Risk and mitigation strategies

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1 Annex 4: Risks and mitigation strategies Risk


Likely impact


Programmes fail to reach the most poor and vulnerable adolescent girls and women Programme lose participants or are unable to recruit participants of sufficient quality (Vital Voices)



Women Win and Vital Voices develop, tested and in place strategies to identify the most poor and vulnerable adolescents and women



Organisations to alert DFID if significant changes occur, with proposals to address issue. Good dissemination plans and incentives in place. Strong monitoring to quality issues addressed. Advisory inputs sought.

Continuing weak capacity of CSOs and their inability to become effective partners in the programme (Women Win) Programme participants are unable to practice leadership in their communities Community opposition, including from traditional and religious leaders to involvement of girls and women in programme activities (Women Win and Vital Voices) Vital Voices and Women Win are unable to spend / disburse the budget Procurement process fails to identify suitable organisations Poor quality outputs that are of limited relevance.

Realistic assessment of CSOs capabilities during Inception phase and implementation of a strengthening programme

Medium – Women Win Low - Vital Voices Medium


Strong monitoring and advisory inputs from organisational staff and key contacts to ensure programme participants are fully supported to be leaders in practice.


Organisations work through local CSOs with established community links and other networks at community level





Initial communication strategy to sensitise potential participating communities to the objectives of the programme and its processes. Communities’ selection informed by their confirmed support of the inclusive approach Expenditure/forecasting carefully tracked by DFID programme manager, in close coordination with organisations. Wide advertisement and networking. Pre-bid meetings to be explored, presentations from bidders that focus deeply on delivery quality. DFID to provide clear guidance on requirements. TORs for call for proposals under each theme confirm substance with and verify interest across DFID. Strong monitoring to ensure delivery on track.


Organisations lose key staff or are unable to recruit staff of sufficient quality (call for proposals) Duplication of work by organisations and work supported by other DFID teams (call for proposals) Policy recommendations from evidence gaps products are not taken up or acted upon Women and girls may be unable to participate or may be negatively impacted by the programmes due to increased insecurity or violence either in the home or due to violent conflict

Advisory inputs in place and available. Organisations to alert DFID if significant staffing changes occur, with proposals to address issue.





On going communication with RED, PD and others (e.g. Pillar leads and Girl Hub) to share information and avoid overlap in work



Ensure that outputs are widely disseminated through DFID and research networks. Ensure targeted circulation within DFID to relevant policy teams and country offices.



Ensure that a detailed conflict analysis is carried out in each country prior to the beginning of the programming and research to ensure that a conflict-sensitive approach is being taken and that any potential backlash or negative impacts of the programmes can be identified. Ensure ongoing monitoring includes context risk assessment and ensure that the safety and security of programme participants is protected at all times.

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