4 minute read
Combined Cadet Force
from Oct 1975
by StPetersYork
Chapuys's Attendant William Roper King Henry the Eighth A Woman Thomas Cranmer Christopher Duckling John Wilson Timothy Ward Susan Steele Vincent Feeney
Producer: Ian Lowe Assistant Producer: Vincent Feeney Stage Managers: Nigel Brindley and Peter Brooker, assisted by Brian Kay, Philip Stemmler, Anthony Miller and Michael Walker under the supervision of John Gaastra.
Lighting: Tim Barker and Richard Hind, under the supervision of Brian Macdonald.
Sound Effects: Brian Macdonald, Bill Riley and the Lighting Crew.
Properties: Vincent Feeney
Wardrobe: Avril Lowe, with thanks to William Hulme's Grammar School, Manchester, for the loan of some of the costumes.
Barry Creasy, David Bretherton, Kevin Dell, Simon Dench, Simon Dresser, Vincent Feeney, Peter Gardiner, Ann Hall and John Spence. 00. Cover drawn by Michael Christelow.
A year without an Army Section has increased the numbers in the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force Sections, as we have a bigger entry from new boys than for many years. It may be that in time there will be a demand for a new Army Section, and Headquarters North East District are ready and waiting to help if that time should come.
Meanwhile the other two Sections have had plenty to do: air experience flying at Church Fenton; visits to HMS Caledonia and to RAF Linton-on-Ouse; and the Hang Glider which has at last taken the air, controlled by and trying to take over from Sergeant Shepherd.
The Annual Inspection on 3rd June was a notable occasion. For the first time in anybody's memory the Inspecting Officer was an Old Peterite, Captain F. N. Buckler, RN., Assistant Chief of Staff (Administration) to Commander in Chief, Fleet. Further, we were glad to welcome on the same day Wing Commander D. E. Warren, RAF., The School's official RAF Old Boy. Apart from the pleasing personal connection with the Contingent, the Inspection was made with a searching thoroughness which is always a good thing. The Captain must have spoken to nearly every Cadet, and was impressed by the directness and enthusiasm that most of them showed. This rather special CCF occasion provided an opportunity for Captain Buckler and Wing Commander Warren to meet a number of their School contemporaries at a social function the previous evening.
In the last issue of The Peterite we welcomed to the Contingent Pilot 21
Officer P. G. Wise. Now we have to say goodbye to him. He very quickly took a leading part in the life of the Contingent, introducing new activities and arranging visits for Cadets. We thank him for his great help in this year, and hope he will be able to continue his CCF interest in his new appointment. D.G.C.
The Royal Navy Section has enjoyed a very good year. The Section's ranks have swelled to hitherto unreached numbers and the range of activities undertaken by its members was wider than ever before.
Notably the fourth form division has excelled in its enthusiasm and excellent turn-out for the general inspection. Activities run by the Section on the General Inspection included initiative and obstacle courses in the Sports Centre and swimming baths and constructing a jackstay, boat-handling and canoeing on the river.
In short, the Section has made full use of all the facilities available. Cadets will benefit further from having visited various Naval Establishments this summer. The courses varied from "arduous training" in the north of Scotland to sailing and diving courses in the south. Some members also joined the Navy in its native environment when they joined H.M.S. Aveley, a minesweeper, for a week.
The Section has been capably run by Vincent Feeney, with Graham Pattie, Christopher Morcom and Alan Tait backing him up. CPO Ingrey has provided us all with that touch of true naval flavour which has livened up everyone. 0.G.A.M.
The Section will sustain a loss in the departure of P/0 Wise to Barnard Castle School. During his short connection with the C.C.F. he has been vigorously involved in the training programme and will be greatly missed.
The principal N.C.O.s in the school year have been F/Sgt Bannister, Sgt Shepherd and Cpls Atkinson P. T. and Steggall. During the 1974 summer holiday F/Sgt Bannister completed his training as a pilot under the flying scholarship scheme, and at Easter 1975 Sgt Shepherd was successful in obtaining gliding certificate B.
Air experience flying has been arranged at R.A.F. Church Fenton on a number of occasions, but weather conditions have usually proved unsuitable on the day. However, a number of cadets were able to get flights on Wednesday, May 21st. The number of possible flights during the summer term has unfortunately been restricted because of the closing of R.A.F. Church Fenton, and the transfer of the A.F.F. to Finningley.
The hang glider has at last been successfully launched after several frustrating experiences with unsatisfactory winds and weather conditions. Sgt Shepherd had the first adventurous flight and three other cadets have also been airborne from relatively low levels.
Flight B (second year cadets) have been very successful in their proficiency exams with a number of credits and one distinction, Atkinson, N. G. Fourteen third formers joined the Section in the summer term. P.L.H.