CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329
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A warm welcome back after the half term break. The children have been excited to tell us stories of their adventures over the holiday. It is a magical half term in the run up to Christmas with many events in school. All information will be provided in the Tuesday reminder email and the newsletter. As you can see from this newsletter the children have arrived back into school just where they left off before half term. They have thoroughly enjoyed their week of learning and interacting with their friends. During the first week of the half term holiday St Peter’s ran an Activity Week for the children from 2-11 years old. The week was filled with art and craft, sporting activities, swimming, baking, forest school with campfire cooking, knife and rope skills, a cinema afternoon and bingo but most of all a tremendous amount of fun. My huge thanks to all of the staff who worked during the week and particular thanks to Miss Flockhart who organised it so brilliantly. The children had such a wonderful time. My thanks to Rebecca Lee-Bursnall for providing logistical support for the week.
Newsletter No: 7 Friday, 6th November 2020 our individuality and what makes us all unique! We are all a piece in the puzzle, and together, we are united against bullying.
minute silence at 11am. The rest of the school will watch a live broadcast at 11am and observe the two-minute silence. On the eleventh day of the eleventh month at 11am it is important to pause and be silent as an act of recognition of those who sacrificed their time, their families and even their lives for us all. The short film from the Royal British Legion explains the importance of pausing and being silent. At school we have poppies for the children; if they would like a poppy they can donate a small amount of money towards the poppy appeal. On the 5th November we usually have a fantastic fireworks display and remember one of our past pupils, Guy Fawkes. It is astonishing that when he was a pupil at St Peter’s the school was already 1000 years old. Unfortunately, our fireworks display had to be cancelled this year and we are all crossing our fingers for this community event to be held next November.
All next week is Children in Need and the focus is children’s wellbeing. Children can accessorise their uniform on Friday 13th November with a spotty theme if you have anything suitable. Each class is going to join Joe Wicks, the Schools’ Ambassador (AKA The Body Coach), for the completion of his 24-hour workout for Children in Need in their classrooms. The children have also been watching the Joe Wicks 5 to thrive series. This is a unique resource series designed for Primary schools about the 5 ways they can support their mental wellbeing. Follow the link to the first episode. We have set up a Just Giving page for parents to contribute £1/£2 for this charity so no money needs to come into school. This week we have had parent consultation meetings. This term for the first time these were completed virtually. Thank you for participating on the new platform and for all your feedback. Please do let me know if you As I’m sure you will know this Sunday is have any comments. I am planning to host Remembrance Sunday. In our PSHE lessons Monday 16th – Friday 20th November is anti parent forums later this term for different this week we have been explaining the -bullying week and the theme is ‘United year groups, more details will be in next importance of Armistice Day and why we Against Bullying’. Whether it is verbal, week’s newsletter. wear poppies. We have also looked at the physical, online or in-person, bullying can Best wishes for a relaxing weekend, similarities of the sacrifices people made in have a significant impact on a child’s life well the past and the sacrifices many people are in to adulthood. This year, more than ever, making in these difficult times dealing with we shouldn’t underestimate the positive the Coronavirus pandemic. The children power that society can have when we come explored the symbolism of the poppy to together to tackle a common challenge. AntiSchool Value provide the opportunity to remember, to Bullying Week is no different. Bullying has a show respect, to say thank you to all those long lasting effect on those who experience Our School value for this half people who gave service and sacrifice and to and witness it. But by channelling our preserve peace and freedom. In a similar way collective power, through shared efforts and term is Hope. during the pandemic the rainbow symbol shared ambitions, we can reduce bullying We prepare for the future. provided an opportunity to remember, show together. We all have our part to play in respect and say thank you to all those people coming together to make a difference. On We relish every opportunity that who gave service and sacrifice to the cause. Monday 16th November we will be joining in comes our way and we take time On Wednesday the Year 3 children will join Odd Socks Day. Odd Socks Day is designed St Peter’s 13-18 for an outdoor to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage to reflect, dream and aspire! Remembrance Service and respect the two- people to express ourselves and celebrate
learning superheroes •Joseph B
•Joseph A
•Matilda G
•Charlie R
•Luca P
•Arthur P
•Thomas C-S
•Leo H
•Dhruv D
•Christopher F
•Rosamund G
Notice Board value champions •Henry G
•Beatrice C
•Lydia B N
•Matilda S
•Matilda T
•Esmie T
•Alfie S-A
•Scarlett D
•Seth B
•Raif E
•Rosie T
house points trophy
POPPY APPEAL If your child would like a poppy, please send them to school with a donation to give to their teacher and we will add it to the appeal collection box and give them a poppy.
