CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329
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Y2 Multisports Y2 Engineers & Construction Y3 Football* Y3 IT Y1 Multisports Second Group Y1 Sports* Y2 STEM Second Group Y2 Sports* Y3 Language Y3 Swimming
Y3 Tennis* Y1 Get Creative Y1 Cricket* Y2&3 Choir Y1 Sign Language Y1 Tennis* Y2 Art Second Group Y2 Multisports Y3 Sewing and Craft
Y3 Hockey FRIDAY
community. The Year 2 children who have been looking at the Stuart period in their theme of ‘Ole York’ have researched the Gunpowder plotters including Guy Fawkes, an old pupil of our school. They have been debating whether they think he was a hero or a villain, and have created the most impressive portraits. I hope you have a wonderful weekend,
photographs below. On Thursday afternoon we had the first music concert of the school year and the first for over 18 months where the children performed to a live audience. The 75+ member choir of Year 2 and Year 3 children entertained the audience at the start of the concert performing brilliant songs, several of them in five parts. Stunning! Then the Year 2 children entertained us with individual performances playing the recorder and piano. I was so proud of the children who performed, they were absolutely brilliant. I look forward to watching the Year 3 children on Monday afternoon and an encore from our amazing Year 2 and 3 choir. My thanks to the parents who attended, it was lovely having you in school. My thanks to Mrs Hayden for
Y1 Story Club Second Group
Y2 Cricket*
sacrifice these people made for our country. Teaching our children about the importance of Remembrance Day will help keep the memories of these soldiers and brave individuals alive now and in the future. The children watched these two short films in class that described the importance of Remembrance. https:// v=_PMVDDT4B5c https:// v=wOT5CDnYHEs On Thursday we all gathered on the playground and observed the national two-minute silence at 11am. You will have noticed around school stunning sculptures/silhouettes of service men and women. This brilliant project has been brought together over the last few months. The silhouettes were designed by pupils who were also involved in the
organising the concert and to Mrs Clarke who helped the choir and Mrs Leaman-Brown the recorder teacher for preparing the children for the concert. On Wednesday the school hosted an IAPS District Heads meeting. The Heads who attended were impressed with our school and our wonderful children and staff. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the event so successful. Last week was Bonfire night, a special occasion for our school
Welcome back to school after the half term holiday and I trust you had a wonderful restful break; it was lovely to hear the adventures the children have had whether that was in the UK or further afield. This half term promises to be a busy one in the lead up to Christmas, with Christmas performances, music concerts, sport fixtures, a Christingle service, and social events for parents. Throughout the week we have been teaching the children about the importance of Armistice (or Remembrance) Day and its significance in the world’s history. With fewer and fewer living survivors of the world wars, it is even more important than ever to remember the
manufacture of the silhouettes, supported by the DT department. They are striking and collectively carry the names of those from the school who gave their lives in service of their country. The school also have created three honours boards in the Antechapel at St Peter’s School honouring the members of the community that lost their lives during war. You can see the
Newsletter No: 8 Friday, November 12th 2021
Y1 Film Club Y1 Street Dance Y2 Coding Second Group Y2 Football* Y2 Tennis* Y3 STEM Y3 Cricket*
Reception swimming
Notice Board house points trophy
Music award
• Eva (2J) • Alexander (RM)
PE award • Kalina (2H) • Sadie (3M)
value champions • Archie (RC)
• Finbar (1C)
• Giorgio (2P)
• Erin (RJ)
• Oscar (1E)
• Jack (3C)
• Luke (RM)
• Martha (2H)
• Sadie (3M)
• Beatrix (1A)
• Ciara (2J)
• Freddie (3S)
learning superheroes • Sam (RC)
• Tilly (1A)
• Patrick (2P)
• Ayla (RJ)
• Emma (1C)
• Lily (3C)
• Ellen (RJ)
• Isabella (1E)
• George (3M)
• Alex (RM)
• Caleb (2H)
• Jack (3S)
• Molly (2J)
Notice Board CHILDREN’S HEART SURGERY FUND APPEAL On 9th December, our house captains will be visiting Joseph’s Well in Leeds to drop off craft kits made by the school wellbeing champions for children who will be staying in the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit over Christmas. dchild=1&keywords=babies+sensory+toys&qid=1635773838&sr= 8-12
The children in year 3 will record a video demonstrating how to make the craft kits, and the children who receive the donation will be able to scan a QR code to watch the videos. dp/0723287120/ref=sr_1_42? dchild=1&keywords=babies+sensory+toys&qid=1635773838&sr= 8-42
