Annual Report St. Philip’s Episcopal School
2009 – 2010
Accreditation and Membership
St. Philip’s Episcopal School is accredited by the Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS) and the Florida Kindergarten Council (FKC). Memberships are held in the National Association of Episcopal Schools, the National Association of Independent Schools, the Florida Council of Independent Schools, the Florida Kindergarten Council, the Dade Association of Academic Nonpublic Schools, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, the National Council of Teachers of English, the National Council of Teachers of Science, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the Geographic Alliance, the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce, and the Diocese of Southeast Florida.
m i ss i o n
St. Philip’s Episcopal School provides an excellent educational experience guided by outstanding professionals, in a safe, caring community. Our mission is to educate each child intellectually, physically and spiritually in an atmosphere of acceptance and inquiry. Our school is a ministry of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church.
George F. Devin III
Letter from the Head of School: So often an annual report is a reflection upon the past, but the attitude of Saint Philip’s Episcopal School is one of always looking to the horizon, always building for the future. It is that forward movement that characterizes many of our activities here. We are indebted to the generous and capable priests, educators, trustees and parents who built and maintained our school, and those who continue to do so. The Saint Philip’s community has a great deal to be proud of: its continuing academic excellence, its willingness to support our capital campaign, and its commitment to meeting a higher standard throughout the organization. At Saint Philip’s, we choose to devote our energy not to self-congratulation but in growing to meet our potential. I wish to express my sincere gratitude for your support of Saint Philip’s. Together, we have accomplished much in which we can take great pride, and yet, there are new goals that lie before us. To everyone whose name appears on the following pages, thank you for helping us to offer the very best in elementary education. With warm regards,
George F. Devin III Head of School
Letter from the Priest-in-Charge:
Rev. Mary E Conroy
Even on my first visit to the St. Philip’s campus in September 2009 it was clear that this is a very special place. I sensed immediately the joy of learning, the love of children, and the commitment to the formation of caring and compassionate young people. In my time here, it seems those things are still at the center of our school and part of what makes the St. Philip’s community such a special place. In addition, I have come to appreciate the generosity of this community as day in and day out you share your time, talent and treasure in the service of our students and teachers. I am amazed and humbled by the generosity of our parents, teachers, staff and friends whose support of the Annual Fund allow us to meet the needs of our students beyond what tuition alone can fund. Thank you for your commitment to the St. Philip’s Annual Fund, for your generosity, and for knowing that a place that nurtures joy, love, caring and compassion deserves all our best efforts. Grace and peace,
Reverend Dr. Mary E. Conroy Priest-in-Charge
Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees: Thank you to all of you for your continued support of St. Philip’s Episcopal School. St. Philip’s, like other independent schools, depends on gifts to its Annual Fund, Capital Campaign and Foundation to provide a superior academic, spiritual and moral education to its students. Your contributions help fund the advanced technology the children utilize every day, wonderful professional development opportunities for the faculty and staff, and scholarships for those families in need. Given the economic challenges during the past two years, this continued financial support was vital to St. Philip’s and its families. We are blessed to be part of such a generous and supportive community and to be the largest ministry of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. The Vestry and congregation of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church support the School in so many ways–spiritually, financially and physically-and the School cherishes this relationship.
Art Murphy
This year’s Annual Fund raised $114,000, which is a 65% increase over the prior year! Development Director Kate Samson and Annual Fund Chair Tania Dominguez Miner and their talented class captains reached out to parents, grandparents, alumni and other members of the St. Philip’s community to achieve this impressive amount. 100% of the St. Philip’s faculty and staff made gifts to the Annual Fund last year and nearly 80% of current parents contributed. These funds were used to purchase ten new (10) iMacs for the 3rd grade class, install additional security cameras around the campus, send several faculty members to innovative conferences on early childhood education, learning and the brain, and fund scholarships for several St. Philip’s families. St. Philip’s School Home Association, which hosts a number of fundraisers and other events throughout the year, consistently provides additional funding for the School. This energetic and dedicated group, led by its President Bonnie Seipp, Vice President Ana Cohen and Treasurer Bibi Mojena, raised more than $100,000 from the book fair, golf tournament, Sally Foster program, and its annual gala. The St. Philip’s Episcopal Foundation also provides contributions to the School to help fund scholarships and professional development opportunities. Although the School’s endowment is modest, these funds from the Foundation are important to the School and we hope the support and generosity of the individuals listed in this Annual Report have allowed St. Philip’s Episcopal School to thrive even in these difficult economic times. We are thankful to all of you for your gifts to St. Philip’s.
