Carmel Student Nelly Kohlgrüber Felt a Sense of Urgency When it Comes to the Environment, so she Did Something About it Carmel High School senior Nelly Kohlgrüber felt the need to take action and bring the issue of climate change and environmental damage to young people as well as the community at large. Carmel, CA, March 11, 2019 — Carmel High School senior Nelly Kohlgrüber felt the need to take action
and bring the issue of climate change and environmental damage to young people as well as the community at large.
Kohlgrüber was feeling an increasing sense of anxiety in her science courses, combined with the current state of ambivalence in our nation towards science and fact, not to mention the drought, fires and flooding California has experienced over the past few years, and she wanted to do something, but she wasn’t sure what. “Many of us can’t vote and we don’t have millions of dollars to pour into issues. We’ve barely made it through calculus, and yet I had to do something,” says Kohlgrüber. “I decided to enlist the help of young people and to teach them about how to incorporate change in their lives in the only way I knew how: art. This was my chance to bring my passion for art and the environment together and raise awareness.”