CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329
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Y1 Story Club Second Group Y2 Multisports Y2 Engineers & Construction Y2 Cricket* Y3 Football* Y3 IT
Y1 Multisports Second Group Y1 Sports* Y2 STEM Second Group Y2 Sports* Y3 Language Y3 Swimming Y3 Tennis*
Y1 Get Creative Y1 Cricket* Y2&3 Choir
I can’t quite believe that the half term has arrived! It doesn’t seem five minutes since the class of 2021/22 arrived in September ready for the year ahead. It has been an intensely busy and thoroughly enjoyable first half term and I am proud of all the children and staff have achieved. School has been full of energy and excitement this week. It started with huge excitement as the children brought their entries for the Great St Peter’s Bake Off, organised by the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8. The entries across the school were brilliant and the Year Group judges led by members of our support staff had an extremely difficult job selecting the prize winners. There was a bronze and silver award for each class and then an overall year group winner. These were announced in our celebration assembly this morning. My huge thanks to the St Peter’s 2-8 Friends for their organisation of the event. On Tuesday, the Year 2 children participated in their first ever House Hockey Competition and on Wednesday it was the turn of the Year 3 children. The children thoroughly enjoyed participating and competing for their house and it was great to see the competitive spirit still alive and well at St Peter’s 2-8. In the final assembly it was announced by Miss Flockhart that the winning house was Walmgate! Thank you to Miss Flockhart and Miss Hopper for organising these competitions and all the staff who supported the event. On Tuesday we should have had had our first music concert of the year for our Year 2 and Year 3 children. Unfortunately, due to the rising cases of Covid at St Peter’s we were unable to do this with a live audience and subsequently we have postponed this event until next half term on 11th November. So much has happened over the term thus far (and it is only half term!) Exciting learning adventures in and out of the classrooms and creative and imaginative teaching capturing the children’s inquisitive minds, developing depth of learning that they are thoroughly enjoying. I thoroughly enjoy walking around the school watching, observing and joining in with the children’s learning in their classroom environments. I have included several photographs in this week's introduction to the newsletter providing a glimpse of the learning journeys the children have been on. Many thanks to all the staff at St Peter’s 2 -8, for not only creating stunning environments for the children to learn in but the culture and ethos where each child can be confident, give things a go, be creative and not be fearful of making mistakes. My huge thanks to the whole school community for all their efforts over the past six weeks. Our amazing team of kitchen staff, cleaners, facilities assistants, car park attendants, medical staff, administration staff, teaching assistants and teachers have been fabulous creating an outstanding environment for the children who we are all here for. Thanks to the parents for all your continued support, it is very much appreciated by all staff at school. I do hope you all have a wonderful half term break and I look forward to seeing you all back at school in a couple of weeks.
Y1 Sign Language Y1 Tennis* Y2 Art Second Group Y2 Multisports Y3 Sewing and Craft
With good wishes,
Y3 Hockey
Y1 Film Club Y1 Street Dance Y2 Coding Second Group Y2 Football* Y2 Tennis* Y3 STEM Y3 Cricket*
Reception swimming
Notice Board House hockey winners
house points trophy
MONK Music award
PE award
• Benjamin (3S) • Lily (3C)
• Year 2 and Year 3
value champions
learning superheroes
• Arlo (RC)
• Amara (2H)
• Aria (RC)
• Jack (1E)
• Ben (RJ)
• Bella (2J)
• Robert (RJ)
• Pierce (2H)
• William (RM)
• Harriet (2P)
• Thomas (RJ)
• Ethan (2J)
• Hugh (1A)
• Charlie (3C)
• Ava (RM)
• Sasha (2P)
• Irwin (1A)
• Tabitha (3M)
• Alfie T (1A)
• Jake (3C)
• Freddie (1C)
• William (3S)
• William (1A)
• Seb (3M)
• Ellie (1C)
• Charles (3S)
• India (1E)
Bake off Winners
Notice Board
Year 1
Year 3
Year 2
BOAT HOUSE OPENING St Peter’s School Boathouse was officially opened this weekend by Olympic Rower Greg Searle MBE. Greg delivered a morning Masterclass to pupils from the Boat Club at St Peter’s School, York, which focused on the importance of making choices not sacrifices and inspiring the children to constantly adapt in order to improve and succeed. Greg answered questions from the pupils and gave them the opportunity to hold his three Olympic medals, before being presented with a Pennant by current Boathouse captains George Smith and Hannah Gowland. In the afternoon, invited guests gathered at the Boathouse for the official opening. Those who had donated a brick to the Boathouse fundraising campaign saw their bricks unveiled, whilst those donors who had sponsored the naming of a boat were thanked with a special Boat Naming Ceremony. The Boat Naming was followed by speeches from Head Master Jeremy Walker and Greg Searle and the event concluded with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, before the Boats were carried from the newly opened Boathouse and down to the River Ouse for a Row Past.
Notice Board GREG JENNER: 50 SURPRISING ANSWERS TO THINGS YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW Monday 15 November, 7pm, Memorial Hall, St Peter's School, York Greg will be speaking about his new book, in conversation with Dr Angela Ranson “A roller coaster ride through history revealing the best facts, figures, stories and characters from ancient times to today.” Book tickets here.
