April 2019

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Panther STRATH HAVEN HIGH SCHOOL, WALLINGFORD, PA STUDENT SAY Haven students give their opinions on the new Safe2Say Something hotline. Page 5 Inside this issue

The event was run by seniors and committee leaders Ava Fowler, Dana Hubbell, and Abby MacPherson, with the help of publicity leaders Erin O’Brien and BethanyStrathAnderson.HavenHigh

Over $30,000 dollars was raised before and during the event, with 65 teams registered. Teams came from all over the area -- among the participants were elementary and middle schoolers, Strath Haven alumni, WSSD teachers, and community members, along with high schoolers.

The day opened up with a touching speech by Haven English teacher Mr. Kevin Haney, who encouraged the audience to let go of their fear when facing troubling times. Haney then led the opening lap of the Relay.

How does Haven celebrate Earth Day, and are we doing enough?

Also throughout the day were the WSSD elementary school mini-walks, to celebrate the work that the elementary schools have done for Relay for Life and to thank them for their involvement.

WHY HAVEN RELAYS: An inflatable arch welcomes participants to Strath Haven’s 2019 Relay for Life event, which was held on April 27, 2019. Upon entering the gates, teams had a chance to raise money, celebrate the lives of loved ones, mourn those they have lost, and spend time with friends and family.

After the majority of students left on that Wednesday, diversity expert Dr. Philip McAdoo spoke with students and teachers about diversity and acceptance in the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District.Dr.McAdoo

“We were all really happy with the success of our efforts.”

Laughs were shared and tears were shed during the school’s emotional last Relay for Life. Editorial Board

March 6, 2019’s three-hour early dismissal was not just for the fun of it.

In the evening, the main tent housed a lively Quizzo game hosted by Haven math teacher Mr. Andrew Benzing.

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is an educator and activist (and former Broadway actor) who has published several books. He frequently visits institutions such as schools and workplaces to discuss issues of race, gender, and sexuality. He was hired by Strath Haven administration to facilitate discussions between members of the high school community, paying specific attention to how to communicate concerns of the students to teachers and administrators.Thehalfday on March 6, however, was not the first time Dr. McAdoo came to Strath Haven. He entered the Strath Haven community much earlier this year as a part of the widespread objective to make WSSD more accepting and accessible, especially for minority groups.

the Lowmans, Haven science teacher Ms. Sheryl Ursillo spoke about her experience with breast cancer, and thanked her friends and family for all of their love and support.Participants then walked quietly around the track, which was illuminated with purple luminaria. In the away stands, the word “CURE” was lit up by luminaria in purple. The Silvertones sang a selection of quiet, sweet songs while many people hugged and cried.

Mrs. Jo-Ann Morris-Brady has been the faculty advisor for Relay for Life for many years and has helped tremendously with the success of the event. Because of her large contributions to Haven’s Relay for Life, the event is retiring with her this year.

Things slowed down with the Luminaria Ceremony, one of the most emotional parts of the event. Haven students Julia and Andrew Lowman delivered a heartfelt speech about three loved ones they lost to Followingcancer.

Relay for Life Finishes Run at Haven With Successful 2019 Event

Photo courtesy Maddie Marks

Ultimately, 2019 Relay for Life was a success. “We were all really happy with the success of our efforts,” says committee leader Abby MacPherson. “We worked incredibly hard throughout the year and I’m proud of all we, as a school and community, accomplished.” Press

Haven Works With ConsultantDiversity

Maddie Marks, ‘19 Editor-in-Chief

Around midday was the Survivor Ceremony and Luncheon. Haven history teacher Mrs. Claudia Carlsson gave an emotional speech during the ceremony, after which all survivors and their families and caretakers at the

A couple of event-wide games were hosted over the course of the day to create some friendly competition, such as the Scavenger Hunt and the Water Balloon Toss.

April 2019

event were invited into the main tent for lunch.

School Spanish teacher


The Wallingford-Swarthmore community gathered on King Field on Saturday, April 27, 2019, to celebrate Strath Haven’s last annual Relay for Life event.

See what senior Sophie Haase has to say about her lacrosse career.

In the School Board minutes from the February 25, 2019 meeting, Dr. Brown discussed one of his goals for the year, “Equity, Access, and Excellence.” He emphasized the importance of positive school

-Abby CommitteeMacPherson,leader

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This year’s Relay for Life, however, proved incredibly successful despite its run at Haven coming to an end.

Maddie Marks, ‘19 Editor-in-Chief

The rest of the spread is filled up with pictures and sketches, most often of the setting I was in. I have sketches of apartment buildings surrounded by sand, mansions filled with fish tanks, and expansive auditoriums with red walls.


David Ren Chloe Gong Kuba Naum Ryan Krouse Editor-in-ChiefAssistant Evelyn Meeker Online Editor Luke Mandel Copy Editor Sam Charney Staff Writers, Artists, and Photographers Maria EmmaEricIanWillZoeEvelynAndraosBlanchetteFeinbergGarrettGuildayHadleyHunter Kai

Maddie Marks Co-Editor-in-Chief

Lynnea Zhang Haven Happenings

Each dream is allotted a two-page spread. On the left page is a paragraph describing everything I can remember from the dreams, ranging from full sentences to just phrases and words.

school should cover the costs of AP tests if the student is taking more than 2 AP classes.

Opening My Dream Journal


I’m not an artist of course, and that shows in my drawings. But these drawings are never meant to depict anything meaningful to anyone else. Instead, they serve to conjure up my own memories of the dream, which are so much more vivid and detailed.

Lily PerryJoeAbbyConorMarksMcCambridgeMcElroyPowellSosi FIND MORE AT WWW.SHPANTHERPRESS.COM Page 2 April

If a student has financial difficulties to the point where they would not be able to take such classes, I feel that the school should help. However, the students that can afford it should be obliged to pay since they are willingly enrolling in the classes.

Dear readers,

Kuba Naum Detours

THIS EDITION, WE ASKED OUR EDITORS: Should Haven cover the costs of students’ AP tests? Why or why not? Zhang Lincke


The school has an obligation to expand access to high level classes for anyone with the will and ability for it. Affordability should not be a limiting factor for a student to take advantage of an AP course.

The Panther Press is first and foremost a reflection of the opinions and interests of the student body. For this reason, we do not publish any anonymous or teacher-written submissions, and we do not discriminate against any ideology or political opinion. While we are bound by school policy (and funding) and we will not render any article neutral, although individual points may be edited for obscene or inflammatory content. Finally, the articles published in the Panther Press do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or advisers.

I completely forget about my dreams, and then I’m able to relive them through this scrappy shorthand; it’s quite an amazing experience.Thepurpose of this exercise, this dream diary, started as a way for me to conjure up story ideas. Storytelling is one of my fondest passions, but sometimes I struggle with traditional methods of developing story ideas, such as freewrites or character profiles.

AP test scores can be extremely helpful for a few students who can use them as college credit but not everyone can or wants to so I believe it should be optional for students to take the tests.

Editors’ Page

Yes, because if the school did pay for the AP tests, I’d have 90 dollars in my

Luke Mandel Online

Recently I began a dream journal. I had been writing down fragments of my dreams in the notes app on my phone, but it was disorganized and informal, so I found a little yellow journal with the words “Anything is possible” imprinted on the cover (cheesy, I know) in my bookshelf and started recorded what I remembered.

Editors Lynnea

Yes. Punishing students and not giving them credit for taking an AP class means that the school has to take responsibility.

Financial assistance should definitely be made available to anyone who needs it. This gives every student a chance to challenge themselves intellectually and academically, also aiding them in college admissions.


Ryan Krouse Sports

word or phrase or a feeling I have. Lately, I’ve been finding them in my dreams.

David Ren Opinions

Abby Loiselle Co-Editor-in-Chief

Often I find ideas for stories in just one

But my dream journal has become much more than just a tool for me. It’s a reflection on myself, my subconscious, which I think is really cool. So I’m learning a lot about myself.Toanyone reading this, I recommend starting a dream journal for yourself or at least recording your dreams. There’s a lot inside of you that you can’t access when you’re awake. Often times, the recesses of your brain have something important to tell you, if you take the time to listen.

