Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago. During his first thirty years, he shared the daily life and work of an ordinary home. For the next three years, he went about healing sick and troubled people and teaching small groups in villages, in the fields and by the lakeside. He called twelve ordinary people to be his helpers.
He had no money. He wrote no books. He commanded no army. He held no political position of power. During his ministry, he never traveled more than 200 miles in any direction. He was executed by crucifixion at the age of 33.
And still, billions of people throughout the world now follow him and recognize him as God Incarnate. This Cathedral stands to his glory. The record of his life and teaching is contained in the Bible, which is read at each of our services.
Jesus Christ taught us, by what he said and did, to trust in God as a loving and merciful father, to pray in faith to God for all our needs and difficulties. He taught that we are infinitely precious, that we are children of God, that the Holy Spirit breathes through us, and that we should love one another and respect the dignity of all people.
He taught us to live in the spirit of thankfulness to God for all God’s gifts to us and to be always sensitive to the needs of others, especially those who are sick, lonely, distressed, or oppressed.
He taught that our life in this world is part of a greater and fuller life in God’s eternal kingdom.
He taught us to follow him in faith, simplicity, and love, and to try to live by his teaching. Toward the end of his earthly life, Jesus endured cruelty, suffering and death. God raised him from the dead. His resurrection marks and promises the triumph of goodness over evil, justice over injustice, love over hate, life over death. Without Christ’s resurrection, there would be no Christian Church, and this Cathedral would never have been built.
We invite you to walk our halls, worship in our space, and we hope your visit to this Cathedral will be a blessing to you. May you encounter Jesus Christ here, and may your trust be deepened in the love and mercy of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Dear Pilgrim:
Grace and Peace to you in Jesus Christ our Lord!
Thank you so much for visiting us at the Cathedral of St. Philip. We are thankful for your presence, and we hope you receive some measure of God’s grace in this sacred space. Since arriving here as Dean in 1998, I have been honored to call this community of faith my home, and to pray in this beautiful structure. This building’s history, architecture, symbolism, and grounds all manifest God’s grace and presence in Atlanta. As you tour St. Philip’s Cathedral, I pray that you, too, may experience the beauty of holiness and the awe of this house of prayer open for all people. This self-guided tour of the Cathedral’s stained glass windows will inspire you with saints from both the Bible and our own Episcopal Church history.
The present Cathedral was completed in 1962, but the history of this outstanding parish begins in 1846, when five communicants founded the parish in downtown Atlanta. It was admitted as a parish of the then Diocese of Georgia in 1847. St. Philip’s became the cathedral of the Diocese of Georgia in 1895 and continued as the cathedral of the new Diocese of Atlanta in 1907. The diocesan offices of the Bishop of Atlanta are located on the first floor of this building. Presently, this cathedral parish has one of the largest Episcopal congregations in the United States, with a membership of over 8,000 members and associates.
Designed by Francis Palmer Smith in English Gothic style, the Cathedral of St. Philip has a traditional cruciform arrangement (the floor plan is a cross with the altar at its head.) Its Tennessee quartzite, trimmed with Indiana limestone, is one of the most familiar sites in the city of Atlanta. Completed in 1962, the Cathedral was paid for and consecrated to the glory of God in 1980.
Blessings to you!
The Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler Dean of the Cathedral
The tour begins in the Atrium, which is part of the most recent addition to the church, completed in 2004. The Cathedral of St. Philip moved from downtown Atlanta to this site in 1933 and a small procathedral was built as a temporary building. The current Cathedral was completed in 1962.
As we leave the Atrium area, please notice the historic windows and pews from the previous downtown church along the hallway. On the right is Child Hall, in memory of Bishop C. Judson Child, former Canon of the Cathedral and Seventh Bishop of Atlanta from 1983-1989.
As we approach the entrance to the Cathedral, you will see a white marble altar from the downtown church. The Court of Gratitude on the right was enclosed during the 2004 renovation and expansion.
This Self-Guided Tour Booklet was written through the loving labor of current and former members of the Cathedral of St. Philip Tour Guide Guild.
Ken Brownlee
Susan Hull
Mary Ann Neale
Eleanor Unkefer
Mary Whiting
To identify individual window themes, match the window numbers to those in the diagram in the centerfold. For definition of terms, see page 18-19. A ‘lancet’ refers to a tall narrow window with a pointed arch at the top and they are frequently arranged in groups of two to five.
