Sasee April 2013

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Pull Out Bridal Guide

Age does

not protect you from

love. But love,

to some extent, protects you from age.

– Anais Nin

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april 3

featured articles

8 10 14 22 28 30 32 36 38 42

April 2013 Volume 12, Issue 4

who’s who

Mosh Pit Hora by Ferida Wolff

It’s All About Heart by Diane DeVaughn Stokes

The Picture on the Box by Rose Ann Sinay

Wear Beige!

by Erika Hoffman


Pull Out Bridal Guide


The One and Only by Susan Harvey

Just an Ordinary Day by Kim Seeley

Magic 8 Ball by Mary Ellington

Publisher Delores Blount Sales & Marketing Director Susan Bryant Editor Leslie Moore Account Executives Amanda Kennedy-Colie Erica Schneider Celia Wester Art Director Taylor Nelson Photography Director Patrick Sullivan Graphic Artist Scott Konradt Accounting Ronald Pacetti Administrative Assistant Barbara J. Leonard Executive Publishers Jim Creel Bill Hennecy Tom Rogers

Southern Snaps by Leslie Moore

To Gaze At the Irreplaceable by Susan Shone

Marriage and Planning by Janey Womeldorf

PO Box 1389 Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 fax 843-626-6452 • phone 843-626-8911 •

I n T h is I ssue Read It! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sasee Gets Candid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2013 Wedding Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Women & Men Who Mean Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scoop on the Strand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



12 18 24 40 46

Sasee is published monthly and distributed free along the Grand Strand. For subscription info, see page 47. Letters to the editor are welcome, but could be edited for length. Submissions of articles and art are welcome. Visit our website for details on submission. Sasee is a Strand Media Group, Inc. publication.

Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any material, in part or in whole, prepared by Strand Media Group, Inc. and appearing within this publication is strictly prohibited. Title “Sasee” is registered with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.

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april 5

contributing writers letter from the editor

Mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother Mary Ellington comes from a long line of porch-sitting, hooch-drinking, truthstretching story tellers She has been published in the Dream of Things anthology, the FSCJ newspaper, The Campus Voice and Mary’s blog, “Random Thoughts,” can be found at Susan Harvey is a native South Carolinian, a retired college English instructor, and a humor writer. Visit her website at

Easter has already come and gone, and that means our weather is nearly perfect. Those of us who live along the coast know we live in paradise, even through our mild winters, but the beauty of our spring is something you have to experience to understand. It’s a riot of color and delicious scents, all covered with warm sunshine and perfect sunsets reflected in shimmering water. It’s also the time to put those garden beds in order and begin planting! There are a lot of fun garden events this month; we’ve listed a few in this month’s “Sasee Scoop.”

More of Erika Hoffman’s non-fiction narratives will appear in the upcoming Chicken Soup for the Soul – Young at Heart edition and in the Nurturing Paws Anthology by Whispering Angels. Her new novel, Runaway Faith, is with Comfort Publishing and should be released within the year.

Most of us (me included) have, at one time or another, thought about dropping out of the rat race and just running away. Our “Southern Snaps” interview this month is with Robert and Ellen Lalonde, who did just that and found the life of their dreams. Robert and Ellen’s life aboard Island Girl is fascinating and inspirational.

Kim Seeley, a former librarian and English teacher, lives with her husband, Wayne, in Wakefield, Virginia. Her most recent story, “Amanda’s Jonquils,” can be found in Chicken Soup: Messages from Heaven. She loves to read, play the piano, travel and spend time with her grandson, Evan.

It’s April, and here at Sasee, that means weddings! I think this “Unforgettable” issue is one of the most beautiful we’ve ever done – I hope you do, too. There is nothing as optimistic and lovely as a wedding and we have, hopefully, captured some of that wonderful feeling in this issue. Many of our essays this month also reflect that positive ebullience we associate with the joining of two people in love. I believe you’ll enjoy reading them as much as I did.

Susan Shone is a freelance writer and editor who lives in Virginia. She plans on visiting her sister Barb more often.

Happy Spring!

Diane DeVaughn Stokes is the President of Stages Video Productions, Host and Producer for the TV show “Inside Out” as seen on HTC, and “Diane on Six” heard on EASY radio. She loves traveling and scuba diving with her husband Chuck, acting in community theater and is the proud mom of three awesome female cats.

cover artist Georgie in Brighton, by Lori Clark

Rose Ann Sinay lives in North Carolina with her husband and dog where she spends her time writing. Her children graciously continue to provide her with moments worth preserving.

Lori Clark was born in 1962, in Columbus, Mississippi, a time when housewives were always dressed and lawns were expertly manicured. She was raised by a true steel magnolia who never let money, or the lack thereof, dictate expressing yourself beautifully and creatively! Her painting career began later in life once her daughters were in high school, and she was inspired by the doe-eyed paintings of beautiful girls that hung in so many young ladies’ bedrooms in the sixties. Drawing on that image, the artist works with acrylics on canvas and even mirror, while painting her vision of an ideal beauty. Recently Lori spent time in Fuzhou City, in China, where she and her husband, Larry, painted for the factories that produce wall decor for Kirkland’s, Pier One and Target! Look for them soon. Should you desire to reach Lori for a special commission, please contact her at the



Ferida Wolff is author of 17 books for children and three essay books for adults; the latest is Missed Perceptions: Challenge Your Thoughts Change Your Thinking from Pranava Books. Wolff is a frequent contributor to the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Her website is, and she can be reached at Janey Womeldorf is a freelance writer who drinks too much coffee. She scribbles away in Orlando, Florida.

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3/15/13 12:42 PM 7

T Mosh Pit Hora by Ferida Wolff


The wedding ceremony was over. The guests had gathered in the dining area waiting for the formal introductions. First came the parents of the groom. Next came the parents of the bride. All eyes were turned toward the entrance, eager for their first glimpse of the newly wedded couple. It was like the beginning of most wedding receptions. And then it wasn’t. The bride and groom burst jubilantly into the room and onto the dance floor. And the hora, the traditional Jewish circle dance, began. This was not the kind of hora where the principals danced and the guests stood around and clapped. No, this was an all-out full participation hora where the dance floor was packed and throbbing. Circles within circles wove in opposite directions. Arms waved high in the air. Bodies bumped. People shouted. Eddies of twirling couples formed and reformed as partners were exchanged, and then became absorbed back into the larger circles only to break out again somewhere else. Lines snaked around the room, eventually dissolving into the wildness of the dance. It was a mosh pit hora energized by the incredible spirits of the bride and groom and the joy exuded by everyone else. It isn’t often that you hear mosh pit and hora in the same sentence. They would seem to be generationally incompatible. This was not, after all, at a teen rave but a Jewish wedding held in a sedate conservatory filled with the calming lushness of green plants and flowers. Yet here the old and the contemporary, the traditional and the radical co-existed and drew power and vitality from each other in a dance that resulted in a multi-generational affirmation of life. I had expected to be caught up in the tumult, being the mother of the groom and the veteran of many wedding horas, but even I was amazed at what occurred. For fifteen minutes nothing existed except for the hora. It was in irresistible vortex of energy that consumed everyone. One of my son’s friends who was not Jewish and had never seen, no less been in, a hora, came up to me at the end of the evening and said that he wanted that dance we all did in the beginning, what was it called? The hora. Yeah. He wanted that at his wedding. He wanted his family and friends to experience the thrill of it, to have his wedded life begin on such a welcoming high note. The photographer captured it all: The broad smiles, the whirl of the movement, the laughter that could almost be heard in the still photographs. Each time I look at the wedding album, it brings back the exhilaration. It reminds me of a class I had been in where the rabbi conducting it had asked us what we would do if we knew this was to be our last day on earth. One woman said she wouldn’t do anything different; just continue with her day as if it were any other. A man said he would try to cram as much into that day as possible. I said I would dance. I don’t know why I said that. The thought just popped into my head with a full measure of joy. I could feel my feet trembling with the eagerness to jump, to dance, to fling myself upward in an exuberant expression of farewell. The rabbi said that dancing is a way of lifting off the earth, of releasing ourselves from its density and bringing us closer to Heaven. It sounded right in my mind but it was my son’s wedding hora that engaged my full understanding. That hora changed my behavior at all the weddings I go to now, as well. I used to participate in it as a ritual. I now dance with my whole heart, offering the newly wedded couple the kind of energy and enthusiasm that lifted everyone’s spirits when my son and daughter-in-law led us in the hora of a lifetime. It was a gift to us then and continues to be a gift, one that keeps renewing itself as often as it is shared.