LEDITOR Editors-in-Chief Abby MaddieLoiselleMarks Advisors Mrs. Danielle Perricone-Munn Mr. Robert ZakrzewskiSTAFFPRESSPANTHER 2019April

school should make it so that affordability or money is not even given a thought when considering AP courses. Student energy should be concentrated on doing well, not worrying about

A page from my dream journal.

Chloe Gong Arts and Entertainment

The success of the Symposium encouraged the administration enough to want to continue working with Dr. McAdoo. At that meeting on February 25, Dr. Brown announced that Strath Haven would continue meeting with Dr. McAdoo, with six professional development opportunities lined up for faculty in addition to community and student listening sessions.

Higgins brought up a similar point to Williams, saying, “I think Haven has a lot of room for improvement addressing the issues with diversity in the school that students have.”

Because the meetings have started out with smaller groups of students and faculty, many agree that they haven’t quite seen the effects of the meetings on school climate

So far, there have been a couple of meetings with Dr. McAdoo. March 6 was the first time he met with students, and a lot of students have voiced positive reactions to working with him.

“If this program were to lead to one person making a better decision, then it worthwhile.was”

climate and cultural competency at StrathWithHaven.this objective in mind, Dr. McAdoo enters the picture. On October 8, 2018, the district held a Symposium with Dr. McAdoo to discuss the goal of Equity, Access, and Excellence. This professional development meeting was met with “incredibly positive” feedback, according to Dr. Brown.

The dramatic Mock Crash assembly served as an emotional experience for Haven juniors.


Lily Marks & Maria Andraos, ‘21 Staff Writers

Photo courtesy Joe Powell

“Haven has been really good with talk and statements and trying to look liberal and inclusive on the outside. [...],” Moore continued. “But I think the school needs to just say that we’re a mess rather than keep saying ‘we’re working on it.’ I think that’s a starting point that needs to happen.”Echoing that idea, Feinberg explained that, “Overall, Haven has a reputation for being a great, accepting place. And I believe that for the most part, it is. But there are always going to be people who are rude and unaccepting.”

On April 3rd, 2019, Strath Haven held its annual Mock Crash just in time for prom season. To kick off the assembly, the school presented a simulated car crash to the juniors in the main entrance parking lot. The crash involved senior student actors playing the roles of intoxicated drivers and passengers.Inthe fake crash, Isabel Zarrow collided with Sabrina Caputo after running a red light. The mock car crash resulted in the destruction of both vehicles, injured students, and a casualty. Real-life first responders, including police officers, firefighters, and EMTs, were immediately called to the scene. The crash demonstrated the process of caring for and supporting those involved, as well as the arrest of Isabel Zarrow, the driver at fault.

-Dr. Brown, High school principal

ACTING OUT THE UNIMAGINABLE: Seniors Julia Thack, Wyeth Hackett, and Isabel Zarrow play panicked students in a harrowing car crash scene during the Mock Crash held for juniors on April 3.

FORMCADOOHAVEN: consultantDiversity Dr. Philip McAdoo has approvedbeen by the School Board to work with Strath Haven inclusion.acceptance,ofonadministrationstudents,teachers,andmattersdiversity,and

Mooreyet. also explained that she wishes there was a little more action “in school policies, in teacher accountability, in student punishments for these [discrimination] issues, in access to a gender-inclusive bathroom, et cetera.”Oneof the biggest concerns from students, however, is how Strath Haven regards itself in terms of diversity issues.

However, while many students agree that this emerging program is necessary, they still have concerns about its effectiveness.“Inmyopinion, I don’t think that the climate has necessarily changed,” said Williams, who then went on to explain that while the meetings did bring some new perspectives to the table, there are other necessary steps that need to be taken in order to “unite us as a school.”

Safe Driving was Every Junior’s Prom Date This Year

Haven Happenings

A police officer and insurance agent were added to the lineup of speakers this year. The first speaker, Mr. Chris Weersing, presented his emotional story of suffering through drug and alcohol abuse which eventually led to a nearly fatal car accident. After a night of partying, Weersing made the costly decision to drive himself and his two friends home, while intoxicated, resulting in a devastating accident. Luckily, Weersing and his friends made it out alive: “a true miracle” according to Weersin. In his presentation, Weersing stressed the importance of avoiding driving under the influence because luck is not always on your side as it was for him.

talked about in future meetings, it was encouraging to know that what we were saying would be brought up and considered.”Sincethe meeting on March 6, there have been multiple follow-up meetings with Dr. McAdoo that included more discussion between students, teachers, and administrators. Dr. McAdoo is coming to Strath Haven for another meeting the week of April 29.

“I think the meetings are a great step forward in the right direction as we begin to discuss the issues within our school district and community that have been present for many years,” said junior Corey Higgins. “The meeting also shows that the school is actively trying to better the school environment and relationship between students and teachers.”Oneof the reasons these meetings proved so successful to students is because they approached the issue of diversity and discrimination very comprehensively, which allowed everyone to experience new and different perspectives.

“It sayingwhattoencouragingwasknowthatwewerewouldbebroughtupandconsidered.”

“I think, like for most issues, having genuine speakers come in and talk about their experiences is more impactful than any program or simulation,” commented Moore. “I think the Mock Crash is useful to just see what would happen with the police, fire department, and EMTs, but for me personally, the mock crash wasn’t super impactful alone.” Many students agree that experiencing the Mock Crash in combination with emotionally-driven speeches impacted them more than the Mock Crash would have by itself.

High school principal Dr. Kris Brown discussed the intentions behind the Mock Crash, saying students should be “Seeing the impact of driving distracted, driving under the influence...If this program were to lead to one person making a better decision, then it was worthwhile.”

Students generally thought highly of Dr. McAdoo himself as well. According to junior Sybilla Moore, “He seems like a good person for the job. He handles tense situations well and tries to listen to everybody.” Freshman Zoe Feinberg echoed this sentiment, saying “Dr. McAdoo was really receptive of all our thoughts.”Feinberg continued on to say that “Because the first meeting was to basically find out what needed to be

Despite the good intentions behind the Mock Crash and hopes of making a positive impact on students with an emotional performance, some thought it to be excessive.“Ingeneral, I found the Mock Crash to be a little over dramatized in a bad way,” said junior Audrey Fox. “It didn’t feel genuine to me at all. But I know some people were really impacted by it, so I think that it does evoke feelings in a good number of people.”

Fox gave her opinion on Weersing’s speech, saying, “He was relatable and honest with how he felt about substance abuse and how he got through recovery— he definitely had a bigger impact than the crash since it was a lot more relatable and realistic.”After Weersing’s presentation, a Nether Providence Police Officer gave a speech alongside Isabel Zarrow, who was “arrested” during the Mock Crash. With a passionate performance, the officer discussed the traumatic aftermath of car crashes, especially on the families of those who die in Followingaccidents.twocaptivating speakers, the students found the final speaker, the State Farm Insurance Agent, lacking in emotional impact. Fox asserted that “the insurance agent was informative, but all in all I don’t think many students worry about their insurance plans.”

“The meetings definitely opened the eyes of people who don’t normally recognize the racial tension happening in school,” said freshman Mehki Williams. “It also gave a platform for people to open up and share their own thoughts.” Williams emphasized the importance of realization and understanding in addressing social issues at the school.

Even so, the majority of students agree that the work the school is doing with Dr. McAdoo is a step in the right direction. Feinberg finished by saying that the meetings with Dr. McAdoo have been very beneficial in helping to make Strath Haven “a more socially aware environment.”

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Unfortunately, it seems as though ending the assembly with this speaker may have taken away from the impact and connection that the other speakers created with the students.


Junior Sybilla Moore seemed to notice a similar variance in the reaction amongst the student body, stating, “I do know that some people near me made jokes during the performance, but I also had friends who cried as a result of seeing the Thecrash.”Mock Crash was followed by speeches from three different speakers. In past years, the speakers were not scheduled to talk to the students immediately after the crash. However, Dr. Brown decided to arrange them subsequently this year. He hoped that bringing in the speakers to talk to the students immediately following the performance would cause the students to think of the impact of one wrong decision on others.

