St Peter's 2-8 Newsletter I 8

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This week the school took a moment to pause and to remember those men and women who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the people in our country. All of the children in school created a poppy that was displayed near the playground. The staff reminded the children of the symbolic significance of the poppy whilst they created their artwork. If you haven’t seen the display you must at drop off. The poppy is a symbol of remembrance and hope, including hope for a positive future and a peaceful world. They are a show of support for the Armed Forces community, those currently serving, ex-serving personnel and their families; and a symbol of remembrance for all those who have fallen in conflict. John McCrae wrote the poem 'In Flanders Fields' (below) which inspired the use of the poppy as a symbol of Remembrance. In the spring of 1915, shortly after losing a friend in Ypres, a Canadian doctor, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae wrote his now famous poem after seeing poppies growing in battle-scarred fields. The Year 3 children attended the Whole School Remembrance service led by Mr Walker with pupils from St Peter’s 13-18. It was a very poignant moment because it was the first time the whole school had assembled together since March to observe the two minutes’ silence on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month on the anniversary of Armistice Day. Time to Pause is a short film from the Royal British Legion. This week there has been a hive of activity at St Peter’s 2-8. Reception celebrated Diwali, the festival of light, by investigating the power of light and dark and creating the most amazing shadow puppet performances. In Nursery the children have continued to be inspired by fireworks and they had a visit from Mrs Cook’s dog, Doug. The Year 1 children have been creative and imaginative throughout their learning and have been learning a new skills in forest school by using the knives safely. In Year 2 the children have been

acting out the story of the Nutcracker, learning about Matryoshka dolls from Russia, creating the most amazing 3D shapes and even testing egg protection structures from last week by throwing their eggs off Mrs Salisbury’s balcony in Year 3. The children in Year 3 have been rehearsing their parts for the Christmas play, creating amazing aqueducts and testing them with Mrs D-C– what a fabulous week. All week we have been celebrating Children in Need which this year focuses on wellbeing. The five to thrive model is a way of understanding how connected relationships are fundamental to human wellbeing and help us to build resilient communities. More than 90% of what we know about the brain has been discovered in the last 20 years or so – research in neuroscience is transforming how we think about wellbeing and resilience. One of the key findings is that people need people. The five to thrive building blocks describe a sequence of relational activities that build healthy brains in young children and maintain healthy brain function throughout life. The simple key words offer a bridge between professional understanding of neuroscience and everyday experience. This connectivity was at the core of our remote learning ethos and at the centre of our recovery and resilience curriculum this term. Today the children have been taking part in the live Joe Wicks PE challenge as he completed his 24 hour workout. They have accessorised their uniforms with an array of spots and Pudsey ears. If you haven’t donated for this wonderful charity and would like to do so please use this Just Giving page. St Peter’s 2-8 have raised over £600 already. Next week is anti -bullying week

Newsletter No: 8 Friday, 13th November 2020

and the theme is ‘United Against Bullying’. On Monday 16th November we will be joining in Odd Socks Day. Odd Socks Day is designed to be a fun opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate difference. I look forward to see those socks and colourful tights on Monday. There is a message later in the newsletter about an appeal from York Sports’ club who are building a pavilion in memory of Dan Woods, a former member of staff at school. This facility will support sport for everyone including junior cricket and rugby of all age groups and genders, senior cricket, women’s rugby and sevens, social areas for squash and tennis as well as facilitating sporting opportunities for local schools and the disabled. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.

