St Petian Magazine, Volume 1

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THE WEE KE ND E R travel guide created by locals, for locals, and for those who want to support local

VOLUME 1, AUG 2016

A quarterly publication dedicated to illustrating and celebrating unique perspectives of the people and culture of St. Petersburg, Florida


Amelia Bartlett Creating the publication you hold in your hands today began when someone referered to the residents of St. Petersburg, as ‘Burgers. It didn’t sit well. There’s something far more essential, artistic, individualistic about the culture and people of this city than to be named after a bar food. Nowhere else could I imagine meeting more than twenty strangers on the internet, willing to contribute to a pipe dream. The folks who walked over from their cafe table to ask about the project, those who offered ideas and gave support; those are St Petians. St Petians are generous, open-minded, progressive, and ingenuitive. They’re kind with spunk, well-humored with a kick, and often there to help before you even ask. Having been born in this city, I thought I knew it well, but until creating this publication, I really had no idea. Anthropologically speaking, St Petian is an ethnography: a description of the culture and customs of a group of people. Each edition is meant to illustrate a single sector of that culture. Ethnologically, it’s occured to me that one needn’t be a resident of St Pete or even have lived here at one time. This travel guide was created to give everyone the opportunity to be a St Petian. To be a St Petian, one must become enculturated: to participate in and appreciate the customs of our people. It is my hope that this guide gets you started on your journey to enculturation. This printed edition of Volume 1, The Weekender, is specially released for the Zine-O-Rama art show at Black Crow Coffee Co on August 6, 2016. The Fall 2016 offical release Will be available in September, 2016. This magazine was meant to be an art project - it has evolved into a masterwork, dedicated to my roots here in St. Petersburg, Florida. This publicationed is dedicated to those who have inspired me, who work tirelessly to preserve and strengthen the local St Pete culture, and to all the St Petians who find joy in exploring and contributing to this city.

Creative Director: Amelia Bartlett Editorial Asistant: Alicia Geigel Logo Design: Leo Gomez Studio Cover Photo: Dylan Melcher Featuring: J.T. Brown Muralist: James Oleson

Copyright © 2016, Amelia Bartlett Photography Instagram: @stpetian Email: Website:




O r a wa lk with yo u r d o g, b i ke r ide, a b reat h o f f res h a i r, e t c .



Crescent Lake Park

Demens Landing

1320 5th St N, St. Petersburg, FL

201 Bayshore Dr SE, St. Petersburg, FL

Expansive, over a mile around, including banyan

Demens Landing is a great starting point for

trees, a dog park, tennis courts, and a playground.

running in and around the more southern part of

Always fellow runners, walkers, and dog trotters,

downtown St. Pete.

but never so busy that it’s uncomfortable. Start inside the island and run south to the Dali, Bonus fun: bring a frisbee or football. Better yet,

continuing on as far down as the University of

lay on the ground and watch clouds. Literally, this

South Florida, St. Petersburg waterfront for a 3+

park could be a half day event.

mile round trip.

North Shore Park

Roser Park

901 North Shore Dr NE, St Petersburg, FL

846 Roser Park Dr S, St. Petersburg, FL

You could do many miles, depending on where

Roser Park is not for the faint of heart. Reminiscent

your landmarks are. For a couple miles, start at

of old-world European backstreets, with houses

North Shore Park and run north along the water to

built right on the road line, hills, and uneven brick

22nd Avenue NE, then turn around and run back.

streets to give you a hard workout.

Double that by starting at Vinoy Park and running

The highest elevation starts at Dr. MLK St S, the

north to 23rd Avenue NE. The houses, the water,

lowest at 3rd St & 9th Ave S. Start by the water and

and the Snell Aisle views are most beautiful in the

go up Roser Park Dr for a 1-3 mile jaunt.

morning light.


Ju s t t he ti p of the i c eburg, rea lly




Black Crow Coffee Co

Bandit Coffee Co

722 2nd St N, St. Petersburg, FL

2662 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL

Cozy vibes with plenty of room for studying/working, featuring rich beverages like the Purple Haze and Carmel Sutra. Also hosts events like Open Mic Night, monthly art shows, and the Zine O Rama, for which this publication was designed.

Spacious and cool interior with a diverse source of beans and a refined, enjoyable pour over. Hosts events such as the Local Minimalists meetups and has Donut Wednesdays, courtesy of local company The Hole Donuts.