We also have the opportunity to drop toys and gifts for the children on the unit. They are collecting particularly sensory toys for babies, and gifts for teens. They have asked that gifts are not wrapped, so that they can be checked for suitability, and have made the following suggestions: Babies
Teenagers Toiletries sets Girls’ make up sets Boys’ grooming sets Colour/dp/B07CPX7NHH/ref=sr_1_5? dchild=1&keywords=babies+sensory+toys&qid=1635773838&sr= 8-5 dchild=1&keywords=teenage+games&qid=1635773275&sr=8-15 -Developmental/dp/B07TJ6HHSP/ref=sr_1_10? dchild=1&keywords=babies+sensory+toys&qid=1635773838&sr= B01G3PYWCW/ref=sr_1_47? dchild=1&keywords=teenage+games&qid=1635773808&sr=8-47 8-10
Wow, what a great start to the half term! It’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas in the Rayson Room as we begin our preparations! The children have all been busy learning new songs ready to perform as part of their Christmas plays! On Thursday we had the first of our concerts which we performed to our Year 2 parents. The choir sounded amazing and the soloists all performed with such confidence! A fabulous start to their musical journeys. I’m really looking to the Year 3 concert on Monday afternoon when we will be able to welcome in our Year 3 parents to hear the choir and Year 3 soloists.
IT CLUB In IT club this week we worked collaboratively to create Remembrance Day posters. The children showcased their iPad skills and creativity to make posters using various images, fonts, colours and style. They then put these up around school to remind the rest of school about the special day.
YEAR 3 EVENSONG VISIT As we begin to think about preparing any Year 3 children who are interested in becoming choristers we are organising a visit to York Minster to hear an Evensong service on Wednesday 17th November. If you and your son/daughter are interested please read the information here and sign up so we can reserve seats. The children will need to be accompanied for this trip so will need picking up from school at 5pm so we can walk to the Minster ready for the service at 5.30pm. The visit will be followed up by a parents’ information session on Wednesday 1st December at 4.30pm in the Rayson Room.
It has been lovely to see all the children at St Peter’s 2-8 returning to school all refreshed and ready to go after October half term. All the children were very excited to start gymnastic in Core PE and tag rugby in their Games lessons. This week in gymnastics, we focused on shapes including the pike, straddle, tuck, arch and dish. I was extremely impressed with the flexibility that they all demonstrated and the
recall of the shapes when they tested them at the end of the lesson. The older children used the individual balance cards and were able to string together two of their favourite balances. They then demonstrated them to their peers holding their balances still for at least six seconds each. In tag rugby the children have been looking closely at their dodging skills through various tag games, whilst wearing their tag belt. The children
quickly realised they needed to perform a dodge at speed and not to stop when reaching their defender. The younger children have looked at confidence whilst running with the ball through various command and tag games. Below is a selection of photos of both our budding gymnasts and superstar rugby players in action.
It’s been full of fireworks and the celebration of Diwali...
This half term in Conkers has started with a BANG!
We hope you all had a relaxing half term break; we have been so impressed by how the children have bounced back into Reception ready and raring to go! What a jam-packed week it has been! We began by talking about how the children had celebrated Bonfire Night and discovered the origins of the 5th November, finding out that Guy Fawkes went to St. Peter's School a very long time ago. We also have been learning about the festival of Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita. Some of the children have made clay footprints to celebrate the arrival of Lakshmi and lamps to light the way. We learnt about Rangoli patterns and had a go at making our own from different materials which has also linked to our maths topic this week on shape. We have been finding out about the properties of
circles and triangles and which shapes tessellate. We used the abstract paintings of Kandinsky to inspire us with our exploration of shape and have been really wowed by some of the children's imaginative designs. Down at Forest School we lit a fire and enjoyed sitting around it together chatting, mesmerised by the flames. Finally, we have been talking about Armistice Day and why we wear poppies in November and have a two minute silence at 11 o' clock on the 11th November. We walked all around campus finding the statues of Remembrance made by the St. Peter's pupils and talked about how much we have to be thankful for. A very reflective week.
