In the proficiency exams 2 passed at advanced level, 5 completed part III, and 4 obtained part II. Sgt R. Collingwood-Gittins is to be congratulated on obtaining a B grade in 0 level air navigation with a very limited amount of instruction, and so also is Cpl J. F. Abbott who obtained a distinction in the advanced proficiency exam. Gliding qualifications during the year were obtained by Sgt M. E. Wilson, Sgt G. Schofield and Cpl P. Swiers. Once again air experience flying took place at RAF Leeming and conditions were satisfactory for this activity on no less than 5 occasions. Usually on each visit it was possible for 10 cadets to fly in dual controlled Chipmunks and the section would like to express its appreciation to Sq/Ldr Ritchie, the officer commanding the AEF at Leeming. RAF cadets have been ably led by Warrant Officer J. Markwick-Smith assisted by Sgts M. E. Wilson, G. Schofield and R. C. CollingwoodGittins and a training programme with a fair degree of variety has been provided including a night excercise. Sgt R. Collingwood-Gittins was the N.C.O. in charge of the St. Peter's School flight at RAF North Luffenham in July 1977, when a plaque was presented to the school for the best all round performance in drill, shooting, swimming, initiative and night exercises. This year's RAF camp was at Cranwell from July 15-22nd and 15 cadets enjoyed an excellent programme of varied activities. The Section came second among eleven schools for all-round efficiency in the Camp, and first for standard of appearance and for maintaining the tidiness of their quarters. P.L.H.
DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S AWARD SCHEME The Annual Presentation of Awards took place in the School's Memorial Hall on the evening of Saturday, 8th July, when Miss Marjorie Hodgson presented the following Awards: —
Stephen Ashton David Aspinall Christopher Bentley Andrew Blacker Anthony Booth Jonathan Brierley Richard Chapman Simon Dee Anthony Elliott Simon Etches John Farrow Andrew Fawthrop Marc Gee Andrew Green Paul Aagaard Christopher Coates-Walker Richard Barrett
BRONZE AWARDS 1978 Paul Moayyedi Martin Hall Andrew Nodder Nigel Harness Gary Oates Christopher Hobson Deb Pal Adrian Hitchenor Jeremy Prendergast Charles Hopkinson Andrew Reed Peter Ibbotson Jason Schofield Richard Iveson Michael Shipley Martin Jesper Jeremy Taylor Stephen Kettlewell John Taylor Richard Lister Charles Walker Robin Litten Simon Webb Simon Longthorp Jonathan Winchurch Lindsay McDonald Simon Woollons Andrew Megginson SILVER AWARDS 1978 Paul McCarter Roderick Barron Michael Sunley Mark Blackburn Simon Shilleto Peter Fender 51