Brew D Licious

Cassis Bakery

667 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL

170 Beach Dr NE, St. Petersburg, FL

Dog friendly, wifi-free conversation spot with Sarasota-roasted coffee and a great selection of iced teas. By dog friendly, you really can walk your dog inside and there will be biscuits and kisses awaiting them.

Serving Kahwa coffee in a French-cafe inspired bakery. Hot croissants, fresh pasteries, and quaint outdoor seating provide beautiful views and a low-key environment to start the morning. All of their ice cream is made in-house, so affogato is a must.





Reimagine eggs and bacon, then throw a curveball Banyan Coffee & Tea Co.

The Hangar

Trip’s Diner

1320 5th St N, St. Petersburg, FL

540 1st St SE, St. Petersburg, FL

Casual, quick, basic breakfast in a less than

There’s something unbelievably stylish

The mainstay diner of St. Pete. It’s a

basic space - also a great place for catching

about eating at a small, independent

less than 10 minute Uber ride from

up on work or internetting (IE Instagram)

airport. From the huge picture window, you

downtown city center and the thick-cut

as they do offer wifi and a co-work friendly

can watch planes and helicopters take off

applewood smoked bacon alone is


over Tampa Bay.

worth the jaunt.

Dish to try:

Dish to try:

The Piper, a light and fancy starter which

Their cheesy grits - whether you’re

features eggs, avocado, tomato, and fresh

from the south or not, you’ve not had

goat cheese.

anything like them.

Dish to try: Breakfast burrito with spinach AND bacon, because why should you have to choose?

2339 MLK Jr St N, St. Petersburg, FL





Because the weekend technically starts on Friday

Station House, 2nd Floor 260 1st Ave S, St. Petersburg, FL

Station House has a unique, rustic-chic expansive interior with free wifi and plenty of collaboration capacity. Bonus: They serve a variety of tea, coffee, and little snacks and have a restaurant attached to the place. In theory, you could stay all day.

Kahwa Coffee South

204 2nd Ave S, St. Petersburg, FL While there are two Kahwa locations in St. Pete, it’s generally accepted that Kahwa S is the place to see and be seen. This one is more homey, with eccentric floor tiles and rotating art on display. Entrepreneurs, city planners and activists, business-folk, and pretty much everyone else passes through this shop to grab a beverage from the largest local coffee roaster and distributor in the county. Bring your business cards!


St Petian tip: if you haven’t already noticed, folks in St. Pete are beyond helpful and kind 99% of the time. Speak up and make new friends when you’re at cafes. It’s quite possible you meet your new best friend, lover, business partner, or muse over a cup of coffee.





Ta ke a s low wa l k t h ro u gh a c entury- es ta bli sh ed tropi c a l p ar a d i s e o f f t h e m a i n- stri p i n St Pete Sunken Gardens

Great for:

1825 4th St N, St. Petersburg, FL

• Brushing up on your nature and flower Driving down 4th Street N, you’d never photography know a place of this magnitude was hidden behind a Carrabbas. But behind tall, lush • Taking the kids out for an engaging, edfences and through a gift shop you’ll find ucational, and tiring afternoon one of the most incredible green spaces on the west coast of Florida. Bonus: attached • A walking meditation to the gardens is the Great Explorations children’s museum • Getting out of the ‘city’ (about a 5 minute Uber, if that) Enjoy the tropical plants, tree canopies, paths, expansive lawns, animals, and more • Classes related to plants such as succuFlorida-native beauty that was established lent planter workshops and seed saving more than 100 years ago.





The re c o u ld b e a n enti re travel gui de d evo t e d t o t he a rt s c ene. Maybe there w i ll b e .

St. Petersburg, Florida is known by a tagline of its own making: City of the Arts. It’s true. The vast amount of art galleries, fine art museumsm, independent artists, street art, and artist learning centers - staggering. This short list should get you started.

Where to See Fine (Museum) Art:

Where to See Local Art:

Museum of Fine Arts 255 Beach Dr NE, St. Petersburg, FL

Bloom Art Center 910 5th Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL

Established, culturally varied master collection with changing exhibits throughout the year. Also boasts a cafe serving small bites and beverages in an airy, bright space.

