And finally, we will also sell engraved plaques for a Remembrance Wall (to the left of the Garden entry gate) to honor St. Philip’s parishioner and school family members who are deceased and buried elsewhere
Who is Eligible to be Interred in our Memorial Garden? I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord; He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. -John 11:25-26
Our Christian Tradition
Historically, Christians have laid their family members to rest in a churchyard adjacent to their church, where they can come to pray and reflect on their loved ones’ lives. Suburban churches have had difficulty honoring this tradition due to a lack of space. Our Memorial Garden, as a consecrated place to preserve our loved ones’ ashes, or created remains (“cremains”) is as close as it comes to resurrecting the historic churchyard cemetery, near the church and parishioners that we love.
Our Memorial Garden
Immediate family members of parishioners who are current or former members who were regular attendees and contributors of record to St. Philip’s Episcopal Church and School.
Interment and Memorial Options
Columbarium niches: Each niche contains space for two urns of ashes. The granite faceplate will accommodate the engraving of two names with years of birth and death. Garden Interment: An engraved bronze plaque will be placed on the Memorial Wall for those whose ashes are interred in the grounds of the Garden. Remembrance Wall: Plaques on this wall will honor deceased parishioner family members and friends.
The Garden is located behind the Richards House, just west of Sewanee Hall. Under the afternoon shade of the overhanging Banyan trees, it will be a peaceful place to rest, meditate and pray, with a large stone cross on the west side and fountain in the center, surrounded by foliage and comfortable benches. The columbarium wall, containing engraved niches that can accommodate two urns of ashes is located on the north side of the Garden. A Memorial Wall to the right of the entry gate will contain engraved bronze plaques memorializing those whose ashes are interred in the grounds of the Garden. On the left of the entry gate is a Remembrance Wall for engraved bronze plaques to honor deceased family members and friends.
Fees for Interment Options and Plaques
What is the status of the Memorial Garden?
Arrangement for the interment of ashes in a columbarium niche or in the grounds of the Garden may be made by filling out and returning an “Application for Interment,” which is available in the Church office. An “Application for Remembrance Wall Plaques” may also be obtained in the Church office.
The Memorial Garden represents the final phase of the St. Philip’s Church and School Capital Campaign that funded the renovation of our school classrooms, campus buildings, and the construction of the Kahl Media Center. Over the last several months we have finalized a design which was submitted to and approved by the City of Coral Gables. The construction contract was awarded in November 2011. We expect to break ground by February 2012, and complete construction by September of 2012. We currently have $163,000 of the approximately $275,000 that will be needed to complete construction. We expect to receive $75,000 this year from current installments on Capital Campaign commitments. To secure the balance of funds needed, we will soon begin a campaign to sell interment niches for the Columbarium. We will also sell engraved bronze plaques which will be placed on the Garden’s Memorial Wall (to the right of the Garden entry gate) to memorialize those who wish to commit to future Interment in the ground of the Garden.
Columbarium Niches Interment in the Garden Remembrance Wall Plaque
$4,000 $1,000 $500
Fees are due on the acceptance and approval of Applications for Interment. Fees cover the cost of interment, engraved granite niches and engraved bronze plaques for the Memorial Wall and the Remembrance Wall. Fees also cover the cost of the perpetual care of the Garden.
Members of St. Philip’s Church and School may also contribute tax deductible gifts to the St. Philip’s Memorial Garden Fund. These gifts will be used solely to maintain and beautify the Garden with ongoing programs of plantings and seasonal flowers. These donations may be given in memory of loved ones at any time.
And finally, we will also sell engraved plaques for a Remembrance Wall (to the left of the Garden entry gate) to honor St. Philip’s parishioner and school family members who are deceased and buried elsewhere
Who is Eligible to be Interred in our Memorial Garden? I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord; He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. -John 11:25-26
Our Christian Tradition
Historically, Christians have laid their family members to rest in a churchyard adjacent to their church, where they can come to pray and reflect on their loved ones’ lives. Suburban churches have had difficulty honoring this tradition due to a lack of space. Our Memorial Garden, as a consecrated place to preserve our loved ones’ ashes, or created remains (“cremains”) is as close as it comes to resurrecting the historic churchyard cemetery, near the church and parishioners that we love.
Our Memorial Garden
Immediate family members of parishioners who are current or former members who were regular attendees and contributors of record to St. Philip’s Episcopal Church and School.
Interment and Memorial Options
Columbarium niches: Each niche contains space for two urns of ashes. The granite faceplate will accommodate the engraving of two names with years of birth and death. Garden Interment: An engraved bronze plaque will be placed on the Memorial Wall for those whose ashes are interred in the grounds of the Garden. Remembrance Wall: Plaques on this wall will honor deceased parishioner family members and friends.
The Garden is located behind the Richards House, just west of Sewanee Hall. Under the afternoon shade of the overhanging Banyan trees, it will be a peaceful place to rest, meditate and pray, with a large stone cross on the west side and fountain in the center, surrounded by foliage and comfortable benches. The columbarium wall, containing engraved niches that can accommodate two urns of ashes is located on the north side of the Garden. A Memorial Wall to the right of the entry gate will contain engraved bronze plaques memorializing those whose ashes are interred in the grounds of the Garden. On the left of the entry gate is a Remembrance Wall for engraved bronze plaques to honor deceased family members and friends.
Fees for Interment Options and Plaques
What is the status of the Memorial Garden?
Arrangement for the interment of ashes in a columbarium niche or in the grounds of the Garden may be made by filling out and returning an “Application for Interment,” which is available in the Church office. An “Application for Remembrance Wall Plaques” may also be obtained in the Church office.
The Memorial Garden represents the final phase of the St. Philip’s Church and School Capital Campaign that funded the renovation of our school classrooms, campus buildings, and the construction of the Kahl Media Center. Over the last several months we have finalized a design which was submitted to and approved by the City of Coral Gables. The construction contract was awarded in November 2011. We expect to break ground by February 2012, and complete construction by September of 2012. We currently have $163,000 of the approximately $275,000 that will be needed to complete construction. We expect to receive $75,000 this year from current installments on Capital Campaign commitments. To secure the balance of funds needed, we will soon begin a campaign to sell interment niches for the Columbarium. We will also sell engraved bronze plaques which will be placed on the Garden’s Memorial Wall (to the right of the Garden entry gate) to memorialize those who wish to commit to future Interment in the ground of the Garden.
Columbarium Niches Interment in the Garden Remembrance Wall Plaque
$4,000 $1,000 $500
Fees are due on the acceptance and approval of Applications for Interment. Fees cover the cost of interment, engraved granite niches and engraved bronze plaques for the Memorial Wall and the Remembrance Wall. Fees also cover the cost of the perpetual care of the Garden.
Members of St. Philip’s Church and School may also contribute tax deductible gifts to the St. Philip’s Memorial Garden Fund. These gifts will be used solely to maintain and beautify the Garden with ongoing programs of plantings and seasonal flowers. These donations may be given in memory of loved ones at any time.