The stained glass windows seen today were given as memorial gifts when the Cathedral was being built. They were designed by the Willet Studio of Philadelphia (later known as Willet Hauser
Architectural Glass and now called Associated Crafts and Willet Hauser). The artist and designer for our windows was Marguerite Gaudin, a world-renowned designer from the Willet Studio. These vibrant, colorful stained glass windows were installed as they were completed after the Cathedral began having services in 1962.
The windows are based on scripture and meant to be not only beautiful works of art but also a background for inspiration and prayer, whose colors and patterns change with varying light. They are “story windows” like ones in Medieval and Gothic times, which illustrated scripture to those who could not read and inspired them. They are a constant reminder of God’s presence in our lives. The windows are numbered to follow a historical order of events.
• D-1 – The Seals—As you walk to the Nave from the main entrance, a window to your left depicts the seals, from left to right, of the University of the South, in Sewanee, Tennessee; the Cathedral of St. Philip; and the Diocese of Atlanta.
The University of the South is owned by 28 southern dioceses of the Episcopal Church, including the Diocese of Atlanta, and its School of Theology is an official seminary of the church.
A dalmatic inlaid with an orphrey banding and three scallop shells is the “signature” of the Cathedral of St. Philip. The dalmatic is a vestment worn by deacons when assisting at the altar. From the event of Jesus’ own baptism, the shell has become the universal symbol for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.
The shield of the Diocese of Atlanta is crowned by the mitre, the liturgical headgear and part of the insignia of the bishop. The ciborium indicates the presence of the Body of Christ. The phoenix symbolizes our connectedness with, and presence in, the City of Atlanta, which claims the phoenix as its own symbol following its fiery destruction and subsequent rebirth after the Civil War.
• D-2 – The Apostles Window—Located in St. Francis Chapel, the center medallion shows Philip bringing Nathaniel to Jesus to become one of the Apostles (John 1:43-51).
Symbolized in the petals around the rose counterclockwise are the Incarnation—star; the Crucifixion—cross and crown of thorns; the Resurrection—phoenix; the Ascension— flaming chariot of Elijah; and “the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man” (John 1:51).
An assortment of symbols are in the traceries. Along the bottom are the four major prophets:Isaiah—tongs holding the flaming coal; Jeremiah—a cistern; Ezekiel—a gateway; and Daniel—a ram with four horns.
The Apostles, exclusive of Philip and Nathaniel shown in the center, are represented from top left as follows: Matthew—a battle ax; Matthias—an open Bible and double ax; James— three scallop shells; John—a chalice from which a serpent crawls; Andrew—crossed fish; James the Less—a windmill; Peter—crossed keys; Thomas—a girdle and stones; Simon— fish and book; June—a ship.
• D-3 – St. Francis of Assisi Prayer Window—Also in the St. Francis Chapel, vignettes from the well-known prayer of St. Francis are depicted here.
• D-4 – The Jubilate Window—The woman with the harp and angels with trumpets illustrates “joyful noise” and praise of which the 100th Psalm sings. “We are his people and the sheep of his pasture,” ties in with Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
• D-5 – The Architecture Window—St. Dunstan, the patron saint of church building, is in the center holding staff and bell. To the right is a seated figure drawing a plan and to the left a kneeling figure laying a cornerstone. Symbols of assorted professions and trades connected with building and adorning the cathedral are in bodies of glass. “For we are labourers together with God... ye are God’s building” (1 Corinthians 3:9).
The ten nave aisle windows in the Cathedral Nave – five on each side – depict the prophecies of a savior, the birth of Christ, his boyhood, his public ministry and some of his miracles and teachings.
Begin your tour on the Gospel (left) side facing the altar, at the window closest to the altar or first column, then proceed counterclockwise.
• C-1 – The Prophecy Window
Scenes from the Old Testament are shown under the Hand of God the Father extending toward earth in benediction. The many symbols in this window show prophecies and foreshadowing of the coming of Christ.