Enormous warehouse space with an expansive event area, artist studios, and a large grassy area attached, directly next to the interstate. You can’t miss it, the building is covered in incredible, diverse murals. They often host monthly events open to the public, where multiple local artists collaborate on a theme.

Bonus: If you become a member at the MFA, you can visit hundreds of museums throughout the southeast or the entire country for free, depending on your membership level. Dali Museum 1 Dali Blvd, St. Petersburg, FL One of the most famous modern buildings in St Pete, with highly original architecture and a beautiful garden with a hedge maze. The established Dali collection is inclusive, containing well-known masterpieces and many works from his early years. Visit Cafe Gala for delicious Spanish-inspired dishes, pasteries, and Kahwa coffee. St Petersburg Museum of History 335 2nd Ave NE, St. Petersburg, FL Intimate vieweing space for local-history exhibits and historical presentations that are directly related to or somehow contribute to the St Pete culture. This museum has also featured local city happenings, such as the presentations for the pier design. If you’re just passing through, you can enjoy the entryway portion of the museum for free.

Florida CraftArt Gallery 501 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL Art gallery and retail space in prime real estate on Central Avenue, featuring artists from across the state with special mention given to local artists. A great place to buy gifts for those who like hand-crafted creations such as pottery, jewerly, and wall art. Studio @ 620 620 1st Ave S, St. Petersburg, FL Multi-purpose art-space that hosts live music, staged shows, visual art, and occasionally an offering one can’t describe in a sentence. Defintely check their calendar to see what they have in-house as it changes often and is always interesting. Davidson Fine Art 2036 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL Art supplies show, film processing center, and art gallery in the Grand Central district. The back gallery hosts photographic and other visual arts from local artists and they provide a promotional space for creatives, teachers, and everyone in between to get the tools and guidance they need.




Where to Learn to Make Art: Morean Art Center

Zen Glass Studios

Take a variety of classes in visual, tactile, and unique art forms in the form of a workshop or multi-week course. They also offer live glass-blowing demonstrations, classes for kids, and an in-house gallery that changes regularly.

Local glass-centered studio offering classes to all-levels, including professional glass-blower training and apprenticeships. Also offering one-off classes where you can DIY glass goodies like pendants, pint glasses, ornaments and more.

Morean Center for Clay

Dazzio Art Society

While affiliated with the above Morean Art Center, the majority of the clay happenings are located in a refurnished old train station in the Warehouse Arts distict.

Established art studio offering classes for all levels, especially multi-week master classes on paintin and drawing. This gallery also hosts shows featuring the art of their students, exemplifying a diverse array of talent but a consistent display of high-level skill.

719 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL

420 22nd St S, St. Petersburg, FL

Fridays: Two hours of wheel-throwing and hand-building clay fun for all ages for $25 Saturdays & Sundays: Free art classes and activities for family with kids aged 5-10

600 27th St S, St. Petersburg, FL

535 22nd St S, St. Petersburg, FL




E sc a p e th e Flo r i d a h e a t i n an 18 ,0 0 0 squa re foot a i r c ondi tio ned roc k c l i m b i n g gym , even i f you haven’t c li mbed s i n c e you were 5.

Vertical Ventures St. Pete

Great for:

116 18th St S, St. Petersburg, FL

• Diversifying your Snapchat feed with One of the biggest state-of-the-art rock exciting feats of height and strength climbing facilities in the country. Besides three varied areas to climb, they also have • Adventure date where you build trust a retail space and a gym, where they offer yoga and strength-training classes. • Facing your fears of heights (the floor is extremely squishy) The best place to start if you’ve never climbed before - they rent all gear, provide • Meeting down-to-earth people classes, and you get a free two-week membership after your first class.



St Petian tip: You can check the Downtown St Pete travel brochure for a free shoe rental!


LUNCH n er a lly d eci d e d b as e d Ge

o n t hree ca tego r i e s :




Casita Tacqueria

Love Food Central

2057 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL


2663 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL Arguably the tastiest, best priced, best

Don’t be intimidated by an all-vegan,

Though it’s billed as an Italian restau-

portioned tacos in town. St Petian Tip:

gluten free menu. Instead, rejoice that

rant, the burger in fries is one of the

Get a Casita bowl with extra (hand-

you can have a pulled pork sandwich

best in town. Soup du jour, salmon

made, in house) tortillas on the side.

made of jackfruit and entirely guiltless

salads, French Greyhounds (cham-

Five tacos for the price of three.

soft serve ice cream cookie sandwich.

pagne-based drink) for lunch, and a


Karma Juice Bar & Eatery

204 Beach Dr NE, St. Petersburg, FL

variety of pasta, meat, and flat breads. 1120 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL

209 1st St NE, St. Petersburg, FL

Locale Market

179 2nd Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL The cuban sandwich with a hibiscus

About as California as it gets in

fresca is the obvious choice, but the

downtown St. Pete, in the best of ways.