Art Murphy Chairman, Board of Trustees
St. Philip’s Capital Campaign
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John Adams Mr. Angel Aguiar and Dr. Aimee Aguiar Mr. Percy Aguila and Dr. Ana Lamas Mr. and Mrs. Joe Andriola Mrs. Lidia Aja Ms. Kimberly Anzivino Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo J. Arriola Mr. and Mrs. Jose Arriola Mr. and Mrs. Luis Arritola Mr. and Mrs. Facundo Bacardi Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Barrera Mr. James A. Bartleson Dr. Janice Bartleson Mr. Eduardo Bec and Dr. Judith Rodriguez-Bec Ms. Gay Bondurant Mr. and Mrs. Thacker Boone Mr. and Mrs. Russ Borden Dr. Manuel Bouza and Dr. Marietta Miralles Ms. Regina Buker Mr. and Mrs. Juan P. Cappello Mr. and Mrs. Marino Carbonell Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Carrera-Justiz Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. Omar Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Xavier A. Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Chadwick
The following lists donors who contributed to the Capital Campaign by July 31, 2010. Future donations will be listed in the 2010-2011 Annual Report.
Mr. Fares Chamoun and Dr. Hayes Chamoun Mrs. Kris Charlton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charter Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Chumbley Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cohen Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Cookson The Reverend and Mrs. Frank Corbishley Mr. and Mrs. John Crabtree Dr. Robert K. Crockett and Mrs. Laura Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Cubero Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Oktay Dag Mr. and Mrs. George Darnell Mr. and Mrs. Roberto del Rosal Mr. George F. Devin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Luis E. Diaz Mr. and Mrs. John Dickason Mr. and Mrs. Humberto Dominguez Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo R. Dorta Dr. and Mrs. Lon Dowlen Mrs. Marie Dowlen Mrs. Elaine Duncan Dr. and Mrs. Wade Dyke Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Edmunds Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Eguilior Mr. and Mrs. David Ellison Dr. Nelson† and Mrs. Blanca Famadas
Mr. Charles Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Font Mr. and Mrs. Hector Fortun Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Fuster Mr. and Mrs. George Gasson Mr. and Mrs. John Genovese Mrs. Althea Gerrard Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gerrard Mrs. Carmen Gonzalez DelValle Dr. and Mrs. K. Randall Groh Mr. and Mrs. Roldan Guillen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Guinand Dr. John † and Mrs. Herta Holly Mr. and Mrs. William Holly Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Howell Dr. and Mrs. Enrique Huertas Mr. Deane Hundley Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hyland Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kafka The Reverend Eric Kahl Ms. Caroline Kahl Mr. and Mrs. Aengus Kelly Mr. and Mrs. William Kerdyk Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Kucera Mr. John Kuhn and Dr. Kaylee Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. Jess Lawhorn, Jr. Mr. Eugene H. Lindsey III and The Honorable Norma Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Randall Litten Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Logue Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lopez
St. Philip’s Capital Campaign
Mrs. Cristina Lucientes Dr. Joan D. Lutton Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lyons Mrs. Martha Mackie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mackie Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Madiedo Mr. John Madril and Dr. Danielle Madril Mr. and Mrs. Richard Madril Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo Marquez Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Martini Mr. and Mrs. John McClure Mr. and Mrs. William F. McGee Ms. Joy McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. Frank McPhillips Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher Mr. and Mrs. John Medina Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meeks Mr. and Mrs. Addison Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Milton Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Miner Mr. and Mrs. Andres Miyares Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mojena Mr. and Mrs. Edward Montoya Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Mora Mrs. Klara Mora Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Neitzel Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Nuñez
The following lists donors who contributed to the Capital Campaign by July 31, 2010. Future donations will be listed in the 2010-2011 Annual Report.
Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Obeso Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ormond Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Pedroso Mr. and Mrs. Joaquin Perez Mr. and Mrs. Nicanor Perez Mr. and Mrs. Javier Perez-Abreu Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Perez-Carillo Mr. and Mrs. Niklas Peterstam Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ponce Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo Portuondo Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Pulido Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Reed Mr. Benjamine Reid and The Reverend Jennie Lou Reid Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rigl Robert R. Bellamy Memorial Foundation Mr. Alberto Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Rodríguez Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ruiz Mrs. Maria E. Salinas Dr. and Mrs. Harry Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Sauceda Mr. and Mrs. Paul Savoldelli The Honorable and Mrs. John Schlesinger Mr. and Mrs. John C. Seipp Mrs. Ellen G. Sessions Shutts & Bowen LLP Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Signoret Mr. and Mrs. Luis Sosa
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Sosa Mr. and Mrs. Randall Sousa St. Philip’s Class of 2004 St. Philip’s Class of 2005 St. Philip’s School/Home Association Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stancioff Mr. and Mrs. Albert Staton Mr. and Mrs. William Stone Mr. and Mrs. Alvaro Tafur Mr. and Mrs. W. James Tillett Dr. and Mrs. Ron Todd Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tramont Mr. William Tuttle Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wells Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wenzel Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wolfsthal Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hayes Worley Mr. and Mrs. David Yusko Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zamek Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Zighelboim
Corporate Matching Gifts to the Capital Campaign
American Express Fidelity Investments Goldman, Sachs & Co. Wachovia Matching Gifts Program Named Gifts to the Capital Campaign Name on Building
Science Lab St. Philip’s School/Home Association Senior Kindergarten Classroom The Charles Fernandez Family First Grade Classroom The Art Murphy Family Fourth Grade Classroom The Adams Family Fifth Grade Classroom The Tafur Family Sixth Grade Classroom The Meagher Family Spanish Classroom George and Lucia Darnell
Technology and Equipment for Classrooms
Science Lab The Meyers Family Art Classroom The Holly Family Nursery The Dominguez-Miner Family Junior Kindergarten Classroom The Borden Family Senior Kindergarten Classroom The Savoldelli Family First Grade Classroom The Luis Diaz Family Second Grade Classroom St. Philip’s Community (in Honor of Regina M. Buker) Third Grade Classroom The Xavier Castillo Family Third Grade Smart Board The Lawhorn Family Fourth Grade Classroom The Jorge Mora Family Fifth Grade Classroom The Carrera-Justiz Family Sixth Grade Classroom The Meagher Family Spanish Classroom The Aguila Family
Library and Media Center
Reading Nook The School/ Home Association in Honor of Laura Yusko Director’s Office Honor of George F. and Mildred Carey Devin Two Area Oriental Rugs The Dag Family Picture Books section The Tillett Family Chapter Books section The Obeso Family Novels section In Memory of Dr. Reuben Y. Ellison Nonfiction section The Adams Family Reference section The Barrera Family International/Multicultural section The McPhillips Family Religious Book section The Ponce Family Large plasma TV The Sauceda Family Meditation Benches The Guinand Family The Luis Sosa Family The Milian-Schlesinger Family Tables The Anthony Lopez Family The Vasquez Family (3) The Milian-Schlesinger Family The Madiedo Family
St. Philip’s Capital Campaign
Bookshelves The Lutz Family The Milian-Schlesinger Family (3) The Edmunds Family Anonymous The Sanchez Family The Medina Family (2) The Omar Castillo family The Tomas Chadwick Family The Carlos Rodriguez Family The Pedroso Family The Jeffrey Kucera Family (2) Mrs. Regina Buker The Joaquin Perez Family Mrs. Maria Elena Salinas (2) The Charter Family (2) The Cohen Family The Luis Diaz Family (2) The Gonzalez DelValle Family (2) The Huertas Family The Madril Family The Jose Martinez Family The Ponce Family (3) The Stone Family (2) Study Carrels The Gerrard Family The Guillen Family (2) The McPhillips Family in Honor of Frank and Skye The Ponce Family
The following lists donors who contributed to the Capital Campaign by July 31, 2010. Future donations will be listed in the 2010-2011 Annual Report.
