t a h W do we Reaching... Representing over 16, 000 members* the University of Strathclyde Students’ Association (USSA) is Scotland’s largest student union.
...our students With representation of our students as the cornerstone of our existence we are committed to improving internal democracy and work hard to ensure that the issues that affect Strathclyde students are constantly addressed.
The Stu Univer den s ts’ A ity of S ssoc trath iatio clyd e n
Our Vision is to complete the exceptional student experience.
Our Mission is to enhance our leading edge student services; achieve excellence in personal development and to promote success through partnership with our University. * Source: Scottish Funding Council. Currently excludes distance learners.
USSA | 90 John Street | Glagow G1 1JH www.strathstudents.com
Contents Presidential Welcome
All About Us(sa)
High Achievers
Social Conscience
Success through Partnership
The Finance Bit
So who’s who?
Wh insi at’s de?
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We speak for the silent majority, ensuring that the academic experience is enhanced
to USSA’s annual impact report! Here we detail some of our key achievements over the past 12 months.
for all, while striving to build upon and improve all aspects of Strathclyde life. We do this through a diverse means, but always seeking the same end – a student
joy n e ou cess; y e c p I ho our suertainlya g of have ceading to n i d I ed l ted . rea it y enjo commng them i teamachiev
body which is out at the forefront of all the university does, and one which is offered the fullest potential to build upon existing skills, or develop new ones. We focus on four primary areas – representation, advice and support, activities and involvement, and commercial services. All four are inextricable and should never be viewed in isolation of each other; moreover, each is consistent with our aims and objectives and exists for students and by students. This impact report sets out all we have sought to achieve in each of these areas, and highlights examples of best practice and tangible wins. I very much hope you enjoy reading of our success; I have certainly enjoyed leading a team committed to achieving them.
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Philip Whyte President 09/10
Philip Whyte President 09/10
The University of Strathclyde Students’ Association exists to further the interests of students and represent their views, at local and national level.
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t u o Ab (SA) US What do our students say? *75%
believe that the Students’ Association makes a positive difference to their life at University.
* Market Research respondents Nov ‘09
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‘ ’ ‘ The Students’ Association contributes greatly to my overall university experience - both on a social and educational level
The Students’ Association makes a positive difference to campus life because it encourages you to get involved in events happening in and around the university, and makes university more enjoyable
Membership services
Our diverse range of services include an advice and support centre, ASK; the sports union; over 40 clubs & societies; 12 representative student groups and access to democratic services.
Commercial services USSA continues to be a hub for the social needs of students whilst on campus, with a unique mix of social events, entertainment and group interaction within a safe and socially responsible environment.
Working together Both commercial and membership services work in tandem to provide the diverse range of leading edge student services that help shape USSA’s core principles. For the purposes of this report, highlights, notable achievements and instances of real impact have been chosen to reflect life at Scotland’s busiest students’ union. Page | 5 www.strathstudents.com/impact
rds: C Students’ Representative Council (SRC) a h e SR Di f Debates Chamber: Student Representation at c o i t s a t r h The Debates Chamber all Levels of University c g e o li renamed after the Decision-Making: Dem d high lus som our wasoutgoing Principal Dr Following changes made by Principal e f edit y ’09 p mes o Andrew Hamnett. to decision-making structures in o c i . University, demands were made to c l po e out tings Dental Care: University to ensure USSA retains a e h e t f Executive to raise the issue of seat at all levels where decisions made M o ral widening access to free dental care at will have a direct impact on students. e n Ge a national level.
Pole Dancing: Executive Committee mandated to ensure that pole dancing competitions are not run within the Union
Working hard to ensure USSA is for students, by students...
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Executive Presence on Campus: Executive were instructed to commit a reasonable proportion of their hours on Campus rather than in the Union building, and to circulate a newsletter to all students no less than once per month.
Education Funding Policy All previous policies were composited into a single policy document maintaining a strong and unwavering commitment to the principle of free education and to campaign against any proposals deviating from this position.
