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Chess Club
from Oct 1975
by StPetersYork
MISTLE THRUSH 3 mths. killed traffic York REDWING 5 yrs. shot Spain 1700 kms. S.S. GREENFINCH 71 yrs. killed traffic Lincs. 15 kms. S.E. HOUSE MARTIN 2 mths. controlled Sheffield BLUE TIT 9 mths. killed against window York
During the year we were notified of 20 recoveries (9 species) of which 19 were reported dead and 1 controlled. The most distant recoveries were a Starling found dead 1300 kms. N.E. at Ockelbo in Sweden exactly 3 months after ringing and a Redwing shot 1700 kms. S.S.W. at Badajoz in Spain 5 years after we ringed it.
The oldest recoveries this year were a Greenfinch killed by a car in Lincolnshire 7+ years after ringing and a Blackheaded Gull found dead in Lancashire 121 years after being ringed in the nest. 1974 brought our first two reports of birds killed by trains in York station. The 17 other recoveries from dead birds were listed as 4 killed by traffic, 2 by cats, 1 shot, 1 flying into a window and 9 found dead, cause unknown, although one of these was found immediately after a phenomenal flash rainstorm we were told struck York this summer.
CHESS CLUB, 1974-75
This term saw Mr Nixon take over as master in charge of Che from Mr Leng, who left to go to Archbishop Holgate's. The Che Club continued to meet on Thursday lunchtimes; and there was reaso able support from the Middle School and senior team players.
The Club had a team in the York and District Chess League (Divisio 2); this was up a division from last year and consequently the team foun the competition a lot harder. The team played six matches and w three.
This term saw a falling off in attendance at the Chess Club, and consequent falling off in the standard of play. The team played sev matches but only won three.
Results ✓ Armstrongs III ✓ Unicorns ✓ York II ✓ Pocklington Lost 11-41 Won 5 —1 Lost 1 —5 Won 3-1-21
This was the team's outstanding success of the year, because this the only match that Pocklington lost. ✓ Nunthorpe G.S. Won 31-21 ✓ Bootham Lost 21-31 ✓ A.H.G.S. II Lost 21-31 ✓ Shepherds II Lost 2 —4 32