After a long and busy half term, the Year One children returned to school with such excitement and enthusiasm! At the start of the week, the Year One children received some extremely special ‘author’ paper from Neil Gaiman (author of Fortunately the Milk). The children transformed themselves into authors as they began to write the start of the story! The letter formation, finger spaces, vocabulary and content was just superb! And what impressed the grown ups the most was the determination and excitement the children showed as they did this! Watch this space for these books appearing in your local bookshop!
sketching this week with real sketching pencils! They have explored the different sketching techniques and have thoroughly enjoyed drawing the other half of a symmetrical, character/animal’s face. We have also had great fun in exploring and using clay. The children have been working their little fingers to mould, shape, build and create the most wonderful clay models with great attention to detail. QR codes have been used to learn and discover how to make different clay animals. It was delightful to see!
As we are in the month of November (and ever closer to Christmas!) a secret mission During forest school, the children began to has officially begun in Year One! We have explore the skill of whittling wood using been busy at work with it and we cannot tell knives. The children listened carefully to you what! But over the next few weeks you the instructions to keep them safe and how will have some lines to learn at home and to handle this tool correctly. Concentration, may hear some new songs in your house! persistence and will power were demonstrated by everyone! It required the children not to give up and motivational support from their peers helped! As Year One is full of incredible artists, the children have explored the skill of
This week we have enjoyed welcoming the children back into school with a… BANG! After leaving the Vikings in Jorvik we have jumped along the York history timeline all the way to 1605 and the Stuarts. This week we have been learning about the gunpowder plot and one of St Peter’s most famous pupils, Guy Fawkes. Croakbag left us a little riddle to solve where we came across the portrait of Guy Fawkes hanging outside the Memorial Hall at St Peter’s 13-18. The children were excited to discover the story behind bonfire night and what part Guy played in the plot. Through drama, the children used hot seating to debate whether they thought Guy was a hero or a villain and we were so impressed with their arguments! After learning about how the plot was foiled and with a hiss, whizz and pop we created some very colourful 3D rocket fireworks! We then had our own firework display… well, in a jar! The children explored immiscible liquids when creating a firework in a jar using oil, water and food colouring! In maths this week we have been investigating multiplication as repeated addition and grouping. The children have enjoyed using a range of equipment to make arrays and corresponding number sentences and have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Today the children have left school buzzing with excitement for our Christmas production of Bah Humbug! They have each brought home a copy of their highlighted script… the countdown to Christmas has officially begun!
We have been going bonkers for beavers in Year Three this week! Mr and Mrs Beaver were introduced to us in our story and we were keen to find out more about what beavers are truly like. We used the iPads to do some research, then we collected notes and used these to write detailed descriptions and fun facts. Did you know… beavers are the second largest rodent in the world! After reading the description of Mr and Mrs Beaver’s house in great detail, we were curious as to how they actually build their houses and make dams. We set up a STEM challenge where the children had access to stones, leaves, clay and twigs and had to build their own dams! It was great to see the children working collaboratively to bring their designs and ideas to life. Our thematic text has been a wonderful ignition for creative, imaginative writing. Using a broad range of punctuation,
clauses and conjunctions, the children wrote their own, detailed piece of writing based on their perception of Mr and Mrs Beaver’s house.
We have moved on to looking at multiplication and division in Maths and have been developing knowledge of times tables and inverse operations. In order to create greater depth of the subject, we have been applying our understanding to working out tricky work problems involving numerous steps and various operations. Alongside our thematic learning, we also celebrated other important events this week. We made poppies using twigs and string at Forest School to signify Remembrance Day and learned about the ongoing COP26 issue.
Fundraising At least a third of all funds raised by the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 is donated to the school charity which this term is the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund in Leeds.
