The Union is regenerating... An Introduction… Another year, another set of the same old elections…? Wrong! In October, and after twelve months of consultation and development, the Big Student Meeting made the historic decision to make the biggest changes to how The Union is run in it’s fifty year history. That means that this year we have 13 brand new positions to elect, each with its own unique responsibilities and opportunities to improve the lives of Strathclyde students. The new positions will cover the six major areas the Association deals with and will be led and directed by students through forums, where any student will get the chance to have their say and influence the way things are done. Meaning you don’t have to be elected to be involved, you don’t have to be involved
with everything – you can get involved in issues you really care about and then get back to your degree if you want to. However we still need students to keep The Union running throughout the year so we’ve developed new positions to reflect the new way of doing things. The new positions are all up for grabs at the elections on March 1st & 2nd 2010. They are split into two different types: Full-Time Sabbatical (paid) and Part-time Voluntary (unpaid). A Sabbatical position is fulltime, so if you are in the middle of your degree, you will have to take a year out of your studies to fulfil the role. For the part-time, voluntary positions, you will continue studying full-time and carry out the role along side your studies.
... Could you get the starring role? The Positions... Full-time Sabbatical
Page 6
Vice President Activities & Development
Page 8
Vice President Education & Representation
Page 10
Vice President Equality & Diversity
Page 12
Vice President Services
Page 14
Vice President Sports, Physical Activities & Wellbeing
Page 16
Part-time Voluntary
Vice Chair (Communities Engagement Forum)
Page 7
Vice Chair (Activities Forum)
Page 9
Vice Chair (Education & Representation Forum)
Page 11
Vice Chair (Equality & Diversity Forum)
Page 13
Vice Chair (Services Forum)
Page 15
Vice Chair (Sports, Physical Activities & Wellbeing Forum)
Page 17
Policy & Democracy Officer
Page 18
The Union is regenerating... How it all fits together To make it easier to understand how each position fits into the new model, we’ve created this diagram. Don’t worry if you still don’t get it all, there’s even more details on our website at
... Bring your own sonic screwdriver! What do I need to do? n Download a candidates’ pack from (Available when nominations open: 1st Feb 2010) n Gather nominations from at least 20 other Ordinary Members (Strathclyde Students) n Return your nominations form to Al Wilson, Democratic Services Coordinator, level 10, The Union, John Street n Create a manifesto of all the things you would do if you got elected n Create a poster to publicise yourself around election time n Get elected!
Dates for
your dia
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e: Monda
y 1st Feb
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: Monday
Communities Engagement Forum Communiti nities Engagement Forum Communities Enga Position: President Type: Full-time Sabbatical (Paid) Role: The Chief Representative of Strathclyde Students
n Be the overall chief representative and spokesperson of USSA; to the university, media, and external agencies and ensure that the Association maintains close links with the local and national community on issues of mutual concern. n Be responsible for the smooth running of the Association, including working with the Vice Presidents to ensure licensing matters are dealt with, liaising with the General Manager on issues of staff concerns and policy, and liaising with Human Resources Manager to ensure that all appropriate legislation is adhered to. n Chair the Communities’ Engagement Forum and via this, ensure the organisation and implementation of
communities campaigns, events, and materials n Be the chair of the Trustee Board, Executive Committee and Financial Oversight Committee. n Along with the appropriate groups, work on a fundraising and community engagement strategy, and ensure that the Association maintains a place of high esteem within the community. n Be responsible for overall financial and political management of the Association, including the presentation of the budget to University committees, signing cheques and contracts on behalf of the Association as appropriate, and coordinating the work of the Executive.
Reaching out beyond the Union... 6
ies Engagement Forum Communities Engagem agement Forum Communities Engagement For n Coordinate the work of the Executive in setting the yearly strategic goals and objectives of the Association, along with USSA management.
Position: Vice Chair (Communities Engagement) Type: Part-time Voluntary (unpaid) Role: Representing students’ interests in the community
n Promote the Association positively to current and prospective students.
Specific to the role:
n Ensuring that the appropriate policies are implemented and adhered to for the effective and safe running of the Association. n Oversee the organisation of Fresher’s Week and other such events in conjunction with the relevant officer. n With the General Manager, assist in the recruitment of Association staff as appropriate.
n The Communities Engagement Forum shall be responsible for the representation of members’ interests and opinions to bodies external to the Association; n Areas involved include community engagement &
fundraising activities and issues relating to students as members of the University community, the wider local & national community as well as citizens of the world.