Happy Diwali and best wishes,

In Flanders Fields In Flanders' fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place: and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders' fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe; To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high, If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders' Fields. by John McCrae

learning superheroes

Notice Board value champions

•Zachariah C (RA) •Kate E (1J)

•Adam H (RA)

•Seb L (2H)

•Arjun J (RA)

•Elio M (RC)

•Seb B (2J)

•Léonard G (RC) •Georgia B

•Alfie S-D (RC)

•George L (3C)

•Ralph W (RC)

•Sofia B (1C)

•Noah A (3M)

•Manny G (1C) •James M (3M)

•Olivia T (1E)

•Toby M (3S)

•Joyce J (1E)

•Lizzie K L (2H) •Teddy M (3C) •Leela A (3S)

•Hamish R (1J)

house points trophy

LOST PROPERTY Thomas P (Acorns) has lost his named school jumper– please check bags and return it if you find it. Clarabelle P (Acorns) is missing her school PE trousers. Noah A (3M) is missing his tracksuit bottoms. Please keep an eye out for these, they are named.

PE award •Natalie A (3C) Thomas C-S (1C) •Max P (1C)

Music award


•Scarlett D (3M) •Charlie H (3S)

Children In Need Notice Board Anti-Bullying Week Today, to mark Children in Need day, the children have taken part in five to thrive, a series of daily 5 minute activities to promote wellbeing. In the morning, we took part in the live Joe Wicks PE challenge as he completed his 24 hour workout. We have set up a Just Giving page. Huge thanks for your donations so far; we have raised over £650

plus giftaid. if you would like to contribute to our fundraising for Children in Need, the link is: https:// Many thanks for your support.

BIRTHDAYS We are delighted when your children celebrate their birthdays in school with their friends and appreciate that the current regulations mean that they can’t have parties outside of school, so many of you very kindly wish to send in treats to share. We would ask that anything you send is nut free (we cannot have anything listed as 'may contain nuts') and preferably individually wrapped / cupcakes to minimise contact; it is better not to cut and hand out slices of cake.

AntiBullying Week starts this Monday. All children are invited to come into school wearing either odd socks or colourful tights to celebrate difference and highlight that we are all unique. To mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week – United Against Bullying—the whole school from 2-18 will be wearing odd socks or non-uniform colourful tights to represent that we are all unique and to celebrate diversity. We can’t wait to see you all looking colourful and unique! files/field/attachment/ Flyer_OddSocks_2020.pdf files/field/attachment/ ODDSOCKS_POSTER_2020.pdf

This week in games, Reception transferred their rolling skills into some target practice. After progressing from coned goals, the children loved playing skittles. They worked in pairs to help one another knock as many down as possible. It was lovely to see the collaboration in order to improve. In gymnastics this half term, Reception have focused on shapes and balances. The imagination and creativity that the children demonstrated was amazing! Here are some of the children styling some shapes.


Travel will be our big focus for the rest of half term in gymnastics. The children will be exploring different ways in which to move across the hall or apparatus, looking at varying their height and using different body parts to balance on.

Our little Acorns took time to visit the beautiful poppies, created by the big boys and girls, this week to remember all the brave soldiers. Together we then


decorated our own poppy biscuits and enjoyed eating them for our afternoon snack! Yum!

Conkers We’ve been our usual busy selves in Conkers this week. We continued to chat about the fireworks we had seen and even made our very own fabulous firework displays. On Wednesday we had a very special guest....Miss Cook’s dog, Doug! He spent the whole morning with us and we got to hold his lead whilst we took him for a walk down to

forest school. Doug was impressed by how calm and gentle we all were with him. He’s even asked if he can come and visit again! A really important part of our week has been finding out about why we all wear poppies. We have been remembering and celebrating all the soldiers that fought bravely to protect our country.

the foods and described the taste of them! Some of the foods reminded us of other foods we eat and some of the foods were very spicy! To mark Remembrance Day this week, the children have been using ICT to capture the special poppy that we wear. They carefully and beautifully painted a poppy into their hands for everyone to see and treasure. We hope you have seen them along the fence of Clifton Courts! Reception’s Vet Surgery arrived in school this week. The children have transformed themselves into customers, receptionists, and the most incredible and caring vets! Lots of animals and pets have been injured and in desperate need of some help. The vets have worked incredibly hard to care for them and to bring them back to great health. The waiting room has been full of customers who have been giving books to read all about how to care for their pet! Appointments have been booked in and lots of advice has been given over telephone calls! If your pet needs a vet, come to Reception! Well done everybody for a truly amazing week!


