Student Guide 2016 - 2017

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Contents: 02 Welcome!

03 The Union Floor Guide 04 Meet your Exec 06 How you can get involved 07 NUS Scotland 08 Education & Representation 10 Equality & Diversity 14 Sports & Wellbeing 16 Fun Facts 18 Freshers’ Week! 24 The Union Venues 26 Semester 1 Events 28 Term Dates 29 University of Strathclyde APP 30 Volunteering & Development 32 Clubs & Societies 33 University of Strathclyde Alumni Fund 34 Support 35 The Advice Hub / Nightline 36 Student Taxi Scheme - get home safely! 37 Top Tips 38 Useful Contacts 39 How to Find Us

Turn to Page 19 for FRESHERS’ WEEK 2016 PULL OUT PROGRAMME Find out how to get your FRESHERS’ CARD & GOLD CARD on Page 22 01

Welcome to the Union! Welcome to the University of Strathclyde Students’ Association (USSA) - aka The Union! I’m Raj, and back in March I was elected as the President of your Union to represent you and improve your Strathclyde experience. As an International student from Malaysia, I was excited about the number of clubs, cafes, and campaigns Strathclyde offers. I got involved in as much as I could, and quickly found my home in Strathclyde Union. Now I’m proud to be Strathclyde’s first International president. The Union is here to help you meet people and have fun! With over 50 sports teams, 165 clubs & societies (you could even start your own) and exciting volunteering opportunities, there really is something for everyone! We exist to represent your interests to the University and beyond. You can join our campaigns or bring your ideas and make a change at Student Parliament. Get involved, try new things, make new friends & gain new skills! Our Advice Hub staff and Nightline volunteers are here to advise and support you when you need help with housing, financial, academic or personal matters. We celebrate diversity and push for a socially progressive University so if that’s your sort of thing, come and talk to us! We are a charity. So the money you spend in our shops, bars, and venues, including the iconic Barony bar, goes back into funding services for students. So come and get involved! You are the Strathclyde Students’ Union. Together, let’s make it the time of our lives! Raj Jeyaraj President 2016/17 0141 567 5006 @RajBrighton 02

90 John Street, Glasgow G1 1JH The University of Strathclyde Students’ Association is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC005914. All proceeds go towards student services.

A-Maze Me...

Finding your way around the Union can be a bit daunting so here is our handy level by level guide to what is where and why you should care!


Access via level 8 Mandela Meeting Room Open Plan Group Space


Access via level 8 Branded Clothing Collection Cash Office Food & Beverage Department Communications Department


Access to level 9 & 10 Vertigo - Lecture & Events Venue Meeting Rooms: Anderson / Arbuthnott / Curran / Hills


Access via levels 6 & 8 President & Vice Presidents Chief Executive PA to the Trustees Sports Union Student Involvement Zone:

Representation / Campaigns / Volunteering / Clubs & Societies


Debates Chamber Liberation Room (access through Debates) Postgraduate Lounge Toilets (Gender Neutral, Accessible)


Access via level 6 The Advice Hub The Lounge - Social Space & PCs


Recharge - CafĂŠ Toilets (M, F, Accessible)


The Yard - Bar Natwest Bank Taco Mazama Toilets (M, F, Accessible)


The Barony - Bar


Cloakroom & First Aid Reception


Meet your Exec! WHO ARE WE? The Students’ Association Executive, commonly known as ‘The Exec’, consists of six paid full time Student officers. We are elected annually by our fellow Strathclyde Students and take a sabbatical year out of our studies or at the end of our degrees to represent you here at Strathclyde. We are the trustees of The Union and we are responsible for the day-to-day running and long term development of the Students’ Association. Each of us are specifically responsible for different aspects of your student experience and ensure that The Union is run by students, for students. The easiest way to find out what we’re doing for you is to get in touch: Write to us at: or pop into the Student Involvement Zone on level 7

VICE PRESIDENT SUPPORT I ensure The Union works hard to improve the welfare of all students, by overseeing services such as our Advice Hub, and advocating for a safe and supported student experience so that students can perform the best they can on their course. I also work closely with the VP Sports & Wellbeing in promoting a healthy student lifestyle. Whether it is housing, finances or studies, student life can be tough. I work to make sure that help is here when you need it. Gerry McDonnell VP Support 0141 567 5029 @UssaVps

VICE PRESIDENT SPORTS & WELLBEING Hey! I’m Calvin Hepburn and I’m your VP Sports & Wellbeing for 2016-17. I’m here to help you guys keep active and get involved in sport at university, which was the best decision I’ve made since being here! Whether you’re a top level athlete or a complete beginner to the sport, you will be welcomed equally into the family of 53 sports. Please feel free to come and have a chat at any time about sports or any wellbeing issues/questions you may have. As everyone says, university isn’t just about studying; come along and make mates for life and make the most of your time at university by getting involved from the start! Calvin Hepburn VP Sports & Wellbeing 0141 567 5062 @calvhepburn


VICE PRESIDENT VOLUNTEERING & DEVELOPMENT Happnin’ troops! I’m Liam McCabe, your VP Volunteering & Development! I’m a postgraduate politics student and I believe passionately that student unions are a powerful force for good. Whether you want to do a bit of CV building to make you more employable, or run a big campaign to change our Union, University or community we exist to make sure you have access to everything you need to achieve whatever you put your mind to whilst at Strathclyde. I have gained so much from my time in student unions and I want to make sure that USSA affords you all of those same opportunities to help you achieve whatever it is you want to do while you’re at Strathclyde. Whether it’s community volunteering, clubs & societies, ethics and environmentalism or creating new events and general goings-on, my job is to ensure that you have a huge variety of options to choose from and that everyone gets equal access to them. It’s going to be a busy year, but I’m looking forward to working with all of you to make our Union bigger, better and a place that all Strathclyde students feel like they can call home! Liam McCabe VP Volunteering & Development 0141 567 5056 @Limeroo

