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EXPANDING HORIZONS An Educational Grant Scheme for the Strathallian Community.

SOPHIE CHAPMAN (G ’22) IS A RECENT RECIPIENT OF A GRANT FROM THE EXPANDING HORIZONS SCHEME AND HAS BEEN VOLUNTEERING IN I SRAEL SINCE N OVEMBER 2022. She was based at Tabeetha School in Jaffa, in the junior school, helping with anything she could but specifically English and music. Sophie also ended up making the nativity costumes and the set for the Junior School nativity.
This is a grant scheme designed to support individual Strathallians (current Sixth Form pupils or alumni) looking to broaden their horizons and widen their personal educational experience relevant either to their career aspirations or to a particular subject skill e.g. languages, sciences, arts, music, sport, research etc.
The scheme is funded by the Expanding Horizons fund whose capital represents the capital of the former Strathallian Club which itself was funded over the years by subscriptions and gifts from former pupils of Strathallan and their parents.

Each calendar year, the Expanding Horizons scheme intends to make a number of awards of varying amounts depending upon the merits of the applications. As a guide, awards would be in the region of £500 but may be greater if the case is compelling.
Applicants may apply for only one award.
Current Sixth Form pupils and young Strathallians up to and including the age of 25. Applications are particularly encouraged from individuals who will also be making a personal contribution either through fundraising or other activity e.g. match funding. Examples of applications might include (but are not exclusive to) training, attendance at relevant conferences, coaching, masterclasses, research trips, participation in educational or career development events.
When To Apply
Applicants may apply at any time during the year. Applications will be considered by Expanding Horizons Committee at regular intervals and successful applicants will be advised as quickly as possible.
How To Apply
Applicants should provide the Alumni & Development Manager with a maximum of 2 sides of A4 as a word document or PDF that includes the following:
• Name, Address, Contact telephone, Email
• If a current pupil: Year and House
• If a Strathallian: Year of leaving and House
• Amount applied for and the total cost of the activity
Details of the activity to which the application relates
A comprehensive description of the benefits of the activity to the applicant
• Dates for the activity
The application should be submitted in the first place to the Alumni and Development Manager at the School who will review it and, if appropriate, submit it to the Expanding Horizons Committee for consideration.
Post Activity Commitment By Applicant
In order that others may benefit from the successful applicant’s experiences, a short written or video report/article about the activity for which the grant was used should be submitted as soon as possible to the Alumni and Development Manager at the School. This report will be shared with the wider Strathallian community, and it may also act as a guide to future applicants.
Everyone at the school was so lovely and I was so glad to be of use there, and very sad to leave at the end of the term. I stayed in a hostel nearby in Jaffa where I met some amazing people and definitely some friends for life! I visited the church in Jaffa too for a service which was nice. I came home for Christmas and am going back to Tel Aviv on January 23 rd to volunteer at a different organisation; Sadaka Reut Arab Jewish partnership.
Sophie Chapman