AUP 2011-12

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Saint Philip’s Episcopal School Laptop and Internet Acceptable Use Policy 2011 – 2012

Introduction: Technology is changing the way Saint Philip’s students learn and access information; our students can tap into the National Earthquake Information Service, a teacher can bring a guest lecturer into the classroom or take students on a virtual museum tour in the Louvre using video conferencing. The Internet offers children and adults unprecedented opportunities for learning, entertainment, and personal growth. The vast majority of our online experiences, in and out of school, are as entertaining and educational as we expect them to be. At the same time, we know that there are areas and activities in cyberspace that are inappropriate for children, just as there are inappropriate areas and activities in "real" space. Our challenge is to understand the risks children face online and to help them become safe and responsible "Net" citizens. As we try to integrate more and more technology with education, we are faced with new and more difficult problems. We have and will always spare no time or expense in trying to protect that which means the most to us: our students. Hence we have created this Acceptable Use Policy to help us in this endeavor. We believe that if the rules outlined in this document are followed we can expand our educational reach using technology effectively, efficiently, and safely. At St. Philip's Episcopal school local area network storage areas may be treated like school lockers. Network administrators may review files to insure system integrity and insure that students are using the system responsibly. Students should not expect that files stored on the server, hard drives, or flash drives are private.

The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and access entails responsibility. Inappropriate use of the Internet will result in the cancellation of those privileges. The faculty will deem what is inappropriate use and their decision is final. The school may close a student account at any time. During school, teachers will guide students toward appropriate material. Outside of school, families bear the same responsibility for such guidance when using the Internet. Parents shall hold St. Philip’s Episcopal School harmless if their child (ren) reads views or hears objectionable material. The students of St. Philip’s Episcopal School are expected to abide by the accepted rules of network etiquette. These include (but are not limited to) the following:

Acceptable Uses:


To conduct research.


To access unique resources.


To participate in collaborative projects.


To communicate broadly and effectively.


To publish work.

*Must have prior approval by parent/guardian.

Unacceptable Uses: 1.

Using the computer lab or classroom computer without a teacher or adult present.


Using the Internet without a teacher or adult present


Posting name, personal address or phone number.


Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures.


Using obscene language.


Damaging computers, computer systems or network systems.


Trespassing in another’s folders or files.


Using another’s password.


Using someone else email account other then your own without consent.


Vandalizing hardware or software – vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to destroy hardware or software.


Attempting to access resources that are restricted, confidential or privileged.


Using access for illegal acts.


Attempting to disrupt the networks access.


Causing damage to, or changing the operation or design of the network.

15. Agreeing to meet someone met online without parental approval and under the supervision of an authorized adult. 16. Plagiarizing information found on the Internet. 17. Accessing social networks such as, but not limited to Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, ……etc., in any way that is not instructor led. ** 18. Installation of unauthorized software or download of unauthorized files on school ……computers. •

The preceding list is not an all-inclusive list of inappropriate uses and activities. Violations will result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary actions.

** Please read St. Philip’s Episcopal Policy pertaining to Social Networking Sites.

Social Networking Sites as it pertains to its use by St. Philip’s Episcopal School Students and Faculty. With the increasing popularity of Social Networking websites such as Facebook©, My Space©, and Twitter© comes the added responsibility of protecting students, faculty and the institution from improper use of such websites. Most social networking websites prohibit the use of their services to anyone under the age of 14. These restrictions make the use of social networking sites by students prohibited by both the St. Philip’s Acceptable Use Policy and the AUP of the websites. Social networking websites can however be a powerful and useful tool for an institution such as St. Philip’s. The Development department for example could use a site like Facebook© to create an alumni communication tool. The church communication team offer both Facebook© and Twitter© as communication portal to their parishioners. This does however give the institution the responsibility of setting up guidelines for the use of social networking websites.

Social Networking Websites Guideline a. Faculty and staff must first get permission from the head of school to setup or use any social networking website that represent St. Philip’s Episcopal school. b. Social networking sites used for the purpose to educate St. Philip’s students must be supervised by a Teacher or authorized staff member. Such websites must adhere to guideline a. c. Approved Social Network website cannot contain images of any St. Philip’s school students without the written permission of that students parent and or guardian. d. Due to the age restrictions set forth by the social networking websites, students at St. Philip’s Episcopal school are not permitted to view or gain access to any social network websites. e. Any approved social website deemed inappropriate by the head of school after its approval has been granted must be removed immediately.

Policy and Procedure for Rule Violations: 1) First time a rule or policy is violated student will be given a verbal warning. 2) Second violation will result in a written warning, which will be given to the parents. 3) Third violation will result in a call to parent and loss of computer time for the remainder of school day. 4) Fourth violation will result in loss of computer time to total one week. Computer related assignments must be completed before or after school in the computer lab. 5) Any violations after the fourth time will result in immediate removal of user name and password from Saint Philip’s network. Student will also not be allowed to bring his/hers computer to school anymore. Student will have to complete all computer related assignments in the computer lab during his or her recess time. * Any violation requiring the reimaging of a laptop will result in a $25.00 fine per instance. *Any violation that involves misuse of email can result in temporary or permanent loss of email privileges. Email consequence to be determined by Technology Director and Head of School.

Policy and Procedure for Repair and Lost Laptops: Laptops are a valuable and expensive tool. Saint Philip’s has partnered with IBM to ensure that all laptops are of the best quality. As with all electronics, service is sometimes unavoidable. IBM covers all Saint Philip’s laptops for service and maintenance for a period of three years. If for some reason a laptop were to need service, the student will receive a loaner laptop and his/her laptop will be sent to IBM for repair. Students are responsible for letting the Technology Department know of any damage either by accident or intentional that the laptop might have suffered. If laptop is deemed damaged by the improper use or installation of software, the student will be issued a citation as per our policy and procedure for rules violations. If a laptop were to be misplaced, the student needs to notify his/her teacher immediately and also notify the Technology Department so that we can begin an inquiry. If the laptop were not to be found the Technology Department will call the proper authorities and file a lost or stolen item report. Students who lose their laptop are responsible for replacing the laptop in a timely manner and will be issued a citation as per our policy and procedure for rules violations.

Acceptable Use Policy Agreement As a student of St. Philip’s Episcopal School I have read and agree to follow the rules as found in this policy. I understand that if I break the rules my computer privileges, will be canceled, and I may face other disciplinary action. __________________________________________ Student Name (please print) ___________________________________________ Student Signature __________ Grade

____________ Date

As the parent or legal guardian of the minor student mentioned above, I have read and agree to the Acceptable Use Policy. I grant permission for my son or daughter to access the local area network and the Internet. I recognize that it is impossible for St. Philip’s Episcopal School to restrict access to all controversial material and I will not hold them responsible for materials acquired on the network. I hereby give permission for my child and certify that the information contained on this form is correct.

_______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

____________ Date

This document is to be kept at the school for the duration of the student’s attendance.

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