Haven Works, 1 >>


courtesy Dr. Philip McAdoo

“I kind of want to say my dad [Mr. Lincke]. He was a lifeguard and he’s really good with safety stuff.”


Multiple Pennsylvania State Representatives were in attendance, including Chris Quinn (R) from the 168th District, Leanne Krueger (D) from the 161st District, Jennifer O’Mara (D) from the 165th District, and Mike Zabel (D) from the 163rd District. Newly elected United States Congresswoman, Mary Gay Scanlon (D) from Pennsylvania’s 5th Congressional District was also present.

Several people spoke about the clear racial bias that exists in the law enforcement of marijuana. One person had served time in prison for marijuana possession and explained the lingering effects of living in society after being in prison. Lt. Governor Fetterman informed him how to apply for a pardon so that he could have his record expunged and move on with his life.


-Andrew Manwaring, Haven Heartthrob

In between acts, Marybeth had quite a bit to say about her experiences living as an Asian in a largely white community. “Everyone just assumes I eat Chinese food all the time,” she said, gathering laughs from the audience. “One man at the pool told me he felt bad for me because I must get sick of all the Thai food I eat. First off, I’m not Thai, and second, I’ve lived in America my whole life with a white family so I eat pizza just as much as you.”

Both sides of the issue presented evidence, but one man explained that adequate research simply is not there to support marijuana’s positive or negative attributes since it is currently a Schedule I drug. This designation indicates that the government believes the drug has no medicinal value and it is, therefore, nearly impossible to obtain it for scientific research.

“Mrs. Shepherd, because she knows everything about biology.”

With momentum from the pageant, the final Relay for Life this past weekend at Strath Haven High School exceeded expectations.

There were a few community members who strongly opposed legalization altogether. They considered it a gateway drug and voiced concerns about driving while high.

An overwhelming majority of these speakers were in support of legalization and made a number of strong points.

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Overall, the night was, in the words of our president, a huuuge success. With Nikhil placing third and Than taking home second place, Andrew Manwaring took the crown as Strath Haven’s 2019 Haven Heartthrob. Through the single event alone, the Relay for Life committee raised over $1000.

Manwaring Takes Haven Heartthrob Crown

As the proud owner of the 2019 Haven Heartthrob title, Andrew Manwaring would say he was the perfect contestant. “Beauty is everything” he asserted in his acclaimed talent presentation, “and by every standard of the word, I am beautiful”. The presentation of his TEDx Strath Haven powerpoint instantly won over the crowd as he explained why he should be voted Haven’s first official heartthrob. Returning after a disappointing 2018 pageant, Manwaring was happy to finally take home the crown.

The 90-minute event featured members of the community who lined up along the stage for their 90 seconds at the microphone.

Than’s act of hitting wood, this time with a bit more clothing on, was certainly impressive. Nikhil Gaur shocked the audience with his singing voice as he karaoked along to “What Makes You Beautiful”.

only three inches tall and girls suffer through the pain for every dance, it was still an entertaining performance.

We asked students...Haven

-Olivia O’Loughlin, ‘21

-Zaina Maqbool, ‘21

Lt. Governor Brings Recreational Marijuana Listening Tour to Strath Haven

MANWARING MAGIC: Haven Heartthrob Andrew Manwaring presents his TED Talk onstage before being awarded the prestigious title.

“Mr. Haney, because he’s entertaining and seems like he could build a hut or something.”

Luke Mandel, ‘20 Online Editor

-Mira Sherif, ‘19

On Monday evening, April 22, 2019, Lt. Governor of On Monday evening, April 22, 2019, Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania, John Fetterman (D), came to Strath Haven High School for a community listening session on the legalization of recreational marijuana.

COMMUNITY CONVERSATION: A member of the Delaware County community asks the recreational marijuana listening tour panel a question on Monday, April 22.


Andrew Manwaring, with a subtle ode to Steve Jobs’ closet, was next to present his TED talk then followed by the dancing banana duo of Lydia and Kate. An energetic routine, the pair emphasized that they, “definitely did not make it up only fifteen minutes before the performance.”

Photo courtesy Luke Mandel

After introductions, each contestant presented their talents to the crowd. Andrew Spangler certainly gathered an interesting reaction when he appeared on stage dressed as the current President of the United States. His version of the State of Address, tailored perfectly towards Strath Haven, was an instant hit. “The similarity was uncanny,” remarks Ella Kane, an impressed audience member. In collusion-er, in conclusion, he won over the crowd.

With an educational TED Talk appealing to the intellectual side of Haven, Manwaring was crowned Haven Heartthrob.

Previously known as Mr. Haven, Haven Heartthrob is an annual pageant presented by Strath Haven’s Relay for Life committee. Entering into the seventeenth year of Relay for Life at Strath Haven, this year’s event will, unfortunately, be the last. With the committee teacher leader, Mrs. Morris-Brady, retiring after the spring semester, the current student leaders Abby MacPherson, Dana Hubbell, and Ava Fowler, are determined to make it a success.Nowgender inclusive, this year’s pageant had a various mix of contestants battling for the famed title. This year’s host was Marybeth Monaco-Vavrick who told of her harrowing experiences working at the Wallingford Pool and the devastating loss of her Wii.

The final talent to be presented was by Alex Melley, who wore thigh-high heels and hair extensions, performing an exact rendition of Ariana Grande’s “7 Rings.” “The heels were definitely the most difficult part of this contest” Alex explained during the question portion of the night. “They’re like, 6 inches tall!” Granted they were actually

At the end of the event, the Lt. Governor asked for a show of hands of how many were pro-legalization, anti-legalization, and undecided. The majority of people in the room were pro-legalization, with significantly fewer anti-legalization, and still fewer undecided.

“Mr. Kahn, because he’s a smart man and would get us off the island.”

was the next contestant to be introduced and gathered a standing ovation from the crowd.

Abby Loiselle, ‘19 Editor-in-Chief

Following Nikhil, senior Andrew Manwaring appeared fully dressed in ski attire. His exit was most memorable as he attached the skis to his feet and skied, or hopped, his way off the stage.

Which teacher would you want to be stranded on a deserted island with?

Others chose to speak about the need for expanded access and the importance of medical marijuana. One woman described how marijuana had drastically reduced her pain from nerve damage. Several wished they had access to the drug to help treat their loved ones, just for the chance to improve their quality of life.

The Lt. Governor, on a mission to hear the opinions of his constituents and gauge Pennsylvania’s readiness to legalize recreational use of the drug, has already toured 44 of the 67 counties in the state. He emphasized the importance of civility and was eager to hear both sides of the conversation.

The next two contestants to enter the scene were the first females ever to participate. Juniors Lydia Elia and Kate Malley made their debut as the conjoined twins of Haven. The last, but certainly not least, contestant to be introduced was junior Alex Melley.

Another woman showed before and after pictures in a coloring book from her mother who had Alzheimer’s disease and used medical marijuana. The difference was apparent—random scribbles all over the page before, to nicely colored pictures after marijuana use. Due to current prohibitive marijuana prices, some speakers advocated allowing home-grows to expand access.

-Sam Bartlett, ‘19

“Mrs. Lattari would have good stories.”

Haven Happenings

“This angle of telling stories instead of trying to make jokes felt more natural,” she said. “Some stuff in my life seems like it was just meant to be part of a comedy routine.”Aswith every standard beauty pageant, the introduction and initial walkout leave a lasting impression on the crowd. Leading off the group was Haven’s own President, Andrew Spangler. Following Andrew was junior Than Thomas who appeared to have broken multiple, or possibly all, dress code restrictions. Senior Nikhil Gaur

-Kai Lincke, ‘22


Photo courtesy Andrew Manwaring

Zoe Feinberg, ‘22 // Staff Writer & Photographer

Alex Melly,‘20


AP Spanish Literature and Advanced German Studies are also offered. However, due to a reduced faculty in the French department, the Advanced French Studies class is likely not to continue for the next school year. Since each teacher has a maximum amount of class blocks they can teach, this class was not lucky enough to make the cut.