Chairs The Lyons Family The Cartwright Family (2) The Sousa Family The Peterstam Family (2) The Guillen Family The Boone Family Interactive whiteboards The Kenneth Pfeiffer Family The Seipp Family Church
Conference Room Nelson† and Blanca Famadas Choir Director’s Office Nelson† and Blanca Famadas Memorial Garden Name on the Garden George and Lucia Darnell
Fountain The Art Murphy Family Church Music/Choir Room Mr. Benjamine Reid and The Reverend Jennie Lou Reid Business Office Mrs. L.W. Dowlen, Sr. † Church Pews The Bec Family Stone Niches The Kuhn Famuly The Litten Family (3) The Nuñez Family The St. Philip’s Scholars’ Program
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Perez St. Philip’s School/Home Association
making a world of difference
fund 2009 – 2010
Dear Saint Philip’s Parents, Faculty, Staff and Friends: I am so very proud to announce the record-breaking results of the 2009-2010 Annual Fund campaign, the most successful Annual Fund campaign in the school’s 58-year history. While the goal was to raise $70,000, “The Small School with the Big Heart” lived up to its name, and together, we raised more than $114,000 for St. Philip’s. This accomplishment would not have been possible without the overwhelming support of all constituent members of the St. Philip’s community – from the Board of Trustees, to the Parents, Faculty, Vestry, Alumni and Grandparents – each of whom increased their giving, both in terms of participation, as well as in dollars. Parent participation increased to nearly 80% from 69% in the prior year, and both the Board of Trustees, under the leadership of Art Murphy, and the Faculty and Staff, under the leadership of Jackie Ervesun, achieved 100% participation. Average giving per student also increased significantly, from $398 in 2008-2009 to $667 last year. The positive results of the 2009-2010 Annual Fund were due in large part to the extraordinary efforts of the Annual Fund Committee: Nicky Hommen, Jessica Lopez, Claudia Duckenfield, Katie Arriola, Cristi Edmunds, Elisa Carrera-Justiz, Alexa Peterstam and Teresa Dyke. This dedicated group of parent volunteers spent countless hours educating parents about the $1,000 per student “gap” between the amount they pay in tuition and the actual cost of educating their child at St. Philip’s. Kate Samson, our Director of Development, provided critical support to the Committee and deserves special recognition for her leadership in developing new appeals and strategies designed to ensure a successful Annual Fund campaign.
Tania Dominguez Miner
The Annual Fund is the school’s most important fund-raising vehicle. Because tuition alone only covers 94% of the cost of educating a child at St. Philip’s, funds raised by the Annual Fund combined with contributions from the School Home Association and the St. Philip’s Episcopal Foundation are used to bridge the $1,000 per student “gap” resulting from the difference between tuition revenue and expenses. All donations to the Annual Fund go directly to the school’s annual operating budget and are used to fund core programs and activities, including financial assistance for students, faculty professional development, technology upgrades, classroom facility enhancements and building the endowment. The extraordinary results of the 2009-2010 Annual Fund Campaign further demonstrate the unwavering commitment of the St. Philip’s community to its children and the school’s mission of educating each child intellectually, physically and spiritually in an atmosphere of inquiry and acceptance. I am grateful for the opportunity to have served as Chair of the Annual Fund, and I thank you for your generous support to St. Philip’s. We are all blessed to be part of this special community.