Association General Meeting (AGM)
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
Student Feedback:
Save Your Degree
Executive to make improving
Executive to lobby the
the quality of assessment and
University for a concrete
feedback a priority.
commitment that teaching and learning will remain at
Library Investment:
the forefront of the University,
Pressure to be applied to ensure
unhindered by a move to
sustainability of library services,
becoming a research-focused
with a mandate to lobby for
institution, and Executive to
funding if required.
oppose any cuts to departments that would lead to research being
Charges for Essential Course
prioritised over teaching and
Education Policy Committee to propose policy to University to
Save Your Lecturers
define what can and cannot be
Executive to support industrial
charged in relation to essential
action by University staff
course materials.
concerning job cuts and merged departments.
Complicity in Military Conflicts Peace in Sri Lanka: Support was given to non-violent action by Tamils in Sri Lanka in their struggle for peace. Swimming Pool Access: University to be lobbied to increase access to swimming pool for Sports Union Clubs.
Association to pressure
Save Your Union
the University cut ties
Union to be based at the heart
with BAE Systems and to
of campus in a single location,
cancel any contracts with
and to oppose any move that
Eden Springs.
fragments the services offered by the Association. Page | 7 www.strathstudents.com/impact
p u o r G
t strive n e tud g to
n nuin ence i i t n Co xcell e for onal nt pers lopme e dev
the registration to our free condom distribution services, the C-Card. Sign-ups continue to rise through the use of student-friendly publicity materials, high visibility campaigning and timely sign-up drives during Freshers’ Week and the Christmas periods.
WOMEN’S GROUP The “Here Come the Girls” awareness campaign run by the Women’s Group throughout 2009 broke the notion that at Strathclyde all members of the Women’s group are feminists or even that they all have to be women…. The key message the girls (and boys) are interested in highlighting is that “the Women’s Group are all about achieving gender equality, which women still don’t have to this day.” Janel Muir Women’s Officer 09/10 The most high profile campaign for the group was run during the party season in December in conjunction with Rape Crisis Scotland, using their “This is not an invitation to rape me” awareness publicity. With over 200 surveys filled out the results shockingly showed that 25% of participants felt they had previously been forced into having sex or were unsure if they wanted sex in the first place.
2007 2008 2009
117 144 315
Expectations are high for 2010…!
LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual The L Transgender Society at and Tr Strathclyde University exists to Strathc serve as a safe, social space students who self define into for stude the LGBT comm community and those that support it. In a busy first semester a very active LGBT had a Freshers’ welcome event, movie night, Halloween party and a bowling trip. In addition to these nights several successful campaigns were run culminating in the group being nominated at the Glow Ball in Edinburgh for the National Union of Students LGBT Campaign and Scottish LGBT Society of the Year.
STUDENTS DIGGING DEEP Despite study and work commitments Strathclyders still made time to help others with over 16,000 hours worth of volunteering done throughout 2009! RAG had a phenomenal year of “raising and giving” with a total of £22,000 going to good causes, a massive £10k more than in 2008. ‘WHATEVER POSITION YOU END UP IN’ CAMPAIGN The C-card continues to dominate as one of the biggest and most measurably successful campaigns the Union runs. Organised throughout 2009 was the ‘whatever position you end up in’ campaign was the follow up to the hugely successful ‘08 drive to increase
THE SKY’S THE LIMIT… The Star Award’s “event of the year” in 2009 was won by Charichute, a large scale charity skydiving event run by the Strathclyde University Skydiving Club in association with RAG. The event first took place in March when a group of Strathclyde students, staff and alumni took to the skies above Perthshire, raising over £6,000 for Scottish charities! Greg McEntee convenor for the group was delighted with the support that Charichute received: “…without the help of so many Union staff and volunteers during the planning of Charichute the event would not have been the success it was.”