“ I thought it was kind of… weird. I felt like a lot of it was common sense and not really necessary, but for some people it might’vehelped.”

Pan-African Studies provides Strath Haven students with a wonderful opportunity to understand and observe race and identity from many perspectives. This elective is open to all 10th through 12th graders.

“ Some parts were a little excessive, but overall I thought it was a good app and website.”

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After the state-mandated assembly on March 13, 2019, the Safe2Say Something hotline has been officially implented in Pennsylvania schools -- and students have something to say about it.

Kahn then went on to explain how the new history curriculum would be grandfathered in. The class of 2021 will continue on with the old classes, while the following class will pretty much take the same classes at the same time—U.S.

“ I feel like it’s a good lesson, a good opportunity for people to help people. I mean I feel like it getinteresting,wasitwasawaytohelppeoplethroughalotofstuff.”

Eric Hadley, ‘21 Staff Writer

-Mr. HistoryKahn,teacher


Onegrade.of the new courses being introduced into the curriculum is the PanAfrican Studies class. Students in this class will learn about the African-American experience and examine the African Diaspora through the studies of literature and film, field trips, group discussions, and projects. Throughout the class, students learn about the impacts that people of African descent have, focusing on major historical events and important changemakers.


History in 9th grade, World History in 10th grade, and 20th Century History (which will start after World War I, giving teachers a chance to talk about more present issues) in 11th

Many of the current AP French students, Friedman added, planned on taking a French course in their senior year, regardless of whether or not Advanced French Studies stays in the curriculum. Currently, they’re trying to organize either taking a class at Swarthmore College or taking an independent study that mimics the advanced course.

New History Curriculum Implemented; Students Fight for Advanced French Studies

In addition to multicultural classes, Strath Haven High School offers many language courses that one can take throughout high school in order to complete the school’s foreign language requirements.Unfortunately, following this school year, students will no longer be able to take Latin. Spanish, Chinese, German, and French all offer various paths to embark upon if one is compelled enough in the subject. Each language has levels 1 through 4 available to take and an AP class

that focuses further on the language and culture. Spanish, German, and French all offer Seminar classes in addition to or in place of the other options.

Haven Happenings

A major change currently taking place in the high school is the removal of Western Civilization from the Social Studies curriculum. The class of 2022 is the first grade to not take Western Civ as the 9th-grade history course.

The presentation itself was kind of cheesy to be honest. But I think the actual Safe2Say app is really helpful and the purpose is really important.”


“ It definitely in some places underestimated the issues surrounding mental health. I think that in some places it’s going to be really effective, but I also think that they need a objective.clearer

As the 2018-2019 school year draws to a close, students are looking ahead to the upcoming school year and planning their next steps. Many students find the process of selecting classes to fill their 8 credit requirement to be a daunting task since there are so many available options and different paths to follow.

According to history teacher Mr. Jeffrey Kahn, Strath Haven “would like the Social Studies curriculum to be more global and less European-focused. The Western Civ curriculum was interesting but gave everybody the sense, I think, that only important things happened in Europe or happened because of Europe. … So when people go through our regular curriculum and graduate without learning anything about any part of the world except when it’s being colonized by Europe, I think that’s a mistake—a flaw.”

IN DEFENSE OF FRENCH: Haven junior Rebecca Friedman speaks at the March 25 board meeting about the school cutting Advanced French Studies.

“ There was probably another way we could’ve done it to get engagedmorewiththestudents.ButIthinkitwasagreatattempttoraiseforthisnewapp.”

On March 25th, Rebecca Friedman, with classmates Lauren Park, Grace Dupont, and Geraldine Leech, attended a school board meeting to speak for the students who felt cheated by this decision. With a speech prepared by Hope Graham and Lilian Liu, Rebecca spoke in front of the school board, explaining why the class should be left in “Weplace.found out a week before that Advanced French Studies was probably not going to run in favor of French 1,” said Friedman. “We were all upset because they told us after we made our course selections and also because we all had doubled up this past year in order to take this class next year.”

Julio Bell,‘19


With many changes in the curriculum— courses being added and removed—the 2019-2020 school year will be full of new opportunities for classes to take. Many people choose to double up in math and/ or science for many of their high school years, but it’s important to remember that there is a diverse selection of engaging classes that can grant knowledge not be found elsewhere.

courtesy WSSD School Board

“The Western Civ curriculum [...] gave everybody the sense, I think, that the only important things happened in Europe.”


“ I guess I thought it was good principle, bad practice. I think there were flaws in how it was presented. But overall it’s a good idea as long as it people.”helps

“ All the [things] that they said are in everyone’s minds, but it was irrelevant in a school setting. They butschoolsayingkeptthatisthesafestplaceitdoesn’tfeellikethat.”

-Ms. Reese, Green Haven advisor

and attendance to improve. One parent even reports that their child offered to “teach [them] how to breathe” when they seemed overwhelmed, emphasizing the useful tool they are being taught.

Photo courtesy Abby McElroy

Abby McElroy, ‘19 Staff Writer

Kai Lincke, ‘22 Staff Writer

It may seem trivial, but it makes a large impact. According to the EPA, recycling 10 water bottles saves enough energy to provide power for a laptop for 25 hours. There are many obvious benefits to recycling. However, encouraging students to recycle is a little more challenging.

“Sometimes it’s nice to have a day where everyone kind of refocuses and resets. It reminds people, ‘I should be using a reusable cup or a reusable bag’,” she said. “It’s a good check-in for everyone, especially because it’s getting nicer outside, which is a good reminder of what we want to protect.”

Robert E. Coleman Elementary School recently chose to replace detention with meditation. The results have been amazing. When students act out, they’re sent to the meditation room, where they are encouraged to calm themselves down with breathing exercises, think through their actions, and talk about their emotions, aspects sorely lacking in traditional detention, where students simply serve their time for the sake of punishment. It’s no wonder that the substitution of thoughtfulness for crudeness has caused suspensions to plummet

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WSSD is a pretty environmentally friendly community, but the difference between “good” and “great” can be huge when it comes to helping the Earth.

“Do we actually celebrate it? I don’t think we do anything,” said senior Lindsay Belliveau.Thisis unexpected for a community as environmentally friendly as ours. In the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District, it is not uncommon to find compost pits, reusable cotton bags, and multi-use water bottles, among other green products. So why does Haven not have an Earth Day celebration?Ms.Freeman suspects that it may be because it falls at a busy time during the year. “Everyone is dedicated to Relay for Life, which always falls around the same weekend,” she said. “It’s hard to plan something for Earth Day because students are too focused on a different great cause.”Many students remember their middle school Earth Day celebrations. Each year, sixth-grade science teacher Mr. Brian Ward, along with other science teachers, bring their students outside to work on the Zach Rufo Habitat Garden. The high school students would benefit from rolling up their sleeves as the sixth graders do.


Hopefully, the revelations about the school’s recycling program will bring increased awareness about the importance of recycling to the school. Though students and teachers are optimistic that the school will become more environmentally friendly, they agree that there is still a lot of work to be done. But, with effort from the student body, Haven has the power to become a greener community and preserve the Earth for future generations.

If students took a few seconds to consider which can to throw their trash in, suggests freshman Winnie Stach, the school could be far more environmentally friendly.“Itis only a few more steps away to the recycling bin and it is important that people stop to think whether or not something can be recycled or reused before throwing it out,” she said.

As the world’s largest environmental movement, Earth Day’s goal is to raise awareness about protecting the planet and to encourage people to volunteer and take action to clean up the Earth. So the question arises: what does Haven do to celebrate this important holiday?

Belliveau agrees. “I feel like we should be outside more and help with nature -definitely get our hands dirty and focus on growing our community,” she said.

Mindfulness Proves Beneficial for Students

As Earth Day approaches, many of the school’s students and staff have directed their attention towards green living. One of the school’s most prominent issues regarding green living is the state of the trash and recycling at the school. The school makes recycling accessible to students, with a recycling can available in each room. However, most of these cans remain empty.