• C-2 – The Nativity Window
This window includes scenes from Jesus’ birth, depicting the angel Gabriel announcing the coming birth to the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:26), the Holy Family in the stable (Luke 2:7), the arrival of the Magi (Matthew 2:11), and Simeon recognizing Jesus as the Messiah and holding him aloft at the Presentation in the temple (Luke 2:22). At the top are the pyramids, signifying the flight from Egypt, and the star of Bethlehem.
• C-3 – Christ’s Childhood Window
Depicts scenes from the life of Jesus as a child in Nazareth, and other significant moments in the temple. The window is filled with symbols.
• C-4 – The Discipleship Window
These scenes show Christ inviting his companions to follow him, including fishermen Peter and Andrew leaving their nets (Mark 1:16). At the top Christian ministry is symbolized by the pilgrim’s staff and purse, and a basket of fish calling the disciples to be “fishers of men.”
• C-5 – Christ’s Public Ministry Window
Throughout most of his ministry, Christ was surrounded by multitudes of people who wanted to hear his teachings. This window shows him giving the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5,6,7), teaching in the synagogue (John 7:14), praising the widow’s mite (Mark 12:42), and blessing the children (Mark 10:13).
Continuing on the Epistle (right) side and beginning at the back of the church:
C-6 – Christ’s Private Ministry Window
Illustrates the times when Christ gave willingly the gift of his wisdom to one person or to a few. He is shown as the Good Shepherd (Luke 15:4), speaking with the Samaritan woman (John 4:6), and his visit with Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38). At the top are the cross, anchor and human heart—symbols of faith, hope, and charity.
C-7 – The Prayer Window
Shows traditional symbols of prayer in the tracery and apexes. Shows Jesus teaching the Apostles the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9), the contrast of the Pharisee and the publican praying (Luke 18:10), the blessing of the loaves and the fishes (Matthew 14:19), and Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:39).
C-8 – The Great Physician Window
Shows events in Christ’s healing ministry. Restoring a paralytic whose friends have lowered him through the ceiling to Jesus (Mark 2:3), healing a woman who touched the hem of his garment (Matthew 9:20), and a grateful leper who has been healed returning to thank him (while others rush ungratefully away) (Luke 17:15). Interesting images above are Jesus’ hand stirring moistened clay to restore sight in a blind man, and his hand healing a deaf ear.
C-9 – The Restorer of Life Window
Christ’s miracles included both physical and spiritual restoration of life such as the raising of Lazarus from the grave (John 11:43) and his message to Nicodemus that man must be born again to see the Kingdom of God (John 3:1). Above Christ’s head are palms and a crown to denote the triumph of eternal life over the cross on which he died. At the top of the lancets the dead are rising from their graves, and the butterfly symbol refers to the resurrection of the body.
C-10 – The Window of Miracles
Familiar miracles are seen again here. Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana (John 2:1), feeding of the multitude from the loaves and fishes (Matthew 14:15), quieting the tempest for the frightened disciples (Matthew 8:23), and the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:2). In the apex are the stories of Jesus walking on water and clasping Peter’s hand (Matthew 14:25), the finger of God’s hand commanding the fig tree to wither (Matthew 21:19), and Lazarus rising from the tomb (John 11:44).
The nine single lancet windows following the curve of the chancel (up the stairs) depict the life of Christ through his Passion, Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension.
• C-11 – The Triumphal Entry Window
Depicts Jesus riding into Jerusalem, welcomed by the multitude of waving green palm branches (John 12:12).
• C-12 – The Last Supper Window
Christ at the Last Supper, holding the bread and the wine of the ritual Passover Meal (Matthew 26:26). Only Peter and John are shown rather than all 12 of the disciples, due to the narrow pane.
• C-13 – The Betrayal Window
Judas approaches his master in the Garden of Gethsemane and hails him with the kiss of betrayal to identify him for the captors.
• C-14 – The Christ before Pilate Window
Jesus before Pilate, with hands bound, and Pilate washing his hands so as not to be seen responsible for his condemnation (Matthew 27:24).
• C-15 – The Crucifixion Window
Jesus dies on the cross. Weeping for him are Mary his mother, John, the other holy women, and the centurion who said:“Truly this man was the Son of God” (Mark 15:39).
• C-16 – The Resurrection Window
Christ rises from the tomb, clothed in light, carrying the banner of victory over sin and death. A tri-radiant nimbus shines over his head and at his feet. The phoenix (ancient symbol of the resurrection) rises from the flames of its own consuming fires. The phoenix is also a symbol for the City of Atlanta.
