Sponsorships Opportunities Available, Program Advertisers Sought for Chamber Music Monterey Bay’s Exciting 2018-2019 Season of Five Concerts Chamber Music Monterey Bay has announced another exemplary five-concert series for the 2018-2019 season and is offering sponsorship opportunities and seeking advertisers for its season program. Carmel, CA, August 03, 2018 — Chamber Music Monterey Bay has announced another exemplary fiveconcert series for the 2018-2019 season and is offering sponsorship opportunities and seeking advertisers for its season program. Chamber Music Monterey Bay enjoys a loyal and mainly local subscriber base of 220 individuals and the vast majority of CMMB’s subscribers (86%) reside on the Monterey Peninsula. Single ticket buyers are a mix of locals, visitors and part-time residents. Concert attendance varies and is approximately 300-450 per concert at Sunset Center in Carmel. The program is 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches, features 32-36 pages and 1,500 copies are printed to be passed out at concerts. Prices start for as low as $275 for a quarter-page ad up to $1,200 for the back cover for the full five-concert season. Camera-ready artwork and payment are due Aug. 31st? CMMB’s 2018-2019 season of five concerts features some of the finest chamber ensembles around the world, opening with up-and-coming French ensemble Van Kuijk Quartet on Oct. 6, 2018. The season continues Nov. 3, 2018 with keepers of the Aaron Copland flame, Music from Copland House; followed by the multiple award-winning Borromeo String Quartet with acclaimed clarinetist Richard Stoltzman on Jan. 19, 2019; with the Catalyst Quartet, comprised of top laureates and alumni of the internationally acclaimed Sphinx competition, on Feb. 23, 2019: and the Montrose Trio, a collaboration of pianist Jon Kimura Parker and the Tokyo String Quartet, concluding the season on April 6, 2019. Andy Sudol, who became executive director of CMMB in December 2017, is looking forward to an exciting 2018-2019 season, and gaining new subscribers for the 52-year-old organization. “There are a lot of classical music presenters in the area, Carmel Music Society, Bach Festival, the Symphony, Ensemble Monterey and so forth, but I think we occupy a unique niche,” he said. “We present a balance of contemporary composers and traditional composers. In fact, I think we present more living composers than any other local organization. When you attend one of our concerts you’ll definitely hear new things or things you haven’t heard before.”