General Vice Chair duties: n A full member of the Board of Trustees which is ultimately responsible for the long-term strategic direction of the Association as well as its political and financial sustainability n Leading the research and development of policies, campaigns and events relating to the relevant forum
Activities and Development Forum Activitie ties and Development Forum Activities and D Position: Vice President Activities & Development Type: Full-time Sabbatical (Paid) Role: Helping Students get the most from their Uni experience by doing things they enjoy!
n Act as Clubs & Societies Convenor n Be responsible for the promotion of societies and student activities amongst the student body and ensure widened access, with the aim of encouraging increased participation. n Chair the Activities and Development Forum, and through this ensure the effective organisation and delivery of campaigns, events and materials to its ends. n Provide assistance, support and guidance to USSA volunteers, and provide them with the means to effectively carry out their roles. n Lead on policy development and implementation with regards to volunteering and involvement. n Ensure that an effective strategy is in place for recruitment, retention, and reward, of student volunteers. n Actively promote the benefits of student activity and volunteering, and be responsible for its strategic direction. n Promote opportunities for personal development of members through extra and co-curricular activities
es and Development Forum Activities and De Development Forum Activities and Developm Position: Vice Chair (Activities) Type: Part-time Voluntary (unpaid) Role: Representing students’ interests outside the class-room
Specific to the role:
General Vice Chair duties:
n The Activities Forum shall be responsible for the coordination and development of all student volunteering across the Association with the exception of Sports Clubs.
n A full member of the Board of Trustees which is ultimately responsible for the long-term strategic direction of the Association as well as its political and financial sustainability
n Areas involved include all Association clubs, societies & groups; student media groups; ASK and Nightline volunteering.
n Leading the research and development of policies, campaigns and events relating to the relevant forum
Preparing you for the future... 9
EDUCATION & REPRESENTATION Forum EDUCATION TION & REPRESENTATION Forum EDUCATION & REPRESEN Position: Vice President Education & Representation Type: Full-time Sabbatical (paid) Role: Helping students improve the Strathclyde learning experience n Be responsible for representing students on all academic matters to the university and other such bodies as appropriate.
training, and running of an effective class representative system, and work with the appropriate bodies to this end.
n Provide advice and support to students on matters of an academic nature as and when required.
n Be responsible for the organisation and running of Student Congress.
n Engage with national education agencies on areas of policy development and implementation. n Be responsible for Association policy on academic matters and education. n Chair the Education forum, and via this, ensure the organisation and implementation of education related campaigns, events, and materials. n Be responsible for the provision,
n Work with the appropriate bodies and agencies to formulate and implement effective widening participation and access strategies. n To empower students to enhance the quality of their learning & teaching experience. n Promote opportunities for members to improve their future prospects through their academic experience.
ION & REPRESENTATION Forum EDUCATION & REPRESEN REPRESENTATION Forum EDUCATION & REPRESENT Position: Vice Chair (Education & Representation) Type: Part-time voluntary (unpaid) Role: Representing students’ interests inside the classroom
Specific to the role:
General Vice Chair duties:
n The Education & Representation Forum shall be responsible for the development of the student learning experience at the University of Strathclyde;
n A full member of the Board of Trustees which is ultimately responsible for the long-term strategic direction of the Association as well as its political and financial sustainability
n Areas involved include issues relating to learning & teaching as well as Class, Course & Faculty Representatives.
n Leading the research and development of policies, campaigns and events relating to the relevant forum
Making changes for the better...
Equality and Diversity Forum Equality and ity and Diversity Forum Equality and Divers Position: Vice President Equality & Diversity
n Provide a lead on issues of students’ rights and welfare, and represent these issues to the university as appropriate.
Type: Full-time sabbatical (paid)
n Ensure that all students receive the necessary advice, support and representation, regardless of background.
Role: Promoting & celebrating diversity
n Ensure the implementation of, and adherence to, an effective equal opportunities policy. n Oversee, and provide support to, the work of liberation groups, and ensure the provision of appropriate events for these groups and students throughout the year. n Chair the Equality and Diversity Forum, and through this provide a lead on such appropriate campaigns, events, and materials. n Ensure that the Association, its services, and publications are accessible to all students. n Ensure familiarity with current issues in students’ welfare and rights, and provide materials on such issues to the general student body.
Because everyone’s different... 12
d Diversity Forum Equality and Diversity For sity Forum Equality and Diversity Forum Equ Position: Vice Chair (Equality & Diversity) Type: Part-time voluntary (unpaid) Role: Representing the interests of diverse groups at Strathclyde
Specific to the role: n The Equality & Diversity Forum shall be responsible for promoting Equality & Diversity throughout the Association and the wider community; n Areas involved include Equal Opportunities Policy, liberation & representation groups as well as specific student demographics such as mature, part-time, postgraduate and international students.
General Vice Chair duties: n A full member of the Board of Trustees which is ultimately responsible for the long-term strategic direction of the Association as well as its political and financial sustainability n Leading the research and development of policies, campaigns and events relating to the relevant forum
Services Forum Services Forum Services F ces Forum Services Forum Services Forum S Position: Vice President Services
n Effective management and development of Association trading concerns and with the President ensuring licensing matters are dealt with appropriately.
Type: Full-time Sabbatical (paid)
n Responsibility for the output of all support, media and commercial Association services.
Role: Improving the commercial and support services that the Union provides
n Development and implementation of a commercial strategy which ensures wide access to commercial activity for all student groups and appropriate demographics. n Be responsible for all commercial events and publicity. n Development and implementation of an effective communications strategy, and ensuring that all relevant information and opportunities are communicated to students through the appropriate channels. n Attend appropriate and relevant internal and external events and committees. n Be the USSA point of contact for relevant external organisations. n Act as prosecutor in Student discipline cases. n Chair the Services Forum, and assume overall responsibility for the organisation of services related campaigns and events. n Be responsible for the development and production of all Association publications.