• C-17 – The Great Commission Window
The Risen Christ gives orders to his followers. He commands them:“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).
• C-18 – The Ascension Window
Christ brings his followers together one last time, promising them the guidance of the Holy Spirit before he ascends into heaven (Mark 16:14).
• C-19 – The Pentecost Window
The followers of Jesus come together in an upper room after the Ascension on the day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, descends upon them as Christ had promised. A flame appears above each head. This is considered the birthday of the church.
H. The first organ, invented by Greek engineer Ctesibus in 244 B.C., used water power to provide steady wind for the pipes. Through the years, the instrument was made larger and more powerful and was later used in the Roman arenas to provide raucous dinner music for the lions’ meal of Christians! The Cathedral’s organ, built in 1962 by the AeolianSkinner Company, has 5,148 pipes (ranging in size from less than one inch to 64 feet in length) and has 85 ranks and 62 stops. In addition to Sunday morning services with the choir, the organ is used for recitals by visiting musicians on Sunday afternoons, September through May, preceeding Evensong. The organ is vitally important also, for special musical events of interest to the community.
I The raised pulpit on the right, from which sermons are given, has a distinctive canopy that is a proscenium for sound deflection. The symbols in relief on each side of the pulpit are: (Left) i h c, the ancient form of the Greek spelling of Jesus; (center) chi rho, monogram for the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ, and (right) Α and Ω , or alpha and omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, which signify that Jesus is the beginning and the end of all things.
J. When Coventry, England, was bombed during World War II and the 14th century cathedral was destroyed, the people recovered the ancient nails that had fallen among the ruins and fashioned them into a cross on the burnedout altar. This cross of nails became a symbol of reconciliation and renewal. The cross of nails on the pier to the right of the pulpit is made of forged iron and chrome and contains a part of one of those 14th century nails. The Canterbury cross and the cross of nails also symbolize the relationship between this cathedral and the worldwide Anglican community.
A. Entering the center aisle of the nave or the main body of the church, you are looking toward the high altar 217 feet away. Three services are held here each Sunday morning; the service of Evensong, when some of the greatest music of the church is sung, is held on Sunday afternoons, September through May. Seating, including the balcony, accommodates 1,254.
B. Given as an emblem of salvation and friendship, the Canterbury cross, located on the crossing pier, was carved from a stone from the ancient Canterbury Cathedral in Kent, England.
C. The lectern (left) is a reading desk designed to hold the Bible from which lessons are read to the congregation. The lectern and pulpit were built especially for this chancel.
D. The cathedra, or seat of the bishop, at the left beside the altar, reminds us that this church is a cathedral—the bishop’s designated church.
E. The altar, the most sacred part of the church, is of green and white Italian marble. There are five crosses on top: one in each of the four corners, and one in the middle. These represent the five wounds of Christ in the crucifixion. Behind the altar, the wooden carving of grapes and wheat bring us again, symbolically, to the Eucharist with the bread and wine, the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
K. St. Luke’s Chapel is named for St. Luke the Apostle, whom Paul called the “beloved physician.” It is used for prayers of healing, private prayer, or meditation.
In the cathedral monasteries of the Middle Ages, the dean, or senior monk, was responsible for discipline and order, seeing that the ten monks in his charge attended all services and carried out their other duties. The dean of the cathedral is responsible for all clergy and, with the chapter of elected members, for all the programs of the cathedral. As you are facing north to exit the nave, stop and look up the aisle. The pointed arches, rib, vaulting, the columnets with their lines all soaring upward, draw our eyes heavenward. The Gothic architecture of the Middle Ages, as well as this of more recent times was for the achievement of height and light with color added from the windows.
F. The cross behind the altar is of Celtic design. Celtic crosses traditionally have a circle around the junction of its members, perhaps representing alpha and omega, Christ being without beginning or end. Celtic Christianity and its saints have played a major role in Anglicanism.
G. If time permits, go to the balcony via the stairs from the narthex and view the beautiful and meaningful colors and symbols in the rose window. If time does not allow for that, remember the story of Daniel and his three companions—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego— the young men who had been thrown into the fiery furnace because they refused to worship the golden image which Nebuchadnezzar had set up. The song they sang in the furnace begins: “Bless the Lord, all works of the Lord; sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever...” (see p.15 for more).
