2021 Gala Concept In conjunction with an online auction, ticket purchasers will receive an at-home dinner package delivered to their doorstep and complete with a destination-themed table-escape package for table decoration and more. There are 3 choices of All-Inclusive Escape Packages (examples following): Destination 1 - Spain Destination 2 - Italy Destination 3 - Greece
VIVA ESPANA Table-Escape Package
Package Includes: Placemat, Paper Napkin, Paper Plates, votive Candles, 1 Small floral arrangement, 1 spotify curated playlist of music, Custom Box of Matches, 1 Custom Wine Opener
LA DOLCE VITA ITALIA Table-Escape Package
Package Includes: Paper Placemat, Linen Napkins, votive Candles, 1 Small floral arrangement, 1 spotify curated playlist of music, Custom Box of Matches, 1 Custom Wine Opener
The greek Isles
Package Includes: Placemat, Paper Napkin Dinner, Votive Candles, Cocktail Napkin, 1 Small floral arrangement, 1 spotify curated playlist of music, Custom Box of Matches, 1 Custom Wine Opener
Items Available for Sponsorship Show your love for the St. Philip’s community by sponsoring any one (or more!) of the items below. Note that all items may be sponsored by one or more sponsors and at varying price points; examples below for illustrative purposes only. ❖ At-home Delivery Service -- $8K (or $2K for each of 4 sponsors) ❖ Reusable Meal Delivery Bags -- $3K ❖ Reusable Keepsake Totes -- $4K (ex. 4 sponsors at $1,000 each) ❖ Destination-specific Place Settings -- $5,000 (or $625 for each of 8 sponsors) ❖ Custom Floral Arrangements -- $6K (or $2K for each of 3 sponsors)
Continued on next page...
Items Available for Sponsorship, cont. ❖ Candle Holders, Votives, Decorative Matchbox -- $3,500 (or $875 for each of 4 sponsors) ❖ Custom Wine Openers -- $3K ❖ DJ-curated Spotify Playlists by Destination -- $1,500K (or $750 for each of 2 sponsors) ❖ Godiva 4-Piece Gourment Chocolates -- $3K (or $500 for each of 6 sponsors) ❖ Underwrite Faculty Tickets -- $250 for each ticket (includes guest)
Sponsors Receive ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
Thank you spotlight on SPES Gala Instagram Branding on specific items as applicable Mention in SPES Yearbook Ad Tax deductible donation letter Love and Admiration of the St. Philip’s Community!
Purchase tickets, participate in sponsorships and underwrite faculty tickets at Questions? Feel free to contact Gala Chairs, Ann Armengol or Rachel Giammattei Thank you!