26 minute read
Old Peterite News
from Oct 1979
by StPetersYork
was especially offensive to the Arab cadets! The exercises were also designed to give us as little sleep as possible, and on one four day exercise, the average amount of sleep we had was about six hours.
The Officer Cadets of SMC 20 had an easier time then those on the Rowallan Company course, however, as Richard Barker (School 1974-78) will be ready to tell anyone. They were woken up at unearthly hours of the night and told they were to be ready to go on exercise within the hour. Once on exercise they had to butcher their own rations.
Life at Sandhurst is not all work, however. The social life is excellent. Parties are frequent and usually last till the very early hours of the morning and young ladies are brought from far and wide to attend. At the end of May a weekend was put aside for 'community work'. Thirteen platoon were assigned to an open air museum in Hampshire to help restore old farm buildings. On the Saturday the 'volunteers' removed 17,000 slates from an c.18th brickworks. As a reward for all this hard work a party was thrown in one of the restored buildings which was enjoyed by all until the charcoal fire in the centre got rather out of control. The platoon was allowed a weeks rest before it sampled the festivities of the June Ball, an occasion which will not be forgotten by anyone present.
This coming September will see the arrival of another Old Peterite to Sandhurst, Jeremy Markwick-Smith (Grove 1973-78) who will be attending a three week pre-university course. He will not be alone, however, as Nigel Denison after being commissioned in August is returning to Sandhurst for a further six months training before joining the Green Howards. Richard Barker will be commissioned next April and should be joining the same regiment.
The Old Peterite Club's 88th Annual General Meeting was held at the School on 14th July.
D. W. Grice, J. K. Hick, J. C. M. Rayson, J. C. Rounthwaite, D. T. Rumfitt and J. E. Smith were elected to serve on the General Committee. J. C. M. Rayson retired as York Secretary and the meeting thanked him for all his work in that position. R. D. Harding was elected to replace him. Thanks were also expressed to C. H. Lewis, who had retired after many years of service as a member of the committee and as the London Secretary
Regional dinners were announced as follows:
West Riding: Thursday, 8th November, 1979, at Stonleigh Hot Wakefield.
London: Friday, znd November, 1979, at the Great Western R o Hotel, Paddington.
East Riding: Friday, 30th May, 198o, at the Bell Hotel, Driffield.
The Headmaster, P. D. R. Gardiner, was thanked for all that he had done for the Old Peterite Club and was elected an Honorary Life Member of tht Club.
K. M. Ratcliff, the President of the Old Peterite Club, would like to thank all those Old Peterites who so generously contributed to his appeal on behalf of Peter Gardiner. He was able to give Peter Gardiner a cheque for a considerable sum of money at the Old Peterite Dinner on 15th July.
It was announced that the 198o Commemoration would be held on 12th July.
O.P. Club ties are available from the Hon. Secretary, D. Kirby, The Rise, 41 Clifton, York.
Price—£2.25 each.
The London Old Peterite Dinner was held at the Great Western Royal Hotel, Paddington, London, on 24th November, 1978.
Present: The President (K. M. Ratcliff), The Headmaster, R. A. Brindley, N. A. J. Brindley, A. C. Brown, M. L. Bywater, R. F. Cawood, J. C. Cousins, P. J. Dronfield, R. A. Field, H. W. P. Fisher, J. F. Franklin, M. G. A. Garbutt, C. W. Gibson, G. E. L. Graham, J. A. Hanson, F. H. Hillyard, J. M. Holt, A. J. King, D. Kirby, T. J. Lewis, C. J. Pattison, C. J. Quickfall, E. M. H. Ranson, D. E. Raynor, J. C. Richardson, A. A. Short, D. N. Simmons, C. J. A. Smith, R. A. Stratton, C. W. Thompson, A. E. Simpson, A. B. Smallman, D. A. Turnbull, F. J. Wiseman.
The next London dinner will be held on 2nd November, 1979, and applications may be made to K. M. Ratcliff, 'Dormers', 8 Upper Ashlyns Road, Beckhamsted, Herts. Tel. No. 04427-73123 (home) or or-821-2445 (office).
The Club, as ever, is indebted to Tony Short, for his arrangements at the Great Western Hotel.
The Old Peterite West Riding Dinner was held on 2nd November, 1978, at the Stoneleigh Hotel, Wakefield. Again it followed the tradition of being the only Old Peterite Dinner to which wives and girl-friends are invited.
An innovation this year, however, was the invitation of a guest speaker, Dr. Michael Green, a distinguished forensic pathologist from Leeds. His account of his researches into the diverse meanings of the word Peterite, past and present, revealed several criminal connotations which greatly amused his audience. A raffle was held during the evening and this raised the sum of £18 for the school appeal fund.