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april 9


It’s All About

t isn’t about blood. It isn’t about roots or heritage. It’s all about HEART. I’m talking about family. Yes, I have to admit there is an incredible bond when you meet up with cousins you have not seen in forty years, and you pick up where you left off. Or when you attend a family reunion that hasn’t happened in ten years, and it’s as if time stood still. That is something special. But it’s even more special to feel like family with folks you have chosen to love or those who have chosen to love you. “Family” is the group you turn to when you need comfort and care. “Family” is the group that brightens your life when all else fails. “Family” is always there for you in the good times and bad, never judging, just supporting every step of the journey. When Chuck and I moved to Myrtle Beach we lived in the Forestbrook community. All of our neighbors were retirees and they adopted us, from mowing our lawns while we were at work, to helping us shovel manure at the local stable to fill our garden beds with fertilizer. They all became our family. One couple in particular was Dwight and Sue Roach. They had us over for dinner, helped us knock down a wall in our dining room, and seemed to always be there for us when we needed them. Over the past years, even when we moved out of the neighborhood, we never lost contact. Sadly, just last month I was asked to do the eulogy at Sue’s funeral. You can’t tell me that we are not family, and don’t try to tell them either! I have three very special nieces that I love. None of them are officially related, but unofficially are as close to me as the ones related by blood. Last week at a dinner at First Presbyterian Church, Abigail came running up to me yelling “Hi, Aunt Diane.” Realizing both of her parents were Korean, her friend asked me if I was her mom’s sister or her dad’s, and how come I did not look like Abigail. I told the friend that I was not an Aunt in the traditional way of being sister to either parent. I chose to love and adopt Abigail from the day I met her. With that, the friend said, “Oh, you are a pretend Aunt?” And Abigail said, “No, she is for real.” Way to go, Abigail. She gets it. Twenty-five years ago, Chuck and I were named guardians to Darielle, whose parents worked with me in local television. We have celebrated birthdays, Christmases, graduations and every other important moment of her life over the years. In May we took Dari and her boyfriend out to dinner and she said, “Thank you for loving me when you did not have to.” That meant the world to me. Dari knows that we are truly family. And about fifteen years ago, Nikki, who was 10 at the time, was staying with us while her parents went on a much needed vacation. Ironically, this was the week her school history assignment was to design a family tree. Together we filled in a few of the branches of the tree with names I knew from both her parents, as she knew some of the others. However, as we completed the project, Nikki said, “But where do I put you and Uncle Chuck?” I laughed and made a joke that she could make us leaves on the ground, as if we fell off the tree, and she said “Never.” Then she carefully designated a branch especially for us with two hearts on it and penciled in our names. It was obvious that we had taught her that love extended far beyond the realms of ancestry. Some people don’t understand this true picture of family, but if you really stop and think about the people you love most, about more than half of them are not related to you at all. Family is what we create with our hearts; special people and dear friends adopted into your circle of life. It really is all about HEART.

Heart by Diane DeVaughn Stokes



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Leslie Says…Read The Milestone Tapes, by Ashley Mackler-Paternostro 12



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Read It!


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I will warn you before you start this book. It’s really hard to put down. I saw the title on “Goodreads,” decided to give it a try, bought it for my Kindle, started to read it and barely put the book down all weekend. Jenna and Gabe Chamberland have the marriage we all want. The perfect house, a beautiful daughter, jobs they love…you know something is going to happen, life is never this perfect. That’s when we learn that Jenna has breast cancer. For three years she battles cancer and, finally, realizes that this is a battle she’s not going to win. Her daughter, Mia, is seven years old


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and the light of her life. Jenna worries about her only child growing up without a mother and decides to make audio tapes for Mia to listen to at different times in her life – The Milestone Tapes. Nine years later, Mia is a sixteen year old girl, with lots of questions that only a mother can answer. This is when she listens to the first tape. Through the years, her mother’s tapes guide Mia through life’s important moments, each one a unique testament to the depth of a mother’s love. This book is well written, sad at times, but not sappy. It’s the perfect book to spend the weekend reading, whether you’re lying on the beach or under a tree in the garden. Just be sure to pack a few tissues in your beach bag – this one will make you cry.

april 13

the picture on the box by Rose Ann Sinay

I walked into one of the popular beauty specialty stores and began searching the shelves of the philosophy® brand section for their newest promotional kit. “Can I help you?” a young saleswoman asked. “Are you looking for a cleanser? Bath and shower gels? This brand makes a wonderful moisturizer.” She opened a tester jar, dipped the end of a cotton swab in the white cream and spread it on the back of my hand. “We have several to choose from.” “Actually, I’m not sure,” I said, rubbing the lotion into my hands. “I’m looking for the box with the little girl on the front.” “They’re philosophy® products,” the woman replied with a hint of arrogance. “They all have a picture of a little girl on the box.” She tapped her long, painted nails on the glass partition.


“I’m looking for the one with my daughter, Kailey, on it,” I tried to clarify. “She has curlers in her hair and lipstick all over her face.” “Uh huh,” she replied raising her eyebrows ever so slightly. “Don’t think I’ve seen that one, but I will check in the back for a new shipment,” she said, her heels clacking as she disappeared through a door. I had taken the photo on Kailey’s third birthday. We had spent the morning getting ready for her party. I had curled her blonde hair on sponge rollers like I did mine when I had a special evening planned. She had looked in the mirror and giggled when she saw her head completely covered with the black curlers. She was so excited she nearly shook them out of her baby fine hair. She tagged along behind me as I made the lunch preparations for her five tiny friends and their mothers. Kailey fidgeted and chattered, until I strongly suggested that she sit silently and read her books. After a while, I realized that it had gotten quiet…too quiet. It occurred to me that it was her special day, and we should be celebrating every moment. I grabbed my camera and tiptoed into her room. Expecting her to be looking at her picture books, I was surprised to see my basket of makeup, brushes and moisturizers spread all over the floor. Her left hand held my compact in front of her as she gleefully admired her artwork. Blue eye shadow colored one side of her forehead – in a wide approximation of her eyelids. Moisturizer from a squeeze bottle squiggled down her pajama clad leg. Her right hand held my favorite and expensive, Pretty and Pink lipstick. The vibrant color ran circles around her lips, her cheeks and her chin. I sighed at the mess and snapped what was to be one of my very favorite candid shots. She looked up at the sound of the click. “Almost ready,” she said proudly, parroting one of my well used expressions. Twenty years later, when Kailey called with the news of her new job with the trendy skincare company, I took the picture out of her baby album and sent it to her. And now, she would be featured on the front of a box…the beauty industry’s version of the Wheaties box. I saw the salesclerk returning – empty handed. “Sorry,” she said with feigned sincerity. I just smiled and bought the same moisturizer that I already had three bottles of at home. Disappointed I called my daughter. “I don’t think she believed me,” I said, my ego bruised. Kailey laughed. “Mom, when it comes out next week, I’ll make sure you get your very own, hot off the assembly line.” When it arrived, she had included the original photograph for safe keeping – which I promptly marched back to the beauty boutique. I asked for the salesclerk by name. “Hi,” she said brightly. “How can I help you?” “I would like the newest philosophy® box with my daughter’s picture on it,” I demanded, showing her the snapshot. “How adorable,” she gushed, obviously remembering me and my previous visit. “I think this is the cutest picture I’ve ever seen on their products. Hey look at this picture,” she called out to the other salesgirls. Okay – I melted – maybe we could be friends. I made my purchase and returned home, my pride intact. Today, an executive in yet another beauty company, Kailey still plays with makeup and skincare and writes a beauty blog aptly named…and I have the pictures to prove it.