VICE PRESIDENT DIVERSITY I am your officer for everything equality, diversity and liberation! I ensure the fair treatment and represent the interests of students who are BME, women, LGBT+, disabled, international, mature, and of any faith or none. It is my job to deal with any barriers to equality and work towards a liberated institution. Talk to me if you see or experience any issues regarding equality and diversity and I will ensure action will be taken. This year I would like to focus on: •

The attainment gap. I want to make sure that every student, no matter who they are, has the same experience in academia. Championing our diversity in every aspect of our work by ensuring the implementation of our equal opportunities policy. Liberation in leadership - working to liberate and diversify our Union by encouraging everyone to take part in student politics, to break through old traditions and ideas.

Simran Kaur VP Diversity

VICE PRESIDENT EDUCATION Any issues related to the quality of your education or your class representation, I’m your officer. If you believe your department does not deliver your course up to university standards, or the government is voting on a damaging education bill, it is my job to make sure that your grievance is heard, to speak up and campaign on the issue, and to put any possible countermeasures in place to ensure that your education experience is as good as it can be. This year I would like to focus on: •

Developing our class reps, providing more accessible ways for your voice to be heard, and bringing our student rep communications into the 21st century. Expanding the Library e-book offerings to cover recommended textbooks in as many courses as possible. Ensuring that students can spend time on their course rather than worrying about their finances, welfare and wellbeing.

Bohdan Starosta VP Education

0141 567 5028

0141 567 5041




/bohdan.starosta 05


Students shaping the future NUS Scotland represents around 500,000 students in Scotland through our member college and university students’ associations - your students’ union. We work to promote, defend and extend the rights of students. Scotland’s students have become more politically engaged in recent years than ever before and we are working with our members across the country to create positive changes for students now and in the future. Scotland’s student movement has made significant achievements in the past few years. We have proved that by working in partnership, we can make student voices heard. Together we have: • Campaigned for free education to be maintained in Scotland. • Worked as part of the Commission on Widening Access to advise the Scottish Government on progress to ensure more people from the poorest backgrounds get into university. • Campaigned to reverse £127 million worth of planned budget cuts to colleges.

• Helped save Asylum and Refugee Officer and University of Strathclyde student Lord Apetsi from deportation with our #SaveLord campaign. • Campaigned for a right to FE support, fairer HE support and improved mental health support during the Scottish elections, resulting in the Scottish Government committing to a full review. Our previous campaigns to end apartheid, bring in votes at 16 and 17 and our fight for LGBT+ rights also show how the student movement has the power to change lives. We couldn’t have achieved these fantastic wins without the help of students and their students’ associations. Getting involved in Strathclyde Students’ Association is a great way to meet new people, try out new activities and help to make positive changes for students at your university. Keep in touch • Sign up to our newsletter: contact • Follow us on Twitter on @NUSScotland • Find us on Facebook at Vonnie Sandlan NUS Scotland President

Get your NUS extra card and receive discounts on top brands such as Amazon & Pizza Express! Turn to page 37 to find out more... For a full list of discounts and to buy your card visit


Education & Representation The Union is here to represent all students studying at Strathclyde in order to enhance the quality of your education and ensure that your academic experience here is the best it can be. The remit of the Vice President Education includes: • • • •

YOUR STUDENT REPS We want all students to feel empowered to continuously improve and develop the quality of their own education. To do this we encourage you to consider becoming a volunteer student rep and become part of the discussion on academic matters and the facilities that the University provides for you during your studies.

Providing guidance to students on academic matters whenever needed. Keeping up to date with academic and government policy regarding matters of education through external and internal research. Setting the policy of the Students’ Association on academic matters as directed by our membership through the Education Forum/Student Parliament. Overseeing the organisation of education related campaigns and events to ensure that the voice of students is well heard. … and much more.

CLASS REPS are elected by their fellow students at the start of each semester. These students engage with their lecturers on behalf of their class to raise issues or provide suggestions relating to their course. Class reps are encouraged to keep in contact with one another and collectively ensure that their voice is heard and it is The Union’s job to facilitate this. Class reps are also uniquely positioned to influence Union policy on matters of education through participation in the Education Forum FACULTY REPS are similar to class reps, except their scope of student representation extends to faculty level. Faculty reps are the first point of contact for class reps should they encounter any difficulties while representing students and they liaise very closely with The Union and The University to address any issues or concerns. They are elected once a year in March during the Students’ Association Executive Team elections. If you wish to find out who your faculty reps are, visit

Your VP Education Bohdan Starosta is your representative tasked with lobbying the University on all academic matters that affect Strathclyde students. Contact Bohdan: 08



Structure of Representation in Academic Matters:

VP Education

Principal of the University University Senate Committees for Education Quality

Faculty Rep

Vice-dean Academic of Faculty Department Head

Class Rep

Course Coordinator Class Lecturer

STUDENT REP CONGRESS Once a year the Students Association in partnership with The University hold a Student Rep Congress to engage the student reps in a discussion about the direction in which our education should be shaped. The event is accompanied by an opportunity to engage with Strathclyde’s academic management and develop shared ideas for the continuous development of education here at Strathclyde. All reps and students are encouraged to participate and, as an added bonus, your attendance will count towards your volunteer hours which you can then log on The Union website. Student rep congress will take place on Wednesday 3rd February. If you are interested in more details, visit:

TEA ANYONE? The Teaching Excellence Awards are a celebration of all the lecturers who make your university experience extra special. With their enthusiasm, support and innovative methods, lecturers can inspire and motivate students to reach their potential. Their fresh teaching methods enhance the learning experience. This is your chance to say thank you. Nominating doesn’t take long, but means a lot to those who receive your nomination. Keep an eye out for nominations opening in October.