What a week of special celebrations and occasions we have had this week in Reception! Light, colour, music and food has inspired our learning this week as we have celebrated the festival of light, Diwali! The children have been working and developing their muscles in their hand as we have been exploring clay! We have been pressing and moulding the clay to make our very own and very beautiful Diva lamps! Using lots of different sparkly, shiny and beautiful materials, the children have been decorating each of their lamps so they are ready for a tea light. Some children used their very own hand print on clay and turned this into a Diva lamp which was decorated in the style of rangoli patterns. As Diwali is the festival of light, this week in Reception the children have been investigating the power of light and dark! Using different torches and after creating super puppets, the children have explored how blocking light can create shadows! Using these shadows, the children have put on their very own puppet shows for their friends! As an extra special treat, the children tasted some Indian foods! We used our sense of smell to smell them before we ate them! Using our sense of taste was lots of fun! We all managed to try



A wonderful, and very busy, week in year one! We have been learning about Armistice day and the symbol of the poppy. We painted some beautiful watercolour poppies which I am sure you have seen displayed at the front of school. We have also been focussing on wellbeing this week as we celebrate Children in Need on Friday. As we write this week’s news we are looking forward to taking part in Joe Wicks’ 24-hour PE challenge! We have also been exploring the many areas in our Year 1 classrooms; just take a look at our pictures to see how creative, imaginative, engaged and adventurous we have been with our learning. We are so proud of Year One every single day. And finally, in forest school this week we have been learning a new skill and can now use the knives safely. This will help with our den building, cutting sticks, cord and string. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

YEAR 1 cont.


same story. We have talked throughout the week of the importance of Remembrance and all worked carefully on a watercolour poppy, along with the words of the famous lines from Remembrance This week in 2H we have continued to Day. In maths it has been the turn of 3D work in groups, as it is so beneficial for shape and we have been working on the children to work collaboratively, like making these shapes with cocktail sticks the Collaborative Twins! On Wednesday and blutac. Much resilience was needed we used these groups to do some drama, when the shapes collapsed! In art we acting out the story of The Nutcracker, learnt about Matryoshka dolls from which the children now know really well. Russia, otherwise known as nesting We were really impressed by the actions dolls. We used our own photographs to and expressions created, as each group make a Matryoshka of ourselves and it took a scene from the story. We watched was lovely to see children confidently all of the scenes in the right order and using their art skills on these. Another then watched how 2J had interpreted the action packed week, 2H- well done!

We kicked off our second week back at school with some more shape fun in 2J! This week, we have been looking at 3D shapes and the children have enjoyed making a range of straight edged 3D shapes using cocktail sticks. This helped us to learn more about the properties of 3D shapes; we counted the faces, edges and vertices of the shapes we created and expanded our vocabulary to describe these features in more depth using words such as curved, straight or flat. We have played a range of practical and online games which have involved solving riddles to identify the shapes and consolidating their names. We also looked at nets and made them into 3D shapes which we decorated taking inspiration from the four element eggs in the Firebird story - air, earth, water and fire!

In English, we have had a drama focus this week. The children worked collaboratively to re-enact a part of the traditional Nutcracker story. It was lovely to see the children sharing out roles, using expression and using their imaginations to come up with dialogue and actions. In art, we have been painting ourselves as Russian Matryoshka dolls. The children used their watercolours to paint different patterns and floral features on to their dolls. It was incredible to see how much detail and time the children put into their designs - they look beautiful! In Science, we finally tested out our egg protection structures from last week. It was so exciting to see which structures protected the egg and we had a very surprising success rate - great work Year 2!


Year Three have had another busy week! Amongst everything else, we have been excitedly rehearsing for our Christmas play – Lights. Camel, Action! It has been great to see the children working on their expression and actions and we are already looking forward to our big performance.

work collaboratively throughout the activity which proved quite a challenge at times!