9 Tania Dominguez-Miner Chair, St. Philip’s 2009-2010 Annual Fund
making a world of difference
fund 2009 – 2010 Total Participation:
Summary of Gifts August 1, 2009 – July 31, 2010
Annual Giving Committee:
Parents 79%
Faculty 100%
Board Members 100%
Parishioners 19%
Vestry 36%
Grandparents 13%
Total Annual Giving Fund: $ 114,103.22
Tania Dominguez Miner Annual Fund Chair Kate Samson Director of Development Gabriela Olsen Development Assistant/ Faculty Class Captains:
Nursery Nicky Hommen Junior Kindergarten Jessica Lopez Senior Kindergarten Claudia Duckenfield First Grade Katie Arriola Second Grade Cristi Edmunds Third Grade Elisa Carrera-Justiz Fourth Grade Alexa Peterstam Fifth Grade Teresa Dyke Sixth Grade Teresa Dyke
Annual Giving Fund Categories Founder’s Circle $5,000 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gerrard Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murphy
(BT, PA) Grandparent: Mr. and Mrs. Armando Codina: Margarita and Andres Miyares
Benefactor’s Society $3,000 – 3,999
Mr. and Mrs. Xavier A. Castillo (PA) Mr. and Mrs. John Genovese Mr. and Mrs. John C. Seipp (BT, PA) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Staton (PA) Circle of Excellence $2,000 - $2,999
Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Chadwick Mr. Aldo Colli and Mrs. Claudine Claus Colli (PA) Mr. and Mrs. John Crabtree Mr. and Mrs. George Darnell (BT, V, PA) Mr. and Mrs. Luis E. Diaz (BT, PA) Dr. and Mrs. Wade Dyke (BT) Dr. and Mrs. Jan Pieter Hommen Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Miner (BT) Mr. and Mrs. Andres Miyares Mr. and Mrs. Niklas Peterstam Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ponce (BT, PA, V)
Grandparent: Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Massa: Ana Sofia and Lorenzo Guinand Circle of Honor $1,000 - $1,999
Anonymous Mr. Angel Aguiar and Dr. Aimee Aguiar Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo J. Arriola Mr. and Mrs. John Assalone Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Balsera (PA) Mr. and Mrs. William Blatt (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Carrera-Justiz Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Cartwright (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Roberto del Rosal Mr. and Mrs. David Duckenfield (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Edmunds Mr. Donald Feetham and Mrs. Cristina Gibellini Mr. and Mrs. James Fratangelo Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Roldan Guillen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Guinand Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hennesey (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Hernandez (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hucks Mr. and Mrs. Oliver James Mr. and Mrs. Aengus Kelly Mr. Christopher Knight
Mrs. Erin Knight Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Kucera Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo Marquez Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Mora (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Joaquin Perez Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Pulido Mr. and Mrs. Luis A. Rincon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Ritzenthaler Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Rodriguez (BT, V, PA) Mr. and Mrs. Ismael Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Saldivia Dr. and Mrs. Juan Pablo Sarmiento-Urrego The Honorable and Mrs. John Schlesinger Mr. and Mrs. Evan Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Luis Sosa Dr. Guillermo Tablada and Dr. Elena Valor-Tablada Alumni Parent: Mr. and Mrs. John Adams (BT, PA) Mr. and Mrs. W. James Tillett (BT, PA)
(V) Vestry
(PA) Parishioner
(BT) Board of Trustees
(FBT) Former Board of Trustees
(AL) Alumni
Faculty, Staff, and Administration
making a world of difference
fund 2009 – 2010
Friends of St. Philip’s $500 - $999
Donors $1 - $499
Mr. Timothy Aman and Ms. Tania Cassell (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Barnett Mr. Eduardo Bec and Dr. Judith Rodriguez-Bec (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Juan P. Cappello Mr. and Mrs. Omar Castillo Mr. and Mrs. David Ellison Mr. and Mrs. Fernando M. Font (AL) Mr. and Mrs. Byron Gumbs Mr. and Mrs. Steven Juhasz Mr. and Mrs. Theo Kruijssen Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Lopez-Gottardi Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mojena Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Pedroso Dr. and Mrs. Robert Plant (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sabogal Dr. and Mrs. Harry M. Sanchez Mr. Carlos Serrano and Mrs. Cecilia Salow Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stancioff (BT, V, PA) Grandparents: Mr. Anthony Barash and Ms. Terri Hanson: Anderson and Georgia Murphy Mrs. Jean Barash: Anderson and Georgia Murphy Alumni Parent Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Montero