An excellent meal was provided by the proprietors of the hotel, and the venue proved to be both popular and successful. The 1979 Dinner will be held at the same venue on the first Thursday in November again, 1st November! Further particulars will be circulated to W.R.O.P.s whose whereabouts are known, but I would be pleased to hear from anyone who has not attended a W.R. Dinner recently and would like to attend in 1979. I may be contacted at Wakefield (0924) 60841 (business), or (0924) 256962 (home). My address is: Ashton House Veterinary Hospital, 69 Westgate End, Wakefield, West Yorks.
Members of the club who attended in 1978 are as follows:—
C. W. Thompson and Guest
P. D. Woodcock
A. R. Barratt and Guest
W. M. Hudson and Guest
H. Gration and Guest
J. E. Moore and Guest
R. W. Metcalfe and three Guests
M. J. Kent and Guest
G. F. B. Mitchell and Guest
G. D. Parkin and Guest
I. T. Parkin and Guest F. N. Parkin and Guest R. W. Peacock and Guest J. J. Rhodes and Guest D. H. Rhodes and Guest G. W. Smith and Guest R. D. Harding J. R. Woodcock J. C. Abel and Guest R. Hopkinson and Guest Headmaster and Wife Dr. M. and Mrs. Green
The East Riding Dinner was held at the Bell Hotel, Driffield, on Friday, 25th May, 1979. The toast of 'The School' was proposed by the President, K. M. Ratcliff. In the absence of the Headmaster, D. Kirby responded for St. Peter's and J. C. M. Rayson for St. Olave's.
Those present were:— The President Frank, C. Potter, B. (K. M. Ratcliff) Gooder, F. Powell, W. L. Allen, B. Gooder, P. Rayson, J. C. M. Armstrong, R. G. Heap, B. A. Rounthwaite, J. C. Atkinson, D. P. Hepworth, M. G. B. Shepherd, P. M. Atkinson, J. S. Homby, M. R. Shepherd, P. N. Atkinson, P. S. Hudson, T. F. H. Shepherd, P. W. Blissett, J. D. Humble, J. Smith, G. W. Browne, F. D. Jobling, G. M. Smith, J. E. Bulmer, G. Johnston, D. P. Starkey, J. H. Bulmer, H. C. Kirby, D. Swiers, J. Burdass, C. M. G. McNeil, C. Thompson, C. W. Burdass, R. Mcllroy, W. S. Tindall, R. Clegg, C. A. Megginson, J. S. Tomlinson, N. E. Dawson, J. R. Megginson, P. R. B. Ward, D. Dee, C. C. Ogley, D. M. Wood, H. L. Dimmey, S. H. Penty, A. D. Dodgson, M. Pexton, R. D.
The Annual Dinner was held on Saturday, 14th July, 1979, in the School Dining Hall. The toast of 'The School' was proposed by the Immediate Past President, F. N. Newdick, and the Headmaster responded. The toast of `The Old Peterite Club' was proposed by G. Long and the President, K. M. Ratcliff, responded. The President then presented a silver salver and a cheque to the Headmaster as a farewell gift from the Old Peterite Club. The Club is again indebted to the School Catering Staff for the excellent meal provided.
Those present were:— The President The Head of School Bainbridge, M. W. (K. M. Ratcliff) (J. F. Ellison) Barron, D. J. The Headmaster Abbott, J. Blissett, J. D. The Hon. Secretary Adams, L. Bretherton, D. C. (D. Kirby) Aldridge, J. T. Brindley, R. A. The Hon. Treasurer Allen, B. Bronk, R. A. C. (J. E. Moore) Atha, A. T. Brown, C. A. F. The Bursar Atkinson, P. Brown, J. C. (Col. J. P. F. Abbott) Atkinson, P. S. Bruce, R. M. 118
Bulcock, R. J. Burdass, C. M. C. Burn, G. R. Burn, M. Chilman, K. G. Clappison, J. W. Clark, J. J. Clement, C. Collingwood-Gittins, R. Creasey, B. Cummin, D. G. Darley, P. M. Dench, P. G. R. Denison, E. A. K. Denison, J. A. Depledge, R. G. Dresser, S. Freanside, F. Fenwick, S. Frost, J. R. Gargan, M. F. Gillett, J. Hall, M. S. Hamilton, D. H. Harding, G. W. Harding, J. T. Harding, R. D. Harding, R. F. Harland, C. C. Harris, P. L. Heap, B. A. Heavens, I. P. Hepworth, M. G. B. Hick, J. K. Hirst, C. J.
