2 minute read
School Notes 1978-79
from Oct 1979
by StPetersYork
The Autumn Term started on 12th September and ended on 16th December.
The preacher on 17th September was Rev. R. Lewis, Archbishop's Chaplain and Director of Ordinands.
On 26th September Air Commodore Fountain from the Ministry of Defence gave a presentation on the role of the Royal Air Force.
Speech Day was held on 7th October. The guest speaker was Professor Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, F.R.S., the Master of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge.
Sports Day was held on 7th October.
Dick Reid, Esq., gave a Sixth Form lecture entitled, "A Carver's World' on 14th October.
Professor Northcote Parkinson addressed the Historical Society on 18 October.
On 9th, loth and nth November "Antigone" was produced in th Drama Centre.
The Remembrance Service was held on loth November.
The York Symphony Orchestra held a Concert in the Memorial Hall on 18th November.
The Rev. J. A. Heslop, Vicar of St. Olave's Church, was the celebrant at Communion on 3oth November.
The Advent Carol Service was held on 3rd December.
"The Yeomen of the Guard" was performed in the Memorial Hall on 7th, 8th and 9th December.
The Cricket Club Dance was held on i6th December.
The Easter Term started on 15th January and ended on 24th March.
Mr. Michael Standen, a novelist, addressed the Sixth Form on 2oth January.
The School took part in the Epiphany Procession in York Minster on 21st January.
Mr. Peter Panteli addressed the Sixth Form on Community Service Volunteers on 27th January.
On 3oth January Major J. W. A. Fleming gave an illustrated talk on the
Mount Kenya Expeditions.
iThe Bishop of Selby's Confirmation Day was held at St. Paul's Church on 17th February.
On March 22nd a Concert was held in the Memorial Hall.
The House Art Exhibition was held between 22nd and 24th March.
The Summer Term started on 23rd April and ended on ][4th July.
The theme of the Community Service on 6th May was Christian Aid.
Dr. Bailes from the University of Bradford gave a lecture entitled, "The Power Game" to the Sixth Form on 12th May.
The Boat Club Dance was held on 12th May.
Mr. D. H. Hamilton's illustrated lecture entitled, "The Rise and Fall of the Atom" was given in the Drama Centre on 16th and 17th May.
A Poetry/Folk evening was held in the Drama Centre on 24th May.
Dr. Court from the University of Bradford gave a lecture to the Sixth Form entitled, "The Use and Abuse of Drugs" on 2nd June.
The Bishop of Selby was the celebrant at Holy Communion on 7th June.
The Waine Awards Concert was held in the Memorial Hall on 7th June.
The Confirmation Candidates spent a weekend at Marrick Priory from 8th - loth June.
The Confirmation Service was held on 15th June. The Bishop of Selby was the celebrant.
The St. Peter's Procession took place in York Minster on 24th June.
The main body of '0' and 'A' level exams started on 25th June.
A Lecture-Recital by Anthony Hopkins, C.B.E. was given in the Memorial Hall on 25th June.