was especially offensive to the Arab cadets! The exercises were also designed to give us as little sleep as possible, and on one four day exercise, the average amount of sleep we had was about six hours. The Officer Cadets of SMC 20 had an easier time then those on the Rowallan Company course, however, as Richard Barker (School 1974-78) will be ready to tell anyone. They were woken up at unearthly hours of the night and told they were to be ready to go on exercise within the hour. Once on exercise they had to butcher their own rations. Life at Sandhurst is not all work, however. The social life is excellent. Parties are frequent and usually last till the very early hours of the morning and young ladies are brought from far and wide to attend. At the end of May a weekend was put aside for 'community work'. Thirteen platoon were assigned to an open air museum in Hampshire to help restore old farm buildings. On the Saturday the 'volunteers' removed 17,000 slates from an c.18th brickworks. As a reward for all this hard work a party was thrown in one of the restored buildings which was enjoyed by all until the charcoal fire in the centre got rather out of control. The platoon was allowed a weeks rest before it sampled the festivities of the June Ball, an occasion which will not be forgotten by anyone present. This coming September will see the arrival of another Old Peterite to Sandhurst, Jeremy Markwick-Smith (Grove 1973-78) who will be attending a three week pre-university course. He will not be alone, however, as Nigel Denison after being commissioned in August is returning to Sandhurst for a further six months training before joining the Green Howards. Richard Barker will be commissioned next April and should be joining the same regiment. J.N.D.
OLD PETERITE NEWS The Old Peterite Club's 88th Annual General Meeting was held at the School on 14th July. D. W. Grice, J. K. Hick, J. C. M. Rayson, J. C. Rounthwaite, D. T. Rumfitt and J. E. Smith were elected to serve on the General Committee. J. C. M. Rayson retired as York Secretary and the meeting thanked him for all his work in that position. R. D. Harding was elected to replace him. Thanks were also expressed to C. H. Lewis, who had retired after many years of service as a member of the committee and as the London Secretary Regional dinners were announced as follows: West Riding: Thursday, 8th November, 1979, at Stonleigh Hot Wakefield. London: Friday, znd November, 1979, at the Great Western R o Hotel, Paddington. East Riding: Friday, 30th May, 198o, at the Bell Hotel, Driffield. The Headmaster, P. D. R. Gardiner, was thanked for all that he had done for the Old Peterite Club and was elected an Honorary Life Member of tht Club. 116