2 minute read
from Oct 1979
by StPetersYork
of rubbish after special occasions. As to the musicians, we know we cause you problems! We hope you will continue to bear patiently with the spreading arrangements, straying insects, heady smells and pollen, not to mention leaky vases. We do try not to upset too many music stands as we clamber about the chancel! We hope you enjoy the flowers. We certainly enjoy your music, the daily practice as well as the real thing. And where would we be without the piano by the centre windows ?
It is four years since Mr. Finch took over the string teaching and continued the good work which Mr. Sandercock had begun before: his ability to get players on to higher grades had to be experienced to be believed, but this was tempered with a kindly patience toward the less gifted. Mr. Finch has returned to Sussex for health reasons and we wish him a happy retirement. One of his replacements, Mrs. Smith has quickly earned promotion I to a full time job at Malton and we are sorry her stay was so short. Mr.
Hinckley has also left for a post in Leicester. We thank them all for their ' work here and wish them well for the future.
In Chapel the idea of an Advent Carol Service continued, and it was pleasing to sing in procession from the gallery, through an uncrowded
Chapel to the chancel, though the candles were a real fire risk! The first evening of the three day Music Festival was held in Chapel enabling not only organists, but also brass and others to use the pleasant acoustics. Commemoration was celebrated with a brass group playing in the hymns and
Te Deum.
In Hall, Yeomen of the Guard in December, a Band and Orchestra concert in March, The Music Festival in May, and a new idea, the Waine
Concert in June. This was organised and presented entirely by the fifteen
Waine pupils and was a great success. A lecture by broadcaster Anthony
Hopkins drew a large audience who were delighted by his wit and untiring anecdotes.
Occasional parties have attended concerts and operas and the proposal for form a Music Supporters' Group seems to be fruitful and may help more to enjoy music.
The following have taken part in concerts during the year:—
Clarinet: A. J. Dixon, S. N. Williams, M. Pearson, A. R. Aagaard, W. P. Ledger.
Saxophone: R. N. Sabey, G. A. Flintoff, C. R. W. Bell.
Horn: A. J. Collinson, B. C. Kaner.
Trumpet: J. M. P. Jones, M. J. Heywood, R. S. P. Litten, N. D. Aspinall, R. C. Young, M. L. Chippendale, A. J. Slater.
Trombone: S. D. Ashton, W. A. Barnish, I. G. Anderson, C. C. Marshall.
Euphonium: C. A. Shaw.
Tuba: N. C. H. Pemberton, J. C. Neal.
Percussion: T. A. Heap.