Forum Services Forum Services Forum Servi Services Forum Services Forum Services For Position: Vice Chair (Services) Type: Part-time voluntary (unpaid) Role: Representing students’ views on the commercial and support services provided by the Union
Specific to the role: n The Services Forum shall be responsible for the delivery and development of all services provided by the Association, making sure they meet members’ needs and wants; n Areas involved include bars, catering,
entertainments, facilities, ASK, Nightline and student media.
General Vice Chair duties: n A full member of the Board of Trustees which is ultimately responsible for the long-term strategic direction of the Association as well as its political and financial sustainability n Leading the research and development of policies, campaigns and events relating to the relevant forum
Making your life more fun... 15
Sports, Physical Activities & Well-being Forum Spor ysical Activities & Well-being Forum Sports, Physica Position: Vice President Sports, Physical Activities & Wellbeing
n Act as President of the USSA Sports Union, and promote the profile of the Sports Union, and general sporting activities, amongst the student body
Type: Full-time Sabbatical (paid)
n Convene relevant Sports Union committees, and the Association Sports, Physical Activities & Well-being Forum.
Role: Helping students get the most from their Uni experience by promoting sports and healthy living/ lives
n Prepare and implement an effective strategy for increasing participation in, and widening access to, all sporting and physical activities.
n Oversee the financial management of the Sports Union, including the drafting of a Sports Union budget, and ensuring that club budgets are adhered to. n Represent Strathclyde sporting interests to the university and national student sports bodies. n Ensure that the Sports Union implements, maintains, and adheres to appropriate and relevant policy for the purposes of health and safety within sport. n
Coordinate the work of Sports Union committees, and ensure the efficient and effective organisation of a sports’ AGM. n Be responsible for the promotion and awareness raising of relevant health and wellbeing issues, and organise events, campaigns and materials to this end. n Organise and coordinate the annual Sports Fair, and other appropriate events throughout the year
Literally running for your life... 16
rts, Physical Activities & Well-being Forum Sports, P l Activities & Well-being Forum Sports, Physical Act Position: Vice Chair (Sports, Physical Activities & Well-being) Type: Part-time voluntary (unpaid) Role: Representing students’ view on sport and student wellbeing
Specific to the role: n The Sports, Physical Activities & Wellbeing Forum shall be responsible for the overall coordination and development of sport within the Association to increase participation, widen access to sport, exercise & physical activity, and promote general health and wellbeing;
n Areas included shall be all sport at Strathclyde including the Sports Union and its clubs.
General Vice Chair duties: n A full member of the Board of Trustees which is ultimately responsible for the long-term strategic direction of the Association as well as its political and financial sustainability n Leading the research and development of policies, campaigns and events relating to the relevant forum
Policy & Democracy Officer Policy & Demo Democracy Officer Policy & Democracy Off Position: Policy & Democracy Officer Type: Part-time voluntary (unpaid) Role: Ensuring we promote and uphold student’s democratic rights
n Be responsible for the organisation, promotion and Chairing of all meetings of The Council, Question Time and General Meetings as well as the Policy & Democracy Committee; n Be elected by cross-campus ballot and shall act as an objective and unbiased critical friend of the Executive Committee by encouraging and facilitating debate within Association structures and accountability of the Officers of The Association; n Be available for advising the Forums on how to formulate policy proposals; n Have the right to attend and observe any Committee meetings held within the Association structures, but shall not be granted voting rights; n Be able to question Executive Officers on behalf of a member or members of the Association.
The watchdog of democracy...
ocracy Officer Information OfficerMore Policy & Democracy Officer The Election Rules: The Association is committed to running fair and free elections. To this end, we would ask that all candidates note the following: n Nobody shall indulge in campaigning for a particular candidate until close of nominations. n Candidates will ultimately be held responsible for the actions of their campaign teams. It is up to candidates to ensure that their campaign teams follow the rules. n No member of Association staff is permitted to be involved in a campaign team. n Level 7 of the Union, John Street will remain an election free zone. No active campaigning may take place and no posters may be displayed here. No facilities on Level 7 may be used for election purposes e.g. IT facilities, storage, etc n Candidates are encouraged to perform “lecture hits� but you must not disrupt lectures, and you should ask permission from any lecturer who is present. If they ask you not to address
Need to
the students, please leave without fuss. n Chalking walls and pavements is strictly against the rules as it is viewed by the University as being vandalism. Any candidates using chalk will be dealt with severely and may be expelled from the election. The single exception to this is that chalk may be used on blackboards if you gain permission from relevant University staff. n No websites may be used for campaigning. However, each candidate may set up a Bebo and/or Facebook page for their election. n As per the Data Protection act, you should not send unsolicited e-mails, including to any e-mail lists of which you are a member but which have not been compiled for the purpose of election campaigning.
know m
ore... Find out more info rmation elections about , the pos itions an works at d how it www.str all athstude elections Got a qu estion? C ontact u elections s at @theunio n.strath.a 19