Studies show that practicing mindfulness for as little as five to ten minutes a day can have huge impacts, such as improving attention, regulating emotion shifts, heightening compassion, and reducing stress. A study by Harvard University conclusively found that meditation changes the structure of the brain to make it rely more on executive functioning and less on impulses. Therefore, many companies, including Google and Nike, are embracing mindfulness techniques as a way to focus and inspire creativity in theirHowever,workers. its most impactful effect is stress reduction. Not only is mindfulness practice a time to breathe and clear the mind, it is also time that belongs solely to the practitioner. Having five minutes every day that are not dedicated to anything traditionally productive is an incredibly powerful thing, and it is sure to pay off. Not only is mindfulness proven to have calming effects in moments of panic, it also wards against chronic stress, fighting both enemies at once.

With no clear way for the teachers and administrators to intervene, the issue of recycling rests with the students. It is important for students to see and understand how their actions can impact the Earth and pose problems for future generations.

GOING GREEN: Middle school science teacher Mr. Brian Ward shows off a plant during the annual Zach Rufo Habitat Garden event.

CALM CAN BE COMMUNAL: Strath Haven’s Mindfulness Club meets up after a performance of the Laramie Project in the fall. The club is run by senior Abby McElroy.


Photo courtesy WSSD Facebook

“I don’t know what you can do to make people care about an issue,” said senior Sam Bartlett. “Teenagers especially are really resistant to being told what to think about a problem. It’s a really complicated issue.”

Do you want a stronger, happier mind? Try mindfulness today.

Studies show that practicing mindfulness works wonders on stress and emotions.

Students interested in trying mindfulness have a wealth of options. Mindfulness apps have been rising in popularity, and there are several popular options including Calm (voted Apple’s #1 App of the Year), Headspace, and Insight Timer. For a community introduction, they can stop by the Strath Haven Mindfulness Club, which meets on Tuesday mornings in the Guidance Office Conference Room.

“A lot of students think that the school doesn’t recycle, so they don’t bother,” Ms. Reese said. “Then the school wants to recycle but can’t because there’s so much trash in the bin. It’s a vicious cycle.” Hopefully, if more students realize the program’s existence, they will take advantage of recycling at Haven.While recycling cans collect dust, many products that could be recycled are wasted.

Haven Has Room to Improve on Earth Day Celebrations

As Sidney Sheldon stated, “Try to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived”.

This is just one example of the ways mainstream society is embracing mindfulness as a stepping stone towards a happier, healthier lifestyle. Mindfulness, most commonly defined as “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally,” has been on the rise, with more than 18 million Americans meditating in 2012 and over 22% of employers offering mediation services in 2016.

“A lot of students think that the school doesn’t recycle, so they don’t bother.”

The true meaning of recycling does not sink in for many students, who never witness where America’s trash ends up. Senior Sam Barnett agrees. “They don’t firsthand see what non-use of recycling does. It’s just going in the bin and it disappears,” he said. “You don’t have that connection between our environment and the trash.”

This year, Green Haven hopes to revive Haven’s Earth Day celebrations. The club wants to make students more aware of the importance of the holiday and remind the community that recycling and green living are important, not just on Earth Day, but all year.Though there isn’t much enthusiasm or knowledge about the holiday, Green Haven’s advisor Ms. Reese believes that it’s important that Earth Day is celebrated.

It should thus be in everyone’s best interest to lessen that impact, and to reduce the rates of sexual assault not only to make the WSSD community a safer place but the world as a whole. However, many people have doubts about how significant the impact of the WSSD, or rather, SHHS, has on the reduction of incidents of sexual assault. And thus, the question arises: Is SHHS taking effective steps towards reducing sexual assault?

“I guess my main issue is that I feel like we’re treating LGBTQ+ content like it’s disposable. Middle school is a critical time for LGBTQ+ students who are questioning. Even just with teaching the acronym, this might serve as something familiar or comforting,” said Alise.

This prompts the question: How does SHHS handle reports of sexualSHHSassault?does not tolerate any form of sexual assault. Indeed, sexual assault is a crime—a Level 4 Offence in the Secondary Code of Conduct/Disciplinary Code for Grades 6-12. As such, any report of sexual assault can and will be forwarded to the authorities.

David Ren, ‘21 Editor

These classes educate the students of SHHS by either introducing or reiterating the definition of, the different types of, the statistics of, and the methods to avoid sexual assault through worksheets, notes, projects, tests, and the like.

Ms. Ursillo stressed that the Diversity Trainers program is not meant for education, but for review of concepts that the students should already be familiar with.

This question and the one before prompts yet another question: What further steps can SHHS take towards reducing sexual assault?

And thus, to reduce occurrences of sexual assault, SHHS should further promote the Safe2Say app.


Luckily, it is agreed, however, by Ms. Ursillo, high school principal Dr. Kris Brown, and WSSD Superintendent Dr. Lisa Palmer, that LGBTQ+ education is extremely important.

Firstly, the students of SHHS must be educated on the subject of sexual assault if they wish to reduce the occurrences thereof. Luckily for them, SHHS offers 2 (or more) years of physical education/ health classes that contain within its curriculums the “basics” and the “specifics” of sexual assault.

Information from RAINN, Philadelphia News, The Washington Post, and WHYY.

“I wanted to comment on the difference between addressing versus teaching within our sessions,” Ursillo said. “What I had to do this year for the Diversity Training club was to choose topics that didn’t require teaching but more bringing awareness to the studentUrsilloaudience.”makes the point that because LGBTQ+ issues would require more formal education than the Diversity Trainers are prepared to give, it is more important to focus on other topics that require less education and more reviewing or discussing.

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For many students, however, this is upsetting. When asked his opinion, Grayson Ray, a junior and leader of the Gender Sexuality Alliance, commented, “In a period of one’s life where so much of their personality and beliefs are created,

However, many students feel that cutting down the amount of time spent on LGBTQ+ issues in Diversity Training sessions is harmful for a variety of reasons.

April “My main issue is that I feel like we’re treating LGBTQ+ content like it’s disposable.” -Alise DiversityMackey,TrainingLeader “What I had to do this year [...] was to choose topics that didn’t require teaching, but more awareness.”bringing -Ms. DiversityUrsillo,TrainingAdvisor

prevention program run by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, the reporting of any occurrence of sexual assault, alongside any other reportable offenses, has been made much more efficient and effective. As a matter of fact, several students have already utilized the Safe2Say app, although the reasons for which they have done that, will, of course, remain anonymous.

As a result, Diversity Trainers and Leaders have to limit the amount of information that can be covered, and LGBTQ+ issues have been forced to a backburner during the Whensessions.informed of this change, the Diversity Trainers and Leaders were angered and saddened.

“The first step in creating a better future for the scholars to come is to foster a caring, accepting, and open school community. This is simply vital to Junioreducation.”AliseMackey, a leader in the Diversity Training club, had similar feelings to Grayson.

Swarthmore College is number 3 on the list of colleges with the most cases of rape in the country.

It is my opinion that SHHS is doing its fair share on educating its students on sexual assault. After all, most everyone has prior knowledge about the “basics” of sexual assault -- most people have a moral compass and know that sexual assault is morally reprehensible, in addition to knowing that there are many different types of sexual assault and many different methods to avoid sexual assault.Toadd to that, the recent security measures that have been placed into effect at SHHS, such as the security cameras and the Safe2Say app, have also made the SHHS campus much safer and more secure.

Diversity Trainers React to Cuts

Zoe Feinberg, ‘22 Staff Writer

it is crucial that we teach equality and acceptance. When diversity isn’t openly spoken about and embraced, hate, stigma, and intolerance are born.

Promoting Safe2Say Will Emphasize Sexual Assault Awareness at Haven

1 in 3

Locally speaking, Swarthmore College, with an average of 11 rapes occurring for every 1000 students, had recently made it to the nation’s top 10 list for most reports of rape.

1 in 3 American women endure sexual assault.