Diversity At USSA we aim to empower students who self-define as belonging to one or more of the Liberation, Representation & Faith groups to counter the current and historical discriminatory experiences they may face. We bring together people who experience, identify with or are educationally interested in a particular oppression or discrimination in order to detect changes they believe need to be made at Strathclyde. This ensures a better student experience for themselves and future students.

OUR EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES POLICY USSA is committed to equal opportunities for all individuals who use USSA services and access its premises. By taking a proactive approach to equality, we support and encourage underrepresented groups by promoting an enjoyable, comfortable, inclusive and diverse culture which enhances the student experience. The full policy is online and you can also see a copy as you come and go every day in the building on a giant poster because that’s how important it is to us.

For matters concerning Equality & Diversity get in touch with your VP Diversity Simran Kaur 10



FAITH GROUPS Our faith groups make up some of our biggest and most active clubs! They meet regularly, holding religious discussions and celebrations, social events, cultural awareness campaigns and much much more. Whether you have a particular faith or just want to find out more, all of our groups will be happy to have you along to their events.

Useful Links: Any person experiencing bullying or harassment can contact an adviser for confidential advice and support. Find out more at: dignityandrespect/ For hate crime reporting: reportahatecrime

EQUALITY & DIVERSITY COMMITTEE Our Equality & Diversity Committee ensures the equal opportunities policy is upheld and that we are a campaigning body on issues of equality, diversity and inclusion within The Union and the University as a whole. Everyone can get involved so please get in touch if equality is your thing.


DISABLED STUDENTS’ GROUP (DSG) The Disabled Students’ Group works with the Students’ Association and the University to help ensure that all students who have a disability have access to the best possible student experience that all Strathclyde students are entitled to. If this is something you would be interested in, or would like to find out more then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Disabled Students’ Officer - Leo Siebert

STRATHCLYDE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY The Strathclyde International Society welcomes both international and home students. We know that getting used to student life in a new country can be demanding so SIS offers a platform for international students and home students to get to know each other while having fun. Got an idea of an event you’d like to see? Or how to further improve the international student experience? Then come and join us! International Students’ Officer - Ioana Negret


LGBT+ Coming to university can be a daunting and uncertain time for many students, especially those who find it difficult to be open about issues surrounding their sexuality, romantic orientation or gender identity. The LGBT+ group (including but not limited to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) exists to provide support for students who self-define on the LGBT+ spectrum, including queer, questioning, intersex and asexual students. The group seeks to provide a safe, welcoming environment and provides many opportunities to get involved with campaigns and learn more about the issues facing LGBT+ people in today’s society. LGBT+ Officer - Anthony Cresswell

BME The Black and Minority Ethnic liberation group aims to promote diversity while addressing issues regarding ethnicity and race which affect our student population. Black and Minority Ethnics’ Officer

STRATHCLYDE FEMINIST SOCIETY Strathclyde Feminist Society’s main goal is to work together to improve our campus, our city and ultimately the world for women and girls. We think that political activism is not only important but also fun! We also have a focus on student health, women’s charities, and supporting other women on campus. All of the current committee have found being a member a rewarding experience where we have improved our knowledge and made some great and supportive friends.

MATURE STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION (MSA) The MSA is based on Level 2 Livingstone Tower in LT202 and our facilities include a common room, computers, photocopying / printing and quiet study rooms that can be accessed 24 hours a day (ask us about a Red Card to do this!). The aims of the MSA are to provide all mature students with a peer support network of friends; and somewhere to study or relax. Our membership spans all faculties, ages and backgrounds.

Women’s Officers - Julia Swann & Zoe Chick

Mature Students’ Officer - Mary Boyle


Sports & Wellbeing

The Sports Union (SU) is committed to providing you with all the sporting opportunities you need. We have a choice of 53 sports clubs ranging from outdoor or indoor; competitive or non-competitive; extreme or mainstream - there really is something for everyone! The Sports Union is run by the Vice President Sports & Wellbeing and 12 members of the Sports Executive who are elected into their roles each year by the general membership. We also have 3 invaluable members of staff in the Sports Union who support the Exec team and all the clubs. By working closely with the University’s Centre for Sport & Recreation we are able to deliver the best facilities possible for our membership allowing them to gain the best experience they can. Externally, we are members of, and have representation within, ‘British Universities and Colleges Sports’ (BUCS) as well as ‘Scottish Student Sport’ (SSS). This helps us to secure competitive opportunities and representation at all levels. At the Sports Union we are known for hosting some of the most prestigious events in the university calendar year, including the annual ‘Sports Awards Ball’, and the ‘Glasgow Taxis Cup’ in which we compete against Glasgow Caledonian and Glasgow University. The Glasgow Taxis Cup is the biggest intervarsity competition in Scotland and is held at a variety of venues across Glasgow, including the state of the art Emirates Arena. Being a part of sport at Strathclyde is a fantastic chance for you to meet new people, many of whom will become lifelong friends. Whether you join for the social and recreational aspect, or the competitive side of sport, you can be assured that this will enhance your overall university experience. Joining the Sports Union couldn’t be easier - you just sign up online at or pop into our office on level 7 of The Union

For matters concerning Sports & Wellbeing get in touch with your VP Sports & Wellbeing Calvin Hepburn 14



Membership is fantastic value for money. It provides you the following benefits: • • • • • • • • •

The opportunity to join your choice of 53 clubs. Access to funding support. Opportunity to represent your University at Scottish, British and World levels. Financial support for top athletes – whether or not there is a club for your sport. Excellent booking times for SU clubs to use the University sports facilities. Access to resources, information and support for clubs, coaching and volunteer development. Partnership discount. Opportunities to develop your CV by volunteering and involving yourself with sport. Most importantly of all, a chance to make new friends and have fun whilst keeping fit and so much more!

