St Petian Sponsorship & Stockist Information Package

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Creative Director Amelia Bartlett


Assistant Editor Alicia Geigel


Brand Design Leo Gomez Studio Subscriptions Available Website

Created, Curated, Designed, and Printed in St. Petersburg, FL All content in St Petian Magazine and other affiliated publications is the unique creation of Amelia Bartlett, save for each individual image sourced from the artist and credited directly. We work with individuals, businesses, and organizations to bring what we find to be the most authentic and local attributes of this city - meaning, there is no opportunity to “buy-in” if there is not a fit for you at this time. We aim to work with each business to the fullest of our capacity to design creative, mutually benefical campaigns. This magazine and the St Petian brand are products of Amelia Bartlett Photography, incorporated in St. Petersburg, FL Copyright: Amelia Bartlett Photography, 2016


t Petian is a quarterly publication celebrating the people and culture of St Petersburg, Florida. Volume 1: The Weekender is a travel guide illustrating the most “local” places, food, and experiences to be had on a weekend in the city. Our Kickstarter campaign is the pre-print pre-order “fundraiser” to bring the first 1000 copies to high quality print! This volume features more than 40 individual contributors from the St Pete Instagram community, is printed in-town on off-press, thick stock paper, and sized to fit in your bag or on your coffee table. This guide is perfect for turning tourists into travelers, introducing new transplants to the authentic side of the city, and for St Petians who still believe there are hidden gems out there to be found.


y engaging with the first volume of St Petian, you solidify our place in the community as a recorder of the culture in this city as it grows and changes from a sleepy retirement town into the unique hub it’s becoming. Our sponsorship opportunities aren’t ads for a reason - this publication is 100% curated, showcasing only the most authentic businesses and local organizations - including yourself! We have limited offerings with a lot of benefits beyond just the print. Each design and promotion of your organization will be in-line with our brand AND yours, creating a tasteful, classic place for our readers to discover the best and identify the most active community supporters. In St Pete, supporting local isn’t just a fad - it’s a way of life. Read on to learn more about how you can get involved.

Amelia Bartlett Founder & Creative Director


We lc o m e t o Loc a le Ma rket, our c ura ted gro c e r y m arket experi enc e c ulti va ted over gre a t fo o d a nd dec a des of fri endsh i p. As lo n gt i m e c u li na ry c olla bora tors , we a re t h r i l le d t o bri ng you exc i ti ng i ngredi ents, p re p a re d foods a nd h ome goods to enjoy w i t h eve n b etter c onversa ti on.


O n t h e p re c e d i n g pages were a brief s amp le of the tas tef u l, local b u s ines s spo n s o r s h ip pro mo t i o n avai l able to s p ons or s . Ad d itional of fer ings and b ene f its a re l ist ed below. By i nves ting in th e f ir s t volu me of St Petian, yo u r cont r ib u tio n rat e i s lo c ked-i n an d will not increas e for Volu me 2. *Each industry represented by a sponsoring business will be exclusive to that sponsor.

Front & Back Inside Cover

Single Page Back Cover

Interior Two-Page Spread

Two full-spread spots

One single-page spot

Two full-spread spots

- First and last impression

- Exterior impression

- Integrated with magazine content

- Printed on heavy-stock paper

- Printed on heavy-stock paper

- Full-color two-page spread

- Full-two-page color spread

- Single-page full-color image

- Logo in monochrome

- Curated brand paragraph

- Single sentence brand motto

- Your logo in color

- Logo in monochrome

Your feature will be printed directly on the

Your feature will be printed directly on the

Your feature will be located around the

inside covers, as the first or last feature seen

outside of the magazine, easily viewable

14/16 and 48/50 page mark in the maga-

in the magazine. We will work together to

if the magazine is turned over. Your brand

zine. You will be featured in print, on social

choose either a photo from your marketing

motto may either be a tagline or a short

media, and through media created by our

archives or to create the perfect image at no

sentence to entice our audience to explore

team to mutually benefit our organizations.

additional change beyond the sponsorship.

your brand.