April 2013


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april 17

Bridal Guide

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Bridal Guide

Meet Wayne & Angie Eggleston Married for 33 years, Wayne and Angie Eggleston have spent most of their married life working together. For the first 20 years, the couple served together in the United States Air Force, and since 2006, they have worked together establishing Wayne’s View Photography as one of the most successful photography businesses in the area. Seven years ago Wayne left his full time job to pursue his love of photography. At the time, Angie was working for an insurance company, and her days were spent driving back and forth to Charleston. As business increased, Angie would help Wayne on weekends and evenings, and loved every minute. Soon, she was able to leave her job to again work full time with Wayne. These days, with wedding season in full swing, Wayne and Angie are busy making sure that the happiest of days will always be remembered with spectacular photographs. What trends are you seeing in weddings this year? Wayne: There are fewer brides on a budget – weddings are higher end than ever before. Rather than a wedding on the beach, brides are choosing to get married at the country club or on a local plantation, like Greenfield Plantation outside of Georgetown or Brookgreen Gardens. All weddings are different; one we liked had chandeliers in the trees! Angie: A recent wedding had three inches of flower petals on the bride’s walkway, it was amazing! More people want to have a string quartet at their wedding. Upscale weddings held outside are all the rage. Brides are booking their weddings a year or a year and a half in advance now. Not too long ago, we had many more last minute requests. Families are more involved now, too. Recently we did a bridal shoot and both sets of parents came. It was really nice to see how important this wedding was to everyone involved. What should brides know when choosing their photographer? Wayne: You should always choose someone you like personally. There are so many different styles and approaches, make sure yours blends well with whomever you choose. Angie: It’s important for brides to meet face-to-face with their photographer. You are going to spend more time with your photographer than anyone else you have working on your wedding. We are with our


brides from bridal photos to the time they first get dressed on their wedding day through the time they say goodnight at the reception. Don’t price shop, just forget pricing and find someone you like. If they are right for you, they’ll work with your budget. When we meet a bride we really like, we want to be a part of her wedding and will do whatever we can to work out the pricing. What do you enjoy most about photographing weddings? Angie: We do this because we have a passion for photography, not to get rich. Wayne is the creative genius with the camera, but I love the administrative side of the business and working with our brides. Most people don’t realize that Wayne puts in at least two hours of artistic work on his photographs for every hour he works shooting. After the wedding is over, Wayne has the task of making each photograph looks its very best. Wayne: We won’t do more than one wedding a weekend, so we can give it our complete attention. Usually, we do around 35-40 weddings a year. A funny story about how we came to photograph one couple: We were walking through a parking lot, and I had my camera with me. A man and his wife stopped me and asked if I was a photographer. His wife’s family was coming from France and they needed someone to do a photo shoot. We arranged to photograph them on the beach, but the original couple didn’t come. The French couple didn’t speak a word of English and we don’t speak French! It all worked out fine, though. Angie was able to direct them. She is wonderful with our clients. Any other advice for brides-to-be? Wayne: Choose your photographer carefully. When the wedding cake is all eaten, when the limo drives away, the DJ has packed up and all the guests go home, all you have left are memories and photographs. Make sure they are the very best they can be!


Contact Wayne and Angie Eggleston at Wayne’s View Photography at 843-997-7248, visit or email

Bridal Guide






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april 19

Bridal Guide

Framed art from local photographer/artist Mike Covington now available

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FABRIC SHOWCASE Fabric Showcase is open on Sunday. I can’t wait to start decorating our new home!

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Bridal Guide

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843-414-7886 21

Bridal Guide

Wear Beige! by Erika Hoffman

When I went to my pal’s son’s wedding, I noticed she wore a tan gown. In the receiving line, I commented to her, “I see you got the memo about the mother of the groom’s apparel.” “Dang right!” replied Susan. “Show up, shut up and wear beige!” We laughed. “Your turn is coming soon.” So when I went to shop for my outfit for the upcoming nuptials of my son, I sought brown dresses. The saleslady said, “Oh pooh! You can wear any color you want.” “Really?” I asked. “As long as it doesn’t clash with the bridesmaids,” she amended. “They’re wearing blue.” “Of course, you can’t wear the same color dress as the mother of the bride,” she added. “Green.” “Jewel tones. You’ll want a jewel tone.” “Huh?” She pulled out a tiered looking dress that had one bouncy layer after another. “This will look great on you!” she gushed. “But, it’s pink!” “Fushia. It’s your color.” “Won’t the ruffles make me look even fatter?” “Naw.” She dismissed my doubts with conviction. “It will mask your cleavage.” I studied the dress with the V strap as the only strap holding it up. “But, I’d have to wear a strapless bra,” I said. “So?” “They’re uncomfortable.” She waved her hand dismissing my protests and ushered me to the dressing room, and I, like a lamb to the slaughter, followed. My pal Laura accompanied me which was a good thing. I had instructed her ahead of time not to let me get talked into anything. This was a listening tour, I told her. I am just window shopping. I don’t want to buy the first thing I try on at the first shop we visit the way I did when I got married. I cautioned my friend that I am very susceptible to a sales pitch and will purchase whatever they show me. I ordered her not to let me do it. Laura understood and assured me she wouldn’t let that happen. Laura was a strict school teacher and a good pal to me for decades; I trusted that she’d stop me from pulling out my plastic prematurely. I also knew she’d tell me the candid truth. “Now don’t let my buy something that’s going to make me look silly or fat or pretentious or not age- appropriate or difficult to get


into.” My list of unacceptable attire went on! Then, I stepped into the flappy, eye-poppingly bright dress and pulled it up. Amazing! It didn’t look silly. It slenderized. It didn’t make me a doppelganger for Queen Elizabeth or make me look like some old broad pretending to be Britney Spears’ age. Of course, the saleslady stepped back in admiration and smiled, overtly pleased with her good eye at picking something off the rack for a complete stranger. I didn’t want to give my hand away and show that I liked the way I looked. So I turned to Laura, my rock, and I kept my lips downturned. “Well, what do you think, Laura?” She walked around me. She squinted in the mirror at my reflection. She touched the dress and straightened it a bit in the back. And then, Laura said, “Perfect.” “Really?” I asked stealing another glance at myself. “Absolutely!” “Should I try on another dress?” I asked my friend. “Sure. But I don’t think you are going to find one that looks better.” “I like the color. I won’t have to worry about a necklace since the glittery V halter holds it up.” “You need a strapless bra,” my friend said. “It can be sewn directly into the dress when you have it altered,” added the saleslady. “You need strappy silver shoes. Try these.” I put them on and felt like Cinderella. “Gorgeous,” said Laura. “They are comfy; that’s what I like,” I said. “You need a spandex undergarment,” said Laura. “Oh no! “ I uttered. “Those things are so tight they make me lose my cheerful personality!” “You want to look perfect for the wedding!” said Laura. “No one will be looking at me. They will be admiring the bride!” “It’s not like you’re wearing beige, Erika!” And so, I bought it, kit and caboodle! And like almost every day in my life, I learned something: Trust experts in the field. Don’t follow all the old adages completely. When there is a decision to be made that you are afraid you will be impetuous about, take along a staid, thoughtful, methodical friend to ensure you look before you leap. If she too throws caution to the wind and later you think you made a big mistake, well…. Blame it all on your ol’ trusty friend! What are friends for, after all?


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9 1 0 . 7 5 5 . 5 5 4 6

Coccadotts Cake Shop

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Pawleys Island Swimwear Kenneth Cole Coco Reef Reaction Speedo Tommy Bahama Next Miraclesuit Tara Grinna Caribbean Joe Trina Turk Anne Cole The Village Shops (Just south of the Hammock Shops) Pawleys Island, SC 843-235-3808

april 23

Bridal Guide

Where the Taste Your Dreams . . . Brunswick Beaches Shop Nobody Does Cakes for Weddings “I do” Like We Do and all



2013 Wedding Trends


The color this year is, are you ready? MINT. I see a soft palette of champagne & ivories with touches of mint. For 2013, I think incorporating patterns into wedding day decor is going to be a HIT! I think we will continue to see chevron but I believe we will begin to see more & more including paisley & even polka dots? Sequin Linens – YES who doesn’t love Bling? The more bling the better right? Sara Barnhill • Stunning & Brilliant Events • 704.308.6779

Hottest Wedding Cake Trends: Black and White: This vintage style fits many bride's wants because it's simple and clean. Hand Crafted: Cakes covered in fondant flowers and other handcrafted accents give off a traditional and elegant feel, while still remaining creative and personal. Colors: Expect brides to be splashing their edible canvas with bright and vivid colors that will captivate friends and family alike. Lace: Many brides are looking to maintain a sense of traditional decor – lace is definitely the way to do this! Michelle Cocca • Coccadotts Cake Shop • 843-294-2253

