CELEBRATION ’69, a Multimedia, Rock and Roll Experience Featuring Live music, Images and Storytelling, is back by Popular Demand CELEBRATION ’69, a multimedia, rock and roll experience featuring live music, images and storytelling will hit the stage again July 12, 13 and 14 at Monterey Peninsula College as a benefit for the MPC Theatre Company. Salinas, CA, May 27, 2019 - CELEBRATION ’69, a multimedia, rock and roll experience featuring live
music, images and storytelling will hit the stage again July 12, 13 and 14 at Monterey Peninsula College as a benefit for the MPC Theatre Company.
ID for pictures: Band with Hendrix - From L Justin Noseworthy, Mark Shilstone-Laurent, Dustin Carroll, Jeff Covell "The Celebration '69 band rocks a Jimi Hendrix song." Band plays zep - From L Justin Noseworthy, Rod Wilson, Mark Shilstone-Laurent, Dustin Carroll, Jeff Covell "The Celebration '69 band rocks Led Zeppelin." Credit: Richard Green CELEBRATION ’69 a multimedia, rock and roll experience featuring live music, images and storytelling, is back by popular demand. The show will hit the stage again July 12, 13 and 14 in the Morgan Stock Theater at Monterey Peninsula College as a benefit for the MPC Theatre Company Charitable Trust. Performances start at 7:30 on the 12th and 13th, and at 2 pm on Sunday, the 14th. VIP Experience tickets are available for the Friday evening performance.