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Arritola (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Luis Balcazar Mr. and Mrs. Alvaro Bernal (FA, PA) Ms. Kearon Bird (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Thacker Boone (FA) Ms. Regina Buker (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Jose Camejo (FA) Mrs. Kris Charlton (PA) Dr. Michael Connelly and Dr. Elizabeth Connelly The Reverend Dr. Mary E. Conroy (BT, FA) Mr. and Mrs. Travis Cooper (FA) The Reverend and Mrs. Frank Corbishley Mr. and Mrs. George F. Devin (BT, FA) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diaz (FA) Mr. and Mrs. John Dickason (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Eguilior Mr. and Mrs. John B. Erixon (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Ervesun (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Gallinar Mr. and Mrs. Victor Glavach Mrs. Carmen Gonzalez DelValle (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Gonzalez (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Graves (FA) Dr. Edy Guerra and Dr. Beatriz Terry Mr. and Mrs. William Holly (PA)
Dr. and Mrs. Enrique Huertas Dr. and Mrs. George Ibars (FA) Mrs. Pat Kavanaugh (FA) Mr. and Mrs. David Kelley (PA) Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kent Ms. Judie King (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Lorenzen Mrs. Diane Masvidal (FA) Ms. Julie McCready (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Frank McPhillips (PA) Ms. Jeanette Mont’ros (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Federico Olsen (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Eric Padron Ms. Jane Pepia (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Ravelli (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Randall Redlien (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rigl (V, PA) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rivera (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sampera Ms. Kate E. Samson (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sobel (FA) Ms. Vindra Tiwari (FA) Dr. and Mrs. Ron Todd (FA) Mr. and Mrs. David Vasquez (FA) Ms. Danielle Wishka (FA) Mr. and Mrs. David Yusko (FA) Mrs. Paola Zelaya (FA) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Zighelboim Mrs. Leslie Zimmer (FA) Grandparents:
(V) Vestry
(PA) Parishioner
(BT) Board of Trustees
(FBT) Former Board of Trustees
(AL) Alumni
Faculty, Staff, and Administration
Mrs. Iris Argento: Christopher and Alexander Peterstam Mrs. Suzanne Broughton: Hayes and Anders Holly Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cervone: Owen and Julian Zighelboim Mr. and Mrs. Donald Connelly: Abigail and Lucas Conelly Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Dominguez: Lucas and Dylan Miner Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Edmunds: Ande and Preston Edmunds Mr. and Mrs. James Fenton: Nina and Victoria Gallinar Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fernandez: Julian and Daniel Stancioff Mr. and Mrs. Lance Gibbs: Justin and Nicholas Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. John Gindling: Isabella Fratangelo Mrs. Herta Holly: Hayes and Anders Holly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James: Isabela, Penelope and Natalia James Mr. Eugene Lindsey, Jr.: Cami Lindsey Mrs. Judy Lindstrom: Lindy Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Richard Madril: David Madril Dr. and Mrs. Frank McPhillips: Frank and Skye McPhillips
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mendoza: Ande and Preston Edmunds; Alexa and Carolina Hommen Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Miner: Lucas and Dylan Miner Mrs. Anolan Ponce: Lucas Padron Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Reboiro: Andres and Cristian Duran Mrs. Noelis Rodriguez: Eli and Matthew Bec Mr. and Mrs. Irving Siegel: Sienna Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith: Carolina and Ellie Carrera-Justiz Alumni Parent: Mrs. Kare Carbonell (FBT) Mr. and Mrs. Felix Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friedlander Dr. and Mrs. Francisco Izaguirre Mr. and Mrs. Trond S. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Steven Moll (FBT) Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo Portuondo (PA) The Honorable Robert Scola and The Honorable Jacqueline Scola Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Sosa (FBT) Alumni: Ms. Ann M. Jensen Mr. Martin S. Jensen Mr. Carl A. Kafka Ms. Dorothy C. Kafka Ms. Alejandra S. Moreno Mr. Christian Olsen
Bank of America Chevron
Mellon Bank Gift in Kind
Mr. and Mrs. Andres Miyares Mr. and Mrs. Luis Sosa Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murphy Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises
making a world of difference
A year
in review Dear St. Philip’s parents, teachers, administrators and friends, I am delighted to announce another successful year of fundraising by the School Home Association. Our accomplishments were made possible by the overwhelming effort of our board members, extraordinary support of our families, and contributions from friends in our community. From giving your time, baking, purchasing gift wrap, playing in the Golf Tournament, becoming a Corporate Sponsor, to chairing the Gala, each effort, no matter how small, has contributed to this great accomplishment. St. Philip’s is truly the little school with the big heart.
