StP Annual Report 2010-11

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Our Family Tree The 2010-2011 St. Philip’s Annual Fund Report

Helping the St. Philip’s Family Tree Grow Stronger Dear Saint Philip’s Parents, Faculty, Staff and Friends: I am delighted to announce that the 2010-2011 St. Philip’s Annual Fund: Growing Our Family Tree was a resounding success. Once again, the entire St. Philip’s community, through its generous support of the Annual Fund, demonstrated its commitment to the School’s mission of educating each child intellectually, physically and spiritually in an atmosphere of of acceptance and inquiry. It is this mission that is at the core of our shared values and serves as the basis of all our decision-making at the School. Significant highlights of the 2010-2011 Annual Fund are:

Exceeded our goal of $100,000 and raised $140,000, the most ever for the Annual Fund

Increased parent participation to 88% from 79% in the prior year

Increased average gift per student to $814 from $667 in the prior year

In 2010-2011, the cost of each child’s education at St. Philip’s exceeded tuition charged by approximately $1,000 per student or $175,000 in the aggregate. The dollars raised by the Annual Fund helped to cover this shortfall and funded a number of School programs and improvements, including:

The addition of a second teacher in the 1st through 5th Grade classrooms

Introduction of The Royal School of Church Music Chorister program for students in Grades 3 through 5

Retention of a full-time Chaplain for the Sacred Studies Program and a full-time Nurse Expansion and renovation of the Nursery Classroom

These positive changes are tangible evidence of your Annual Fund dollars at work and underscore the importance of a healthy and successful Annual Fund to the life of our School and children. We give special thanks to to our wonderful parent volunteers who served on the 2010-2011 Annual Fund Committee and worked tirelessly to educate parents about the Annual Fund: Arlene Assalone, Simone Gumbs, Nicky Hommen, Vicky Hucks, Teresa Dyke, Deirdre Kelly, Claudia Duckenfield, Alexa Peterstam, Allison Holly, Jessica Lopez, Dondra Ritzenthaler, Camille Diaz, Kelly Mora, Cindy Sauceda, Cristi Edmunds and Elisa Carrera-Justiz. Kate Samson, our Director of Development, also deserves recognition for the critical and strategic support she provided to the Annual Fund Committee and the Campaign. I am grateful for the opportunity to have served as Chair of the 2010-2011 Annual Fund, and I thank you all for your generous and continued commitment to St. Philip’s and our children. We are all blessed to be part of this vibrant and united community. Sincerely, Tania Dominguez-Miner Chair, St. Philip’s 2010-2011 Annual Fund

Your Help Counted

Head of School’s Circle: ($10,000 and Up) Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thomas

The following lists donors who contributed to helping the St. Philip’s Family Tree Grow Stronger for 2010-2011.

2010-2011 Annual Fund

Summary of Gifts: Total Participation: Parents 88% Board of Trustees 100%

Founder’s Circle: ($5,000 - $9,999) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corral Mr. and Mrs. Art J. Murphy

Friends of St. Philip’s: ($500 - $999)

Donors: ($1 - $499)

Mr. Christopher Knight

Mr. Timothy Aman and Ms. Tania Cassell

Ms. Jenny Abreu

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Seipp Esq.

Ms. Erin Knight

Mr. Anthony H. Barash

Dr. Maigrely Abreu-Hernandez

Circle of Honor: ($1,000 - $1,999)

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Kucera

Mrs. Jean Barash

Mrs. Ada Aldana

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lopez

Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Cartwright


Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo A. Marquez

Mr. and Mrs. Omar Castillo

Mr. and Mrs. Luis Arritola

Mr. and Mrs. Andres Miyares

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos F. Cubias

Dr. Leonidas Bachas and Dr. Sylvia Daunert

Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Mora

Ms. Rachael Dominguez

Mr. Eduardo Bec and Dr. Judith Rodriguez Bec

Mr. and Mrs. Paulo R. Motoki

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Duckenfield

Mrs. Silvia Bernal

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos B. Penzini

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Glavach

Ms. Kearon Bird

Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto A. Perez

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hucks

Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Boayue

Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Perez-Carrillo

Mr. H. Eugene Lindsey III and The Hon. Norma Shepard Lindsey

Mr. and Mrs. Thacker Boone

Mr. and Mrs. Pablo A. Pulido Mr. and Mrs. Luis Angel Rincon

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Lopez-Gottardi

Mrs. Suzanne Broughton

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Ritzenthaler

Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinez

Ms. Regina Buker

Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Riva

Dr. Frank McPhillips

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cervone

Mr. and Mrs. Juan C. Rodriguez

Mrs. Joyce Meyers

Mrs. Kris Charlton

Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Saldivia, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Mousinho

