events which the Friends have organised have been incredibly well attended by you throughout the year. We have raised in excess of £4,500 for The Children's Heart Surgery Fund, and approximately £3,000 for the Friends 'pot' (exact figures still being calculated) from which we have paid for the Year 3 Leavers Hoodies, the Valentine's Disco, the Sports Day t-shirts and a new outdoor stage area which is being built this summer. It is safe to say that after such a turbulent couple of years we really have returned with renewed determination to have fun! Thank you so much for all of your support. But, of course, these events could not happen without our amazing Friends committee. We have a core of willing and incredibly able volunteers who dedicate so much time to organising and running these events. Literally none of this would be possible without them. As I step down from my position on the committee after 7 years of involvement it is incredibly gratifying to see the Friends of St Peter's 2-8 heading into the future under near leadership, with a strong and full team in place. Victoria Woolf and Sarah Dolan-Bent will take over at the helm, ably backed-up by Olivia Houlston as Secretary and Sarah Binks as Treasurer. And behind these amazing ladies is a core of inspiring and creative Mums including Rebecca LeeBursnall, Morgan Appleby, Alex Bishop, Harriet Dryden, Abigail Wilson, Shiva Alaghband and Rachel Parkin to name just a few. Oh......... and, of course, Mr Hardy himself! So thank you for supporting the Friends of St Peter's 2-8. Thank you for supporting me in my role, reading my Reminders Email requests, my Newsletter pleas, my WhatsApp nags to enable our team to fulfil its role for the Charity and for the children. I am looking forward to my final year at 2-8 enjoying parent socials from the other side of the Bar! Laura Todd x