Featured full-width ad

Featured two-thirds width ad

Square sidebar width ad

Three features on our social media accounts

Single feature on our social media accounts

Single feature on our social media accounts

Featured blog interview with company founder

Blog interview with company founder

Blog interview with company founder

Five copies of St Petian

Five copies of St Petian

Five copies of St Petian

Contribution: $2,000

On the Home page of our website

Throughout the sponsored quarter

Discussing your St Petian story, how you’re active in the community, and why you’ve chosen St Pete as your home

For personal enjoyment or for display

Contribution: $1,500

On the Home page of our website

During the sponsored quarter

Discussing your St Petian story, how you’re active in the community, and why you’ve chosen St Pete as your home

For personal enjoyment or for display

Retail Stockists

Contribution: $1,000

On the Blog page of our website

During the sponsored quarter

Discussing your St Petian story, how you’re active in the community, and why you’ve chosen St Pete as your home

For personal enjoyment or for display

We are excited for you to become one fo the exclusive retail stockists of St Petian magazine. Stockists receive wholesale pricing options in mutliple tiers and are recognized on our website and on our social media. As a stockist, you may choose to sell copies of St Petian at the suggested retail price, a discounted price of your choosing - or you may choose to give your copies away for free, such as to potential clients, overnight guests, or through gift baskets.

Pricing Scale: $9 / Magazine: 12 - 36 copies per order - ideal for boutiques, studios, and small retail spaces $8 / Magazine: 36 + copies per order - ideal for stores with hundreds of weekly customers $6 / Magazine: 100 copies or more - ideal for distribution

Suggested Retail Value: $12.99




Stop in to visit on of our stockists and enjoy their authentic, local atmosphere

Bo dy E lectri c Yo ga C o .

Th i s c ould be you.

Lofty warehouse space with a variety of yoga classes, massage offerings, and a retail space featuring athletic wear and accessories.

Work with our team to create a snazzy description that captures the essence of your organization and its authentically local vibe.

Black Crow C o f fe e S h o p

Do you stoc k loc a l i tems?

Hand-crafted alternative cafe house serving single-origin beans from a sustainably minded roaster and hosting monthly open-mics and local artist feature shows.

Work with our team to create a snazzy description that captures the essence of your organization and its authentically local vibe.

St ra nd s o f S u n s h i n e

A re your c us tomers i nto prin t?

Bright and meticulously curated boutique of items from local makers, creators, and artists - a one-stop-shop for gifts and offerings for any St Petian.

Work with our team to create a snazzy description that captures the essence of your organization and its authentically local vibe.

Yo u ca n s ell 1 2 - 5 0 0 +

Sprea d the St Peti a n experi e n ce !

Fine arts museum serving the community more than 50 years, featuring rotating collections and an impressive installation of Eastern Buddhist sculpture.

Work with our team to create a snazzy description that captures the essence of your organization and its authentically local vibe.

The o nly cur at e d t ra v e l g u i d e .

We offer wh olesa le pri c i ng.

Eye-catching and architecturally stunning hotel with a luxurous pool, expansive garden space, and a high-end restaurant offering unique dishes and libations.

Work with our team to create a snazzy description that captures the essence of your organization and its authentically local vibe.

18 22nd St S, St. Petersburg, FL

18 22nd St S, St. Petersburg, FL

18 22nd St S, St. Petersburg, FL

123 Central Ave, St Petersburg, FL

123 Central Ave, St Petersburg, FL

123 Central Ave, St Petersburg, FL

123 Central Ave, St Petersburg, FL

123 Central Ave, St Petersburg, FL

123 Central Ave, St Petersburg, FL

123 Central Ave, St Petersburg, FL

THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST! Please contact Amelia Bartlett to for sponsorship information and application: Amelia Bartlett 727 - 481 - 6454 All financial contributions are received by check, made out to Amelia Bartlett Photography, the St Petian parent company. Payment for sponsorship due October 6, 2016

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