At Forest school we worked with our friends to make aqueducts out of natural materials; thoroughly enjoying getting muddy in the process! Back at school we then designed and engineered our own aqueducts in small groups. We had to decide on a design and

Finally, we have continued to work with numbers in Maths this week, looking at adding using the partitioning method. We will be continuing with this next week too, as well as using other methods of working!


In English we have worked hard on verbs and We looked at the history of Remembrance adverbs and wrote our very own diary entries Day and why we all wear poppies. We all the way from Rome! We used the contributed to the whole school poppy display information we researched last week to help with our own mosaic poppy designs and us describe and elaborate in depth on the attended a whole school remembrance service landmarks we had visited and what it was like on Wednesday. as a place.

YEAR 3 cont.

Christmas Cards


Thank you to everyone who has already placed their orders for Christmas Cards and other gifts with Little Paintbox. There is still a week to go before the deadline, so don't forget to go online and order asap. If you have mislaid your child's design and need to know the code, please just contact the school office.

The prices of the cards on the website are SUBJECT TO A DISCOUNT using our special coupon code: YORK28. Please see below for the prices:-

Full details of how to order are set out in the letter below.

36 x cards = £36 £27.72

12 x cards = £16 £12.32 24 x cards = £26 £20.02

48 x cards = £46 £35.42 Dear Parent/Guardian,

60 x cards = £56 £43.12

Hopefully today you will have received the proof of your child(ren)’s Christmas Card in their bookbag. We participate in a Christmas Card Project every year to raise money for the school charity (we will receive 17% commission) as well as producing some lovely keepsakes and gifts of your little one’s handywork. This year we have used a different company to produce the cards; we hope you like them!

Other products are also available to order with your child’s design on, including canvas bags, tea-towels, aprons, mugs etc.*



If you wish to order any cards/keepsakes please visit, register on the website, and then place your full order online. You will need the individual code on the back of the proof to do this (if you have mislaid the proof, please do not worry. Just contact the school office and they will be able to give you the code).

There is an option to replace the child’s drawing on the back of the card with a photo instead – this can be uploaded to the website when ordering online. Just follow the instructions if you wish to add this, but it is not essential.

Noticed a mistake? Should there be any mistakes, or if you wish to make any amendments to your card please complete the relevant line(s) when completing your order.


You can also personalise the inside of the cards at a cost of £2 per pack of 12. Again, please follow the instructions on the order form. We hope you like your cards!

If you place your order before FRIDAY 20TH NOVEMBER, delivery will be free to school. We will then distribute the items during the final week of term. Don’t worry if you miss the deadline though, you can still order, just to be delivered to home with a delivery charge.

Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 *if you wish to order gifts but NO cards, you will need to use a different coupon code. Please contact the school office or a member of the Friends of St Peters 2-8 committee who can pass this information on to you.

COLLECTION DAYS Nursery – Monday 16th November Reception – Tuesday 17th November Year 1 – Wednesday 18th November Year 2 – Thursday 19th November Year 3 - Friday 20th November 2020

The Collection Point for Bag2School will be behind the Nursery/Hope House building, at the new Friends shed. Just follow the A-board signs, queue up at 2m intervals and use the one-way system in place, to ensure we abide by strict social distancing guidelines. If you miss your year group’s day, don’t worry, you can drop off on another day, but we are just trying to keep as socially distanced as possible. Thank you Friends of St Peter’s 2-8


Friday 20th November 2020 Bring in your bags of unwanted items and raise money for school!

YES to all of these:Clothes

Paired shoes (tied)



Socks and tights



Scarves and Ties

Soft Toys


Household Linen





NO to all of these:Duvets and blankets

Textile off-cuts, yarns or threaded material

Carpets, rugs and mats

Soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing


Corporate clothing

Pillows and cushions

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