SPORTS FAIR Don’t miss out on this great Freshers’ Week event on Wednesday 14th September. This is a great opportunity to speak to the students who run the clubs and you can also sign up for your Sports Union membership. With a membership of just over 2500 students the sporting scene is the place to be at Strathclyde. This is your chance to get involved in something great that can add a whole new level to your university experience! USSA is a 5 star Healthy Body Healthy Mind Union! This means that, for two years running, we have shown unwavering commitment to improving the physical and mental health and wellbeing of our students. Throughout the year, we run and ask you to get involved in a variety of campaigns, events, and projects including breast cancer awareness, promoting positive body image and mental health wellbeing whilst studying. If you’d like to get involved in supporting the HBHM campaign this year, come and speak to the Sports Union (level 7) or the Advice Hub (level 5)!

GLASGOW FRESHERS’ CUP 21ST SEPTEMBER The warm up to the Glasgow Taxis Cup in March 2017 Strathclyde v Caledonian v Glasgow Who will win this first round battle? Look out for flyers for full timetable and further details of how to get involved!

GLASGOW VARSITY RUGBY MATCH The University of Strathclyde 1st XV vs The University of Glasgow 1st XV 15th of September - Kick Off 2:30pm Come along and cheer on the boys as they face the University of Glasgow; our fierce rivals across the road in what promises to be a closely contested match to open the new sport season. Who will take home the bragging rights?! Join us on the 15th of September to find out! Tickets can be purchased from the Sport Union Office. Free Entry with a Freshers Band! 15

Did you know that... • We have our very own Strathy IPA in The Yard

• Big names who have played here in the past include Calvin Harris, Girls Aloud, Elton John & The Who!

• Raj is the first international President at Strathclyde

• You can catch a Pokémon without having to leave the Barony bar


• We are the tallest union in Europe • John Logie Baird, inventor of the TV, went to Strathclyde when it was still The Glasgow & West of Scotland Technical College • Comedian Ed Byrne studied Horticulture here and was our Entertainments Convenor in his 2nd year – but he has never performed in the Union • The average student gains 2 stone during their first year at uni! • Biffy Clyro played their first Glasgow gig here at The Union


7 days & 7 nights of fun

+ two Bonus Events

This is the wildest week you’ll ever encounter at university - but without a doubt the most fun! There is nothing that compares to your first Freshers’ Week. Whether you’re moving in with complete strangers or meeting your course mates for the first time, you’ll probably be trying to remember absolutely everyone’s name. This week is the best opportunity to meet new people - and all that The Union has to offer! From live music to giant speed meetings, Freshers’ Week is jam-packed full of events so you’ll never be bored. The line-up is designed to show you every aspect of what The Union does for students, whether that’s facilitating clubs & societies, providing sports facilities, creating opportunities to volunteer, or simply providing a safe space for you and your new friends to have a drink and dance. After Freshers’ Week 2016, we think you’ll definitely want to play a part in YOUR Union.

Remember that Freshers’ Week isn’t limited to freshers only – whatever stage you’re at in your university career, you can still take part! Come along this year, it’s never too late to join a club, sports team or society.

#StrathFreshers 18

During Freshers’ Week there is a £3 ENTRY into The Union after 7pm

FREE ENTRY with a Freshers’ or Gold Card

Freshers' Week

6 1 0 2 r 10 -17 Septembe th




• Halls Welcome Halls of Residence & Village office / 10:00 - 16:00

• Live Football Swansea v Chelsea The Yard / from 12:30

Not bought your Freshers’ Card yet? Visit

• Collection of Freshers’ & Gold Cards The Union / 12:00 - 21:00 • Live Football Celtic v Rangers Manchester United v Manchester City Liverpool v Leicester The Yard / from 12:00 • Pre Club Pool & Mingle The Yard / 19:00 - 03:00 • Welcome Party with Radio 1’s Nick Grimshaw Barony Bar / 20:00 - 03:00 / £5 Entry • Strathclyde Ceilidh Vertigo / 22:00 - 03:00

• Ikea Trip Halls of Residence / 10:00 - 15:00

Register online (£5 refundable deposit):

• Speed Meeting & Karaoke Barony Bar / 16:00 - 18:00 • Pre Club Bar with Cocktails The Yard / 20:00 - 03:00 • Resident DJs with our Sunday service Barony Bar / 21:00 - 03:00 • Club MTV Club night hosted by MTV - lots of giveaways! Vertigo / 22:00 - 03:00 / £5 Entry

Pull Out

this centre spread & keep it in your POCKET during Freshers’ Week so you always know what’s going on


MONDAY 12TH • Starbucks & Food Recharge / 08:00 - 20:00 • Campus Tours & Goody Bag Giveaways Union Foyer / 10:00 - 16:00 • Capital FM take over The Yard with lots of giveaways & surprise DJ sets! The Yard / 12:00 - 16:00 • Questions you are Afraid to Ask Information, hints & tips from your Exec & Student REPS. The Lounge / 15:00 - 16:30 • Big Quiz The chance to WIN £200 cash prize! Barony Bar / 15:00 - 19:00 • Speed Meeting Recharge / 18:00 - 20:00 • Live Football Sunderland V Everton The Yard / from 20:00 • Club Anthems Resident DJs taking you through to the early hours Barony Bar / 21:00 - 03:00 • Lawson Live & Support Platinum-selling pop rock band & support Vertigo / 21:00 - 03:00 / £7 Entry • CU Photohunt Challenge The Union Foyer / 14:00