Piggy Race Night - Friday 19th November Our first Parent/Carer social is Next Friday evening and tickets are selling faster than Pigs in Blankets on Christmas Eve! We will continue to sell outside Nursery on Monday and Tuesday next week, or via your year group WhatsApp contact after that. However we do have to confirm numbers to Catering on Wednesday so please don’t leave it too late! For those who are intrigued about how a Piggy Race Night works, a brief explanation:It is a nod to a Horse Racing night but instead of having old horse races showing on a big screen for you to bet on, we will have a large table in the centre of the room on which there will be six or eight battery operated fluffy pigs! We will then run a betting table and you can bet on your favourite pig to win the race. However batteries in pigs will be changed after every race so you can never tell who is going to win!. The main focus of the event is to catch up with all of our friends as it has been so long, and also to meet new people and to welcome them to the school social community. And, of course, to have lots of fun and merriment! Unfortunately whilst this looks like a fun event for children, they are NOT allowed to attend. 7.30pm start Approx 10.30pm Finish Free Welcome Drink Chilli Con Carne (or veggie equivalent) dinner Pig Racing Honesty Bar Bag2School—Friday 26th November We will be doing another Bag2school event on Friday 26th November. You will find a bag to put your items in in bookbags this evening. Items to donate range from old clothes, soft toys, bed linen and handbags! Further details in next week’s newsletter and via WhatsApp year groups so please look out for the posters!
Christmas H O L I D AY C L U B Four full days of sports, games, swimming, baking, arts & crafts with some added extra Christmas sparkle and surprises!
Monday 20 to Thursday 23 December 2021 For School years Nursery to J5 To make a booking please click here
Tomato and basil sauce with pasta bows
French bread pizza with cheese and tomato
Homemade focaccia, Broccoli and sweetcorn
Lightly spiced potato wedges
Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings
Tomatoes, cucumbers and carrot sticks Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings
Sultana and coconut flapjack
Chocolate and raspberry cake
Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit
Mild creamy chicken curry with rice and chapati Vegetable and chickpea curry and chapati
Beef burgers
Pork casserole with roasted potatoes, carrots, peas and Yorkshire pudding Quorn vegetable stew Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings Apple crumble and custard Fresh fruit
Week One Christmas Term 2021
Vegetable burgers
Cauliflower and green beans
Oven baked chips, baked beans and mini corn
Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings
Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings
Frosted Carrot cake
Fruit Jelly
Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit
Minerals make healthy skin, strong bones and teeth Fibre helps the body digest food, it is found in vegetables, whole grains and fruit Protein is found in meat, milk, fish and beans. It helps build our muscles
Beef meatballs with fusilli pasta tomato and basil sauce
Pork bangers and mash with onion gravy
Homemade Focaccia bread
Vegetarian Glamorgan bangers and mash with onion gravy
Tomatoes, cucumbers
and carrot
swede, carrots, green beans
Jacket potato with
Jacket potato with
hot or cold fillings
hot or cold fillings
Turkey breast casserole Vegetable casserole Yorkshire pudding, Roast potatoes, cabbage and cauliflower
Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings
Treacle sponge
Date crispy square
Jam and coconut sponge Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit
Deep Fried scampi pieces
Not all oranges are orange!
Oven chips,
A banana is not a fruit but a herb!
Week Two Christmas Term 2021
Jacket potato bar Mild creamy chicken curry, beans, tuna mayo or cheese Fresh broccoli florets Chocolate cake with icing Fresh fruit
peas and beans Jacket potato with
hot or cold fillings Fruit pieces in jelly Fresh fruit
There are 7000 different types of apples
Strawberries have around 200 seeds on the outside of their skin A banana is 75% water and will float if you put it in a bowl of water!
Cottage pie with mashed potato topping
Week Three Christmas Term 2021
Vegetable & lentil lasagne with melted cheese
Vegetable cottage pie with mashed potato topping
homemade focaccia
Carrots, sweetcorn
Tomato, carrot and cucumber
Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings
Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings
Sultana & cranberry flapjack squares Fresh fruit
Fruit yoghurt pots Fresh fruit
Homemade sausage rolls Vegan “sausage roll” Half a cheesy jacket potato baked beans and green beans
Red lentil and vegetable pie Roasted new potatoes, carrots, peas Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings Black & green grape pots Fresh fruit
Not all oranges are orange! Deep fried haddock goujons Oven chips, mushy peas or beans Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings
Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings Apple crumble and cream / Fresh fruit
Chicken and vegetable pie
Fruit pieces in jelly Fresh fruit
A banana is not a fruit but a herb! There are 7000 different types of apples Strawberries have around 200 seeds on the outside of their skin A banana is 75% water and will float if you put it in a bowl of water!
7:30pm on Friday, 26th November
At St Peter’s 2-8 Tickets £40 and include a festive drink and mince pie Please email to book Limited number of tickets available Allocated on a first come, first serve basis