Please be aware that we have had headlice in Year 1 and Year 3. Please check your child’s head and treat accordingly. Please see the NHS guidance on treatment here. LOST PROPERTY
MUSICAL NOTES I can’t quite believe we are at the end of half term, time flies when you’re having fun! The children have learned so many new songs and instrumental skills over the last few weeks, it’s been great to have so much music ringing around the building! We were disappointed to have to postpone our music concert this week, but now have something to look forward to the first Thursday back after half term. We hope we can welcome lots of our Year 2 and 3 parents to watch our concert live. The children in Years 2 and 3 have worked really hard learning lots of Young Voices songs ready for our concert in February. Earlier this week I shared a new learning platform with the children where they can access the songs. If your child would like to access this at home, please follow this link. It should take you to the myclassmate website where you can register your child so they can see all the song lyrics and dance videos for next year’s Young Voices concerts. It is new so hopefully the link will work without any technical hiccups! I hope you all have a lovely half term, Mrs Hayden.
Sam H left a small teddy in the Sports Hall after Cricket Club on Monday. If anyone has seen it, please return it to Sam or hand it in to the office.
YEAR 3 EVENSONG VISIT As we begin to think about preparing any Year 3 children who are interested in becoming choristers we are organising a visit to York Minster to hear an Evensong service on Wednesday 17th November. If you and your son/daughter are interested please read the information here and sign up so we can reserve seats. The children will need to be accompanied for this trip so will need picking up from school at 5pm so we can walk to the Minster ready for the service at 5.30pm. The visit will be followed up by a parents’ information session on Wednesday 1st December at 4.30pm in the Rayson Room.
SCHOOL COUNCIL Following the success of their visit from the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of York, School Council have proudly taken delivery of two new bins for the playground. Classes reported to their School Council representatives that there was nowhere to put their apple cores and other rubbish at playtime so School Council came up with a solution and decided to ask Mr Hardy for two new bins and he said yes! The children unwrapped them and took them out to the playground and playtimes have been even better ever since!
ART CLUB As part of Black History Month, we have been exploring some amazing black artists from around the world. We created dinosaurs in the style of Jean Michel Basquiat and colourful collages inspired by Alma Thomas. What amazing artists they all are!
On Tuesday morning the Year 2s competed in their annual inter-house hockey competition. This year the competition was hosted at St Peter’s 8 to 13 astroturf. It was fantastic to see the Year 2s put their new skills into practice in a more competitive environment. Fantastic support and enthusiasm was evident throughout the morning
and thankfully the weather On both held off. occasions, we were Thursday saw the turn of fortunate the Year 3s! I was enough to be extremely impressed with joined by our Head of the talent on show and the Hockey - Mr JJ Owen, who great spirit in which every was extremely impressed game was played. It is a with the level of hockey on perfect opportunity for display. I am super proud our students to gain of all the children that further experience of took part and I hope you hockey in a more have a lovely half term competitive environment. break.
This week we have all been getting excited with some Halloween fun!
We've investigated pumpkins; carved them, scooped them out, hammered them and even made pumpkin
soup! We've dressed up in Halloween costumes, read scary books and even danced to some spooky tunes! Have a fabulous and relaxing half term! x
Our final week before half term and what a lovely way to end it. The children have been so full of energy and enthusiasm this week… we have had lots of fun! To continue with our diversity theme for Black History month, this week we have been focusing on sharing texts, videos and facts about athletes: Jesse Owens, Pele, the Great Britain gymnastics team, Wilma Rudolph- just to name a few. This has inspired some of our children to go outside and create their own athletic courses and we're sure this has also enthused them to run just that little bit faster in their PE lessons!
very popular this week with our expert bakers helping teach some of the other children how to bake a cake and we even had a go at baking some Halloween type cakes, inspired by the St Peter’s 2-8 Bake Off tent at the beginning of the week.
A lot of our children have been very excited about Halloween so on Wednesday afternoon we added a few extra treats to the provision for them to explore and have fun with: apple bobbing, witch hat throwing, vegetable printing, special spooky playdough and lots of ghoulish The children have also shown a keen interest in volcanoes dancing and games! The games loft has also been given a and reactions so we started off the week with a lovely, make over with lots of new games such as tic tac toe, messy slime area outside for them. They enjoyed exploring connect four and pattern making which the children have what happens when certain ingredients are mixed together really enjoyed. and observing how the state of the materials change. At Forest School the children had the chance to do some In our art area we have been inspired by the artists Alma painting and marbling outdoors on the trees and leaves Thomas and Yayoi Kasuma to create dot paintings. This and created some beautiful leaf hangings. Our love of has spilled out into our pumpkin area with very spotty music and instruments from last week has also continued vegetables, our transient art area and our painting area. into this week with lots of violins, drums and shakers There have been many beautiful collages and paintings being created in our junk model area. We hope you all being created. The children have been so creative and have a lovely half term and we can't wait to see the imaginative with their ideas. Our baking area has been children again very soon!