PE award
•Oliver M Music award
•Bertie R •Caleb B
Children In Need Notice Board Next week is Children in Need and the focus this year is on wellbeing. The children will be taking part in five to thrive, a series of daily 5 minute activities to promote wellbeing. On Friday 13th the children can accessorise their uniform for Children in Need Day. On Friday morning they will be taking part in the live Joe Wicks PE challenge as he completes his 24 hour workout. We have set up a Just Giving page if you would like to make a donation to our fundraising for Children in Need. The link is: fundraising/stpeters2-8 Many thanks for your support.
Anti-Bullying Week
Anti-Bullying Week starts on Monday 16th November and on that day, all children are invited to come into school wearing either odd socks or colourful tights to celebrate difference and highlight that we are all unique.
LEGO CARDS Lego and other trading cards are not permitted in school. Please ensure that your child does not bring them in. Thank you for your support.
Year 1 returned all refreshed and ready to go after October half term. They were extremely excited to start gymnastics in the Sports Hall. This week, we focused on shapes including the star, pike, straddle, arch, dish and tuck. I was extremely impressed with the flexibility that they all demonstrated and the recall of the shapes when I tested them at the end of the lesson. Here are a few photos of our budding gymnasts in action.
It has been fabulous having all our little learners back after our long break and we have started this half term with a big BANG! Lots of firework fun!
Nursery cont.
What a week to come back to after half term! It started with a bang with our creative firework artwork in the Art Studio. The children experimented with different coloured paint, using cardboard tubes to create different shapes and marks. Using marbles covered in paint, the children had lots of fun rolling them around to create different patterns and then added glitter to make them really sparkle! In our playdough corner, the children loved playing with the black playdough and added glitter, sequins and tinsel, experimenting with the different textures. The children made some beautiful firework playdough creations! On Thursday in Forest School, we had a bonfire party to celebrate the 5th of November! The children enjoyed toasting marshmallows and drinking delicious hot chocolate. Although we didn’t have any
fireworks, we did have some amazing magic powder that made the fire turn into magical colours! The children have also been busy playing in our new shop area, pretending to be the shopkeeper or a customer, using the coins to pay for different items. We have a new games area, where the children can select various games to play with their friends. Our favourite games so far are Guess Who? and Little Mermaids! This week we have been talking about the school’s Learning Superheroes. We did some superhero dancing and listened to how we can all work together just like the Collaborative Twins. Outside, we did some BIG ART and made some huge fireworks posters for our fabulous display! We splattered paint using paintbrushes, printed spiral shapes and used a fork to make explosions with the glitter and paint. In the junk modelling area, some children made a fireworks rocket to add to the display. Well done Reception!
We have been very impressed with how the children have settled back in after the half term break and on Monday they were full of news about their Halloween activities so we began this week in Year 1 by celebrating The Day of the Dead and learning about the Mexican three day festival.
own or make fans or flowers for their hair to join in with the celebrations too.
The children have enjoyed learning about the different customs and traditions and finding out where Mexico is on the map. We were very excited by the sugar skulls that they traditionally have during the festival and lots of children have chosen to create their
Outdoors this week the children created Journey Sticks during our Forest School sessions and found lots of different shaped leaves to add to our sticks. We had to be inventive trying to stick them on with different materials.
We have also had Halloween inspired science this week with fizzing lava lamps and bubbling witch's brew being created in the potions lab! Linking to our Mexican theme we learnt about the artist Frida Kahlo, who despite illness overcame her circumstances to create wonderful portraits. We admired her resilience and particularly liked her portraits with the monkeys in!
YEAR 1 cont.
It’s hard to believe that we have been away- 2H bounced back in, well rested and ready for learning, after the half term break! We have been learning collaboratively all week, mixing up the teams and remembering the importance of taking turns and listening to others. On Monday we had another exciting delivery from The Firebird, which was a wonderful book called The Nutcracker and a Nutcracker Prince for each room! The story is a favourite of The Firebird’s and we are enjoying it so much, especially as it is making us so excited about Christmas! In maths we learnt about quadrilaterals (a big word to learn, but we did it!) and then used those shapes to make our own versions of the Nutcracker prince. At Forest School we had learnt about Piet Mondrian, the artist who used quadrilateral shapes to make abstract paintings. In teams we made similar pictures, using sticks and other natural materials. We searched for right angles at school, with more team work to make pic-collages of what we found. In art, we couldn’t resist making firework pictures and in Science we had MORE team work, making a structure that could keep our golden egg safe if it was dropped! The Year 2 team have lots of exciting work planned this half term and so the children all need a good rest this weekend, ahead of next week!