Hirst, D. Hobson, R. Hubbard, R. H. Hudson, R. Hudson, T. F. Humble, J. G. Jackson, Z. Jesper, D. G. S. Jobling, G. M. Johnson, A. Johnston, D. P. Kent, M. J. Knowles, G. Lethem, J. A. Le Tocq, L. C. Lockwood, P. A. Long, G. McIlroy, W. G. Magson, N. J. Mitchell, G. F. B. Morris, P. A. Newdick, B. M. Newdick, F. N. Newdick, J. M. Newdick, P. A. Parkin, F. N. Parkin, G. D. Penty, A. D. Penty, J. R. Penty, P. R. Phillips, D. M. H. Procter, P. J. Pulleyn, R. F. Quirke, D. M. A. Ranson, E. M. H. Raylor, J. M. Rayson, J. C. M. Richardson, J. C. Robinson, C. A. Rounthwaite, J. C. Ruddock, G. F. Ruddock, R. H. D. Rumfitt, D. T. Sedman, E. C. Shepherd, Sir P. Shepherd, P. M. Shepherd, P. N. Shepherd, P. W. Shuttleworth, G. M. Simpson, A. E. Smith, W. Stabler, D. A. Stansfield, L. Stevens, R. A. Stringer, H. Thomas, J. S. M. Thompson, C. W. Thompson, E. G. Turner, J. Varley, A. J. Wallace, S. Wiggle, I. P. Woolley, C. J. Young, J. J. Yule, G. S.
It is regretted that ten names are not listed. Unfortunately a number of
tickets were booked without the names of these Old Peterites being given.
Officers and General Committee 1979 8o
President K. M. Ratcliff, Esq., 'Dormers,' 8 Upper Ashlyns Road, Berkhamsted, Herts.
Past Presidents P. S. Atkinson, Esq., `Greystones; Garton, Driffield, North Humberside. J. A. Hanson, Esq., 'Montclair,' II Newton Drive, Accrington, Lancashire. T. J. Lewis, Esq., O.B.E., Sway Wood Paddock, Mead End Lane, Sway,
Nr. Lymington, Hants.
F. N. Newdick, Esq., `Talgarth; 134 York Road, Haxby, York. F. W. B. Pacey, Esq., O.B.E., 'The Cantens,' Ruebery Lane, Osmotherley,
Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 3PG.
C. W. Thompson, Esq., 2 Brinkburn Vale Road, Totley, Sheffield.
The Headmaster, St. Peter's School, York. K. G. Chilman, Esq., 71 Meadowfields Drive, Huntington Road, York. J. Dronfield, Esq., O.B.E., Askham Bryan, York YO2 3QS.
Brigadier C. C. Fairweather, C.B., C.B.E., 'The White Lodge,' Hutton
Rudby, Yarm, Cleveland.
The Rt. Rev. M. H. Harland, 'White Chimneys,' Rookwood Road, West
Wittering, Nr. Chichester, West Sussex.
Sir Philip R. Morris, C.B.E., Bryncoedifor Vicarage, Rhydymain, Dolgellau,
Hon. Secretary
D. Kirby, Esq., The Rise, 41 Clifton, York, and St. Peter's School, Yor
Hon. Treasurer
J. E. Moore, Esq., `Mylncroft,' i Mylnhurst Road, Sheffield.
District Hon. Secretaries West Riding: G. D. Parkin, Esq., `Woodhayes,' 26 Chevet Lane, San
Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
WNi 2QY.
North East: D. L. Brown, Esq., 4o Carmel Road South, Darlington. East Riding: P. S. Atkinson, Esq., `Greystones; Garton, Driffield, North
York: R. D. Harding, Esq., Alcuin House, 12 The Avenue, Clifton, York
YO3 6AT.
P. M. Darley, Esq., i i The Paddocks, Boroughbridge Road, York YO2 6AW. J. A. Denison, Esq., Manor Court, Skelton, York. Dr. G. E. L. Graham, 'Croft End,' 297 Wigan Lane, Wigan WNI 2QY. D. W. Grice, Esq., 86 Welham Road, Norton, Malton, North Yorkshire. R. F. Harding, Esq., Filmer Cottage, Bulmer, York. M. G. B. Hepworth, Esq., Bell House, Askham Bryan, York. J. K. Hick, Esq., 'Mole End', i Newdale, Usher Park, Haxby, York YO3 8LN. D. C. Holmes, Esq., 18 The Avenue, Stokesley, Middlesbrough, Cleveland. L. C. Le Tocq, Esq., 12 St. Peter's Grove, York. D. M. H. Phillips, Esq., Aldersley Farm, Holt, Wrexham, Clwyd, North
Wales. E. M. H. Ranson, Esq., 17 Carleton Avenue, Simonstone, Nr. Burnley
Lancs. J. C. M. Rayson, Esq., 2 St. Olave's Road, York, and St. Olave's School,
York. J. C. Richardson, Esq., The Forge, Little Ouseburn, York. J. C. Rounthwaite, Esq., 221 Boroughbridge Road, York. D. T. Rumfitt, Esq., St. Olave's, 3oA Westfields, Richmond, North York- shire. D. N. Simmons, Esq., 113 The Oval, Brookfield, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, J. E. Smith, Esq., `Beechcroft; Kilnwick, Driffield, North Humberside.
