Instructor certification from world leaders in self defense & personal protection

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Instructor Certification from World Leaders in SelfDefense & Personal Protection SAFE International™, a global organization that offers world-leading self-defense and personalprotection instruction, is hosting an instructor certification program in Ottawa from March 9 - 11, 2018 at Plyomax Fitness, 3771 Spratt Road, Ottawa, ON. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, January 05, 2018 — SAFE

International™, a global organization that offers world-leading self-defense and personal-protection instruction, is hosting an instructor certification program in Ottawa from March 9 - 11, 2018 at Plyomax Fitness, 3771 Spratt Road, Ottawa, ON. As part of the organization’s mission to empower 500,000 women and girls in self-defense by 2020, the instructor certification program aims to spread the reach of life-saving safety information and physical skills from a curriculum designed to reach some of society’s most vulnerable to violence in often limited time. SAFE International’s self-defense curriculum has been honed, tested, and proven effective over the course of more than twenty years. It is currently taught by experts in security and personal protection, reaches leaders in public safety around the world, and is delivered regularly to teens, women and youth in a framework that promotes responsible citizenship and teaches survival skills that are effective no matter someone’s age or size. “We want to teach the next generation of teachers now,” says Chris Roberts, SAFE International’s founder and managing director. “We know that the best way to reach the most people with safety and survival skills that work is to share our expertise with as many instructors as possible. Outside instructors who take our training bring their own knowledge, skills and experiences into the classroom and it enriches the learning environment for everyone who attends.” The instructor certification program will be led by founder Chris Roberts and instructor Richard Dimitri, a world leader in personal protection and security training. With skills and expertise amassed over two lifetimes in the professional realm of self-defense and violence prevention, Roberts and Dimitri team up to deliver this program with passion and purpose. Their mission is fueled by evidence-backed information, personal and professional experiences with real-world violence. “A lot of people believe that self-defense training and martial arts are similar. They’re not. When it comes to violence there are psycho-social influences and behavioural elements that exist in

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