“It should be in everyone’s best interest to [...] reduce the rates of sexual assault not only to make the WSSD community a safer place, but the world as a whole.”

Ms. Ursillo addressed the fact that many speakers have come to educate our school’s faculty about gender identity and pronouns, including some that encouraged a K-12 program educating students about identity.

1 in 6


And after the introduction of Safe2Say, a youth violence

Indeed, Associate Dean Ms. Myrt Westphal of Swarthmore College is alleged to have assured the defendant in a lawsuit over an alleged case of sexual assault that “no student had been expelled for sexual misconduct [despite the large number of reports] in [her] 25 years at Swarthmore.”In2013,2years after the aforementioned lawsuit, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights investigated Swarthmore College for having allegedly mishandled sexual assault allegations and mistreating accusers.

This year, time constraints at Strath Haven Middle School have impacted the amount of time high school Diversity Trainers have with middle school students.

Sexual assault, the wicked perversion that is omnipresent within society, is responsible for the immense suffering of millions upon millions of people throughout the world and throughout time.

I believe that the most efficient way to reduce occurrences of sexual assault is for SHHS to further promote the Safe2Say app. Indeed, only in an environment in which reportable offenses are reported in anonymity and in which each report is taken seriously, can occurrences of sexual assault be reduced.

“It tells these students that they’re recognized and valued,” she continued. “Second, it’s obvious that we have a lot of learning to do in this school district. What happened with the 10th grade [Gender Sexuality Alliance presentation] made it

This was a central focus of Swarthmore College, which was in 3rd place for the college campus with the most reports of rape. Multiple sources indicate that while there are such a large number of reports, small to non-existent numbers of action are taken. This is the result of poor accountability.

And now, onto the final question: How effective will the aforementioned methods be in reducing incidents of sexual assault in the Strath Haven community?

Due to time constraints, Diversity Trainers have had to limit talk about LGBTQ+ issues during sessions with middle schoolers.

Only time will tell, but both theoretically and empirically, these methods should be highly effective. Indeed, these strategies (raising awareness/educating students for/on sexual assault and reporting every occurrence of sexual assault,) have already been proven to be highly effective in reducing incidents of sexual assault on a national level.


An American is sexually assaulted every 92 seconds.

There are 11 rapes per every 1,000 students at Swarthmore College.

obvious that we have a lot of work to do. The earlier we start, the better.”

Ms. Ursillo, the new Diversity Training advisor, assured the students that in no way would Diversity Trainers be completely removing such an important topic from its coverage. The Trainers were informed that though the sixth and seventh graders would not receive much LGBTQ+ coverage in their presentations, the eighth grade would still review gender identity and pronoun usage.

1 in 6 American men endure sexual assault.


Senior artist Adwaita Patil reveals details about her works, inspirations, and creative processes.

Haven senior Adwaita Patil’s artwork catches the eye with its expressive depiction of nature, its blend of realism and fantasy, and its bold color palettes and patterns. As a junior, she had the opportunity to showcase her art in an exhibition at Swarthmore College as a winner of the George H. Slick Fellowship. Here, she shares some insights into her creative process.

material, or I’ll see them add a certain detail, or do something in a particular way which encourages me to try new things.

PP: Why do you enjoy creating art?

Artist Spotlight

PP: What is your favorite piece?

Adwaita Patil: I usually gather inspiration from my surroundings. Flowers are always my go-to subject because they’re so vibrant, and I think they add an element of elegance to my art. I also like incorporating things I see other people do in their artwork. Sometimes, I’ll see someone using a certain

All images courtesy Adwaita Patil. All artwork belongs to Adwaita Patil.

AP: My favorite piece is most likely the purple flower sprinkled with raindrops. At the time I was practicing realism, and I was pretty satisfied with how it turned out.

AP: My biggest role models would have to be Claude Monet and Salvador Dalí. Although I don’t practice their styles, I really do appreciate their work. Monet’s impressionist paintings are incredible—I always find it unbelievable that he can create holistic pictures with such small strokes. Surrealism has also been a fascination to me. Dalí has great ideas that actually inspired me to try out surrealism. In the one I created, there was a snake, a hand, a tree, a duck, a fish, a sunflower, a few clouds, and some eyeballs all placed inside a bottle. It sounds absurd, but I think that’s the beauty of it.

Panther Press: Where do you get your inspiration?


Chloe Gong, ‘19 Editor

AP: Art has always been something that pacifies my mind. I’m sure anyone else who does art would agree on this. As for selfexpression, color has always done the job for me. I like expressing myself in rich, striking colors, which is why most of my art consists of a multitude of color palettes. It’s also cool to see what I can create with my own hands—it’s always a surprise.

PP: Do you have any artist role models?

From intricate portraits to surrealist paintings, Adwaita finds satisfaction in creating art out of the things she loves. She hopes other people can derive the same comfort and relaxation while viewing her works.

Arts and EntertainmentPage 8

19: Who’s the only person that can prevent forest fires?


1: In Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, when Johnny depp's character says “ there he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die” who is he talking about (actors first 5:name)What is the term “ante meridiem” more commonly expressed as 7: The French word for map 12: A disgusting and juicy word for an immature insect

25: Are you having fun filling out this crossword right now?

27: After eating 85 full sized candy bars or 480 bananas or 11,000 oranges you would die. What is the abbreviated medical term associated with consuming too much of a certain type of chemical to the point where your body can’t process it.

46: A synonym for anger, which is very frequently used in the popular mobile game

50: What city in Georgia is home to the critically acclaimed rap duo, Outkast

9: What Jamaican religious and social movement places an emphasis on living naturally and is strongly linked to reggae music


40: Who’s burgers?

11:haveWhat starts with “e” ends with “e” and has one letter in it

Games and Comics

22: What lonely Martian object sang itself happy birthday on August 5th, 2013

58: Modern Language Association, is more ordinarily referred to how



44: In the movie, The King's Speech, what disorder does King George VI have

33:intoOn your chip and it rhymes

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24: An informal British word for bathroom

42: Second person singular present and first, second, third person plural present of be

68: Fashion. Design. Hair

CROSSWORD: Kuba Naum, ‘19, Editor // COMIC: Perry Sosi, ‘19, Staff Artist

8: What type of insect is the movie A Bug's Life primarily focused on (plural)

13: A statistic in baseball and softball that credits a batter for making a play that allows a run to be scored (abbreviated)


28: A five to six foot bird, endemic to Australia

64: Adding what three letter word to “saw” turns it into some playground fun 65: What chubby Panda eventually comes to learn that there is no secret ingredient


35: The second largest Irish province (where Belfast is located)

17: The first person present form of the Spanish verb dar (to give)

4: What English rock band claimed that they were more popular than The Beatles, justifying their claim with the success of their albums: Definitely Maybe and (what's the story) Morning Glory


2: Monsters ____: The largest scare factory in the monster world

5: A common girl name, originating from 6:GermanyWhatis the name of the man laying at your 7:doorAmerican clothing company that sells a lot of underwear (abbreviated)

47:WordscapesAverylarge and pointy nose

49: Where is one place an alcoholic could seek help (abbreviation)

67: Who runs the chocolate factory



31: Slang/shortened term for a hairstyle that could be described as poofy

61: Animals have fur. What do we have 62: Greek name for Cupid

overslept one day and was late for the train. In an attempt to catch up to it he sprinted as hard as he could. As he was running down the subway stairs he ran straight into this girl, spilling all of her coffee and scattering all of the papers she had been holding. The two of them, although initially enraged at each other, became very good friends. Such good friends that they ended up falling in love and marrying each other. This was all because Albert forgot to set his alarm. What is this an example of? One of the drawbacks of college Name of our lovable Strath Haven Varsity Tennis coach Oh so cute! Yeah _____ on ‘em gurl <3 A word for marijuana What ten year old yellow boy has a tendency of saying “ay caramba” and “eat my 40:shorts!”_____asuar: A green grass pokemon Salty and rhymes with peas An email from a Nigerian prince is most likely a what Amazing biology teacher who will frequently hand out candy and is always happy to see you What aquatic organism has a venomous tail and is known for giving hickies (singular/ 46:shortened)Whatcharming and funny Strath Haven student has thrown up during the pacer test on two separate occasions Apart from Scooby doo, what other member of Mystery Inc. partakes in indulging scooby snacks In what department does Toby in The Office work acts on behalf of another person or group. Commonly used to refer to someone in the spy word for a domestic animal without a home 57: We been hangin’ outside, not goin’ ___ 58: Who's very big house got stormed by an excessively nasty troop of state troopers 60: What is the more technical term for a persons profile picture on twitter 61: “Attila the ___”: The legendary leader of a viscious Germanic tribe which pillaged countless cities A text acronym that expresses astonishment