What we are seeing is girls want a fun rehearsal dinner dress that they can re-wear on their honeymoon. We carry a line by Watters & Watters called Encore. The dresses are available in tons of styles, colors and fabrics. Lace is a big deal right now and girls LOVE it! Nicole Singleton • The Little White Dress • 843-449-4940 ShutterBooth has become very popular as an addition to a wedding reception, whether its during cocktail hour while everyone is waiting for the bride & groom to arrive, or during the party, there are very few guests that DON’T get in the booth! The ShutterBooth is usually one of the most popular spots in the room and with a table full of props (think, boas, giant sunglasses, mustaches, bling necklaces, and viking hats!) there is something for everyone. Diana Thompson • ShutterBooth Myrtle Beach • 843-748-0872 • One of the hottest styles in engagement rings is the halo style: smaller diamonds set around a main diamond and the three stone ring, representing the Past, Present & Future still has a strong niche in the market. Michael Abushakra • Brynn Elizabeth Jewelers • 910-575-3455


Ritzy and rustic weddings, burlap textures and lots of Baby’s Breath are in style this year. Bouquets are more sentimental than ever. Delicately woven in the flowers are antique lace, broaches and tiny photo frames of loved ones. Bill & Toni Burnette • North Myrtle Beach Florist • 843-361-4125

Bridal Guide

Kaminski House Museum

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Mon - Sat 10am - 5pm

april 27

Bridal Guide

Every Bride . . . Every Bouquet . . . Every Time . . .

Bridal Guide

The One and Only by Susan Harvey

Weddings are life changing events, and I should have known from the start that life with my betrothed would not hold the potential I expected. However, I was head over heels in love with my high school sweetheart, and love conquers all negative feelings. Both of us grew up in poverty, so we probably were running away from our dysfunctional families. I was three years out of high school; he was a third-year engineering student at the University of South Carolina. His dreams ran toward education and financial stability; mine ran toward a June Cleaver life. Not once did I hear God telling me not to marry at such a young age or to this person. Perhaps I was too much in love to listen to God. On my nineteenth birthday, he gave me a diamond ring and asked me to marry him. We planned a January wedding – “Design on a Dime” style. We also had to work around the date of the first Super Bowl game. That should have been the first omen. Six months of engagement brought the usual activities: buying the bridal gown, selecting the bridesmaids’ dresses, and bridal showers. We rented a small apartment within easy drive of USC and furnished it with family hand-offs. It was a dump, but I loved it and knew better days were ahead. On rehearsal night, the weather forecast called for rain and then ice. My mom’s family lived in Knoxville, Tennessee, and had to travel twolane mountain roads, which were already covered in snow. They arrived late, but safe. My dad was so drunk he couldn’t walk me down the aisle. The wedding cake wasn’t ready, and the seamstress had forgotten to remove the basting thread from the bridesmaids’ gowns. We still had a lot to do on the wedding day. Omen number two. As wedding-day tradition requires, I didn’t see the groom until the wedding. The forecast was calling for snow, but in Columbia, South Carolina, I had seen snow only one time in my life, so I didn’t believe snow would be a factor on my wedding night. I was wrong; it did snow. My dad eventually showed up at the church sober. At least, sober enough to walk. As long as I walked down the aisle close to him, he didn’t stagger. Omen number three?


Only a small number of family and friends attended because of the snow – Southerners don’t go anywhere in the snow. After the reception in the church fellowship hall, we ran through a shower of rice to our car that declared “Just Married” and drove away with bouncing tin cans tied to the bumper. Since neither of us had eaten anything other than cake at the reception, we stopped for dinner. When he pulled into a Piggy Park Bar-B-Q restaurant my heart sank. Piggy Park is similar to a modern day Sonic. When he ordered one sliced – and one minced-barbeque (for me) sandwich, and one large Coke (to share), I wanted to jump out of the car and run away screaming. But it was snowing, and I had on three-inch heels. Definitely omen number four. Because the roads were beginning to ice, we decided not to continue on to Myrtle Beach for the weekend. Instead, we stopped at a Holiday Inn in Sumter, South Carolina. How romantic! But who needs the beach in the snow? The next morning, I had no clothes to wear to breakfast. I had a suitcase full of new lace gowns and underwear, but no clothing except the wool dress and coat I wore the night before. We didn’t have money to purchase new clothes for me, so I pulled on my dress, coat and shoes from the night before and went to breakfast with my new husband, who was dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. I was so overdressed for the Waffle House. I looked like my “date” had lasted into the morning hours. I wanted to go home. Omen number five. We drove back to Columbia later that morning, and I called my mom to tell her we were home and what had happened. I felt cheated out of a honeymoon; Hubby was thrilled we spent so little money. Omen number six. How many times did God tell me this marriage was not right for me? How many times did He ask me to be patient so He could send the perfect mate? He knows what’s best for me, but I didn’t listen. I wanted a husband, a wedding, a family. I wanted to be June Cleaver. Now that I’ve learned to listen to God, I may actually find my perfect mate someday. Until then, I’m much happier being divorced and being myself.


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444 Marina Drive, Georgetown 843-527-1376

april 29

Bridal Guide

She’s one in a million . . . So why would her ring be one of a million . . .

Looking for a way to connect with your BRIDESMAIDS before your BIG DAY?

Bridal Guide

Just an Ordinary Day by Kim Seeley

My wedding day was not “such stuff as dreams are made of,” if Shakespeare will forgive me that comparison. My recollection of that morning is one of such frenzy that every member of my family ran off to undertake last minute errands, and I was left to tie my own bags of rice. I hate such tasks now, and I hated them then. It requires some manual dexterity, which is not one of my strong points. It also requires cute little bows, which are also not my strong points. Needless to say, I did not start off my wedding day in good humor. “What sense does this make?” I pondered the absurdity of my task. I was pouring rice into little pieces of net and tying peach bows around each one, knowing that the rice was going to be used to attack my husband and me at the end of the day. Had I known that we would be finding rice in our car for the next ten years, I would certainly have thrown the entire assortment of rice, net, and ribbon in the nearest trashcan. I have a rather fuzzy recollection of the middle of the day. I finished the hateful rice bags and went to the nail salon for a manicure. I opted out of a special hairdresser, as my husband and I both agreed we wanted a natural look for our wedding. I had washed my hair the night before and set it on large rollers in a pony tail atop my head. This was my normal routine when I wanted a slight curl at the bottom of my long, straight hair. As a rule, my hair was one of my strong points. However, my wedding pictures indicate that my hair was not on its best behavior that day. It simply existed. My family and I arrived at the church for the afternoon ceremony at our scheduled time. Shortly after we arrived, my mother came into my dressing room and told me my vocalist had canceled. He had a case of nerves and backed out at the last minute. I was in full panic mode. How could this man have a case of nerves? He sang solos at my church on a regular basis; this was hardly his first major event. I loved music, and I could not imagine getting married without some special song. Fortunately, one of my good friends had an amazing voice. My mother approached her with my dilemma as she entered the church. She graciously agreed to step in, and she and the accompanist went to the choir room to practice. The song I had chosen was totally unfamiliar to her, so a quick substitution was made. By this time, my bridesmaids had all arrived, and I was dismayed to see that one of my cousins had gone to the beach and burnt her skin to a crisp the day before. She was peachier than the peach bridesmaid dress. In fact, she was positively orange, burnt orange. No matter, at least all my bridesmaids were present and accounted for. I remember very little about the ceremony. I do remember meeting my handsome groom at the altar and feeling a little shy about being in front of the congregation. I also recall a few tears, mainly from my mother-in-law, who had wept copiously for most of our month-long engagement. Mainly I remember feeling joy that my soul-mate and I were about to start our lives together.