DIVERSECITY NEWSLETTER Showcasing the breadth of Liberation Groups at Strathclyde, 2009 saw the publication of the first DiverseCity Newsletter. Inserted into the Strathclyde Telegraph DiverseCity highlights the work of the Women’s Group, Students with Disabilities (SWD), Race Relations, LGBT, Strathclyde International Society (SiS) plus information about ASK, Nightline and any upcoming Union campaigns. or’s no te!
Kelley Temple, Presid ent Supp paigns! ort I yed our hope you g all the first issue udent hard work groups do e your time the best at it can be. tudyin
E 09
g consider it is important pment your own in e, althou areas other ways be gh your market your main out ent and there is o have it will only something nd out from all the ent is so that studen nd extend ts’ newsle ed, tter mpaigning are mpaigns ngs for active etter a ill all have! n and d if you ng able don’t nly spare it will hours.
racism m week, ime ments ting e
Freedo m to b e youse W lf!
elcome to the ever editio first DiverseCityn of Representa Liberation , your tion newsl and which allows etter to date you with all to keep up and event the camp aigns celebrate s that our diversity groups who The memb are doing ers Studen ts’ Union of Strathclyde !
of studen are a divers ts and this is reflect it is impor e range tant that ed studen t volunt in the work of our who dedica eers. te their Our volunteers, making free time better the student experi to for and get others, should ence an oppor their work! tunity tobe credited showcase
In the past year these run campa groups had two igns, held have panel debate develo Nation members electe ping skills al d to the s, for your fought Committee and of for the you will future career experience even had rights of their groups, make and s, the friends studen the highlig the Scottistheir work ts and comm hts of of course, Awards The year h Parliament! ended in volunteerthe year, theone of more excitinahead is lookin So find STAR cerem g with g even groups out more aboutony! workin these group g your the year,in this newsle success very hard to tter throug of the past build on s yourse or even better Strathclyde the hout year, lf. supportedAll volunteers get involved to be proud a fun, divers and make e Union to them, and have will be The voluntof! training eering like you so you don’t studen efforts ts have to offered are of the never go at Strathclyde feel Your Unionalone. studen is here reward unrewarded should t s get the experience, soto complete the food andcome in the and these most out make sure Strathclyde budget drinks, the forms of free of your you opportunity to organi time here the oppor and don’t se fantas of a at miss tunities tic events Look inside in front out on all , of you! to find about
these group out more s!
The year ahea d be even will mor e exci ting mak ing Stra thcl yde a fun and dive rse Unio n to be prou d of
“The groups featured in this magazine are some of the most active, passionate and dedicated in the Union and DiverseCity is about us celebrating the work of the groups in the Students’ Union and the student movement as a whole.” Vice President Support & Campaigns 09/10, Kelley Temple Page | 9 www.strathstudents.com/impact
s 9 t r o Sp ion ‘0nts Un eveme i Ach
The Sports Union offers a massive range of opportunities, from canoeing and skydiving to snowboarding
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CITY OF GLASGOW CUP The 4th February 2009 saw the 5th City of Glasgow Cup take place across Strathclyde, Glasgow and Caledonian University campuses, with the three Universities competing for the coveted City of Glasgow Cup. Sports Union clubs competed in a variety of sports (including swimming, basketball and volleyball) against
Glasgow and Caledonian Universities and managed a convincing win for the second consecutive year. SPORTS AWARDS BALL One of the most anticipated events in the Union calendar; the Sports Awards Ball on the 21st Feb 2009 was held at the Radisson Hotel and with its ‘Dress to Sparkle’ theme was always set to shine. Celebrating university sport and the talented athletes at Strathclyde this event continues to grow in stature year on year.
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS… Strathclyde continues a winning sporting streak and here are the highlights: Strathclyde Boxing club winning three Gold medals at the Scottish Championships. Strathclyde Sailing club being chosen to attend the World Championships.
STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT DEV VELOPMENT V ELOPMENT 2009 saw the Sports Union derive an action plan evolving from the creation of a strategic plan in 2008, in line with the development of the University’s new multi-million pound Sports and Health Facility. Driven by the newly formed Sports
Robbie Renwick winning four titles at the National Swimming Championships.
Executive Development
placed on club and
The Sports Union saw a 15% increase
coach development,
in registered memberships from
September-December 2009. After
another hugely successful Freshers’
and participation,
Week drive at the Sports Fair the extra
and improving
income generated will be funded back
communication and
into providing the best possible service for sporting opportunities to students at the University of Strathclyde!
Committee, a focus was
information sharing between the SU and member clubs.
d e t a li Affi bs ies Clu ociet &S
One size does not fit all. USSA believes in strength in numbers.
Amnesty International Anime and Manga Society (USAMS) Art of Living
Poker Society
Strathclyde Enterprise Society
Prosthetics and Orthotics
Strathclyde University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA)
Geek Soc
Irish Society
Chess Club
Labour Club
Chemical Engineering
Law Society Left Society
Design Manufacture
Long boarding Club (SULC)
Engineering Management Society
Malaysian Students Society
Economics Society
Mechanical Engineering Society Music Society
Do it Yourself!
We firmly believe that if you don’t see a club or society that’s for you then just start your own. Page | 12 www.strathstudents.com/impact
Politics Society Family Guy Appreciation Society
Hong Kong Society
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Society
Nordic Society
Environmental Health
Bright Futures
Dance Society
Engineers without Borders
STUDENT GROUPS: Supporting, representing and knowledge sharing… REPRESENTATION, ACTION & WELFARE Campaigns Team
WELFARE ASK volunteers Nightline volunteers
Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)
Socialist Worker Society Stop the War
Singapore Students
Terry Pratchett
Halls of Residence Committee
Strathclyde International Students
Marketing & Communication Team
Unite Against Fascism (UAF) URNU Writer’s Society
Mature Students
Debates RAG
Training Team Union Welcome Team
Race Relations Students with Disabilities Women’s Group
MEDIA Film & TV Group Fusion Radio Strathclyde Telegraph
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CLUBBING TOGETHER Having successfully combined the trader’s fair with our own clubs, societies and student groups in Freshers’ Week 2008 we went one better in 2009 with a larger venue (over 50 stalls filling University Centre) and held them on the same day as the incredibly well established Sports Fair. With almost double the usual member sign ups the fairs struck a chord with our students, who described it as one of the standout events of Freshers’ Week.
14n u0ps0 : 7 0 0 2 member sig 18n u6ps6 : 8 0 0 2 member sig 36n u9ps3 : 9 0 0 2 member sig
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The number of groups and clubs in Strathclyde is unbelievable. The fact that people can unite and do something good or just spend quality time together is a very important thing.*
*Market Research respondent Nov ‘09
r o f g n i o G ld Go ards Aw
2009 saw USSA recognised with the highly prestigious Best Bar None Overall Gold Winner award; as the fourth consecutive Gold award and the third consecutive Overall winner title was announced USSA’s President 09/10, Philip Whyte, had this to say:
“USSA is once again and rightly proud of this recognition from the City of Glasgow for our commitment to social responsibility. One of the fundamental reasons commercial services exist within Students’ Associations is to provide our members with a safe space to socialise and enjoy themselves – free from the fear that for many comes hand in hand with a night out in other venues. USSA is privileged to have a core component of staff who works hard to ensure the continued safety and enjoyment of our members; and it is them who truly deserve this award. From our door stewards to bar staff, this award highlights that USSA is committed, across the board, to providing top quality student entertainment, in a safe and responsible environment.”
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s s e c h c u S oug hip thr rtners pa Small is Beautiful... Union continues to lessen its carbon footprint A year on from the move to making the Association publicity materials carbon neutral and the figures speak for themselves... To March 2009 by using PR Print’s Environmental Reduction Programme
USSA offset 5.59 tonnes of CO2 and saved 55 new trees from being used through the use of recycled materials.
Loud and proud...