For more information on the Court of Gratitude, the Memorial Garden, and the Cathedral bells, see p. 16
The large east and west transept windows continue the history of both the Christian Church and the Episcopal Church.
Early acts of the apostles (from the book of Acts) and other major personalities of the first centuries of Christianity are portrayed here. Though hard to see, of special interest is the top tracery showing Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus, where he becomes the Apostle Paul, and other scenes from his life and ministry below (in the third lancet). Stories of Peter are told in the first lancet. At the top of the second lancet, we see the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. This is Philip the Deacon, for whom this Cathedral is named. The fourth lancet carries forward the history of the church.
This window depicts our Episcopal roots in the Anglican Communion. The third lancet under the seal of the Episcopal Church shows the first communion service for the settlers and Native American Indigenous people at Jamestown, as well as James Oglethorpe and Tomochichi on their return to England to seek patronage for Georgia. The fourth lancet is specific to the Diocese of Atlanta; it shows its seal, and the history of our parish. The first Episcopal service was held in Marthasville in 1846, on a site near the capital. Images second down from the top show Bishop Elliott, Bishop of Georgia, in front of two of our earlier buildings from 1847 and 1882. The Diocese of Atlanta was formed in 1907 with Bishop Nelson as its first bishop.
Under each of the Great Transept Windows are three smaller panels. The Acts of Christian Mercy based on Matthew 25:35-36 are shown in both scene and symbol. They are: feeding the hungry; giving drink to the thirsty; welcoming the stranger (East Transept); clothing the naked; visiting the sick; and ransoming the prisoner (West Transept).
The fourteen rose-shaped windows located above continue the history of Christianity by showing a significant figure from each of the first fourteen centuries. Many are connected with the Church of England.
Beginning on the Gospel side nearest the altar are:
• C-22 – Joseph of Arimathea—who prepared Christ’s body for burial
• C-23 – St. Polycarp—2nd century martyr
• C-24 – Origen—3rd century scholar and martyr
• C-25 – St. John Chrysostom—Archbishop of Constantinople; considered one of the greatest preachers in the history of the church
• C-26 – St. Jerome—translated the Bible into Latin
• C-27 – St. Asaph—7th century prior of monastery
• C-28 – St. Hilda of Whitby—Abbess of Whitby (Celtic), which hosted the Synod of Whitby in 664, which decided the dating of Easter on the calendar
Continuing on the Epistle side from the back of the Cathedral moving toward the altar are:
• C-29 – The Venerable Bede—author of Early Saxon history of English people
• C-30 – St. Edmund—a holy king martyred by Danes
• C-31 – St. Alphege—Archbishop of Canterbury, martyred by Vikings
• C-32 – St. Margaret of Scotland—founded churches and monasteries, supported pilgrims
• C-33 – St. Thomas Becket—Archbishop of Canterbury during reign of Henry II, whom he opposed; was murdered in that Cathedral in 1170
• C-34 – St. Thomas Aquinas—famous scholar, theologian and author
• C-35 – William of Wykeham—Bishop of Winchester
The window is a memorial to the Atlanta arts patrons, including several Cathedral parishioners and others who lost their lives in the 1962 plane crash at Orly, France and was donated by Isabelle Woolford Kennedy. A plaque below the window names all 130 who died. If you are interested in a closer view, you may reach the balcony by stairs on each side of the narthex.
This “Benedicite” window is full of decorative and meaningful symbols of Christ (center), the Apostles, angels of prayer and praise, and the first three canticles for Morning Prayer – “A Song of Creation” (See the Book of Common Prayer, p. 47-48). The origin of this song, or canticle, is in the book of Daniel; it is the song of praise sung by Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace.
In the center medallion is the Triune of God united on the throne of heaven. The small petals around the central circle represent alternately symbols of the four major prophets and the four Evangelists. The long petals contain angels of prayer and praise. The circular medallions at the end of the petals contains symbols from some of the verses of the “Benedicite.” At the outer edge of the circle are symbols of each Apostle.