Bonnie Crouch Seipp
This year the School Home Association will contribute $50,000 to teacher bonuses, $5,263 to Scholarships, $16,000 as our final contribution to the $100,000 we committed to build the Media Center Reading Nook, $1,606 to the Media Center from Book Fair profits, and $10,000 to security. We are very pleased to announce that we have also made a commitment to contribute $75,000 to the St. Philip’s Endowment Fund. $15,000 will be contributed this year and $15,000 each year thereafter for four years. In addition the School Home Association contributes to graduation ceremonies for Sr.K and 6th grade, the 5th Grade Social, the Pre-school Orientation event, Welcome Back Supper, End of Year Dinner, Christmas Brunch, Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, Episcopal School Sunday, and the Back to School Coffees for each class. The grand total disbursed this year was $ 105,000.00. These contributions will touch every child at St. Philip’s every day. Thank you, parents, for your overwhelming support and dedication to our school. It has been a great pleasure to serve as the head of such a wonderful group of people for the past two years.
Bonnie Crouch Seipp President, St. Philip’s School Home Association 2009/2010
St. Philip’s School–Home Association
Committee Chairpersons 2009-2010 St. Philip’s School/Home Association Officers Bonnie Seipp, President Ana Cohen, First Vice President Glenda Pedroso, Second Vice President Cristi Edmunds, Secretary Bibi Mojena, Treasurer Back to School Dinner: Sonia Perez Ellen Ellison Julie Kelley Book Fair: Jennifer Zighelboim Dondra Ritzenthaler Education: Ana Siegel, Nursery, Jr. Kindergarten, Sr. Kindergarten Kelly Mora/Norma Lindsey, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade Carmen Alvarez/Susy Kucera, Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, Sixth Grade
End of Year Dinner: Katie Arriola Teresa Dyke Elisa Carrera-Justiz Family and Student Services: Katie Arriola Mercy Dorta
Nominating: Marlene Artigues Manya Glavach Sally Foster: Nicole Hommen Andria Miyares
Field Day: Kelly Mora
School Ambassadors: Betsy Murphy Teresa Dyke
Golf Tournament: Fernando Amaro Kevin Ritzenthaler
School Out Reach Liaison: Claudia Duckenfield Lissette Stancioff
Halloween Extravaganza: Renee Castillo Jessica Lopez
Square One Art: Kristy Lyons, Chair Julie Kelley
Holiday Bazaar: Jennifer Zighelboim
Student Council: Teresa Dyke
Hospitality: Lynette Lorenzen Melissa Norman
Yearbook Advertising and Sales: Ana Cohen
Lunch Program: Bertha Rodriguez Maria Signoret
2009 – 2010 SCHOOL YEAR
Scholarships $
Teachers’ Bonus $
Capital Commitment $
Media Center / Book Fair Profit $
Security $
Raffle Tuition Reimbursement $
Contribution to Endowment Fund $
Total: $ 112,291
The Annual St. Philip’s
The Annual St. Philip’s Golf Tournament took place on Friday, November 13th 2009 at The Biltmore Hotel. The event was co-chaired by Kevin Ritzenthaler and Fernando Amaro, and raised over $4,000. A great time was had by all, especially by the winning foursome: Jeff Devin, Bill Booth, Bill Kerdyk and guest! A record turnout and record number of corporate sponsorships made the event a success! We look forward to another fun and successful Golf Tournament this year!
