LFC logical framework

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PROJECT NAME IMPACT Impact Indicator 1 Increased provision and Proportion of females in Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda who find it easy or take up of services by very easy to access medical treatment at a public clinic or hospital girls and women in selected locations (Kenya, Nigeria, India, Zambia, Uganda) Impact Indicator 2 Proportion of females in Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda who find it easy or very easy to obtain an identity document, such as birth certificate, driver’s license, passport or voters card

Baseline Planned Achieved

Milestone 1 54% N/A

Milestone 2 N/A

Target (date) 59%


Planned Achieved

Afrobaromter (www. Afrobarometer.org) Round 5: Kenya 2011, Nigeria 2012, Uganda 2012 Baseline Milestone 1 30% N/A

*Afrobaromter Milestone 2 N/A

Target (date) 35%

Source Afrobaromter (www. Afrobarometer.org) Round 5: Kenya 2011, Nigeria 2012, Uganda 2012

OUTCOME Increased leadership of girls and women in informal and formal political and community decision-making processes.

Outcome Indicator 1 (Vital Voices) % of participants who grow their services or businesses (e.g. clients/constituency served, profits, exports, number and type of services offered, etc.)


Outcome Indicator 2 (Vital Voices) % of program participants engaged in new efforts to create cultural or policy change (e.g. through advocacy campaign or policy action focused on initiation, implementation or improvement)


Outcome Indicator 3 (Vital Voices) # of people directly benefiting from the participants' services or businesses (secondary beneficiaries)

Baseline Planned


Planned Achieved

Outcome Indicator 4 (Women Win) Proportion of adolescent girls and young women participating in the Women Win programme who report an improved perception as leaders at community and household level where the programme is active.

Planned Achieved

Outcome Indicator 5 (Women Win) Proportion of parents/guardians of AGYW participating in Women Win programmes who report an improved perception of their daughters as leaders.



Milestone 1 0 N/A

Assumptions Women leaders who benefit from the program positively impact the enabling environment and respective Source beneficiaries through their Baseline, interim and cumulative surveys. *110 vehicles for change participants in year 1 (businesses, nonBaseline Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Target (date) governmental organizations, 0 N/A 30% of participants 40% of participants advocacy campaigns or public service positions) or Women leaders who benefit from the programmes use Source their influence to attempt to Baseline, interim and cumulative surveys. Women counted as ‘engaged in new efforts’ will be determined on case change policy and legislation by case basis by VV staff and verified by DFID on an annual basis. and to encourage further Baseline Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Target (date) women leaders. 32,840 (based on 110 year 32840 32950 33033** Empowered girls will be able 1 participants only)* to challenge gender norms and take up services, supported by boys and men. Source Baseline, interim and cumulative surveys. *Baseline figure above based on application responses and is lowest in range provided via said responses; numbers unconfirmed, pending baseline survey. Baseline, milestones and target to be amended each year based on year 2 and 3 participants. **People directly benefiting from the year one participants' services or businesses (secondary beneficiaries includes both original and new beneficiaries). Baseline N/A

Milestone 1 50% yr 1 participants

Milestone 2 20% of Y1 participants*

Target (date) 20% of Y2 participants; 35% of Y1 participants

Milestone 2 60% yr 2 participants

Target (date) 70% yr 3 participants



Source Participant Assessment, Baseline and Endline, annually Baseline N/A

Milestone 1 Improved perception of parents in selected organisation(s)

Milestone 2 Improved perception of parents in selected organisation(s)



Target (date) Improved perception of parents in selected organisation(s) 98%

Source Parent Assessment (other community impact tools are teacher interviews and peer focus group discussions). Parent Assessment will be a baseline and endline executed in the first year of the programme with one organisation. A baseline and endline will be executed in the second year of the programme with two selected organisations. Outcome Indicator 6 (Boys and Men) TBC


Milestone 1


Milestone 1


Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Target (date)

Planned Achieved Source

Outcome Indicator (WPP) TBC

Milestone 2

Target (date)

Planned Achieved Source

Outcome Indicator 8 (M&E/Intergenerational) TBC

Milestone 2

Target (date)

Planned Achieved Source


DFID (£)


DFID (FTEs) 0.4 B1; 0.2 A2; 0.1 A1

Govt (£) £4,498,815.00

Other (£) £4,498,815.00

Total (£) £0.00

DFID SHARE (%) £4,498,815.00


OUTPUT 1 (Vital Voices) Increased number of women leaders supported through targeted interventions to increase capacity, connections and leadership skills

Output Indicator 1.1


# of program participants engaged in at least one network activity (e.g. information exchanges, trainings, and mentoring)

Milestone 1 0


Milestone 2 60

Target (date) 150

Assumption 300 Changes in existing norms to allow women to have more of a voice in policy and legislation.