The Mikell Memorial Chapel was completed in 1947 and named for the Right Rev. Henry Judah Mikell, Bishop of Atlanta from 1917-1942. The windows were completed with the chapel and are signed by Willet Studios in 1947. They depict various parables – simple stories about farmers, shepherds, fishermen, and merchants to illustrate lessons of faith. The windows are numbered beginning inside the altar rail as you proceed left toward the rear doors of the chapel.
Highlights include:
• M-1 – The Small Rose Window—located above the altar, portraying David with a slingshot killing Goliath (1 Samuel 17:21). This window was made as a war memorial following World War II.
• M-2– The Wicked Husbandmen (Matthew 21:33)
• M-3 – The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11)
• M-4 – The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30)
• M-5 – The Entrusted Talents – servants who invested their money vs. burying it (Matthew 25:14). The coat of arms at the bottom is of the family of Francis Palmer Smith, who was the architect of the Chapel and the Cathedral.
• M-6 – The Pharisee and the Publican (Luke 18:9)
• M-7 – The Good Shepherd (John 10:7 and Luke 15:4)
• M-8 – The Sower (Matthew 13:4)
• M-9 – The Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1)
• M-10 – The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19)
• M-11 – Concludes with a Medley of Parables (Matthew 5, 9 & 13)
These windows are based on the Acts of Christian Ministry in Matthew 25:35-36.
From left to right they depict:
• Feeding the Hungry
• Giving drink to the Thirsty
• Shelter the Homeless
• Clothing the Naked
• Visiting the Sick
• Ransoming the Prisoner
• The Final Judgment
These seven windows are meant to inspire us to carry on Jesus’ work and ministry.
The three windows recessed in wood moulding were relocated from the Baptistry in 2004, and depict Baptismal scenes from the Bible, including one of Jesus’ baptism and one of Philip baptizing the Ethiopian.
The Court of Gratitude was originally an outdoor courtyard, called the “Bishop’s Garden” but was enclosed during renovations completed in 2004. The Court of Gratitude is enclosed in glass, allowing natural light to flood the space, and providing space for families, choristers, and others to gather prior to services.
The Cathedral’s bells were installed in July 2000, the gift of Mrs. Lillian Josephine Cox de la Fuente Braswell. They were formally dedicated by Dean Sam Candler at the 11:15 a.m. service on August 20, 2000.
The bells were cast in bronze in Annecy, France, at the Paccard Bell Foundry. Their bells are known for the beauty of their shape, the accuracy of their tonality and the fullness of their tone and harmony.
There are four bells. The first weighs 4,300 pounds and plays the note C; the second weighs 3,500 pounds and plays the note F; the third weighs 2,500 pounds and plays the note G; the fourth weighs 1,500 pounds and plays the note A. Inscribed on each bell are the names of the persons in whose honor each bell is given as well as “Cathedral of St. Philip”, “2000”, and “Braswell-Milner Bells.” The bell plaques with each dedication can be found in the East Transept of the Nave.
The bells are only rung for significant, liturgical ceremonies such as worship services on Sundays, weddings and funerals, and on rare occasions of national mourning or remembrance.
The memorial garden abuts the east wall of the Cathedral. The Cathedral provides a memorial garden for the interment of ashes of members, former members, and their families, on consecrated church property. This serene garden provides a measure of comfort for the families and friends of Cathedral members whose ashes rest here.
Music is a vital ministry at this parish, and as Dean Candler says “There can be no doubt that music offered at the Cathedral of St. Philip is part of humanity’s prayer. Often, the language of our music speaks in transcendent ways that words alone cannot articulate.”
The Aeolian-Skinner organ in the Nave, dedicated in 1963, is one of the finest organs in the South. Improvements, restorations, and updates by Schoenstein through the years have enhanced its capabilities. It is actually a combination of seven organs or Divisions: Great, Choir, Positive (floating), Swell, Solo, Celestial (floating), and Pedal. There are 5,148 pipes (ranging in size from less than one inch to 64 feet in length), and it has 85 ranks and 62 stops. The pipes are played from a console with four keyboards and a pedalboard. Playing it takes great coordination between the eye, hands, and feet.
Each year from September through May, the Cathedral’s magnificent organ attracts many recitalists and choirs from throughout the world for concerts and Sunday afternoon organ recitals. Please join us for numerous special musical events throughout the year.
