The Autumn Term started on 12th September and ended on 16th December.
The preacher on 17th September was Rev. R. Lewis, Archbishop's Chaplain and Director of Ordinands.
On 26th September Air Commodore Fountain from the Ministry of Defence gave a presentation on the role of the Royal Air Force.
Speech Day was held on 7th October. The guest speaker was Professor Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, F.R.S., the Master of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge.
Sports Day was held on 7th October.
Dick Reid, Esq., gave a Sixth Form lecture entitled, "A Carver's World' on 14th October.
Professor Northcote Parkinson addressed the Historical Society on 18 October.
On 9th, loth and nth November "Antigone" was produced in th Drama Centre.
The Remembrance Service was held on loth November.
The York Symphony Orchestra held a Concert in the Memorial Hall on 18th November.
Pete Morgan, a poet, addressed the Sixth Form on 18th November. 2