TUESDAY 13TH • Starbucks & Food Recharge / 08:00 - 20:00 • Campus Tours & Goody Bag Giveaways Union Foyer / 10:00 - 16:00


• 12hr Tuesdays Launch Quizzes - Live Music - Comedy - Guest PA - Themed nights All drinks £1.50 Barony Bar / 15:00 - 03:00 • Language Cafe The Lounge / 16:00 - 18:00 • Champions League Football The Yard / 19:30 - 22:00 • Cascada The legend is back! See one of the noughties classic acts! Vertigo / 20:00 - Late / £7 Entry

WEDNESDAY 14TH • Starbucks & Food Recharge / 08:00 - 20:00 • Pool & Drinks • Champions League football The Yard / from 10:00

Freshers' Fair

Vertigo / The Yard / Barony Bar / 10:00 - 15:00 10:00 - 10:30 / Accessible Fair for those who prefer a quieter environment

Sports Fair

University Centre / CSR Sports Hall / 10:00 - 15:00

10:00 - 10:30 / Accessible Fair for those who prefer a quieter environment

• Karaoke Night The night everyone loves to hate! Prizes for best & worst singers Barony Bar / 21:00

THURSDAY 15TH • Starbucks Coffees & Food Recharge / 08:00 - 20:00

• Pokémon Go competition Pizza & beer for the winning team! The Union Foyer / 14:00

• Campus Tours & Goody Bag Giveaways Union Foyer / 10:00 - 16:00

• Cocktail Masterclass Sample & make great cocktails! The Yard / 14:00

Vertigo / 10:00 - 15:00

Freshers' Fair

10:00 - 10:30 / Accessible Fair for those who prefer a quieter environment

• Rugby Varsity Match Transport provided from The Union - check Facebook event for details / KO 14:30 • Postgraduate Scavenger Hunt Start at The Yard / 14:00 - 16:00 • Postgraduate Welcome Barony Bar / 16:00 - 21:00 • Live Poet Society Open Mic Night The Lounge / 18:00 - 22:00 • CU International Night Debates Chamber / 19:00 - 22:00 • Headphone Disco 400 headsets - 2 channels A club night with a difference! Barony Bar / 22:00 - 03:00 / £5 Entry



• Starbucks Coffees & Food Recharge / 08:00 - 20:00 • Campus Tours & Goody Bag Giveaways Union Foyer / 10:00 - 16:00 • Pool & Promos The Yard / 10:00 - 03:00 • Sports Come & Try Sessions CSR & Stepps Playing Fields / 10:00 - 20:00 • PopQuiz • Rock n’ Roll Bingo • Cash Prizes • The Great Strathy Hoody Giveaway! Barony Bar / 15:00 - 20:00 • Stone Roses Tribute Band Barony Bar / 20:00 - 22:00 / £3 Entry • Rave of Thrones DJ Hodor takes the stage! Vertigo / 22:00 - 02:00 / £5 Entry

SATURDAY 17TH • Live Football Everton V Middlesbrough The Yard / from 20:00 • CU Games Night The Lounge / 19:30 - 22:00

Freshers' Finale

• Las Vegas Comes to The Yard! Black Jack - Roulette - Poker The Yard / 21:00 - 03:00

• This is The End The mother of all parties! All drinks £1.50 Barony Bar / 23:00 - 03:00

SUNDAY 18TH • Live Football Watford v Manchester United Crystal Palace v Stoke Spurs v Sunderland The Yard / from 12:00 • Sunday Lunch now being served! Brand new for 2016/17 Recharge / 13:00 - 17:00 £5.95 - £3 with Freshers’ or Gold Card


• 12hr Tuesdays presents: Glow Rave Face paint - Wristbands that light up! Wear something white - All drinks £1.50 Barony Bar / 20:00 - 03:00 / £3 Entry


• Beach Party Dress for the beach! - Great drink promos Barony Bar / 20:00 - 03:00 / £3 Entry

• Friday Feeling Resident DJs Barony Bar / 22:00 - 03:00 • Live Football Chelsea V Liverpool The Yard / from 20:00



Freshers' Card

With a Freshers’ Card, you will have FREE ENTRY to ALL FRESHERS’ WEEK 2016 EVENTS, plus two Bonus Events! (Beach Party & Glow Rave) Buy your card here:

Gold Card With a Gold Card, you will have FREE ENTRY to ALL FRESHERS’ WEEK 2016 EVENTS and Bonus Events (Beach Party & Glow Rave) Plus ALL UNION EVENTS for the full Academic Year 2016 - 2017 You also get free food, drink and pool VOUCHERS worth over £20 and FREE Cloakroom for Freshers’ Week 2016 events!


Buy your card here:

During Freshers’ Week there is a £3 ENTRY into The Union building after 7pm

FREE ENTRY with a Freshers’ or Gold Card


PLEASE REMEMBER: Priority will be given for Freshers’ & Gold card holders for a limited period once doors open for each event on the night of each event. You are only guaranteed entry until the venue reaches capacity, so arrive as early as possible.