st. philip’s school dinner dance and auction
bright lights
Gala Committee: Allison Holly and Manya Glavach Chairpersons Lauren Genovese Gala Program Advertising
Sharff, Wittmer, Kurtz & Jackson, P.A.: The Diaz Family
Auction Committee: Missy Kent Chairperson Tania Aman Gala Auction Administrator Dondra Ritzenthaler and Julie Kelley Raffle
The Genovese Family Mercedes-Benz of Coral Gables Bright Light
The Cappello Family The del Rosal Family The Hommen Family The Hucks Family The Mojena Family The Criss Family The Schlesinger Family The Rudy Gonzalez Family The Stancioff Family
The Stone Family The Adams Family
In-kind sponsors:
Celebrity Cruises: The Ritzenthaler Family Holly Real Estate: The Holly Family Il Movimiento: The Amaro Family Seipp & Flick LLP: The Seipp Family Silver Sponsors
Beauchamp Construction: The Amaro Family Northern Trust: The Pedroso Family Orshan & Fajardo, P.A.: The Padron Family
big city
The Anthony Lopez Family The Xavier Castillo Family The Gerrard Family The Glavach Family The Holly Family
Bacardi: The Carrera Justiz and Del Rosal Families Gold Coast: The Lopez-Gottardi Family
Rock Star
The Arthur Murphy Family The Seipp Family The Barnett Family The McPhillips Family The Andrew-Alvarez Family The Assalone Family The Jose Martinez Family The Miner Family The Carrera-Justiz Family The Miyares Family The Edmunds Family
st. philip’s
the 2009–2010
Corbishley, Sarah Palmer Trinity Guerra, Pablo Belen Jesuit Huertas, Ted Belen Jesuit
graduating class
d ep a r t i n g
Artigues Stephen Belen Jesuit Balcazar, Andres Belen Jesuit Bec, Matthew Belen Jesuit Bonvecchio, Alain Belen Jesuit Bouza, Paloma Ransom Cartwright, Justin Ransom
Castillo, Sofia Ransom Dyke, Owen Ransom Fernandez, Jackie Ransom Guillen, Ryan Ransom Kruijssen, Adina Ransom
fifth graders
Lyons, Lindy Carrollton Madril, David Palmer Trinity Milton, Savannah Palmer Trinity Montoya-Redlich, Christopher Palmer Trinity Nunez, Mateo Palmer Trinity
Pelayo, Jake Ransom Rodriguez, Andreina Carrolton Roeder, Alexandra Carver Middle Sarmiento, Daniel Belen Jesuit Wheeler, Quentin Palmer Trinity
st. philip’s
of trustees
Art Murphy Chairman Luis Diaz Vice Chairman, Treasurer Wade Dyke Secretary Susan Adams
George Darnell Tania Dominguez Miner Scott Ponce Carlos Rodriguez Senior Warden Bonnie Seipp Lissette Stancioff Vestry Representative Jim Tillett Laura Walker
st. philip’s would like to thank their generous
ANNUAL c o rp o r a t e
The Reverend Dr. Mary E. Conroy, Priest-in-Charge George F. Devin III Head of School Mark J. Ravelli Assistant Head of School
The gifts listed in this Annual Report represent contributions received by the school from August 1st, 2009 through July 31, 2010. Gifts received after July 31st, 2010 do not appear in this report but will be included in the Annual Report for 2010-2011. Every attempt has been made to assure complete accuracy in these listings. If your name has been inadvertently omitted or has appeared incorrectly, please telephone the school office.
St. Philip’s Episcopal SchooL T
1121 Andalusia Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33134 305.444.6366 | F 305.442.0236 | E