Communication is the key
Communications Strategy A working Communications Strategy was part of the Deputy President’s manifesto aims and in 2009 a new set of Communications Guidelines including the Strategy, Marketing & Advertising and Electronic Media guidelines were passed by the Students Representative Council (SRC).
The aims of the Communications Strategy are:
Staff Committee The committee enjoyed a second year of debating and communicating Association staff ideas and any relevant information was cascaded back through teams and out to all staff via the newsletter USSAY. By voting new members of full time staff onto the committee each year the meetings retain focus and continue to be a useful communication tool within our overall Communication Strategy.
1.1 To increase engagement of the student body with the democratic processes of the Association ensuring the Association is student led. 1.2 To increase awareness and participation of the student body in the campaigns, services,
2009 saw the University
recognition in March
volunteering, activities and events of the
of Strathclyde Students’
2005 and recognises
Association become
organisations’ commitment
the first Scottish Union,
to high-quality volunteer
and one of the first 50
involvement and good
institutions in Scotland to
practice in volunteer
achieve the Investing in
1.3 To maintain a relationship with the university as a critical friend. 1.4 To ensure the student voice is heard at a local and national
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Volunteers (IIV) award. Ben Docherty, Vice The Association was
President Student
formally awarded IIV status
Development 08/09 and
at the annual Student
Carole McGreish Student
Executive Ceremony
Development Co-ordinator
‘Exec Meets Exec’ on June
who have helped USSA
3rd by Anne Hislop IIV
to attain the national
promotion of staff
Manager for Scotland.
quality standards
The nationwide award
were “delighted
was given Government
to receive the award.”
level. 1.5 To develop skills and
To put this into a little perspective - 1 tonne of CO2 is equivalent to 10 return flights from London to Paris.
Fir Investinst and foremo st: g in Volu nteers
enhance employability and the continued
ABOVE: Ben Docherty, Vice President Student Development 08/09, Anne Hislop, IIV Manager Scotland, Tom Fraser, USSA Volunteer of the Year 09 and Carole McGreish Student Development Co-ordinator
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Building Matters! “Before the summer of 2009, due to a number of changes within the University the Students’ Association became aware of a potential move of premises to the building which currently houses the library. This was strongly opposed by the Executive Committee of the day along with a vast number of students, and as such an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) was called to discuss and condemn the plans. One outcome of this was the setting up of monthly workshops between university Estates Management and the Executive Committee – workshops which transcended executives. At the second of these workshops, we were tasked with the creation of a detailed business plan on the creation of a new dedicated Students’ Association, which in keeping with the policy passed at EGM was to be based at the heart of campus and did not see the loss of any current services.
What followed was an intensive three month process for the Executive and staff in the creation of the business plan, including detailed financial forecasts, a detailed analysis of current service provision and a vision for the future, potential designs, and a detailed SWOT analysis. Originally the University had suggested the plan may run to twenty pages; the end result ran to 80 complete with numerous appendices. This plan was eventually presented to the University’s Estates Committee then Court, and at both times was granted, meaning for the first time in years the Students’ Association were given a definite and long term guarantee on the development of new premises.”
Philip Whyte President 09/10
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GOVERNANCE REVIEW The Governance Review Project 2008-2010 progressed from its review stage in March 2009 when members had the opportunity to choose from the three models of Governance by way of a referendum. The options included retaining the current model or expanding the role of Class Reps through the ‘Academic-Related’ Approach. However, the model chosen with 46% of the vote was the ‘Open Forum Approach’. Since the selection, the Governance Review Working Group have worked hard to realise the model through the production of a brand new Constitution and Schedules which was presented to the Big Student Meeting on October 22nd 2009. They were unanimously adopted by the membership at this, the third quorate Association General Meeting in just nine months – this replacement signified the biggest change to the governance structure of the organisation since it was first officially formed in 1893!
t x e n S ’ A ! l S e S d U Mo Top w
eR anc
Throughout the Spring Semester of 2010, the project will be focussed on the recruitment of our first ever External Trustees, the Election of our brand new Executive and Student Officers, as well as preparation for the transition between the old and new structures and procedures.