Before the wedding, it had begun to rain. By the time the wedding ended, it was letting up a bit. We had a small reception, and I remember feeding each other cake, laughing and making a small mess. We chatted and hugged our guests and changed our clothes. When we rushed outside through a virtual storm of peach-bowtied rice, we found that our car’s tires were all sitting on watermelon rinds. When my husband started the engine and put it in gear, the tires spun around and around. While we were greeting our guests, his friends had been having the time of their lives. Our mirrors and windows were covered with shaving cream and slightly suggestive comments. I didn’t know it at the time, but anchovies and smelly cheese were hidden under our hood. Several of his friends followed us out of town, flagging us down to reveal they had stolen a part of the car which would leave us stranded after a few more miles. When we arrived at our hotel, we found that all the rooms were filled. My husband had called and been assured that reservations would not be necessary; nevertheless, there was no room. We drove to another hotel in the same city, finding a room, but nothing to eat. Their restaurant was closed for the night. We asked for champagne. They sent a bottle to the room, hot. My husband got some ice in our plastic ice cooler and chilled the champagne. We fetched the goody box from our reception and had some ham biscuits. Then we bit into our wedding cake, which we had tasted quickly for the picture. It tasted like cornbread. It was dry and mealy. I was dismayed. The baker had come highly recommended to me, but my wedding cake was a disaster. I have read tales of more horrendous weddings. Some brides have had outdoor tents toppled by wind and rain, some have had their best man pass out during the service, some have had drunken guests that made a spectacle. My wedding day was pretty much an ordinary day, filled with some disappointments, but it marked the beginning of an extraordinary life with my extraordinary husband, to whom I am still happily married after 35 years. We have experienced unbelievable joy and unimaginable pain, but we have survived and endured in our own, quiet, ordinary way.


Bridal Guide

the tulip tree Boutique

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Our many labels include: Fresh Produce, Vineyard Vines, Splendid, Southern fRock, Pearl Southern Couture, Rabbitmoon, Cotton Kids, Stephan Baby, Zutano, le-top, and more!

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11378 Ocean Hwy, Unit 3 (across from the Fresh Market) Pawleys Island (843)314-9314 31

Bridal Guide

Magic M 8 Ball by Mary Ellington

arried, divorced and my father’s full-time caregiver, I missed the companionship of a man my age. Most nights I sat in the Lazy Boy next to Dad’s bed until he fell asleep. While he settled in, I pleaded with my fairy Godmother for a boyfriend. I want to go on a date, I told her. I want to linger over a meal I didn’t cook, served on a redchecked tablecloth, with candlelight from a Chianti bottle dripping with multi-colored wax. I want to talk about anything but joint pain, bowel movements and the N. R. A. I want to feel lips on lips and skin on skin.

Overwhelmed with longing, I headed for a cool shower and something chocolate. I passed my computer. I stopped for a moment. Considered. Shrugged. Why not? What’s the worst that could happen? That was the night I joined thousands of other hopefuls on Meeting a man on the Internet felt like having Chinese food delivered to my home. I could look over the menu, and then make a selection from the column that looked the most appetizing. Spicy or bland, I wouldn’t have to put on make-up or get out of my pajamas. I soon discovered, however, that my choices were limited to Southern men who lacked the Rhett Butler appeal I hoped for. The widower with a bum knee and new Harley, or the plastic surgeon from Ponte Vedra who wanted a “real” woman, or Bubba from the Westside whose perfect partner didn’t mind long hours in a deer stand, covered in camouflage and musk. None of these potential suitors felt quite right. Where have all the princes gone, I asked my computerized Magic 8 Ball? “Reply hazy, try again,” it answered. With my subscription about to run out with no sign of a successful partnering, I told myself it didn’t matter. Living with Dad was still better than a convent. Besides, with the money I saved, I could stock up on




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Bridal Guide

comfortable shoes, stretch pants and blue shampoo. I’d pretty much given up hope of romance, when my email dinged, “You’ve got mail.” At last there was a response to my query. It read: Younger Princes hang out in forests waiting to be called into action to rescue damsels…slay dragons and…run down young ladies who lose their glass slippers. Older princes hang around the house, do errands and clean up after themselves. Okay, so it wasn’t all that romantic. But I’ll be honest; it spoke to the heart of this damsel. A man who could clean up after himself held a certain appeal. In matchmaking lingo, I “winked” back. Prince Jack and I exchanged tentative emails and phone calls, and then the time came for us to meet in person. We settled on a well-populated spot for our first meeting – under the golden arches inside Super Wal-Mart. I can get through just about anything with a coke and bag of French fries. With our white hair and round bodies, Jack and I looked more like long lost siblings than prospective partners. We settled into a corner booth near the cleaning supplies. The smell of Pine Sol and grease swirled around us like an atomic mushroom cloud. I had trouble breathing. Or was that just nerves? Both of us were divorced. Jack answered to an 18 pound cat. I took orders from my father. Neither of us drank, smoked or used drugs. Neither had outstanding warrants. We had children, grandchildren and Dodge Caravans in common. All pretty much “G” rated, but by the end of an hour, excitement sizzled between us like Las Vegas neon. On our first official date, Jack introduced me to the unexpected thrills of a local flea market. Amazed, I watched Jack pan for gold among rusty tools, kitchen gadgets and out-of-date National Geographic magazines. Just beyond an Asian shop filled with jade Buddhas and Japanese lanterns stamped “MADE IN CHINA,” he took my hand. I felt calm and anxious at the same time. Everything about the day thrilled me. Diversions around every corner drew my mind from the prospect of an impending first kiss. Who am I kidding? My inner Snow White yearned for a smooch that would awaken a long-dormant heart. Making out behind a stand of lucky bamboo had a prophetic feel to it. It turned out my well-mannered prince was not a kiss-in-public kind of guy. We left the flea market and headed towards Fernandina for lunch. Half-way there my morning tea and extra large cola prompted a potty stop. Jack pulled into a gas station. I had opened my own car door for so many years, it never occurred to me to wait for gallantry. Half-way out, I toppled into Jack’s arms. While my feet dangled over the door jamb, I gazed into a pair of eyes that matched the blue Handicapped sign over Jack’s left shoulder. Oh Lordy, I felt the kiss coming. My stomach tightened. My hands trembled. My legs turned to mush. In a court of law I could have been judged temporarily insane. As I prepared to pucker a strange chorus of tiny voices filled my head. “Do it!” whispered Flirty. “You’ll be glad you did,” said Dreamy. “Are you going to just sit there?” goaded Lusty. Silly, Dopey and Naughty cheered. Chastity booed. It sounds corny, but it happened. Time stopped. Jack’s eyes held mine. My endorphin-soaked brain felt sixteen again. I hesitated for another millisecond, then I threw my arms around Jack’s neck, leaned in and kissed him smack on the mouth. In that moment love began to bloom. Oh sure it could have been hormones. But I choose to believe in the 8 Ball’s magic…“ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES.”

Bridal Guide 34


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april 35

Southern Snaps Robert and Ellen Lalonde – A Life at Sea by Leslie Moore

Five years ago, Robert and Ellen Lalonde were living in Mt. Airy, North Carolina, with their youngest daughter, Alison, then 12 years old. Their older two children, 19 and 20, were away at school. The couple both had full time jobs, Robert worked as a skilled welder and Ellen, who homeschooled her children during the day, worked at night as a waitress. Their life was typical of many, but it was not making this couple happy. “We never saw each other,” began Robert. “Ellen worked at night, and I worked during the day. And, when the economy began to slip, we began to question what we were doing working so hard, and for what?” Ellen had developed health problems and was eventually diagnosed with fibromyalgia. She lived in constant pain and life became very difficult for the couple. They had always loved boats and spending time on the water, so, after talking it over with their family, Robert and Ellen sold their home and belongings to buy a 33 foot sailboat, which they have since sold and replaced with the 38 foot sailboat, Island Girl. Robert, Ellen and Alison stepped onto their boat and set sail for parts unknown, changing their lives forever. “We only have one life,” said Robert when I asked him why they decided to change their lives so drastically. “Our lives are much simpler now. Yes, we have made sacrifices, but we are so much happier. Before we moved on the boat we would get up, go to work, come home, work around the house, go to sleep, get up and do it all again.” Most of us have, at one


time or another, noticed how fast time seems to slip by while we’re busy living our lives. Robert spoke of this and told me that since moving onto the boat, time has slowed down, and each day stretches out to contain whatever they chose to fill the hours. A lot of time is spent working on their boat, but there is plenty of time for drawing, reading and just enjoying the beauty of nature. “In the sailing life, there are no set ideas, no time limits.” Living on a boat does require sacrifices. The couple invited me aboard Island Girl, and the living space is tiny – very tiny. There is no room for much except the basics. A Bimini top covers a portion of the deck, the helm and a comfortable seating area. I climbed down a short set of stairs to the small, tidy cabin that contains everything needed to survive weeks at sea. While the family travels, all cooking is done on a two burner gas stove or a grill on deck and perishables are kept in a cooler located in the galley area of the cabin. There is a bathroom, but no shower. Robert took a plastic pump sprayer and made a shower they can use on deck. They share their space with tiny Bella, the sea dog and Prince the sea cat, both loving and friendly pets who came running to greet me when I came aboard. The couple recently bought Alison, who turns 17 in May, her own 25 foot sailboat, where she now lives with her pet rabbit. Alison suffers from an autoimmune disorder that the family was unaware of when first setting sail, but being away from crowds of people has most likely saved her life. “We almost lost her twice,” Robert said. Now Alison is ready to go to college and plans to attend either Horry Georgetown Technical College or Coastal Carolina University.