32: In the story of Hansel and Gretel, what cooking apparatus does Gretel shove the witch

15: ______ al-Ansar (the Sunni fundamentalist

21: Where are bonfires generally held


38:(abbreviated)Thename of a popular betting website


10: Toads, chimpanzees and gorillas all don’t have what body part which most other animals

16:group)The name of the toxin from the venom of the Brazilian scorpion Tityus serrulatus


3: What does “Gitchy goo” mean in Phineas and Ferb

60: Who is the last airbender

23: The name of the garden in which Adam and Eve were placed at during Creation 26: You think mucus is funny but it’s _____ 30: The evening or day before a religious 31:festivalAlbert

66: Kuba is my _____. What's yours?

51:(abbreviated)Lastname of Philly native, comedian/actor who executive produced and created The Real Husbands of Hollywood

29: What's the word you should never say

59: Mr. Foulk has a bumper of a car in the back of his classroom. What type of car did it use to belong to

65: Stay inside. Don't let anyone in. Get the best available security system. These are all steps you would need to take to survive what annual fictional event.ss

14: Name of singer/songwriter who rose to prominence after his successful song “wavin’

flag”; the official promotional song for the 2010 FIFA world cup

34: What state has the most potato chip companies (abbreviated)



1: 2 Big Macs, 2 Quarter Pounders, 10 Chicken Nuggets and 2 Medium Fries

18: The Dutch word for uncle



52: Office of an ambassador


37: Mr. Woolery, Mr. Clancy, Ms. Reid and Ms. Geraghty all teach what class

56: Name of Senior Haven Lacrosse player who is obnoxiously obsessed with a mustache he is unable to grow

20: Seven in roman numerals


Throughout the film, Zora, the daughter, can be seen wearing a sweatshirt that says “Thỏ,” which is actually the Vietnamese word for bunny. The opening credits include a drawnout shot of bunnies being kept in cages while the eerie “Anthem,” composed by Michael Abels, plays. It is later revealed that the “tethered” keep these rabbits for sustenance. Zora’s outfit is a nod to this, along with a stuffed bunny toy that Red, Adelaide’s doppelganger, casually dismembers. Rabbits are an enduring symbol throughout the course of the film, likely because they are animals sometimes experimented on and kept in captivity…

lot. After all, almost every actor had to take on two different roles. Peele only further tangles the web of complex themes with various Easter eggs for the audience to pick apart. When watching a Jordan Peele film, it’s this intricacy that makes coming back for seconds a vital part of the experience. However, spoiling this movie would be a sin, so here are just a few sneaky details.

himself explained how “us” implies that there is a “them.” This expresses a human fear towards the outsider, though it is a sensation that has become specifically American. Often times, however, we are our own worst enemy. One of the most iconic moments is when the Wilsons ask their doppelgangers, “What are you people?”

The band seems to have abandoned or lost focus on what once made them so great—the creation of a specific yet relatable environment through pop culture references and precise phrases. “The

The film opens on a beachside boardwalk in 1986, with shots of roller coasters that give a feel for the approaching cinematic experience.

With his debut film Get Out, Jordan Peele made his entrance to the horror genre while also making a commentary on race relations in the United States. Due to the success of Get Out, Peele had twice as many filming days as well as a larger budget for his next project. Those resources are certainly reflected in the ambition of Us. Jordan Peele simply does not disappoint.

Peele explained how in Get Out, he proved that everything is about race, and in his latest film Us, he proved that not everything is about race. It is incredibly important to confront issues such as racism that are so deeply rooted. In Us, the fact that the “tethered” are forgotten is what fuels such a brutal uprising. Cinema has the immense power to expose the dark truths of humanity which we are often more comfortable forgetting— our very own “tethered.”

However, it should also go that minority groups merely existing doesn’t have to be proving a point.

When Weezer’s debut album, “The Blue Album,” was released in 1994, it was met with mixed reviews. Some critics liked it while others hated it, and a lot were in between. Since then, “The Blue Album” has not only become Weezer’s best-known album, but also something of a cultural icon and one of the most recognizable and beloved albums of all time. 25 years and 12 albums later comes “The Black Album.”

Their answer: “We are Americans.”

ReviewsPage 10 April

Black Album” sacrifices this at times, perhaps to appeal to a larger audience in a more rapidly evolving age. They’ve yearsbands.sobethisreally,it’sdrugforMaster’sand“Kitty“Nightcrawler,”tradedPryde,”a“DungeonGuide”indistinctreferences.Intheend,ashamebecausealbumcouldgoodformanyotherYet,25ago,Weezer

When she and her family return to the site decades later, increasingly frequent coincidences make Adelaide fearful her past is coming to confront her. She finally reveals to her husband, Gabe, the events of that night. She explains that her whole life, she’s felt as though that other version of herself is coming back for her, and it feels like she’s only getting closer. Gabe doesn’t truly believe her… until a family of four, just like their own, appears in the driveway.

Young Adelaide wanders off from her parents and finds herself in a house of mirrors, where the theme of duality is introduced both literally and symbolically. There she meets her doppelganger, the trauma of which follows her to the modern day.

Us is not an easy movie. It goes in countless directions, has many hidden facets, and may leave viewers with more questions than answers. It’s not an easy movie, but it is an important movie and one that you should take the time to see.

Though “The Black Album” does have a few notable, enjoyable songs, it has just as many that are largely unremarkable. It falls short, as many of Weezer’s albums have in the past because they all seem to be trying to fill the shoes of “The Blue Album.”

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Rivers Cuomo, the writer of the song and frontman of Weezer, explained that the song wasn’t initially intended to be about the musician, but as it was workshopped it became so. In the song Cuomo sings, “his hair was very Joan Baez, and his fans would auction off his autographs,” he then goes on to mention “paisley bones” and “red corvettes.” The song is simple and quick, but very appealing. At times it relies almost solely on the eccentric lyrics and a few simple chords. It really stands out.

“The band seems to madelostabandonedhaveoratleastfocusonwhatoncethemsogreat” Americans.”people?”are“Whatyou“Weare

set the bar too high, and time and time again they fail to reach. “The Black Album” wasn’t bad. Like so many of Weezer’s other albums, it had its ups and its downs, but as a whole, it fell short. It was mediocre.

My personal favorite off of the album was “The Prince Who Wanted Everything,” a song filled with references to The Artist Formerly Known as Prince.

The biggest failure of “The Black Album” is in its inability to cultivate a concise but comprehensive environment the way that “The Blue Album” was able to. The songs are mismatched, and not good enough on their own to warrant it; the lyrics are often vague and unclear.

Imagine you have a doppelganger, like you but not you, resembling a human but also something much darker. How would you live each day with the feeling of that shadow lurking, knowing it might any day try and take your place? Well, what if you were the shadow, trailing behind, living a hidden life without the slightest taste of freedom, recognition, or identity?

And what if you were both?

While Get Out employed a laser-sharp focus to address racism, Us uses a wider lens to explore the whole of humanity, while making a different point about race. According to Jordan Peele, “I realized I had never seen a horror movie of this kind, where there’s an African-American family at the center that just is,” he said. “After you get over the initial realization that you’re watching a black family in a horror film, you’re just watching a movie. You’re just watching people.”