E. G. Thompson, Esq., 'West Winds,' 4 Moor Lane, Haxby, York.
Births DARLEY. To Paul and Margaret (nae Kitching) on 1st February, 1979, a son, Philip Anthony. (Queen's, 196o-66.)
Marriages HUNTLEY, W. G., married Gillian Reeves, at St. John's Church, Sunderland, on 19th August, 1978. (Rise, 1968-72.)
Deaths BUTLER, Sqn. Ldr. H. A., on 3rd July, 1979. (1926-32.) GREEN, Sub. Lt. P., on 22nd July, 1979. (1957-79.) HARNESS, J., on 21st April, 1979. (Dronfield, 1977-78.)
BEADLE, J. J., has gained a First Class degree in the Honour School of
English Language and Literature from Oxford University. (Queen's, 1969-74.) COOPER, Revd. J. J., has been instituted to Westborough with Dry
Doddington and Stubton in plurality with Claypole by the Bishop of
Lincoln. (Queen's, 1958-64.) GRIFFITHS, J. C., has been appointed Attorney General of Hong Kong. (School, 1944-50.) HALSTEAD, A. R. J., has gained a B.A. in Architecture from Leeds School of Art. He is now going to work for a year in Bahrain for a British Company. (Temple, 1970-75.) HARRISON, R. L., has been working for Perkins Engines in Brazil for the last five years and is now Development Testing Supervisor. He is married and a daughter was born in May of this year. (Queen's, 1963-67.) HEADLAM, A. M., after lecturing for a number of years at the Universities of Nice and Nanterre and at the Sorbonne, has completed a doctorate on
Samuel Beckett. He is at present Senior Lecturer in French at Oxford
Polytechnic and Field Chairman of the Honours B.A. Course in French
Contemporary Studies. (Temple, 1957-62.) JANES, P. N., has graduated from Edinburgh University with B.V.M. & S.,
M.R.C.V.S. (Temple, 1969-74.) JOHNSON, R. S., is now Managing Director of Redditch Controls Ltd. in
Alcester, a company manufacturing equipment for dispensing beer and drinks. He is also a Director of I.M.I. Drinks Dispense Ltd., part of the
I.M.I. Group. (Dronfield, 1964-68.) KIRBY, T., is the Regional Licensed Property Valuer (Yorkshire) and
Regional Secretary of the British Field Sports Society. (School House, 1951-56.) MOXON, N. P., has graduated at the Officer Cadet Training Unit, R.A.F.
Henlow, and has started his training as a pilot at R.A.F. Church Fenton. (Queen's, 1969-74.)
O'DONNELL, G., was promoted Captain, Royal Navy, in December, 1978, and commanded H.M.S. Ark Royal for the final six months of her life. He has since been appointed as Admiral's Secretary to the Commander-in-Chief Naval Home Command in Portsmouth. He is still keen to hear from anyone with a 1350 Commemorative Plate for sale. (Manor, 1946-50.) POWELL, W. B., has been appointed Consul (Commercial) in charge of the
Commercial Department at the British Consulate-General in Chicago. (Rise, 1947-51.) RODGERS, Sir John, Bt., D.L., M.P., has now been M.P. for Sevenoaks for thirty years. At present he leads for the Conservatives on the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, is chairman of the Group of Independents, Chairman of the Political Affairs Committee, Senior Vice-
President of the Western European Union and Vice-President of the
European League for Economic Co-operation. He has just been awarded the insignia of Grand Officier of the noble Order of Leopold II by King
Baudoin. In addition to this, several other European countries, such as
Spain, Portugal and Liechenstein, have conferred high honours on Sir
John for the work he has done in Europe during the last twenty years.
HUGH LESLIE CREER (1881 - 1979)
Distinguished both as a citizen of York and as an Old Peterite, Leslie Creer died in April, 1979 at the age of 98.
He was at the School from 1893 - 1898 and had a fine sporting record, including colours for two years in the Cricket XI.
In 1912 he became a member of the Old Peterite Committee and was President of the Club from 1955 - 1958.