While she attends school, her boat will be her “dorm room.” Living at sea has given Alison the skills she needs to handle her boat, and Alison’s parents are both confident of her abilities. Despite her unusual lifestyle, this teenager is surprisingly normal. “Alison makes friends wherever we dock,” Ellen told me. “She’s bubbly and adorable, so people naturally gravitate to her. We gave her a sweet 16 birthday party while docked at a marina, and friends came from everywhere to celebrate. Alison is very interested in Oceanography,” her mother continued. “For her birthday, she wanted everyone to give her money to donate to a marine wildlife charity. “Her friends talked her into accepting presents,” the couple laughed. “After all, it was her 16th birthday!” The weather rules the life of a sailor, and Robert is constantly checking his barometer and charts while at sea. “I’ve never been afraid,” Robert began when I asked about storms. “But, there was one time it did get a little scary. I knew bad weather was coming, but I thought we could beat it out to sea. A gale hit our main sail, and there was no way we could make it back in.” This was late in the day, and Robert spent the night working to keep his tiny ship afloat while surrounded by a churning wall of water. “Someone has to be up all the time when we’re sailing,” said Robert, explaining that a speck of light in the distance means that in about 15 minutes you’ll make contact with what could be a large freighter. “Ellen’s health prevents her from taking the helm, so Alison relieved me three times that night. The first two times, I didn’t go to sleep, but by the third I was so exhausted I dropped off, only to be awakened by a wall of water rushing over me.” Alison had veered off course by slightly more than five degrees and Island Girl was nearly capsized. The family rode out Hurricane Irene on the South River in North Carolina. “We had fun, really,” said Ellen, telling me they joined a group of boats for a hurricane party. “We chose to anchor out in the river, rather than stay in the marina, which was a good decision because many of the boats there

were destroyed.” Ellen saw huge trees float by, washing machines, furniture and all manner of debris. After the storm, the weather was beautiful, and some of the group went swimming, but Ellen wisely stayed on board. “I saw logs floating down the river and soon realized that those ‘logs’ had teeth!” While docked at a marina more creature comforts are available. A cable hook-up for their television, hot showers, electricity for a small microwave and refrigerator, as well as easy access to supplies are a few of the luxuries this maritime family can access during their stay. Robert and Ellen also have a car that they move from marina to marina, and Robert usually finds work to do. “There is always work for someone who wants it – I have done a lot of different things.” Now the couple is docked at Bucksport Marina in Conway where Robert has taken a job as one of two dock masters. This is a long term job, so they may be in the area for several years. While they are here, Ellen and Robert plan to get involved with the community. Ellen has already made plans for a community garden tended by the long term campers and boaters at Bucksport. When asked about future plans, Robert said they want to eventually sail to Australia. “Life changes on the water – when I’m out there I am free! Sailing is a funny thing; we just throw the calendar away because there is no time limit.” Ellen added, “We will never go back to living on land. If we become unable to sail, we’ll probably get a trawler. This is our paradise.”

april 37

Some photos mean more than others, and for me these photos become more precious as I age. It must be the same for many people. No matter that we’re living in the age of digital everything, photos included. Physical photos in frames and albums in millions of homes are just as irreplaceable as they’ve always been. All my life, it seems, I’ve watched news crews interview people who’ve lost their homes to some hurricane, blizzard, flood or fire. They talk about losing everything, but often start to weep only when they say that all of their photos are gone. Even when I was a youngster, I’ve always understood, at least on some level, their sadness about the photos. There’s no way to get those back, and that’s truly heartbreaking. For me, photos started taking on a different kind of importance when the people who meant the most to me – family members – started to die. First it was my mom, who we lost twenty years ago. She was a lovely woman when she was young, and when she was older, she almost never let people take her picture. She wasn’t that old, mind you – she died shortly after turning 66. And after she was gone, my dad, sister, brother and I dearly wished she had let us take those no-frills snapshots we’d wanted to over the years. Maybe it wouldn’t have helped our grief to look at photos of her, but we surely wanted to. She thought she grew overweight and unattractive over time. To us she was always beautiful. We lost my dad next; he died five years ago. At least he lived to be 89 before cancer took him. And happily, our dad never minded having his photo taken, so his three kids have many photos of him to hold tightly. We each have photos going back to our childhoods of Dad as a young man, endlessly patient and kind. We have photos of Dad at work, as a safety engineer for NASA during the 1960s and 1970s – some heady years for NASA, some happy years for Dad. We have photos of Dad as he aged, photos of him with us and with his grandkids. I have a photo I love of my mom and dad from back when they were dating. I enlarged and framed it; it’s in black and white, and they look so young and glamorous. I have photos of me with Dad as the little girl who adored him, as a newly minted college grad standing next to him in a cap and gown, and photos with Dad and an older me who loved him in a more appreciative way. I wouldn’t trade these photos for anything, of course, but almost everyone has photos like these. Words like “priceless” hardly do them justice. Sometimes there’s no way you could know how important one single photo will

become – one that never seemed very special before. Likewise, you couldn’t know how soon that photo will take on such significance. Within the past year, that happened to me. It’s a photo of my brother, Mark and I, sitting together on a sofa with our arms around each other. We’ve got those posing-for-the-camera smiles on our faces, but we look happy. We also look really nice: We’re dressed up because we’re about to go out with our sister, Barb, and our parents to have Thanksgiving dinner at the Hyatt Regency in Austin, Texas. This is special, because we usually cook Thanksgiving dinner at home, but it’s even more special because none of us are youngsters anymore. I’m in my twenties and in college, coming home for holidays like Thanksgiving, but my sister and brother have their own lives, so the days of all five of us being home together for holiday dinners are over. I remember that particular Thanksgiving. To be able to spend it with my brother, and sister, too – the whole family together – wow, I was on cloud nine. I kept that photo of Mark and me in a photo album for decades, from the time it was taken until just about a month or so ago. I got it out so I could frame it; shortly after that, I decided my sister Barb should have a copy of it. I made a copy of the print and placed it carefully in its envelope, between two thin pieces of cardboard, and mailed it to Barb, who still lives in Austin. I stuck three stamps on it, probably going overboard. It was important to me to take so much care. This past May, we found out my brother had cancer. It was untreatable, and it was late-stage. He was only 58 and had been active all his life, but there was nothing anybody could do. Last July, on the 22nd, Mark died. Sometimes it’s still hard to believe he’s gone. We have photos, though – my sister and I have lots of photos of Mark. Mark as a happy little boy, Mark as a handsome young man, Mark as a happily married man with a son and stepdaughter he loved and who loved him back. We cherish all those photos now. My sister never had that photo of Mark and me on the sofa that Thanksgiving day, and when I told her about it and told her I wanted to send her a copy, she jumped at the idea. I’m not sure I can remember a time when putting something in the mail made me feel that good. Take good care of your treasured photos, and love the people in them as fully as you can. You all deserve it.

