2023 has been a busy year for Cathedral outreach ministries. Poverty rates, the housing crisis, and inadequate access to education and healthcare make life increasingly difficult for many in our midst. The lack of a Buckhead area social services agency to help those in need with basics such as clothing, food, and shelter hampers the faith community’s ability to minister among our most vulnerable neighbors. Houses of worship across the city are reporting an increase in individuals requesting financial assistance, and there has been a rise in the number of parishioners asking for help.
The Cathedral and its people are meeting these challenges with courage and creativity. Partnerships such as the one between St. Anne’s Guild and the residents of Cathedral Towers, the proposed creation of a Crossroads Community Ministries satellite office in Buckhead, and meals prepared by Cathedral Farmers Market chefs for clients at Intown Cares show what we can accomplish when we are open to new possibilities. Meanwhile, we continue our regular programs and partnerships with agencies around the city. Following are highlights of some of these ministries:
This program continues to flourish and grow. Currently, we have 14 Cathedral Scholars benefiting from almost $70,000 in scholarship money. Three former independent school college counselors are among the parishioners sharing their time and talents as committee members. New initiatives planned for 2024 include a mentoring program, increased outreach to diocesan youth, and a financial aid fair designed to provide information and support for students at under-served high schools.
Cathedral Giving by Design, the successor to the Cathedral Antiques Show, continues the tradition of raising significant amounts of money to support local organizations ministering to the most vulnerable among us. The 2023 event raised more than $290,000 for the Women’s Resource Center to End Domestic Violence. The 2024 beneficiary will be the Boyce L. Ansley School. The Boyce L. Ansley School educates children experiencing homelessness in Atlanta and provides vital support services for families to break generational cycles of poverty and housing insecurity. The School’s mission is to provide rigorous, highquality education and collaborative family support, while taking into consideration the unique traumas associated with experiencing homelessness.
The Cathedral Thrift House continues to give 75% of its proceeds to Cathedral outreach and 25% to a designated beneficiary. The Thrift House has a new website, cathedralthrifthouse.org. Please come by and shop!
The Cathedral offers a weekly Bible study and monthly Eucharist for residents, both provided by the Canon for Mission. Special events such as art shows, garden parties, hymn sings, the Blessing of the Animals in October, and a Christmas caroling party in December are all supported by members of St. Anne’s Guild and other Cathedral groups.
The Young Professionals continue to prepare and deliver lunches every other month for our neighbors worshiping in Woodruff Park. Once again this year, the Cathedral will host the CCG Christmas party in Child Hall on December 18.
Allocations from this fund have required an increased number of administrative hours in 2023. This has been the case particularly since March, when a number of special COVID benefits ended and many families and individuals faced eviction after a long period in which missed rent and mortgage payments had been forgiven. The loose offering on the first Sunday of each month helps replenish this fund, as do individual contributions throughout the year.

Guilds continue to make significant contributions to our community partners. St. Veronica’s toiletry ministry provides quarterly donations of personal care items to Church of the Common Ground, Church of the Holy Comforter, Crossroads Community Ministries, and Emmaus House. St. Anne’s Guild has a burgeoning ministry of presence among our neighbors at Cathedral Towers. St. Monica’s Guild collects Christmas toys for the children at Emmaus House. All the guilds came together this past spring to raise over $10,000 in aid of summer literacy programs in Atlanta and beyond.
This ministry of the Diocese of Atlanta offers an array of community services to residents of the Peoplestown neighborhood. Cathedral parishioners serve as volunteers at the food pantry and help support the summer Freedom School.
Two outreach themed book studies took place in 2023, both held in the Cathedral Bookstore. The first of these occurred during Lent and focused on the struggles of the working poor; the second ran for four weeks this fall and explored the connection between homelessness and the healthcare crisis. The Cathedral also hosted its second Equitable Dinner in September, marking the 1906 Atlanta Race Massacre by bringing together a diverse group of people for dialogue and fellowship. On Sunday, October 29, the Christian formation hour featured programs for adults, youth, and children on the affordable housing crisis in Atlanta.

The Cathedral took part in its 35th house build with Habitat for Humanity this summer. Christmas baskets for homeowners will be prepared and delivered the second weekend of December.
We Will Remember: The 35th Annual Homeless Requiem took place at the Cathedral on Wednesday, November 1. In addition to the liturgy, in which we remembered by name those individuals who have died in Atlanta in 2023 while unhoused, this event featured a hot meal and various services for our guests, including a foot clinic, clothing closet, vaccinations, and other health services.
The Cathedral Farmers Market purchases and donates fresh produce from local farms to Intown Cares’ food bank each week, and parishioners bring nonperishables to a donation bin throughout the year. Individuals from the Cathedral volunteer at the food bank on a regular basis, and our youth completed several work days there this past year, in addition to organizing the annual Souper Bowl fund and food drive to support the pantry.
This fall, we increased (from two to four) the number of days on which we host Latino students from Garden Hills Elementary for after school tutoring and enrichment. The Cathedral partnered with LaAmistad to receive a $20,000 grant from the Episcopal Community Foundation to help fund this additional programming.
Several parishioners have recently resumed visits to Arrendale State Prison. The Cathedral contributed funds towards the restoration of the Arrendale chapel, where the first worship service since 2017 was held earlier this fall. Additionally, more than 1,000 deodorants and lotions were provided for the holiday gift baskets provided to the women in their care.
Numerous Cathedral members give of their time at this ministry, which provides care and social engagement for individuals living with dementia. Earlier this fall, Child Hall was the setting for Respite Care Atlanta’s annual luncheon for volunteers and families.
The Rev. Julia B. Mitchener Canon for Mission