He was a founder member of the Old Peterite Masonic Lodge.
During the first World War, Leslie Creer was commissioned in the 8th Volunteer Battalion the Prince of Wale's Own West Yorkshire Regiment.
From 1927 - 1949 he was Clerk to the Governors of the School, and he himself became a Governor from 1949 - 1967 and was Vice-Chairman of the Board.
In the City, Leslie Creer was a leading solicitor and a Justice of the Peace. In the Civic year, 1933 - 1934, he was Sheriff of York.
We acknowledge with pride and thanks Leslie Creer's splendid service to the School and the City.
Paul won a scholarship to the Senior School in 1970. His commitment was total, and he distinguished himself both academically (thirteen '0' levels and four 'A' levels), and in extra curricular activities (School swimming and fencing teams, house athletics team, P.O. in the C.C.F.). During his years at the School, his mother presented a trophy which is now awarded annually to the most successful house water polo team. Of his many qualities, we shall remember especially his tenacity, his innate cheerfulness, his vigorous 122
leadership, and his reliability—qualities particularly apparent and appreciated when encouraging and instructing the younger cadets in the C.C.F.
He was awarded a Royal Naval Scholarship in October, 1973, and took up his appointment at the Royal Naval College in 1975. On his new environment, his superior officers were quick to appreciate his talents, and were generous in their praise. In April, 1976, his Captain at Dartmouth writes to the School : `Midshipman Green is a pleasant and sensible young officer who has done well in training so far. He learns quickly, has proved to be completely reliable, and has shown ample determination to succeed. He is a firm leader with considerable drive and initiative, and can be expected to do well in the Navy. He has now been appointed to H.M.S. Mermaid before commencing his degree course at the Royal Naval Engineering College, Manadon.' Sea training, in fact, took him to Iceland, where he served in a frigate during the Cod War, to Barbados, Columbia, Mexico, Norway, and the Middle East.
Paul had just completed successfully his degree course when, the week after playing at School in the Old Boys' water polo team, he died in a canoeing accident in the Royal Naval Championships on the River Awe at Taynuilt, Oban. Royal Naval Officers were pall-bearers at the funeral, and many others attended the service, during which the Revd. Michael Long spoke eloquently and aptly of Paul's conscious decision to 'opt in to life', with all the stimulation, challenges, rewards and hazards which such a decision involves. He leaves us with the warmest memories of his open sincerity and devoted commitment, and with a savage sense of shock at the tragic waste of a life and career which promised so highly.
During Jillian's time with us she was a valued and lively member of her year and her enthusiasm and sense of fun were greatly appreciated in the school community. We were glad that she was able to visit us several times during the Autumn following the operation on her cancer, and her continued cheerfulness in the face of adversity helped put our problems into perspective.
Jillian's death saddened us all, but her influence was such that the Memorial Service in the School Chapel was an inspiring and joyous occasion, paying tribute to and giving thanks for one who had helped to make the School a happier place in which to live.
1974-1979 Abbott, J. P. J. F., The White House, 28 Water End, Clifton, York YO3 6LP. 1977-1979 Anderton, Louise R., Fleet Bank Farm, Tollerton, York. 1974-1979 Andrews, S. J., 11A Stumperlowe View, Fulwood, Sheffield SIO 3QU. 1974-1979 Windsway,' Kensington Road, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 OHW. 1976-1979 Beaumont, I. D., 28 Nichols Way, Linton Park, Wetherby, West Yorkshire. 1976-1979 Blacker, A. W., Middlethorpe Grange, Simbalk Lane, Bishopthorpe, York. 1973-1979 Boyd, J. M., 116 Bury New Road, Whitefield, Manchester M25 6AD. 1974-1979 Brooke, D. A., 'Low Wood,' 33 St. Wilfrid's Road, Bessa- carr, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN4 6AA. 1974-1979 Buckle, S. M., Brooms House, Boroughbridge, York YO5 9JN. 1975-1979 Burdass, C. W., `Highfield; Thwing, Driffield, North Humberside. 