2 minute read
The Harry Riley Trust A Letter from the Chairman
Dear Strathallian,
I am writing to you to bring you up to date with plans for the future of The Harry Riley Trust.
As many of you will know, The Trust was created by a Trust Deed signed on 18th May 2015 and comprised the balance of funds of the former Strathallian Club which was disbanded at that time. The Trust was set up for the benefit of Strathallians.
Since its formation, four Trustees being myself, Ed Anderson, Kate Blanche and John Fingland have served to manage the Trust which at the date of the last accounts in April 2022, had assets of approximately £156k.
The Trustees have applied the Trust funds in setting up a scheme called The Expanding Horizons Scheme (An Educational Grants Scheme) which has successfully provided grants to a number of Strathallians both current pupils and former pupils. It has also provided some assistance to The Strathallian Golf Society being the only remaining active section of the former Strathallian Club.
The Trustees have now decided that the way forward is for the Trust to support directly the School Board of Governors as they develop Strathallan from strength to strength. To this end, the Trustees have been in discussion with the Board who are in the process of setting up an overarching Development Foundation to be called The Harry Riley Foundation. This Foundation will have several “arms“ to it which will include the Bursary Fund ( already launched by the Board ) and is likely to include other Funds in the future.
The Trustees of The Harry Riley Trust have decided that they wish to transfer all the funds held by the Trust into a restricted fund to be an integral and important part of the overarching Harry Riley Foundation which will be under the control and management of the School and which will:
1. Continue to support The Expanding Horizons Scheme making grants totalling up to £3000 per annum in aggregate in accordance with the Scheme’s rules
2. Continue to support the Strathallian Golf Society by reimbursing competition entry fees of up to £500 per annum in aggregate
3. Allow the Foundation to use the funds for other purposes as laid down in the Trust Deed. This will be supervised by a small management committee comprising the Bursar and two Strathallians.
The Trustees therefore propose to transfer the investment portfolio of the Trust to the School for the purposes I have laid out above. As soon as this has been effected, the Trustees will demit office and The Harry Riley Trust will be wound up.
As the funds referred to were originally those of the former Strathallian Club, it was important that I should write to you to tell you what was happening. I will of course be more than happy to answer any questions which you may have and would ask you to direct them to me — contact details below
Yours sincerely
Donald Turner, Chairman, The Harry Riley Trust. 19/1 Kinnear Road, Edinburgh. EH3 5PG email: donaldturner44@btinternet.com