To see the full schedule visit
The Schoenstein organ in Mikell Chapel was dedicated in 2018. It is in the symphonic style and has greatly enhanced the sound of the chapel services. It has two manuals and a pedal organ (with electric pneumatic action.) The Mikell Chapel organ is dedicated to the memory of T. Ruben Jones.
Another special instrument is the portable Continuo organ, by Klop of the Netherlands, added in 2018. It is an authentic instrument, whose special sound is used for sixteenth and seventeenth century musical pieces during concerts in the Cathedral.
Bishop: One of the chief priests and pastors of the church. The bishop is responsible for all Episcopal churches within a specific geographic area called a diocese. The bishop’s chair, or Cathedra, is to the left of the altar, with the carved canopy. The Cathedral of St. Philip is the seat of the Diocese of Atlanta, whose offices are downstairs from the Atrium.
Canon: A canon may be a member of the clergy on the staff of a cathedral or diocese. A canon on a cathedral staff assists the dean, and a canon on a diocesan staff assists the bishop.
Cathedral: The official church of a bishop.
Chancel: The raised sanctuary and choir area.
Chapter: Members of the cathedral elected to oversee programs and finances (same as the vestry in other churches).
Choir: The area set aside for use of singers.
Deacon: The first order of ordained ministry, marked by evangelism and service. The first order of ministry is the laity.
Dean: Senior priest in a Cathedral. Also, the head of a seminary or a portion of a diocese.
Eucharist: The sacrament commanded by Christ for the continual remembrance of his life, death and resurrection, until his coming again. Also called Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper. Eucharist is the Greek word for thanksgiving.
Lancet: A tall narrow window with a pointed arch at the top, and frequently arranged in groups of two to five.
Lay persons: Members of the church who are not ordained clergy.
Lectern: The platform from which the scripture lessons are read.
Memorial Garden: A place for the interment of the ashes of those who have died. The Cathedral’s is outside the Peachtree Entrance.
A shining light or aura (halo) surrounding a person or thing. Rays of light or fire were ancient emblems of divine power. Jesus’ nimbus contains the color red.
Prayer: “Prayer is responding to God, by thought and by deed, with or without words.” “Christian prayer is response to God the Father, through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
(Book of Common Prayer, page 857.)
Dean Sam Candler preaches from the pulpit in the Nave
Priest: In the New Testament, “presbyter” indicates a leader of the church. The term “priest” is more frequently used than “presbyter” in the Episcopal Church, though the two are synonyms. The Anglican Church uses the term “priest” for the second order of ordained ministry. The Catechism notes that “the ministry of a priest or presbyter” is “to represent Christ and his Church, particularly as pastor to the people; to share with the bishop in the overseeing of the Church; to proclaim the gospel; to administer the sacraments; and to bless and declare pardon in the name of God” (Book of Common Prayer p. 856).
Pulpit: Raised platform or lectern in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon.
Sacrament: Outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace given by Christ as sure and certain means by which we received that grace. The two great sacraments are Holy Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.
Sacristy: A room where vessels, flowers, and other religious items are prepared for worship services.
Sanctuary: Holy area immediately surrounding the altar, behind the communion rail.
Tracery: An architectural device by which windows are divided into section by stone bars or ribs of moulding; most commonly the stonework that supports the glass in a window.
Transept: In a cross-shaped church, either of the two parts forming the arms of the cross shape, projecting at right angles from the nave.
The Trinity: One God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
If you would like to know more about the Episcopal Church while you are here, an Outline of Faith can be found on page 845 in the Book of Common Prayer in any of the pew racks. The Cathedral website contains a wealth of information at
Our website has sections on the Episcopal Church, Cathedral history, clergy and staff, worship schedule and educational events, past sermons, our mission, and a calendar of all events. You may also listen to our many service and musical recordings.
Please sign up for the online newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @cathedralATL
The Cathedral phone number is 404-365-1000..
We hope you enjoyed this Self-Guided Tour of the Cathedral of St. Philip. We invite you to come back often and worship with us or attend one of our many special events.
7:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Mikell Chapel)
8:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Cathedral)
11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Cathedral)
11:15 a.m. La Santa Eucaristía (Mikell Chapel)
4:00 p.m. Evensong or Choral Eucharist (Cathedral, September through May)
Outdoor Labyrinth: Always available, in courtyard of the Lanier House.
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