1974-1979 Burton, R. D., Providence Green, Green Hammerton, York. 1974-1979 Carmichael, W. N., Little Swinburne, Colwell, Hexham, Northumbria. 1974-1979 Casling, T. J., 29 West Thorpe, Dringhouses, York. 1974-1979 Chadwick, C. J., 113 Askham Lane, Acomb, York. 1974-1979 Cuckston, P. G., 'The Hollies,' 36 Main Street, Haxby, York YO3 8AT. 1977-1979 Dalby, Wendy E., Orchard House, Great Barugh, Malton, North Yorkshire. 1975-1979 Ellison, D. M., 16 Allanhall Way, Kirkella, Hull, North Humberside. 1974-1979 Ellison, J. F., Dales Cottage, Wilsden Road, Harden, Bingley, West Yorkshire. 1976-1979 Etches, S. W., 'Woodside,' Loftus, Saltburn, Cleveland. 1974-1979 Fender, P. G., 8 White House Gardens, The Mount, York YO2 2EA. 1977-1979 Gillett, Jill C., 'Holly Garth,' Easingwold Road, Huby, Sutton-on-Forest, York YO6 1HJ. 1975-1979 Goodwin, S. J., 11 Nichol's Way, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS22 4AD. 1977-1979 Gray Bridget, 19 Portland Street, York YO3 7EH. 1974-1979 Greenwood, P. D., Flat 14, Cameron House, 40 Magazine Gap Road, Hong Kong. 1974-1979 Hare, J. N. W., `Lyngarth; Escrick, York YO4 6LQ. 1976-1979 Ibbotson, P., Lodge Farm, Colton, Nr. Tadcaster, North Yorkshire. 1974-1979 Jemmett, N. J., 20 Ings Road, Wilberfoss, York YO4 5NG. 1974-1979 Johnson, P. M., 38 Thames Avenue, Guisborough, Cleveland TS14 8AE. 1975-1979 Kay, D. J., The Stables, Grey Close, Worsall Road, Yarm, Cleveland TS15 9EF. 1974-1979 Kerr, M. P., 'Haigh End,' Alne Cross, Alne, York YO6 2JD. 1974-1979 Leckenby, A. D., 18 Fenwicks Lane, Fulford, York. 1976-1979 Linton, R. e., Middle Burntoft Farm, Wolviston, Billing- ham, Cleveland TS22 5RD. 1974-1979 Lister, S. R., 58 Palace Road, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG14 1HA. 1976-1979 Macfarlane, D J. B., 30 Pear Tree Avenue, Upper Poppleton, York YO2 6HH. 1976-1979 Macpherson, A. R., 'Lindale,' 16 Midway Avenue, Nether Poppleton, York. 1974-1979 McCarter, P. E., 102 Acomb Road, York YO2 4ER. 125
1976-1979 Mainds, R. C. S., 5 Deramore Drive, Badger Hill, York YO1 5HW. 1976-1979 Megginson, A. F., Kirkburn Grange, Driffield, North Humberside. 1977-1979 Miller, K., 34 Elm Street, Jarrow, Tyne and Wear NE32 5JD. 1974-1979 Mortimer, W. N. B., The Grange, Staveley, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire. 1974-1979 Nield, R. D., 8 The Avenue, Clifton, York. 1974-1979 Power, M. J., Plainville Farm, Wigginton, York. 1976-1979 Prendergast, J. A., Gate Fulford Cottage, Fenwick Lane, Fulford, York Y01 4PL. 1976-1979 Prescott, A. R., Wold House, Lund, Driffield, North Humberside Y025 9TW. 1974-1979 Quirke, M. F., 11 Clifton Dale, York YO3 6LJ. 1974-1979 Raheem, M. A., 13 Chalfonts, Tadcaster Road, York YO2 2EX. 1974-1979 Raylor, T., Ivy House Farm, Stockton Lane, York YO3 9UB. 1972-1979 Rayson, I. C. M., 2 St. Olave's Road, Clifton, York. 1976-1979 Rooms, D. J., 5 Wolfreton Garth, Kirkella, Hull, North Humberside. 1974-1979 Rymer, C. G., 29 Otley Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG2 ODJ. 1977-1979 Sampson, Anna G., Newton Kyme Hall, Tadcaster, North Yorkshire LS24 9LR. 1974-1979 Shilleto, S. J., 32 Holgate Road, York YO2 4AB. 1974-1979 Shuttleworth, N. D. The Manor, 1 St. Peter's Grove, Clifton, York. 1974-1979 Spencer, C., 'Field Gap,' Trip Garth, Linton Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS22 4HY. 1974-1979 Squire, N. Ileathfield,' Lordsmoor Lane, Strensall, York YO3 8XF. 1977-1979 Stringer, Helen S., Holme House, Carleton, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF8 3RL. 1974-1979 Sunley, M. C. J., Lownethwaite Farm, Reeth Road, Richmond, North Yorkshire. 1977-1979 Tapp, Janine V., Bridge House, Cattail, Green Hammerton, York. 1976-1979 Taylor, J. R. C., 13 Markham Street, York YO3 7NR. 1977-1979 Thorpe, Prudence A., aillinbeck,' Chantry Green, Upper Poppleton, York YO2 6DL. 1974-1979 Townsend, N. G., `Greystones,' 235 Carmel Road North, Darlington DL3 9TF. 1974-1979 Tyson, M. J., 'Four ways,' Park Street, Winterton, Scunthorpe, South Humberside DN15 9UB. 1976-1979 Watson, J. D. F., St. Helen's Farm, Newton Kyme, Tadcaster, North Yorkshire. 1977-1979 Whatmoor, N. W., Tanglewood Restaurant, Malton Road, York YO3 9TW. 1974-1979 Wilson, J. P., c/o Mobil Exploration Norway Inc., P.O. Box 563, Sandvika 1301, Norway. 1976-1979 Worner, C. M., Corner House, Marton-cum-Grafton, York.
