Two Celebrated Local Authors of Flower Books to Hold Joint Event May 8 at Bookshop Santa Cruz Two celebrated local authors known for their knowledge and celebration of flowers will join forces for a dual event celebrating the release of their new books, May 8 at the Bookshop Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz, CA, March 10, 2019 — Two celebrated local authors known for their knowledge and
celebration of flowers will join forces for a dual event celebrating the release of their new books, May 8 at the Bookshop Santa Cruz. The event, “Cassie Winslow and Teresa Sabankaya — The Power of Flowers: A Floral Adventure” will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 8, 2019, at the bookshop, 1520 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz.
In “Floral Libations,” Winslow, founder and curator of Deco Tartelette, a celebration of color, taste, and resplendence, has curated a collection of 41 delightful recipes that combine the playful creativity of fashion, the deliciousness of food, and the beauty of flowers in one gorgeous glass. Whether you’re throwing a baby shower, hosting a Mother’s Day brunch, celebrating a wedding, or simply entertaining guests, there’s something for everyone in “Floral Llibations.”