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cohen

Dr. and Mrs. Harry M. Sanchez

Dr. Robert T. Plant

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Connelly

Mr. and Mrs. Roland Sanchez-Medina

Ms. Annette Plant

Mr. and Mrs. Travis Cooper

Mr. and Mrs. Evan G. Siegel

Dr. and Mrs. Marco Pravia

The Reverend and Mrs. Frank Corbishley

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos L. Signoret

Mr. and Mrs. Randall Redlien

Mr. and Mrs. George F. Devin III

Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Smith

Mrs. Holly Rincon

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diaz

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stancioff

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Rodriguez

Mr. and Mrs. John Dickason

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Stone

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sabogal

Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Dominguez

Mr. and Mrs. W. James Tillett

Dr. Juan Pablo Sarmiento and Mrs. Pilar Urrego

Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Dowlen

The Reverend and Mrs. William Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Sauceda

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dueri

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Warrington

Mr. Carlo Serrano and Ms. Cecilia A. Salow

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Edmunds

Dr. Guillermo Tablada and Dr. Elena V. Tablada

Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo M. Eguilior

Mr. Andrew Waibel and Dr. Jill S. Waibel

Dr. and Mrs. David R. Ellison

Mr. Angel Aguiar and Dr. Aimee M. Aguiar Mr. and Mrs. Fernando E. Amaro

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gerrard

Mr. Alfredo Balsera

Benefactor’s Society: ($3,000 - $3,999) Mr. and Mrs. John Adams Mr. and Mrs. George Darnell

Grandparents 17%

Mr. Curtis B. Miner and Mrs. Tania Dominguez Miner

Vestry 36%

Mr. and Mrs. Hector S. Mojena


The Hon. John Schlesinger and The Hon. Marilyn Milian-Schlesinger

Mr. and Mrs. Aengus Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Arriola

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Genovese Esq.

Total Giving:

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver James

1953 Society: ($4,000 - $4,999)

Staff & Faculty 100%

Parishioners 20%

Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Ponce

Circle of Excellence: ($2,000 - $2,999) Mr. Fares Chamoun and Dr. Hayes D. Chamoun Mr. and Mrs. John Crabtree Mr. and Mrs. Luis E. Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Pelayo Duran Esq. Dr. and Mrs. Wade T. Dyke The Fairholme Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fernando M. Font Mr. and Mrs. Niklas Peterstam

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Assalone Mrs. Chandra Balsera Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Barnett Esq. Mr. and Mrs. William Blatt Mr. and Mrs. Juan P. Cappello Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Carrera-Justiz Mr. and Mrs. Xavier A. Castillo The Reverend Dr. Mary E. Conroy Mr. and Ms. David A. Coulson Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Roberto C. del Rosal Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Edmunds Esq. Mr. Donald C. Feetham and Mrs. Cristina M. Gibellini Mr. and Mrs. James Fratangelo Mr. Luc Grandguillotte and Mrs. Susane Lima-Grandguillotte Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Guinand Mr. and Mrs. Byron T. Gumbs Dr. Mauricio Herrera and Dr. Lorraine Ospina-Herrera Dr. and Mrs. Jan Pieter Hommen

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Borras

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Erixon

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miner

Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Ervesun

Mrs. Delia Montoro

Mrs. Blanca Famadas

Mr. and Mrs. Nivardo Mora

Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Fernandez

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Pedro M. Gallinar

Mr. Christian Olsen

Mrs. Althea Gerrard

Mr. and Mrs. Federico Olsen

Mr. Lance Gibbs

Mr. and Ms. Eric C. Padron Esq.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Glavach

Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Pedroso

Mr. and Mrs. Mario Gonzalez

Ms. Jane Pepia

Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Gonzalez

Mr. and Mrs. Joaquin Perez Esq.

Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Graves

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Pfeiffer

Ms. Jessie Gross

Mrs. Anolan Ponce

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Holly

Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo Portuondo

Dr. and Mrs. George Ibars

Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Ravelli

Mr. and Mrs. Trond S. Jensen

Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Reboiro

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Juhasz

Mr. Jacques Valois and Ms. Kate Samson

Ms. Pat Kavanaugh

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shepard

Mr. and Mrs. David Kelley

Mr. and Mrs. Irving Siegel

Ms. Judie King

Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Space

Mr. and Mrs. Frasuec Knight

Ms. Vindra Tiwari

Mr. Eugene Lindsey Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Ron Todd

Mr. and Mrs. Evelio Lopez

Mr. and Mrs. David Vasquez

Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Lopez-Gottardi

Ms. Danielle Wishka

Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Lorenzen

Mr. and Mrs. David Yusko

Ms. Juliann McCready

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Zelinka

Ms. Joy McIntosh

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Zighelboim

Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher

Mrs. Leslie Zimmer

Mr. and Mrs. Lazaro Milton

TotaL # of Constituent(s) Listed: 181

2010-2011 Annual Fund

2010-2011 Annual Fund

Growth Chart:

Giving Levels:


Total # of gifts:


$120,000 $100,000












$140,000 $69,600 $114,103 AF 2008-2009 AF 2009-2010 AF 2010-2011


48 26



Head of School’s Circle ($10k+)



1953 Society ($4k-4,999)

Founder’s Circle ($5k-9,999)


Circle of Honor ($1k-1,999)

Donors ($1-499)

Circle of Excellence ($2k-2,999)

Benefactor’s Society ($3k-3,999)

Friends of St. Philip’s ($500-999)

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