Addey, J. F. W., Canonbury House, London N1 2NQ. Anderson, T. D. F., 209 New King's Road, London N.W.6. Anfield, J. R., `ViIlene,' 15 Green Lane, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9DP. Avison, B. J., 34 Fixby Road, Fixby, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
HD2 2JQ. Baddeley, W. D., Brown Street Farm, Old Newton, Stowmarket, Suffolk. Beall, C. H., Flat 11, 11 North Hill Road, Headingley, Leeds, 6. Beaumont, F. C., 31 Baeamont Gardens, Ham, Richmond, Surrey. 126
Best, A. D., Dr., 130 Beverley Road, Kirkella, Hull, North Humberside. Bird, D. J., 'Woodlands,' Closewood Road, Denmead, Hants. P07 6JD. Bloomfield, A., 39 Ouse Lea, Shipton Road, York. Bond, C. J. D., 2 Brentwood Gardens, 72 Campsground Road, Rondebosch 7700, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa. Bretherton, D. C., Drungewick Hill, Drungewick Lane, Loxwood, West
Sussex. Brown, C. A. F., 25 Elmfield Avenue, Malton Road, York YO3 9LX. Brown, J. P., Swiss Cottage, Moor Lane, Bishopthorpe, York. Bruce, R. G., Sandy Mount, Victoria Road, Aughton, Lancashire. Bruce-Jones, S., Department of Geography, University of Bristol,
University Road, Bristol, 8. Burn, G. N., 'Valhalla,' 7 Tadcaster Road, Copmanthorpe, York YO2 3UL. Burn, S. M., 'Valhalla,' 7 Tadcaster Road, Copmanthorpe, York YO2 3UL. Burton, D. J. G. B., `Craigleith,' Prescot Avenue, New Barn, Longfield,
Kent. Cawood, R. F., 391 Watford Road, Chiswell Green, St. Albans, Herts. Clement, C., 21 Barmoor Lane, Scalby, Scarborough, North Yorkshire
Y013 ONX. Cooper, J. J., The Rev., Stutton Rectory, Newark, Nottinghamshire
NG23 5BY. Coverdale, S. P., 1 Heathfield Lane, Boston Spa, Nr. Tadcaster, North
Yorkshire. Dickie, A. V. A., 45 Laleham Avenue, Mill Hill, London N.W.7. Eggleshaw, R. C., 106 Bellenden Road, Peckham, London S.E.15. Ferrar, A. N., Dr., 25 The Glen, Bolton, Lancs. Field, R. A., Dr., Woodlands Lodge, Rodenhurst Road, Clapham Park,
London SW4 8AB. Fletcher, P. H., 23 School Lane, Haslingfield, Cambridgeshire. Frank, C., `Stoneridge; Deepdale, Scarborough, North Yorkshire. Gomersall, A., 131 Biddiford Green, Linslade, Leighton Buzzard,
Bedfordshire LU7 7TL. Goodwin, I. C., 11 Nichol's Way, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS22 4AD. Green, D. G., 88 Thorndale, Sutton Park, Hull, North Humberside
HU7 6DQ. Grove-Stephenson, J. C., 8 Hawnby Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland
TS5 7QS. Harrison, R. L., Motores Perkins S.A., Caixa Postal 30.028SP, Sao
Paulo SP., Brazil. Heap, B. A., 4 Lime Avenue, York. Hillyard, F. H., 28 Hillview Road, Hatch End, Pinner, Middlesex
HA5 4PA. Hirst, C. J., Bowland House, Cliffe Common, Selby, North Yorkshire
YO8 7EE. Holgate, E., 42 Scalby Mills Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire
Y012 6RW. Holgate, E. M., 42 Scalby Mills Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire
Y012 6RW. Howard, W. M., `Larchfield; Colquhoun Street, Helensburgh, Strathclyde G84 9JL. Huntley, W. G., 43 Highside Drive, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear. Hutchinson, C., Major, 5 Richmond Close, Fetcham, Leatherhead,
Surrey. Jenkins, P., Stolzengrabenstr 45, 6517 Oberwie, Switzerland. Johnson, R. S., 6 Arrow Grange, Arrow, Alcester, Warwickshire. King, A. J., 67 Windermere Road, Coulsdon, Surrey. King, C. D., 'Aloha,' Elphinstone Road, Whitecraigs, Glasgow G46 6TE. King, H. A., 'Big Muddy,' Lilac Avenue, Appleton Roebuck, York. Kirby, F. A. L., 11 Dewar Close, Collingham, Wetherby, West York- shire. Knowles, P. E., `Greentrees; 46 Boroughbridge Road, Northallerton,
North Yorkshire DL7 8BN.
