Strategy & The Will To Execute

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Strategy & The Will To Execute Program Overview

The Role Of The

Chief Executive Officer Dream. Think. Become...three powerful words that describe the management role of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), as he or she pursues the creation, growth, and preservation of wealth for his or her organization. Management in this sense, as someone once observed, “ truly the most creative of all arts, since the medium is human talent itself �.

Selected Clients

“In the last analysis management is practice… it’s only authority is performance.” Peter F. Drucker

Our Strategy Practitioners Our Directors are: Trusted Senior Advisors with formidable business experience who assist CEOs to develop and execute a strategic direction Using a process that is a catalyst for enormous change

Our Directors provide: Relationship-based

Trustworthy Consistent and confidential strategic counsel

Which produces results

The Driving Forces of Achievement


A pre-occupation with success



A belief in Cause & effect thinking

A desire for feedback


A moderate level of risk taking


A belief that “My� effort counts and I can set my own goals

What You Will Accomplish Clear operational battle plans that focus your team’s energies on launching or relaunching the products and services critical to the success your strategy

A constructive culture and the application of leadership skills which empower people to deliver the results demanded by the strategy

A Strategic Scorekeeping System to assist you in managing the execution of the strategy A clear strategy to create and serve a customer in order to make money

A strategic intelligence system in place that allows you to monitor change

Analysis of competitors’ moves in the market place and plans to counter attack

1 Crafting The Strategy We will craft the strategy and identify strategic offensive and defensive positions. STAGE I



Strategic Assessment

Craft Your Strategy

Strategic Positions

Decide strategic offensive and defensive positions

Plan Battles of the Strong and Battles of the Weak to execute strategy

Strategic thinking principles and techniques to craft an agreed strategy Agree the strategic assessment pre-work to be completed by participants

Create a clear future strategic end position for the business: products/services, customers, markets Identify critical issues and clear future priorities

2 Capturing The Strategy We will capture our strategy in a clear, well written “story� of what we will look like when we have achieved our strategic positions. This story will build a common understanding of what needs to be executed and the direction, investment, and development of all markets.

3 Measuring The Strategy We will define key metrics that we will use to ensure that we are successfully executing our strategy.

4 Assessing The Will To Execute Do we have the will to execute? We will measure our desired culture and our current culture. We will analyze where are our biggest gaps, and how we will close them.

5 Organizing Strategy Execution We will select and bring together a coalition of key people, which includes our executive leadership team, who have great influence over key parts and levels of our organization. They will guide the execution of our strategy and we will give them the tools and authority to get on with the job.

6 Leading Strategy Execution We will assess, debrief and develop our new leadership skills at the senior executive level to execute our strategy.




7 Communicating The Strategy We will develop and execute a communication plan which will ensure that key stakeholders understand our strategy as evidenced by the successful execution of priority issues.

8 Developing The Will To Execute The Cycle Of Success-Developing The Will To Execute: We will define and improve our group and individual thinking styles in order to better execute our strategy.

9 Cascading The Strategy We will then cascade the Cycle of Success by developing strategy execution facilitators to guide the roll out of the strategy.

10 Tracking Execution We will have regular ‚"Meetings of the Mind" to track progress to plan, making the necessary changes to improve performance and transfer that knowledge to every level.

LESSONS LEARNED‌ Has Everything Happened That we Wanted to Happen?

STRATEGY AND THE WILL TO EXECUTE - ROADMAP Lessons Learned - Has everything happened that we wanted to happen? What did we learn? How will we apply those lessons to our next phase of improving performance? 10. We will have regular ‘Meetings of the Mind’ to track progress to plan.......making the necessary changes to improve performance and transfer that knowledge to every level. 9. We will then cascade the Will to Execute TM by developing Internal Change Agents to facilitate the roll out of the strategy. 8. The Cycle Of Success- Creating The Will To Execute TM - We will define and improve our group and individual thinking styles in order to better execute our strategy. 7. We will assess, debrief and develop our new leadership skills at the senior executive level to execute our strategy. 6. The Guiding Coalition will develop and execute a “Communication Plan” which will ensure that key stakeholders understand our strategy as evidenced by the successful execution of priority issues. 5. We will assemble a ‘Guiding Coalition’ and we will give them the tools and authority to get on with the job. 4. Do we have the will to execute TM? We will measure our desired culture and our current culture. We will analyze where are our biggest gaps, and how we will close them. 3. We will define key metrics and KPIs that we will use to ensure that we are successfully executing our strategy. 2. We will capture our strategy in a clear, well written “story” of what we will look like when we have achieved our strategic positions. This story will build a common understanding of what needs to be executed and the direction, investment, and development of all markets. 1. We will craft the strategy and identify strategic offensive and defensive positions.

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