To Gaze At the Irreplaceable by Susan Shone



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We offer pageant stone work and photogenic photography services.

april 39

Wendy Greif & Jennifer Avant Which Craft? 129 King Street, Georgetown 843-520-2677 •

Michael Abushakra, owner of Brynn Elizabeth Jewelers in Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina, remembers his wedding day as the most perfect day of his life. “We will have been married five years on August 30th. Our wedding was held at the community center in Southport overlooking the water, and the weather was perfect! However the thing that still stands out the most is how absolutely beautiful my wife looked that day. There is no describing the feeling I had when I first saw her come out of that door, I knew I was one lucky man.” “I don’t take as many photos as I should,” Michael began.” Our daughter, Brynn Elizabeth, just turned one so most of my pictures are of her. I use my phone to take pictures as it is always convenient, and am on Instagram as ‘mikeabushakra.’ I have two photos that hang in my store that are my favorites, and, big surprise, they are both of my daughter. My friend Suzy King at Calabash Photography took them. We used my wife’s great grandmother’s pearls, one is very serious and in the other she has the biggest smile. They represent her personality so well, and our customers really seem to identify with them.” Micheal and his wife stay busy, so downtime is always a blessing. “We like to take the Southport Ferry over to Fort Fisher, go to the Aquarium, and then drive over to Downtown Wilmington to walk through the shops and have dinner overlooking the Cape Fear River.” Brynn Elizabeth Jewelers just opened last November and everything is new and exciting this spring/summer. “I am constantly searching for new and unique designers who are using natural gemstones. As a jeweler I love artistic creations, pieces that are one of a kind. I look forward to meeting many new friends while expanding my business, I am a native to Brunswick County, and I have a great love and appreciation for this community.”

Michael Abushakra

Brynn Elizabeth Jewelers 7183 Beach Dr., Ocean Isle Beach, NC 910-575-3455

Wendy Greif and Jennifer Avant, owners of Which Craft? in Georgetown, are both married; Jennifer for two years and Wendy will be married for ten years in June. Jennifer and her husband were married at the Kaminski House. “It was beautiful—Spanish moss hanging on the trees with the water in the background.” Wendy had a destination wedding. “My husband’s family owns a house on a lake in Florida, and we had a big barbeque.” Jennifer takes a lot of photos when her children are around. “I have eight grandchildren!” Wendy has three children, but no grandchildren. “We always have the camera around at family gatherings.” Neither takes cell phone photos. “My phone doesn’t even have a camera,” laughed Wendy. One of Jennifer’s favorite photos is a wedding picture of the couple standing by the water. “Of course, all the photos of my children are my favorites!” Wendy’s husband took a photo of their dog when she had puppies five years ago and caught two puppies nose to nose. “It’s adorable,” said Wendy, who also loves all the photos she has of her children. Jennifer loves to cook a big meal for her family when she has downtime, while Wendy would rather spend the day fishing with her husband. Spring weather will find both women outside enjoying the sunshine. Wendy and Jennifer are very excited about their new business. “We have opened an online shop through Facebook” said Jennifer. “And, we’re always getting new vendors.” The two women want to get as many local people involved as possible and are constantly searching for new items. “We have a company that makes things out of metal, like cool metal purses. There are so many fun things in our shop; natural dog treats, soaps, handmade dresses, hats, scarves, jewelry, dog sweaters, quilts, hand knitted custom wedding gowns and much more,” said Wendy. Jennifer stressed that the store has only American made, handcrafted items. “We are unique with a twist.”



Dr. Wm. Jackson Epperson Inlet Medical Associates 912 Inlet Square Dr., Murrells Inlet 843-651-4111 •

Nancy and Rich Kreidler, owners of Rice Paddy Restaurant in Georgetown, have been married for 33 years, but still remember every detail of their special day. “The weather was perfect—a warm, sunny October day spent with family and friends.” I asked Nancy if she enjoyed taking photographs. “Yes, Rich and I do take a lot of photos, but we both use our phones mostly. Neither of us is on Instagram.” I went on to ask Nancy about her favorite photograph. “My favorite photo is a church directory shot taken when our sons (and ourselves too!) were much younger. The photographer commented it was ‘nice to photograph a family that really likes each other!’” “When we have down time, Rich and I love walking on the beach at Huntington Beach State Park or strolling the Harborwalk in Georgetown. We enjoy being outdoors,” said Nancy. “As the weather warms up, we are both looking forward to getting more sunshine and sand between our toes. One of favorite things to do is invite friends over and grill in the backyard.” Nancy is very excited about the paintings in the dining room of the Rice Paddy. “There is new art hanging in the restaurant by local artist Susan Tiller. The works are beautiful florals, perfect for spring. An artist reception is scheduled for Saturday afternoon, April 13, from 4 to 5:30 pm so folks can come out and meet her. We are open for Mother’s Day Sunday Brunch and hope this becomes a tradition for many families.”

Nancy & Rich Kreidler Rice Paddy Restaurant 732 Front Street, Georgetown 843-546-2021 •

Dr. Wm. Jackson Epperson, MD, MBA, is still a newlywed. “I’ve been married for one year. We were married in the tuna tower of Harold Lewis’ offshore fishing boat 52 miles off of Murrells Inlet.” “I’m not on Instagram,” Dr. Epperson laughed. “But, I have several thousand photographs on my iPhone. I love photography and own many cameras, but I still use my cell phone for some shots.” I asked Dr. Epperson about his very favorite photograph, and he didn’t have to think long to give me an answer. “My favorite photo is of my wife and me at a surprise birthday party for a friend who is on the USC Gamecock coaching staff.” Skiing is the Epperson family’s favorite activity to do together. “It involves exercise and working together as a family. The travel and lodging requires close family time.” Being outdoors is important to this physician. “As the weather warms up, I will be turkey hunting and fishing as much as possible. I look forward to enjoying more exercise and fresh air to run off the dark doldrums of winter!” Inlet Medical Associates puts their customers first, and are constantly working to make visits more convenient for patients. “We have a new, improved electronic records system that will allow for better service for our patients. We can meet needs that patients may not have even known that they had! Our practice has so many great services, including dental care, weight loss services, hormone health problems, x-ray, bone density, family healthcare, women’s healthcare and laboratory. Our practice offers the widest range of services found anywhere in our area.”

Marriageand Planning by Janey Womeldorf




few years after we got married, my husband and I thought it would be fun to each write down what we thought our life would look like in ten years time. We decided to write down everything from where we’d be living, what our house would look like, how many children we would or wouldn’t have, what we’d be doing for work, our pets, friends, even what sort of vacations we’d take.

When you fall in love and get married, doves fly as you swoon and imagine all the joy-filled experiences you expect to share during the next ten, twenty, even fifty years of your marital bliss. Like all newlyweds, my husband and I shared candlelit evenings where we pictured our future. We talked about and planned our life together, so I already had a picture in my head about how it would go. As I held my pen, staring at the yellow pad in front of me, I was that newlywed again; I had a plan and a picture. The problem with plans, however, is that sometimes life throws you a curve ball. Take our honeymoon. My husband had never seen anyone faint so on our first night, in a quaint Italian trattoria in Venice, without any warning to either of us, my eyes roll back into my head and I drop to the floor like an overcooked piece of fettuccine. Within moments, an audience forms, Italian arms flail everywhere, and my panic-stricken and language-challenged (not to mention hungry and thirsty) husband stares down at his heap of a bride, petrified he had just become a widower. We knew there might be some bumps along our yellow-brick road but we at least thought the gods would wait until we got back from the honeymoon to hit us with them. My husband picked me up, I drank one of the million glasses of water that were being handed to me by concerned Italian hands, and confused, embarrassed and covered in dust, I walked gingerly back to the hotel supported by my new husband’s strong, loving arm. After a quick nap and a change of clothes, we did what everybody does on a holiday to Italy, we went out for pizza. And thank goodness. It was thin and slightly charred with a hint of that stone-oven baked earthy taste, delicately topped with some of the most flavorful ingredients we had ever tasted. We hadn’t cared that it was ten o’clock at night; we were ravenous, my husband was sorely in need of a drink, and we had a honeymoon to kick off. Thankfully, the rest of the honeymoon proceeded without incident or fainting, and we returned home more in love than ever with souvenirs we knew we’d cherish forever. I scribbled away; confident that ten years later, my version would be the closest. I knew there might be some bumps along the way, but foresaw nothing major. We were both heavily into our careers so I knew without question nothing would change except for promotions. My husband had always wanted a dog; I even gave it a name – Eddie. I described the yellow curtains that would hang in our bright, sunny kitchen in Florida where we would be