Lambert, R. F., 'Willow Green,' Slingsby Walk, Harrogate, North
Yorkshire HG2 8LL. Lightowler, J. C. P. N., 1 Belle View Cottages, Osmotherley, Northallerton, North Yorkshire. Moore, C. R., 'Broad Acres,' The Old Coach Road, Tadcaster, North
Yorkshire LS24 8HA. Morris, P. A., Holly Garth House, Holly Tree Garth, Stockton-on-
Forest, York YO3 9UW. Motum, J. H., 'Long Barton,' 5 Northbrook Road, Shapwick, Bridgewater, Somerset. Nelson, S. G., 18 Clifford Road, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1HY. Oliver, R. W., Lt., The White House, Main Street, Alne, North Yorkshire YO6 2LB. Parkin, I. T., 15 The Balk, Walton, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Pattinson, J. M., 3 The Elms, Elmfield Road, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-
Tyne NE3 4BD. Platt, W. G., Dr., 9 Glebelands Drive, Leeds, 6. Powell, W. B., British Consulate General, 33 North Dearborn Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60602, U.S.A. Reed, E. M., 19 Glebelands, Pulborough, Sussex. Rigg, H. W. J., Wg. Cdr., c/o Williams & Glyns Bank Ltd., Holt's
Branch, Whitehall, London, S.W.1. Rounthwaite, D. P., South Way, East Ord, Berwick-upon-Tweed. Sanderson, N. M., 29 Cross O'Cliff Hill, Lincoln, Lincolnshire. Seaton, N. R., 18 Westlands Grove, Stockton Lane, York. Sedman, E. C., 4 Shooters Hill, Pangbourne, Berkshire RG8 7DU. Shepherd, C. S., 15 St. Edward's Close, Dringhouses, York YO2 2QB. Sheriff, E., Eagles House, Newtown, Powys, Wales. Shouksmith, R. P., 10 Muncastergate, York. Shubrook, D. C., Sqn. Ldr., Officers Mess, R.A.F., Newton, Nottingham NG8 8HL. Sim, D. L. W., 46 Horsefair Green, Stoney Stratford, Milton Keynes
MKI1 1JP. Simpson, D. H. K., 43 Dale View, Cockermouth, Cumbria CA13 9EW. Smith, C. K., 5 Wellington Square, London, S.W.3. Staines, J. E., 5 Foxes Row, Brancepeth, Durham. Stemmler, P. A., Moody Cottage, Texas A & M, Galveston Texas,
U.S.A. Stephenson, P. St. G., `Sunnyside,' Oakdene Avenue, Darlington
DL3 7HR. Stones, D. I., 21321 Grant Avenue, Torrance, California 90503, U.S.A. Taylor, M. R., Brackenrigg Cottage, Wass, Coxwold, North Yorkshire. Thirwell, J. R. W., 76 Little Bushey Lane, Bushey, Hertfordshire
WD2 3SE. Todd, G. M., 12 Muncastergate, York YO3 9LA. Tong Lop Bong, 70 Dragon Parade, Harrogate, North Yorkshire
HG1 5DQ. Toulson, H., Stonedoor House, 59 Ackworth Road, Pontefract, West
Yorkshire WF8 3PG. Turnbull, D. A., `Marmfield; Sandpit Hall Road, Chobham, Woking,
Surrey. Walker, E. R., 6 Temple Road, Bishopthorpe, York. Warren, D. E., Wg. Cdr., Officers Mess, R.A.F. Cosford, Wolverhampton. Watson, F. F., Bronte House School, Apperley Bridge, Bradford, West
Yorkshire. Whittle, J. R., 120A Walm Lane, London, N.W.2. Winrow-Campbell, S. J., Bur Tree House, Hutton Sessay, Thirsk, North
Yorkshire. Wishart, N. R., 'The Sheilings,' Libanus, Brecon, Powys, Wales. Yeadon, D. S., Hill Top Cottage, Boldron, Barnard Castle, County