Achieved Source Administrative data regarding participation Output Indicator 1.2 # of program participants engaged in at least three network activities (see definition above for network activity)


Milestone 1 0

Planned Achieved

Milestone 2 15

Target (date) 60


Source Administrative data regarding participation Output Indicator 1.3 % of participants reporting improvement in leadership skills and behaviour


Milestone 1 0

Planned Achieved

Milestone 2 15%

Target (date) 35%


Source Baseline, interim and cumulative surveys and goals & objectives setting and tracking documents Output Indicator 1.4 % of participants reporting an increase in capacity (e.g. knowledge, skills or ability) relevant to respective professional mission and/or work


Milestone 1 0

Planned Achieved

Milestone 2 15%

Target (date) 30%


Source Baseline, interim and cumulative surveys IMPACT WEIGHTING (%)

Output Indicator 1.5


% of participants reporting an increase in size of professional network TBC

Milestone 1 0

Planned Achieved

Milestone 2 25%

Target (date) 40%


Source Baseline, interim and cumulative surveys


DFID (£)



Govt (£) £1,248,495.00

Other (£) £1,248,495.00


Total (£) £0.00

DFID SHARE (%) £1,248,495.00


OUTPUT 2 (Women Output Indicator 2.1 Win) Adolescent girls and Number of AGYW participating in sports programmes young women provided with means to develop their leadership skills and challenge gender Output Indicator 2.2 norms Proportion of AGYW who hold a leadership position in their sports programme


Milestone 1 0

Planned Achieved

Milestone 2

Target (date)

10,000 12490

18,000 24756

Assumptions 24,000

Source Attendance sheets in Salesforce, quarterly measured Baseline

Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Target (date) 0% 5% of participants 8% of participants 10% of participants 7% 6.45%

Planned Achieved

Source Beneficiary information sheet in Salesforce, annually measured Output Indicator 2.3 Proportion of participating AGYW who report an increase in adolescent life skills 2.3.1 Proportion of AGYW who have an increased SRHR score. 2.3.2 Proportion of AGYW who have an increased GBV score. 2.3.3 Proportion of AGYW who have an increased EE score.


Milestone 1 0

Planned Achieved Planned Achieved Planned Achieved Planned Achieved

Milestone 2

Target (date)

50% 74% 50% 74% 50% 64% 50% 66%

0 0 0

60% 75% 60% 79% 60% 65% 60% 69%

80% 80% 80% 80%

Source Participant assessment, measured in baseline and endline Output Indicator 2.4 Number of AGYW who are mentored as part of the mentoring program


Milestone 1 0

Planned Achieved

Milestone 2

Target (date)

8 112

162 166



This includes both AGYW that are mentored through WW's mentorship workshop, as the girls mentored by their peers

Attendance sheets in Salesforce, annually measured Output Indicator 2.5 Proportion of AGYW in the mentoring programme who report gaining personal leadership skills


Milestone 1 0

Planned Achieved

Milestone 2

Target (date)

62.50% 82%

80% 100%


Source Mentorship assessment form, measured annually Output Indicator 2.6 Proportion of partner organisations who have an improved 7Cs score on WW critical areas

Baseline Planned

Milestone 1 Milestone 2 0 100% of partner 70% of partner organisations score amber organisations score green or green 100% of partner 100% of partner organisations score amber organisations green or green


2.6.1 Finance and policies

0 100% of partner 70% of partner organisations score amber organisations score green or green


0 100% of partner organisations score amber or green 100% of partner organisations score amber or green



2.6.3 Capability to demonstrate impact

80% of partner organisations score green

100% of partner 100% of partner organisations score amber organisations green or green


2.6.2 Capability to deliver high quality and safe sports programmes for girls

Target (date) 80% of partner organisations score green

70% of partner organisations score green 100% of partner organisations green

0 100% of partner 70% of partner organisations score amber organisations score green or green


80% of partner organisations score green

80% of partner organisations score green

100% of partner 100% of partner organisations score amber organisations green or green


Source 7Cs organisational capacity assessment, measured annually Output Indicator 2.7 Number of AGYW who participate in DST & AST


Milestone 1 0

Planned Achieved

Milestone 2 20 68

Target (date) 168 171


Source DST evaluation form, measured annually Output Indicator 2.8 Proportion of AGYW involved in DST and AST who report increased ability to tell their story

Baseline Planned Achieved

Milestone 1 0 ikm

Milestone 2

Target (date) 80% 100%


This includes both AGYW that are trained in DST/AST by WW's directly, as the girls trained by their peers


Source DST evaluation form, measured annually IMPACT WEIGHTING (%) TBC

Output Indicator 2.9


Number of community outreach activities organised and led by participating AGYW where the programme is active

Milestone 1 0

Planned Achieved

Milestone 2 7 35

Target (date) 21 435




Quarterly narrative reporting by partners INPUTS (£)

DFID (£)



Govt (£) £1,537,319.00

Other (£) £1,537,319.00

Total (£) £0

DFID SHARE (%) £1,537,319.00


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