Freshers' Bundle £45

With a Freshers’ Bundle, you will have FREE ENTRY to ALL FRESHERS’ WEEK 2016 EVENTS, plus two Bonus Events! (Beach Party & Glow Rave) PLUS a University of Strathclyde Hoodie (rrp £23) available in two colours & styles! Buy your bundle here:

Gold Bundle


With a Gold Bundle, you will have FREE ENTRY to ALL FRESHERS’ WEEK 2016 EVENTS and Bonus Events (Beach Party & Glow Rave) Plus ALL UNION EVENTS for the full Academic Year 2016 - 2017 You also get free food, drink and pool VOUCHERS worth over £20 and FREE Cloakroom for Freshers’ Week 2016 events! PLUS a University of Strathclyde Hoodie (rrp £23) available in two colours & styles! Buy your bundle here: 23

LIVE SPORTS BAR showing all Champion League games on the big screen with sound. Join us for a game of POOL and great DRINK PROMOS all week! Saturday & Sunday: Half Price Cocktails! 2-4-1 Pool: 12pm - 5pm The Union - Level 3 Open:

Monday to Friday 10am - Late Saturday & Sunday 12pm - Late

Football 8TH OCTOBER Scotland v Lithuania 11TH OCTOBER Scotland v Solvakia 11TH NOVEMBER Scotland v England


The Barony Bar has been given a brand new look with a new design, booths and a PING PONG TABLE! This bar will be the host to live music, DJs, karaoke and quiz nights - with great drink promotions from £1.50! The Union - Level 2 Open: Monday to Friday 12pm - Late




The Big Quiz

12 Hour Tuesday


Win up to £200 each week! 8pm - 10:30pm

Popular Strathy Night is Back! Drinks from £1.50

Drinks From £1.50 10pm – late

Brand new café on Level 4!


Serving homemade food & Starbucks coffee. Recharge is more than just a Café; it’s a space for chillin’ & for learning. Study space is available to all students - wifi & charging points provided around the venue. The Union - Level 4 Open: Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm


Semester 1 events

GLOW RAVE - 20th September

Face paint - Wristbands that light up! Wear something white - All drinks £1.50 Barony Bar / 20:00 - 03:00 / £3 Entry • Free with Freshers’ Card or Gold Card

BEACH PARTY - 25th September 26

Dress for the beach! Great drink promos

Barony Bar / 20:00 - 03:00 / £3 Entry • Free with Freshers’ Card or Gold Card

OKTOBERFEST - 4th October

The biggest beer festival in Germany comes to the Barony bar, with a live Oompah Band and lots of Shenanigans! • Free with Gold Card


HALLOWEEN NIGHT - 31st October

Best Halloween Party in Glasgow! Creep round to The Union for 4 floors of lively & spooky entertainment with great drinks promotions. Trick or Treat yo’ self! • Free with Gold Card

ST. ANDREW’S NIGHT - 29th November

Join us at The Union for a full night of St. Andrew’s celebrations Live ceilidh band - celebrate Scottish Style! • Free with Gold Card



Semester 1 starts


September Weekend Bank Holiday Union & University closed


Semester 1 Exams start Christmas Holiday Period starts Union & University closed Consolidation & Development Week Semester 2 starts Spring Holiday Period starts Easter Bank Holidays


Semester 2 Exams start


May Day Bank Holiday


Semester 2 Ends



FRESHERS’ WEEK Also known as Welcome & Development Week

Spring Bank Holiday Glasgow Fair Bank Holidays

The University of Strathclyde app gives you instant, real time access to campus resources and information. To find out more & to get the app visit:

‣ StrathLife ‣ Campus maps ‣ News & Events ‣ Library search ‣ PC availability checker ‣ Cardio suite space checker ‣ Class Timetable Alerts

(including class cancellations)

‣ User Preferences: Add shortcuts of favourite services to the home page ‣ MyPlace integration ‣ Personalised class timetable (Undergrads)

‣ Exam timetables & results ‣ MyPlace Calendar ‣ Reading lists & past exam papers ‣ Library account & books on loan ‣ Sport & Recreation Class Availability:

with real-time status and availability on each class

‣ Staff Log-in & services ‣ USSA Election updates ‣ Map enhancements 29

Volunteering & Development WHAT DOES VOLUNTEERING DO FOR ME? Volunteering at USSA is an easy way to develop your personal skills while meeting new people, enhancing your Strathy experience and benefiting your community; whether that is our student community on campus or the community of Glasgow and beyond. Our volunteers do huge amounts of good and we are always seeking to find new ways to help you get involved, have fun and at the end of your degree give you great experience for your future. Volunteering is fun & rewarding, you’ll meet loads of new people and forge lifelong friendships, and you can find all this on your doorstep here at The Union! HOW DO I GET STARTED? At USSA we strive to make everything we do accessible because getting involved should never be a struggle. There are more ways than ever to participate in The Union and the number of opportunities continue to grow: • • •

• •

We have over 160 societies to choose from at If you want to start a brand new club it’s really simple & our staff on level 7 can help you with this. We have several media teams including; The Strathclyde Telegraph, our radio station Strathclyde Fusion, Strath TV, literary magazine the Quotidian and The Gist our science and tech magazine! Represent your peers as a Student Rep, change your course for the better and accessing training and opportunities. Volunteering opportunities in a wide range of places and organisations, within The Union and in the wider community, doing a host of different activities!

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Our Community Engagement opportunities give you the chance to take on new challenges and engage with communities outside the University campus. You can get involved in various projects such as: mentoring and tutoring school pupils;

helping people with disabilities gain independence through befriending; volunteering in charity shops; carrying out conservation activities to improve local woodlands and many more. The opportunities on offer are diverse, wide ranging and constantly increasing. Volunteer Gatherings take place monthly to provide new volunteers with an introduction into student volunteering and a space for current volunteers to share ideas and best practice. It’s also a great was to make friends with people who share similar interests! Getting involved in Community Engagement activities can help you feel empowered due to your contribution to society, enhance your sense of civic responsibility and inclusion whilst improving your overall university experience. Discover how you can get involved at

We have put together an engaging set of skills workshops for Strathclyde students, which are absolutely free for you to attend! The STRATHCLYDE VOLUNTEER DEVELOPMENT programme is designed for students who are keen to make the most of their experiences, develop their skills and ensure these are applied in the best possible way to maximise their employability. Some workshops we have run in the past include: body language, self-management and negotiation. Look out for details of these on our website during Semester 1!