Yes, this is also a grocery store, with

lechon plate is the heartiest, tastiest

Smoothie bowls, packed salads, with

three hot bars and a station where they

lunch meal in St Pete. They also serve

dishes for vegans and non-vegans alike.

make poke bowls and sushiritos.

fresh juice and beer.

The best part? Portions are huge so you

Fresh Kitchen

never leave hungry.

Wooden Rooster

104 2nd Ave NE, St. Petersburg, FL

4447 4th St N #2, St. Petersburg, FL

Cider Press

601 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL

Created by a local group of restauranteurs, this is by far the best place to

Crepes that are fast and filling. Gluten free crepes like you’ve never seen. The

Eclectic menu that remakes dishes you

make your own lunch bowl, fast. Try the

dessert menu is so inclusive, you could

recognize by name with healthy, oft

(gluten & dairy free) almond butter rice

just eat a banana split crepe for lunch.

raw vegan alternatives in a bright, artsy

crispy treats - or don’t, if you don’t want

space in the 600 Block.

to eat the whole package in one sitting.






600 BLOCK @shadow1188


S plit in to neig h b o rh o o d s , gi ve yourself a cou p le h o u r s . @refoundantiquesinc


EDGE DISTRICT @plainjanestpete


BEACH DRIVE @courtneylanekahn



@shadow1188 @justinwagher


@killian_berry @chadmize

@shadow1188 @chadmize

@ameliabartlettphotography @tiffanytheyogini

@mike_psaledakis @sebastiancoolidge


R ent o r b o r row a b i ke , p ut on your wa lk i ng s hoes , a n d e n j oy t h i s pa i nted tow n.

Mural map created by:@shineonstpete

In the last three years, murals have covered the city of St. Pete. While there are still plent of empty walls for artists to convert, there are many spots throughout the city where the color and creativity are abundant. The mural trek takes you from the 600 Block (at Central Avenue), all the way up to 23rd Street. While there are murals outside this jaunt, the map above guides you to the ‘hot zones’ where you get the most street art for the distance you travel. Be sure to look closely, avoid the dumpsters, and @ tag the featured artists as you post your selfies on Instagram.

Hashtag the aformentioned selfies with #StPetian to get on our radar.



Lo ca l ca fe , No r t h S h o re Bea c h , Stra ub Pa rk , plenty o f p l a c e s t o re la x a nd enjoy For literature-themed events, meet-ups, classes, and ways to give back, check out Keep St. Pete Lit, a local non-profit organization

Haslam’s Book Store 2025 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL Opened in 1958 and inarguably the biggest bookstore in Florida. New, used, paperie, everything in between. Bonus: the shop cats are friendly and complete the atmosphere.

Lighthouse Books 1735 1st Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL

BookSpace 719 Central Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL

Floor to ceiling books of all states, ages,

Keep St Pete Lit and Bluebird books

and conditions. This is where you can

have collaborated to offer free creative

spend hours and discover your next

writing classes to the Tampa Bay area,

gem. The man who greets you at the

as well as curating a unique collection

“front desk” own the place and is a pas-

of donated books for sale.

sionate bookist of epic proportions.





No t yo u r ave r a ge om- fes t.




Friday @ Body Electric Yoga Compay

3rd Saturday @ Sundial

Sunday Acro Yoga @ North Shore

685 30th Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL

153 2nd Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL

901 North Shore Dr NE, St Petersburg, FL

$5 Fridays - Classes for all levels

Free courtyard yoga, over 50 yogis

Free meetup, no experience needed!