Wow 2J! What a fantastic first week back - you have certainly come back refreshed and ready to learn! This week, we have been looking at 2D shapes in maths. We began with quadrilaterals (a big fancy word but I bet you the children can tell you what it means!). We looked at the work of an artist called Mondrian and we were so inspired that we tried to create our own pieces using his style down at Forest School. We used natural resources and our collaboration skills - they looked fantastic! In more exciting news, we were delivered another present from the Firebird; our very own class Nutcracker soldier and a book! We drew around a range of 2D shapes to create our own soldiers, as in the story, but the challenge was, the children could only select quadrilateral shapes. We came back to school this week to realise that the golden egg we received from the Firebird had still not hatched (despite Miss Jeffrey and Mrs Hall keeping it
very safe during the holidays)! We put our heads together and came to the conclusion that it is not hatching because it knows we have been watching. Therefore, we used our science lesson this week to come up with an egg protection structure, so that we can leave the egg at Forest School in the hope that it will hatch. Hopefully, the peace and quiet will encourage whatever is inside to come out! The children demonstrated great collaboration; it is particularly important with these kinds of activities to include everybody's opinions and ideas. For one of our favourite lessons of the week, Art Wednesdays, we created firework pictures using soft pastels. They are beautiful! Well done 2J; you continue to make me super proud!
Year Three have had an extremely busy first week back after half-term, kicking off with the grand reveal of our Christmas play; Lights, Camel, Action! The children excitedly discovered their parts, then we had our first read through… we already can’t wait to get on stage!
variety of materials… watch this space!
Amongst the other things we have been doing, we managed to find time to take a quick trip to Rome; seeing the beautiful sites of the Colosseum and Trevi Fountain. Did you know around 700,000 euros is thrown into the Trevi Fountain each Our learning this week has been based around Roman year?! After we’d done our research with our partners, we made architecture, design and what Rome was like then, in our own booklets full of everything you need to comparison to what it is like now. We found out that the Arch know when visiting Rome! of Titus is over 15m tall and 13m wide and then used a trundle We have continued to work with numbers in wheel to measure out the arch on the playground. We have Maths this week, looking at adding several been learning about Roman roads and how they were built as numbers using our number facts such as number well as discovering what aqueducts are and how they are used. bonds and double. We have applied this to work Following on from this, we are starting to design our own on large numbers and number based problems. aqueducts which we will go on to engineer next week using a
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Hopefully today you will have received the proof of your child(ren)’s Christmas Card in their bookbag. We participate in a Christmas Card Project every year to raise money for the school charity (we will receive 17% commission) as well as producing some lovely keepsakes and gifts of your little one’s handywork. This year we have used a different company to produce the cards; we hope you like them! Ordering If you wish to order any cards/keepsakes please visit, register on the website, and then place your full order online. You will need the individual code on the back of the proof to do this (if you have mislaid the proof, please do not worry. Just contact the school office and they will be able to give you the code). Delivery If you place your order before FRIDAY 20TH NOVEMBER, delivery will be free to school. We will then distribute the items during the final week of term. Don’t worry if you miss the deadline though, you can still order, just to be delivered to home with a delivery charge. Merchandise The prices of the cards on the website are SUBJECT TO A DISCOUNT using our special coupon code: YORK28. Please see below for the prices:-
12 x cards = £16 £12.32 24 x cards = £26 £20.02 36 x cards = £36 £27.72 48 x cards = £46 £35.42 60 x cards = £56 £43.12
Other products are also available to order with your child’s design on, including canvas bags, tea-towels, aprons, mugs etc.* Noticed a mistake? Should there be any mistakes, or if you wish to make any amendments to your card please complete the relevant line(s) when completing your order. Personalisation There is an option to replace the child’s drawing on the back of the card with a photo instead – this can be uploaded to the website when ordering online. Just follow the instructions if you wish to add this, but it is not essential. You can also personalise the inside of the cards at a cost of £2 per pack of 12. Again, please follow the instructions on the order form.
We hope you like your cards! Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 *if you wish to order gifts but NO cards, you will need to use a different coupon code. Please contact the school office or a member of the Friends of St Peters 2-8 committee who can pass this information on to you.
Bag2School - Friday 20th November As in previous years, we will be running the Bag2School scheme again after half term. All the money we raise from the weight of your bags of unwanted clothes will go to this year's school charity. So if you feel like having a purge on your wardrobes this half term (and let's face it, there isn't going to be much else we can do now!) then please do keep everything to one side for our collection. Official Bag2School bags will go out after half term, and dates for bag drop offs will also be advertised once we return after the holidays. Please note, though, that WE CANNOT ACCEPT ANY BAGS OUTSIDE OF THE DATES ISSUED so please don't bring anything in until then. Details of what is good and what is not, are below: We accept the following ‘good quality’ items for RE-USE*: Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s clothing
Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around) Belts Handbags
Soft toys
Household linen
Household curtains
Scarves and ties
Household towels
Household bedding (bed sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers)
We DO NOT accept: Duvets and blankets
Soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing
Pillows and cushions
School uniforms with and without logo
Carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and Corporate clothing and workwear toilet mats) Textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material