Professional Salinas Dog Trainer and Behaviorist Barbara De Groodt Named to IACP International Hall of Fame Salinas-based professional dog trainer and animal behavior counselor Barbara De Groodt has been named to the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) International Hall of Fame. And she never saw it coming. Salinas, CA, October 05, 2018 — Salinas-based professional dog trainer and animal behavior counselor
Barbara De Groodt has been named to the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) International Hall of Fame. And she never saw it coming. “I had absolutely no idea it was coming, none whatsoever,” she says, when she was presented the award at the IACP’s annual conference in St. Petersburg, Florida. “My staff sure knows how to keep a secret. When (at the conference) they started to talk about people (who were nominated) and it narrowed down to me, I said to myself, ‘oh my god, this isn’t good.’ I cried.”