After: Grab a cold-pressed juice at Squeeze Juiceworks next-door

After: Walk across the courtyard to Locale for a Mother Kombucha

After: Head into town a few blocks to Infused Tea for an iced treat






S o meth in g fo r eve r yo n e , a lot of i t w i th your h a nds

The Mill

Urban Brew & BBQ

200 Central Ave #100, St. Petersburg, FL

1939 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL

Creative, fancy-sounding dishes without the concept

Intimate, buzzy atmosphere with a long bar and string-

restaurant price tag. Think unique pairings, spice blends,

light sparkling courtyard next to a dilapidated basketball

and sauces that raise your eyebrows in a good way. Very

court and abandoned school. Traditional meats with

comfortable Southern rustic-chic atmosphere curated by

reimagined BBQ sides like pork-rub Brussels sprouts and

Amanda McMahon.

prosciutto-topped mac & cheese.

Red Mesa

Nitally’s Thai/Mex Cuisine

128 3rd St S, St. Petersburg, FL Well-known for having the largest tequila section around for miles, as well as the brick-paved open-air courtyard. Moderately-priced ceviche and well-curated tacos are the cornerstone of the menu, but the mofungo is what most locals get on the regular.

2462 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL Thai/Mexican fusion, about as out there as St Pete has to offer. Low-key environment with a unique perspective on the well-known favorites such as Pad Thai and Tom Kha soup. But really, go bold and get the Curry Burrito because where else could you try that?



Wh a t cou ld b e b e tt e r o n a Fri day ni ght th a n a free, BYOB, d o g- f r i e n d l y Shuffleboa rd s essi on? St Petersburg Shuffleboard Club

Great for:

559 Mirror Lake Dr N, St. Petersburg, FL

• Bringing together groups of up to 8 people to enjoy the night Every Friday night, the St Petersburg Shuffleboard Courts open their doors to members and nonmembers to play on their 90 • Satisfying your competitive side year old courts. Volunteers will teach you how to play, you can bring food and drink • Getting the kids and pets out of the house and into fun environment (no glass!), and kids + pets are welcome. If you’ve never played shuffleboard before, • Participating in St Pete history it’s low-key, fun, and the best way to bring groups together. Plus, it’s quieter than any bar so you can actually hear your friends talking and laughing.



LOCAL BREWS & DRINKS Brewe r i e s a n d b ar s w i th more to offer.


Bars & Lounges

Green Bench Brewering Co

Mandarin Hide

1133 Baum Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL

231 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL

Indoor and outdoor environments that are kid and dog

Trendy, intimate space on Central Avenue with a court-

friendly, featuring not just beer but handcrafted ciders

yard opening up to Jannus Live. They’re well-known for

and meads made from local bees. Also featuring events

their Moscow Mule but make a variety of boutique cock-

like Movies on the Lawn, food truck appearances, and

tails, some made with local St. Pete liquor. Unabashedly,

live music on the weekends.

this place is one of the coolest on the Central bar strip.

3 Daughters Brewing

Blue Goose 48 Doctor M.L.K. Jr St N, St. Petersburg, FL

222 22nd St S, St. Petersburg, FL Low-key, comfortable atmosphere where you can grab Massive warehouse brewery and rustic-chic space

a decently priced drink and play a game of pool around

featuring a serious ping-pong court and enough beer

midnight. Described by locals as a great place to end

to serve all of Sea World. Tons of fun bar games that

the night with a group of friends. It doesn’t hurt that

are life-sized, including Connect Four and Jenga. Every

it’s next-door to one of the best burger joints in town,

Wednesday, they host Yoga on Tap at 6pm.

Engine No 9.







A di vers e rep re s e n t at i o n o f t he ‘ mi ddle ground’ between am p h i t h e at re s a nd di ve ba rs Hideaway Cafe

Jannus Live

Paper Crane

1756 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL

200 1st Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL

910 5th Ave N, St Petersburg, FL

A small, intimate listening room. The audience and the artist are very connected. It’s an vulnerable space. This isn’t a place to come to drink and talk, it’s a place to experience great songwriting.

Check the event calendar online, and you may find a show you never knew you wanted to see. It feels like you’re in a different world, a capsule.

Warehouse with a loft that people actually live in. Attached to Bloom Art Center, this eclectic music venue / artist collaboration space harnesses a different energy than most places in town.

Those who frequent here are often discerning listeners, coming for the high-caliber lyricism from the variety of artists that pass through.

It’s surrounded by bars and establishments on Central Ave & 1st St N. There’s a huge tree in the center, and with a whole crowd gathered around it, you can’t help but feel like you’re at an intimate show.

