St Peter's 2-8 Newsletter I 3

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CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329



Y1 Story Club Y2 Multisports Y2 Engineers & Construction

Y2 Cricket* Y3 Football* Y3 IT left over didn’t go to waste- they were shared with the whole school communitywith our Estates teams and facilities assistants who thoroughly enjoyed the cakes. My thanks to the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 for their organisation of all their fundraising and social events. We are delighted to have our annual Clifton Bake-Off Event on Monday 18th October- please see the information later in the newsletter. Since we started our first holiday camp last October they have proven to be popular with the children and parents. This week we have published the dates for the holiday weeks for the academic year. Further information will be circulated shortly, but the dates for your diary are:.

• Autumn Holiday Club – Monday 25 October to Friday 29 October 2021

• Christmas Holiday Club – Monday 20 to

Y1 Multisports Y1 Sports* Y2 STEM Y2 Sports* Y3 Language Y3 Swimming

Y3 Tennis* WEDS

Y1 Get Creative Y1 Cricket* Y2&3 Choir

Thursday 23 December 2021

• Easter Holiday Club – Monday 4 to Friday Y1 Sign Language Y1 Tennis* Y2 Art Y2 Multisports Y3 Sewing and Craft

Y3 Hockey FRIDAY

8 April 2022 I was disappointed that I couldn’t attend our first in person assembly since March 2019, held this morning in the Dining Hall. My thanks to Mrs Clarke for taking the assembly. I hear the children loved celebrating each other and their achievements, and being back together. I hope you enjoy the newsletter each week. It is such a wonderful celebration of the learning and the joy and happiness of the experiences your children have each day at school. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Best wishes,


On Monday evening we had our Year 3 information evening for parents and on Wednesday evening (which I was unable to attend) we had the Year 2 Information evening which were both well attended. Mrs Clarke and I shared an overview of our ethos, aims and curriculum and the class teachers shared some insights into the learning that your children will experience this year. The presentations explained the importance of Metacognition and Self Regulated Learning based on the research from the Education Endowment Foundation which will enable us to support your children on their journey to becoming lifelong learners. On Wednesday the Friends of St Peter’s 28 hosted a Macmillan coffee morning. The Dining Room turned into a professional café with wonderful cakes created by the parents at school. They raised over £250 for this amazing charity. Huge thanks to all of the parents and the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 and in particular Mrs Victoria Woolf who ran the coffee morning. All the cakes that were


On Wednesday I travelled to the IAPS Heads’ Conference in Bournemouth. It has been inspiring listening to speakers on a range of themes; Mental Health and Wellbeing, Augmented Reality, Diversity and Inclusion, Inspections, the Future of Learning and the Future of Assessment and Leadership and the Education landscape in the UK to name a few. It was also a rewarding opportunity to meet other Head Teachers and to share good practice and ideas in a post Covid world. I have missed being at school and look forward to seeing the Reception children swimming on Saturday and the rest of the school community on Monday. It has been another action-packed week at St Peter’s 2-8. On Tuesday the Year 3 children visited my previous school, Yarm Preparatory School to take part in sport workshops with the children from Yarm. The staff and the children hosted us extremely well and our children thoroughly enjoyed playing rugby and hockey. The children had a fantastic time and threw themselves into the drills and games. It was great to start fixtures again and also to hear that the Year 3 children were super ambassadors for our school. Well done all. My thanks to all of the staff who accompanied the children and to Miss Flockhart who organised the event. On Wednesday RM travelled for their first ‘pop up’ classroom of the school year. They travelled on the school minibus to Dobbies Garden Centre on a mission to find bulbs to plant in their outdoor area. RM want to create a rainbow garden of flowers for the spring and I can't wait to see the results. Next week RA will be heading off on an adventure; all will be revealed next week.

Newsletter No: 3 Friday, September 24th 2021

You can follow us

Y1 Film Club Y1 Street Dance Y2 Coding Y2 Football* Y2 Tennis* Y3 STEM Y3 Cricket*


Reception swimming

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