Futu Proo re S f
Feedback Loop
the needs and wants of our students
(both those who use services of the
In November USSA undertook its
Union and those who don’t).
largest piece of independent research
Using the responses as an indication
since 2005. Working with a market
of the feelings of the wider student
research consultant an Association
population we have a clearer feel for
With the current USSA Strategic
wide online survey was devised to
which services we need to improve
Plan ending in 2010, planning
help ascertain what the students at
on, which services are highly valued
Strathclyde think about the Union and
and should continue to be nurtured
the services it provides.
and ultimately what strategic direction
next four years in order to
In order ensure a large enough cross-
the Association moves in.
ensure a smooth transition
section of the student population
Full results and feedback in the form
began in late 2009.
completed the research so we were
of an online report will be available in
able to draw worthwhile conclusions
the first quarter of 2010.
Due for publication in mid 2010
from it an incentivised awareness campaign was devised. The “You Say, We Do” campaign consisted of publicity material, e-mail-shots via the University Pegasus system and group convenor lists,
LEARNING CURVE SUEI EVALUATION Strathclyde was the first Students’ Union in Scotland to submit to the Students’ Union Evaluation Initiative in 2009. Whilst our submission ultimately failed to reap any award, the report received
pc banks and use
from SUEI did give us some
of our web / social
excellent pointers in how to
media channels. In total just under
become a better Union in the key areas of representation,
1000 students filled
in the questionnaire
communication and
and we have since used the information to build a better understanding of
the strategic direction for the
political management. We have resubmitted and hope to have more positive news come April 2010!
the Strategic Plan 2011-14 will encompass our vision, mission and values to ensure the Association continues to deliver high quality spaces and services shaped by the needs of our diverse membership.
The new Strategic Plan continues our commitment to the exceptional student experience
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s s e in . s u B es.. Bit
s ’ o Wh o at Wh U the
USSA’s income and expenditure for the year ending 31st July 2009: For further information, a full breakdown of USSA’s financial statements is available on our website www.strathstudents.com
Executive Committee
06/07 Income
07/08 3,315,356
08/09 3,336,516
Funds Transfers
*Net Incoming/Outgoing Resources (109,110)
Executive Committee
Neil Campbell
Philip Whyte
Nicole McCaffery
Deputy President
Amy Davies
Deputy President
Campbell Steel
Sports President
Philip Gallagher
Sports President
Philip Wilson
Vice President Operational & Commercial Services
Iain Pullar
Vice President Operational & Commercial Services
Benedict Docherty
Vice President Student Development
Gill Currah
Vice President Student Development
Martin Law
Vice President Support and Campaigns
Kelley Temple
Vice President Support and Campaigns
Craig McAulay
Student Media and Marketing Officer
Rob Harris
Student Media and Marketing Officer
Claire-Marie Loudon
Clubs and Societies Convener
Chris Majury
Clubs and Societies Convener
David McDonald
Equal Opportunities Officer
Nazia Iqbal
Equal Opportunities Officer
Chris Majury
Academic Affairs Officer
Darren Young
Academic Affairs Officer
Leigh-Anne Fyfe
Jordanhill Officer
Philippa Summers
Jordanhill Officer
Efehi Ubebe
Postgraduate Officer
Ameer Fasal
Postgraduate Officer
*Also in 06/07, included in the numbers there is an exceptional item of 74,378 of Staff Restructuring Costs.
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Union Management Team John McCusker General Manager Ian McCartney Membership Services Manager
Finally... For more information on this years Impact Report or to download our previous reports log on to our minisite at: www.strathstudents.com/impact
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University of Strathclyde Students’ Association, 90 John Street, Glasgow, G1 1JH The University of Strathclyde Students’ Association is a charity registered in Scotland, No:SC005914