For matters concerning Volunteering & Development matters get in touch with your VP Volunteering & Development Liam McCabe 30


The VOLUNTEER AWARDS are the centrepiece in the student activities calendar! This glitzy ceremony recognises our students’ volunteering achievements and exceptional contributions made towards The Union by individuals or groups. At USSA we understand that your volunteering is extremely important and beneficial both to you and society and as such, we recognise this with our Volunteer Hour Certificates. The requisite volunteer hours can be acquired through clubs & societies, sports teams, class reps or general volunteering within USSA. The key is to log your volunteer hours on our website as you do them - I know sometimes this doesn’t always happen but it’s easier for you in the long run!


Being involved in a club or society can be a huge part of your university life. It can add to your experience at university and allow you to meet other students or volunteers that you might not have encountered elsewhere. Last year, the total of clubs & societies affiliated to USSA reached its highest ever level, at 165. This year, we hope that this will further increase with the help of you - the students. At the moment we have six different categories for clubs & societies: • • • • • •

Course Related Political & Activism Community Hobbies & Interests Faith & Culture Media, Arts & Music

If you read through the list of clubs & societies we have and don’t find anything that suits you - then make your own! It’s really simple. Just pop up to Level 7 and there will be numerous people who can help you out.


Realise your potential and make an impact through Alumni Fund support. The Alumni Fund receives donations from Strathclyde Alumni. The funds are then disbursed to help students, student projects or clubs & societies. The Alumni Fund support has an impact on all students at the university - whether they are aware of it or not!

Over the last 10 years, in excess of ÂŁ2million has been disbursed to help students. The Alumni Fund supports 3 main areas:

1. Undergraduate Scholarship

Programme: To support less advantaged students by removing the financial barriers of studying at university.

2. The Wider Student Experience:

To support various student-led projects or clubs & societies. This enables students to get the best experience of Strathclyde.

3. Teaching & Learning Experiences:

To provide funding for the library, study abroad scholarships and international learning experiences. In 2016/17 the Alumni Fund disbursed over ÂŁ290,000 to help make the experience of studying at Strathclyde more rewarding. Student groups can apply for funding in February of each year. For more information or details of how to apply, check the Alumni Fund website at You can also apply for a position as Telethon Caller every Spring and Autumn and be at the fore-front of raising funds for these important projects. 33

Support Hi, I’m Gerry, and I’m your Vice President Support! I ensure The Union works hard to improve the welfare of all students, by overseeing services such as our Advice Hub, and advocating for a safe and supported student experience so that students can perform the best they can on their course. I also work closely with the Vice President Sports & Wellbeing in promoting a healthy student lifestyle.

Useful Contacts: Samaritans Breathing Space

0800 83 85 87

Sandyford Initiative

0141 211 8130

Rape Crisis Scotland

0141 331 4180

NHS 24

0808 800 9060

Hamish Allan Centre

0141 287 1800

(Homeless Support centre)


You’ll see me around campus talking to students and knocking on doors in halls to see if you are doing alright. This year we are working toward creating a Union Support committee which will ensure that all aspects of student support from mental health, wellbeing, financial support, childcare, Halls of Residence, and housing are represented. There will be positions available for students to run for in the October by-elections. If you’re interested in student welfare and campaigns, I’m excited to have you on the team. Student life can be tough when you’re worrying about housing, residency, mental health, finances, or studies. I work to make sure that help is here when you need it. If you have any issues, ideas, or are unsure about anything, just communicate it to us. I’m very approachable, and if you see me on campus, don’t be afraid to say hello. You can also contact me with my details below.

For matters concerning Support get in touch with your VP Support Gerry McDonnell


Citizens Advice

Last year, I set up the Strathclyde Safe Taxi Scheme (see p.36), achieved compensation for students living in halls, got the safe crossing at the library, and much more.


116 123


0808 800 4444

THE ADVICE HUB is the Union’s free independent advice and support service, located on Level 5 (access via Level 6). It can assist you with any personal, financial, housing or academic problems you have. It also works to improve students’ stress levels and is there to answer queries you may have in a confidential manner. The friendly staff can help you with academic appeals, complaints, personal issues and much more. They also provide free condoms (in a discreet manner!) to students all year round. To contact the Advice Hub, email or pop in to The Lounge on Level 5, Monday to Friday 10-4pm

Useful Links:

Remember that consent is essential! For more information look here:

For information about sexual harassment: discrimination/what-are-the-different-types-of-discrimination/ sexual-harassment/

For sexual health information:

Any person experiencing bullying or harassment can contact an adviser for confidential advice and support:

For hate crime reporting:

NIGHTLINE is your student volunteer-led confidential listening and information service, run by Strathclyde and Glasgow Caledonian Unions. It is a phone, text and online listening service which is available during term time Monday to Friday, 7pm - 7am. Nightline allows students to talk to someone anonymously about their problems, whether those are university problems, relationship/family problems or anything else that may be worrying you. Sometimes talking to someone who will simply listen can take the weight off your mind. The service is non-judgemental and completely confidential. ‘Nightliners’ will help you discuss your thoughts and options, rather than impose their opinion on you or tell you what to do. Nightline also provides you with a practical information service, whether you are looking for a taxi number, exam timetables, cinema times, or even a bit of trivia - particularly if you are convinced you are on the winning side of a bet for a quiz question! VOLUNTEER FOR NIGHTLINE! Nightline is run by student volunteers and is an extremely rewarding experience Be part of a listening and support service which is non-judgmental, confidential, anonymous, supportive and committed. Nightliners receive full training which equips them with vital listening, empathetic and confidentiality skills. This enables them and their callers to apply support skills to their own lives and the lives of their friends/family. CONTACT US: Phone: 0141 55 22 555 / Online: / Text: 07982 107 920 35


Top Tips Find the fun • 10 floors of excitement!