Wow- what a fabulous final week of this half term we have had in Year One; from recording the story start from our core text, Fortunately the Milk, to a wicked 'Wumpire' party where we became scary 'wumpires' and played lots of brilliant Halloween games, we have had endless fun! This week the children have absolutely loved making their own spooky snacks in the snack area; we turned bananas into ghoulish ghouls and turned our apple slices into terrifying teeth! With Halloween around the corner, pumpkin art is a must and we focused on the art of Yayoi Kusama, who loved to draw dots
on absolutely everything but mostly pumpkins. Finally, we would just like to say that we have been the proudest teachers watching the children grow and flourish over the last seven weeks; developing skills such as observational drawings, sewing and using resources around the classroom to improve their work. We are so excited to see what the children can achieve next half term! We hope you have a spoooooky half term holiday and we cannot wait to welcome you back in November!
We have reached the end of a very busy first half of term in Year 2 and what fun it has been! We have learned so much about the history of our incredible city and we can't wait to continue our learning after the holidays. We finished the week and our Viking theme with a visit to Forest School, where the children made flatbread and cooked them on the campfire. The children had a wonderful time using the clay this week; after a fantastic session with Mrs Phillips last week, the children made their own dragons using air dry clay which involved a lot of manipulation and problem solving to make our sculptures sturdy. We took inspiration from the incredible Cressida Cowell's illustrations from her book 'How to Speak Dragonese' and drew our own mythical creatures. We were very impressed by the children's creativity and careful use of their watercolour paints. We also used the clay to make our own Thor's hammers after learning all about Viking Gods and Goddesses - a very arty week! In maths, we have been focusing on doubling and halving numbers and the relationship between the two. We have linked this to our 2 times tables and played games to recall these number facts more fluently. We have used mental and written methods to find doubles of numbers we are less familiar with, as well as using a range of objects. We have looked at patterns and reflected upon the number facts we already know to learn new doubling facts for example, 2 + 2 = 4, 20 + 20 = 40 and so on. You deserve a huge rest after a fantastic start to the year children! Have a wonderful October break and we will see you next term ready to delve deeper into the history of York!
It has been a wonderful week of learning to round of a super first half-term in Year Three. This half term we have joined Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter on their journey from the moment they were evacuated to the professor’s house in the countryside, to the part in our story where they meet the beavers. We have enjoyed an enormous variety of creative opportunities and have utilised our learning and understanding of the story to spark our own creative writing. Baking, researching and copying the style of famous artists, carrying out ice-themed science experiments, a visit to Murton Park, constructing shelters, using recycled bottles to make birds and making and showcasing our own puppet version of our story are but a few exciting things we have done. This month we also celebrated Black History Month, focussing specifically this week on Martin Luther King Jr. The children enjoyed using the iPads to research him, before making posters, positive
and negative art pictures and writing speeches about their own dreams for the future. We are incredibly proud of the way the children have stepped up into life in Year Three and look forward to getting back to school to carry on with our story. Wishing you all an enjoyable and relaxing break.
Bake Off WOW! There is not much else we can say! 125 entries for Bake Off was truly phenomenal. So much thought, effort and buttercream went into each and every bake. We hope you enjoyed baking them as much as we enjoyed judging, buying and eating them! The Bake Sale on Monday afternoon was so well attended and we raised a staggering £592! So thank you to everyone who entered the competition, everyone who purchased at the sale, and also a massive thank you to the members of the Friends Committee who helped out on the day. A fantastic team effort. Congratulations to all of the Bake Off winners, runners-up and entrants (please see poster below with details of winners). Piggy Race Night - Friday 19th November Please see the attached poster with all the details for our much anticipated Friends’ Social on 19th November. It will be amazing to finally see one another socially again. Tickets go on sale on Tuesday 9th November from 8.15am outside Nursery, or please contact a Friends committee member (the one who sends you all the messages on WhatsApp!) if you would like to buy a ticket but can't get to school in person. Lets make this a Come-Back Social to remember!
Acorns & Conkers
Winner: Winnie Silver: Siri Bronze: Harriet D-B Reception
Winner: Hugo M RC Silver: Kamila RC Bronze: Arlo RJ Silver: Elizabeth A RJ Bronze: Erin G RM Silver: Evelyn RM Bronze: Tori Year 1
Winner: Jojo 1A Silver: David L 1A Bronze: Hannah P 1C Silver: Rupert B 1C Bronze: Lucas 1E Silver: Oscar IE Bronze: Louis B
Year 2
Winner: Olivia S 2H Silver: Amara 2H Bronze: Martha 2J Silver: Oliver M 2J Bronze: India C 2P Silver: George S 2P Bronze: Charlie C Year 3
Winner: Olivia A 3C Silver: Alexei 3C Bronze: Jake 3M Silver: Seb B 3M Bronze: Tabitha C B 3S Silver: Mairi 3S Bronze: Miles W
7:30pm on Friday, 26th November
At St Peter’s 2-8 Tickets £40 and include a festive drink and mince pie Tickets go on sale after the half-term break Limited number of tickets available More details to follow!