It has an authentic underground party vibe. The best kept secret just outside of downtown where folks come to collaborate as much as they do to consume great music.





No need to get up early on the weekend, breakfast is staying late, just for you

Ciccio California

190 37th Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL

Brunch bowls and mimosas of many flavors, served with a small champagne bottle in the glass

Station House

260 1st Ave S, St. Petersburg, FL

Creative breakfast dishes in a speakeasy-turned-intimate underground cafe with $10 bottomless mimosas all day from 10am-2pm

Tap Room @ Hollander 421 4th Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL

$12 all-you-can-eat brunch buffet in a boutique hotel setting serving all the favorites plus delicious surprises

Che c k Fac e b o ok



1st S a t urd ay






1s t Weekend


2 n d S at urday

ART WALK @maxgarcia






Whatever you may have a hankering for

Sque eze Ju icewo rk s C e n t r al 18 22nd St S, St. Petersburg, FL

Cold-pressed juice, raw-vegan treats, superfood lattes

Old Sou th ea s t Marke t 1700 3rd St S, St. Petersburg, FL

Off-the-beaten-track spot for local food and convenience store necessities

The Hy ppo

627 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL

Locally-made popcicles with a staggering number of flavors

Schakola d Ch oc ol a t e Fa c t o r y 401 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL

Locally-made chocolate, truffles, and specialty snacks

The Hole Do nu t s

Must-follow donut maker delivering unique, hand-craft batches to cafes throughout the week

Urb an Crea m er y 689 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL

House-made ice cream and waffles with rotating flavors of the week @lovefoodcentral



@leogomezstudio @annacooke

CONTRIBUTORS With the utmost gratitude, here are the artists who have contributed to this project. Do yourself a favor by visiting their website, following them on Instagram, and reaching out to forge new partnerships. St Pete thrives on collaboration and we are at our best when inspiring each other. Thank you contributors, readers, and St Petians. Amelia Bartlett - @ameliabartlettphotography - Leo Gomez - @leogomezstudio - Alicia Geigel - @aliciamakes - Dylan Melcher - @dylanmelcher - J.T. Brown - @jtbrownandco - Courtney Lane Kahn - @courtneylanekahn - Max Garcia - @maxgarcia - Shadow 1188 - @shadow1188 - Nina Grace - @ninagracee - Jason Moale - @the_infader - Erica Spitzley - @espitz - Holly Postler - @hollypostler - Tony Palermo - @thebigtoeproductiondiary - Anna Cooke - @annacooke - Will Braciak - @williamhbraciak - Amy Lamb - @nativehousephotography - Hannah Reeves - - Brendan Ragan - @brendanraganphoto - Caroline & Evan Smith - @carolineandevan - Tami Kheen - @tamikheen - Emily Upham - @emill_upham - Hanh N - @hanh_nn - Jen Jacobs - @lifeisaredcarpet & @wanderingwhisk - Emily Nickell - @em1l33 - Tampa Style Magazine - @tampastylemag - Gloria Pastrana - @thenativehummingbird - Cortney Roquemore - @cortsworld_1 - Brian Williams - @chedda_b - Mike Psaledakis - @mike_psaledakis - Alix Emery - @yogini.gnome - SHINE St Pete Mural Festival - @shineonstpete - Skyler June - @skylerjune - Make Me Studio - @makemestudio - Mitzi Gordon - @havebookswilltravel - James Schultz - @schul1ja - Sundial St Pete - @sundialstpete - Ella Jet - @ellajetmusic - Killian Berry - @killian_berry - Dan Kahn - @dankahn Tampa Bay Live - @tampabaylive Kindall Edwards - @kinwards Angela Nguyen - @_angela_nguyen_ Baily Fox - @yungbail_ Cassidy Brooke - @ilayew Rachel - @prizzzyp

Ways to Support Local • Spend your dollars locally • Earn your dollars locally • Choose locally-grown produce when available • Buy from makers, artisans, and curators at markets • Invest in local start-ups • Attend community events • Participate in community-development discussions and activities • Vote in local elections • Leave positive reviews, call management directly with criticisms • Share your skills and interests with the community through creativity, business, and activism • Do your part to keep our city clean • Geotag and hashtag your local photos • Give back to local organizations • Explore your city on foot or by bike How do you support local?

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