Get to The Union as soon as you arrive. With clubs, cafes, campaigns, Freshers’ Passes, and plug sockets, The Union is the focal point of University life here at Strathy. There’s everything you need for a great time. The Welcome Team will be around campus to show you where to go!

Enjoy student discounts • Get your NUS Extra now!

On average, students save over £500 a year by using their NUS extra card and you can now buy them for 1, 2 or 3 years. Get discounts from the UK’s number 1 student lifestyle and discount card provider on top brands such as an extra 5% off when you join Amazon student, up to 40% off at Pizza Express, and 10% off at the Co-operative Food. Only £12 for a year. NUS Extra card = more party money! For a full list of discounts and to buy your card visit

Never buy pens again! • Get a year’s supply of free pens!

It’s a new year, and a new you. It can be tempting to buy a whole set of new stationary. Don’t! At least not until you get to the Freshers’ Fair. Both Freshers’ Fairs offer different stalls, and different free stuff, and there may even be free pizza! Freshers’ Fairs = free pens = more party money! Cost: Waking up early (possibly still tired/hungover/drunk) after Cascada at the opening of #12tuesdays, repeat on Thursday

Did you get the memo? • The Freshers’ Manual

Read your welcome emails. They contain tonnes of valuable information! Read emails = less stress = more fun

Reinvent yourself • Make loads of new friends!

With students from all corners of the globe, everyone feels nervous, everyone wants to make new friends. Just say hello! Hello = new friends = new you. Cost: “hello”

Enjoy home cooked food! • Buy a recipe book!

A few days in and you’ll be missing mum’s cooking, and living on beans on toast, or getting some recipe ideas of the web. A rookie mistake would be to buy a whole kitchen with your SAAS. Hone your skills early and get a beginner’s cookbook. It might even help you make new friends, not burn down the kitchen, or save some money! Recipe book = more party money! Cost £8-£12

A sandwich... Exactly the way you want it! • Plan meals in advance!

If you’re not like the beans on toast guy above and on a first name basis with the pizza delivery guy. Your SAAS is “magically” disappearing. Cook meals in advance, reheat them during the week, and even save some money. Meal planning = more party money! Cost: Waking up early once a week to cook

Free software! • Get all the programs you need

Don’t buy software. The University gives out free licences for software like office 365, Minitab, etc. If you need a specific software which isn’t listed, please inform IT services at the library so they can help

Best deals for you • Get the best deals

Research competitors for Bank accounts, broadband/TV, insurance etc. You’ll thank us later.

If you’re unsure, ask a Welcome Teamer.

They may not know the answer, but they will find someone who does! 37

Contacts HEALTH Emergency Services Police Scotland (non-emergency) Glasgow Royal Infirmary Hospital Student Health Service Out of hours NHS 24 Campus Security

999 101 0141 211 4000 0141 548 3916 111 0141 548 2222

STUDENTS’ UNION & UNIVERSITY University of Strathclyde Students’ Association University of Strathclyde Careers Service Student Finance Support Team Student Counselling Service Disability Service International Student Support Team Residence Services Safety Services

0141 567 5000 0141552 4400 0141 548 4320 0141 548 2753 0141 548 3510 0141 548 3402 0141 548 4273 0141 548 3454 0141 548 2726

GENERAL Glasgow City Council Citizens Advice Bureau Royal Mail Customer Service

0141 287 2000 0141 552 5556 08457 740 740

UTILITIES Gas Emergencies Electricity Emergencies Scottish Water

0800 111 999 0800 092 9290 0845 601 8855

KEEP IT CLEAN Glasgow City Council (Environment)

0141 287 9700

TRAVEL Traveline Scotland SPT National Rail Enquiries Glasgow Airport Glasgow Taxi Safe Home Scheme 38

0871 200 2233 0141 332 6811 03457 48 4950 0844 481 5555 0141 429 7070


Hello Glasgow!

Merchant Studios

MODERN, STYLISH AND ALL INCLUSIVE STUDENT ACCOMMODATION IN GLASGOW! Here at Fresh we have a great choice of student accommodation to suit all tastes and budgets, no matter what you’re looking for. Both Merchant Studios and Collegelands are in great locations, just 5 mins walk from the Uni of Strathclyde. There’s a huge choice of en suite rooms in shared apartments or private studios. Both have comfy double beds, plenty of work space and sparkling shower rooms. Plus, when you feel like catching up with friends there are great social spaces with TVs and pool tables. Take a look online and choose your perfect room. FRESH FACTS: • Friendly on site accommodation team • Free WiFi and contents insurance • All bills included • Modern rooms with small double beds • Great locations


Merchant Studios





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search FirstBus mTickets to download our mTICKETS Simply free app and buy student tickets on your phone.

Or you can purchase them from your local pay point agent * Prices based on City or Local tickets. The Academic Year ticket is valid from 1 Sept 16 - 30 June 17 for £330 on mTickets only.


USE ONLINE CODE: UNIBOGOF ORDER AT DOMINOS.CO.UK Only valid at participating stores. Student ID may be required. Not valid with any other offer. Pizza from the menu or create your own with up to 4 toppings. Cheapest pizza free. Offer can be withdrawn without notice, subject to availability. Offer expires 30th June 2017.

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