living. We both loved to travel so I even listed the cities and countries we’d go on vacation. I knew of couples who took separate vacations but that would never be us; no all our vacations would be blissful, magical and together. Then we put it away and forgot about it. Years later, as I was sorting through some old files, I came across two faded scraps of paper covered with scribbles. Puzzlement gave way to excitement the moment I realized it was our ten-year, how-we-see-ourselves-living plans. I couldn’t wait to read them with my husband. That night over a glass of wine, we each read our version. Had we been on a different planet back then? It wasn’t even close. We never got the promotions I wrote about because we both had different jobs. My husband was in the military at the time but as a result of a military troop reduction, he left early and was now working for a shipping company. The changes in his career, and the relocations it required affected my career, and I went back to school. We had moved three times, rented not owned, and lived in Tennessee not Florida. Our dog Eddie was still just a dream; we never had a house with a path but an apartment with a stairwell, our kitchen had blinds not curtains, and our honeymoon souvenirs had fetched two dollars at the last garage sale. We also never took the vacations to the places I thought, instead developing a love for Mexico and snorkeling. We also learned that separate vacations are sometimes a welcome change. Gasp! Who knew he would adopt (and I would fully encourage) his annual game-with-the-boys weekend getaway; or that I would later spend two weeks without him in France on a 40thyear, I-need-to-challenge-myself vacation of self-discovery. Who knew that we’d be honest enough to realize we both win when I go earlier to my parents for a head start on chatting. Who knew we would spend Christmases apart through no fault of our own. The reality is, a few things in marriage are hard to predict even the things one takes for granted including only taking vacations together. Admittedly it’s probably best to take the honeymoon together but after that, I have learned to say regarding vacations as in life, “Never say never.” Talking of which, my husband’s annual boy’s trip is coming up; I’m not sure whose looking forward to it more. Therein lies the beauty of plans, marriage, even honeymoons. Whether we dream, plan, or write it down, life is full of twists and surprises. All a couple can do is hope for the best and hang on for the ride. Then go out for pizza.

april 43

SAT U R DAY, A P R I L 2 0 , 2 013 A N E L E GA N T C E L E B R AT I O N I N T H E GA R D E N S W I T H CO C K TA I L S , L I V E E N T E RTA I N M E N T, D I N N E R , DA N C I N G A N D S I L E N T AU C T I O N


Call for reservations or more information

843-235-6026 www.B RO O KG R E E

Your purchases make a difference. All of your purchases help support Brookgreen Gardens, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve and display American sculpture and regional plants, animals, and history.

Advertiser Index Bio-Identical Hormones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Bistro 217. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Bloomingails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Bou’Tiki / Children’s Bou’Tiki / Tiki Tan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Breathe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Brookgreen Gardens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Burroughs & Chapin Art Museum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 CHD Interiors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Classic Attic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Coastal Dance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Downtown Pawleys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 DS Plumbing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Elegantz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Finders Keepers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Gray Man Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Hammock Shops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Homespun Crafters Mall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Inlet Medical Associates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Lamp Niche. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Litchfield Dance Arts Academy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Long Bay Symphony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 The Market Common. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 McLeod Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Miller-Motte Myrtle Beach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Palmetto Ace Home Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Rose Arbor Fabrics & Interiors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Safe Kids Pee Dee/Coastal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Shades & Draperies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Simply Divine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Simply Sophia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Socialite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 South Atlantic Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Southern Guys & Gals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Strand Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Studio 77. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Take 2 Resale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Taz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 WEZV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Which Craft?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Bridal Guide Art & Soul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlantic Discount Spirits / Boot Legger Liquors. . . . . . Barbara’s Fine Gifts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bless Your Letter Art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Blue Heron Gallery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brynn Elizabeth Jewelers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cabana Gauze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christopher’s Fine Jewelry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classic Antiques & More. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coccadotts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRH Interior Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Croissants Bistro & Bakery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Grabeman, D.D.S., P.A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Douglas Diamond Jewelers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elderberry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eleanor Pitts Fine Gifts & Jewelry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . En Facé. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fabric Showcase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


16 33 19 16 16 21 29 21 17 27 23 21 20 17 23 20 19 19 20

Fitness N’ FriendZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flowers on Broadway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grady’s Jewelers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kaminski House Museum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Kangaroo Pouch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lands End Restaurant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Little White Dress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Millie’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Myrtle Beach Florist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pawleys Island Bakery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pawleys Island Swimwear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peaches & Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pink Cabana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pounds Away. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Priceless Desserts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rice Paddy Restaurant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Tulip Tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UltraSkin Wax Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Waynes View Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wine and Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

29 27 21 26 29 29 34 31 33 17 23 31 27 26 26 27 31 31 20 26

Finders Keepers

The Lamp Niche, Etc.

Upscale Consignment & Boutique

Men & Women’s Clothing, Home Furnishings, Handbags, Shoes & Accessories

Custom Lamp Design & Repair Unique Shades & Finials Home Furnishings & Gifts

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Great Quality!

Bloomingails Consignment



9990 Beach Drive Calabash, NC

Mon-Sat 10am-5pm

Sun 12-4pm 45

Visit for a full calendar and more Sasee events!













Garage Party, 6 pm, Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson. Discover the freedom of driving your own Harley. For reservations and more info, call 843-369-5555.

S.O.S. Spring Safari, various venues, North Myrtle Beach. For more info, call 843-280-5570 or visit

Art in the Park, 10 am-4 pm, 13-14 Chapin Park, Myrtle Beach, 20-21 Market Common, Valor Park. For more info, call 843-446-7471 or visit

“Musical Memories,” Serendipity Singers Spring Concert, 3 pm, Belin UMC, Murrells Inlet, free. For more info, call 843-215-2561 or visit


Coffee With the Authors, Jack Thompson discusses Memories of Myrtle Beach, 10-11 am, Sunset River Marketplace, 10283 Beach Drive (NC 179), Calabash, N.C. For reservations or more info, call 910-575-5999 or visit

Plantacular Sale, Brookgreen Gardens, free with garden admission. For more info, call 843-235-6000 or visit

Polo and Pearls, a fundraising event to benefit the scholarship program of Myrtle Beach Women’s Club, heavy hors d’oeuvres, dancing, live music and more, 7-11 pm, Pine Lakes Country Club, $75. For more info, call 843-251-4506.

Moveable Feast, Beth Webb Hart discusses Moon Over Edisto, 11 am, Kimbel’s at Wachesaw, $25. For more info, call 843-235-9600 or visit


The Scoop



Spring Garden Festival, Lowcountry Herb Society, 8 am-5 pm, Inlet Culinary Garden, Murrells Inlet. For more info, call 843-650-2565.

Spring Serenade, Long Bay Symphony, 13th – 7 pm, Trinity Episcopal Church, Myrtle Beach; 14th – 4 pm, All Saints Church, Pawleys Island, 843-448-8379 or visit

The Color Purple, Theatre of the Republic, Conway. For times and ticket info, call 843-488-0821.

Strawberry and Wine Fest, to benefit Old Bridge Preservation Society, 12-6 pm, Silver Coast Winery, $5. For more info, call 910-579-9021 or visit


25th Anniversary Symphony Series

Thinking Forward. Looking Back. SATURDAY & SUNDAY, APRIL 13 & 14, 2013 Saturday, April 13, 2013 – 7:00pm | Trinity Episcopal Church, Myrtle Beach Sunday, April 14, 2013 – 4:00pm | All Saints Church, Pawleys Island

String Serenade

Experience a rich and varied program of music for string orchestra, from the Baroque, the Romantic period and 20th century. Handel Barber Britten Tchaikovsky

Give Your Mom, Sister, Best Friend or Yourself the Gift that Lasts a Year! Special Offer 12 Issues for $24


GENERAL SEATING TICKETS: Adults $20 Students $10


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Concerto Grosso in G, Op. 6 No. 1 Adagio for Strings Les Iluminations String Serenade

april 47

A state-of-the-art web site comes to life. McLeod Health has just launched its newly redesigned web site.

And in addition to a fresh look, it offers special features that enhance all aspects of the user’s experience. From the ability to conveniently adjust the font size on each page, and easier site navigation to more efficiently locate information, to our extensive health information video libraries, you’ll love the changes. Through the new site, you’ll also be able to quickly access information about any of our five facilities, including interactive maps and directions, as well as in-depth details about the services and physicians of McLeod Health. Experience

McLeod Health The Choice for Medical Excellence 50431-WebAnnouncement Sasee 9x10.125.indd 1

3/15/13 5:59:38 PM

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