With a major theme of duality, the film tackles a

The number sequence 11:11 also appears frequently, whether on a character’s clock or on the back of an ambulance. One of the most prominent appearances is a man holding a cardboard sign by the boardwalk, and written on it is “Jeremiah 11:11.” This refers to this Bible verse: “Therefore thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them.” This is all too true for the chaos which ensues—a campaign of terror which bloodies the whole of the human race.The title itself, Us, is also cause for analysis. Peele

Us is the story of a family staying at their summer home in Santa Cruz, where Adelaide Wilson, the mother, vacationed as a child. The movie flashes back and forth between 1986, when Adelaide was a girl, and the present, slowly filling in the blanks until the action hits.

“The Black Album” most definitely swings to a different side of the alternative spectrum than that of its blue brother. It may be taste, lineup, or quite simply technology that changed the classic guitar heavy melodies like “Buddy Holly” to the faux-electronica mash-up that is “The Black Album,” but however it happened, it’s a big difference. The album starts out with the repetitive but catchy “Can’t Knock the Hustle,” and then only gets better with “Zombie Bastards,” a bizarre almost power-pop tune. Like most of Weezer’s previous work, “The Black Album” includes a refreshing mix of upbeat and slower paced songs such as “High As A Kite” and “Piece of Cake.”

On March 25, Strath Haven senior Sophie Haase reached a career milestone as she scored her 100th career goal in lacrosse. It came on a free position with 12:34 left in the fourth quarter in Haven’s game vs. North Penn High School, putting the girls up 16-8 in what would be an 18-11 Panther victory. Haase started with the ball on the right side of the field, about ten yards from the net, and at the sound of the whistle, she charged towards the goal putting the ball right through the legs of the goalie.

This past season, the Strath Haven Ice Hockey team was one of the best in recent memory, in large part due to the seamless cohesion between the upperclassmen, especially the senior class, and the underclassmen.

7:00 PM Softball: Varsity & JV

Having won 33 games in his last 2 seasons as opposed to just 8 his freshman year, Irey is the first Strath Haven player to win this award since 2008.

only have success when everyone comes together. We had trouble with this in the first game, but we’re definitely noticing improvement as the season progresses.”

7:30 PM Lacrosse: Boys Varsity

When asked about his impact as a leader on the team and how it assisted in their success, Irey said, “Our intentions were known at the beginning of the season. We wanted everyone to know that we were going to be dangerous. At times, I had to push our guys to their limits, acting as another coach rather than as a teammate, but I’m really proud of what we were able to accomplish.”Ireywasone of the biggest offensive weapons on the team, as he recorded nearly 30 goals and 62 points in all, helping to lead his team into the postseason.

7:00 PM Lacrosse: Girls Varsity

Unfortunately, the team was defeated in the semifinals of the Flyers Cup A playoffs, ending the team’s season abruptly. However, Irey had nothing but positive remarks when asked him about the underclassmen on the team, and the team’s outlook for the foreseeable future.“The sky’s the limit for these guys. I know what they’re capable of, and I’m happy knowing that we as seniors are leaving the team in very capable hands.” High praise from the Player of the Year.

The Haven senior midfielder hit an impressive career milestone while leading the Panthers to a hot start to kick off the season.

PERSONAL RECORDS: Haven senior Sophie Haase springs into action upon receiving the ball in a game against Springfield High School. Haase reached her 100 goal milestone in a game against North Penn.

Photo courtesy Sophie Haase

3:45 PM Baseball: Varsity 3:45 PM Softball: Varsity & JV

SportsPage 11

Ryan Krouse, ‘19 Editor

Sophie Haase Tallies Career Goal 100 for Haven Lacrosse

7:00 PM Lacrosse: Girls JV

All that excitement was for good reason since before the game the team was uncertain if she would reach the milestone that day. “I found out that morning that I was 5 goals away from 100, so I knew before the free position that it would be

5:30 PM Lacrosse: Girls & Boys JV

In the game against North Penn, Haase, along with juniors Gillian Brennan and Olivia Memeger, led the Panthers with five goals each, with Haase’s last being her 100th. While acknowledging the excitement of reaching such a milestone, Sophie was shifted her focus to the future success of the squad. She concluded her discussion by talking about what the team needs to do to continue their initial string of victories. “Looking

3:45 PM Softball: Varsity

May 6

5:30 PM Lacrosse: Boys JV 5:30 PM Lacrosse: Girls Varsity

7:00 PM Lacrosse: Boys Varsity

forward, I think that the most important thing for the team to focus on is really just working together,” said Haase. “We have a lot of individual talent on the team, but we

Haven Senior Mike Irey Named Hockey Player of the Year

the one,” Sophie told the Panther Press, “I was not expecting to get to 100 in this game though, so it was exciting.”The achievement came during a successful beginning to Haven’s spring campaign, as the girls have started the season with a 3 and 1 record.

PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Haven senior Mike Irey celebrates being awared Daily Times Hockey Player of the Year. Irey is the first Haven player to be given this award since 2008.

Ice Hockey Captain and senior Mike Irey helped lead the team to victory, and his efforts were recognized. Irey was recently awarded the heralded Daily Times Hockey Player of the Year.“I’m honored that I was considered for this award,” Irey said. “We had lots of good talent this year, not only on our team but in the league as a whole. I can say without a doubt that this is one of my proudest accomplishments.”

Photo courtesy WSSD website April MayMayMayMay10879

3:45 PM Baseball: Varsity

Ian Guilday, ‘19 Staff Writer

When asked how she felt after watching the ball enter the net, she said, “I was really excited when that shot went in, and it was definitely different from any of my other goals. Usually, free position shots aren’t very special, but this one helped me achieve a goal that I had been working towards for a long time. It definitely kept me motivated during the game.”


Ryan Krouse, ‘19 Editor

BM: We are young but have a lot of talent. If we stay together and each play to our full potential we can be dangerous. I think we can battle for the top of the Central League.

Favorite thing to do outside of school/sports? Be outdoors

Brady Mutz: I want to help the team win a league championship.

START OF A CAREER: Haven freshman Chase Barlow shares a smile with teammate John Crawford. Barlow was named Most Outstanding Wrestler at the Central League Championship.

Good luck to Brady and the rest of the Strath Haven Baseball team in their 2019 season!

Panther Press: Do you have any personal goals for this season?

PP: What is the biggest strength of this Haven Baseball team? What areas leave room for improvement if any?

Mutz, who is committed to play baseball at Monmouth University, talked with the Panther Press about the upcoming season.

Great seasons from Crawford, Spielman, and Barlow make history for Strath Haven.

Conor McCambridge, ‘19 Staff Writer

BM: Offensively we are looking very strong, scoring 18 runs in the first two central league games. We need to improve defensively, which will come with practice throughout the season.

PP: Now that you have a couple of games under your belt this season, where do you feel the team is at? What is the potential of this squad?

PP: Which game are you looking forward to the most this season and why?

About the Athlete

earlier this season, improved on his states run from last year. He became Strath Haven’s first ever Regional champion and managed to place 5th in the entire state for the 160-pound weight division.

It has been a fruitful year for Haven wrestling. We had not one, not two, but three history-making wrestlers this year. Among the boys, Senior John Crawford and Freshman Chase Barlow both qualified for states. On top of that, freshman Hannah Spielman also qualified for states in the Girls’ division. All three of these outstanding wrestlers made headlines in their own right.

As the sun sets on one high school wrestling career, it is only just dawning for Freshmen Spielman and Barlow. They’ve already set the bar high for themselves, but they have the whole school rooting for them. With Haven’s faith, they can only improve from here.

Are you a coke or Pepsi kind of guy?

-An audience momentcommentingmemberontheJohnCrawford became Haven’s first Regional Champion

All wrestling images courtesy Strath Haven Wrestling on Twitter.

FACE OF A CHAMPION: Haven senior Brady Mutz warms up with the rest of the Haven baseball team. Mutz is committed to play baseball at Monmouth University.

“Wow, this is just like Rocky.”

One onlooker even noted, “Wow, this is just like Rocky.” This state medal is the icing on the cake for the senior, who hopes to carry this success on to the NCAA.

Senior Brady Mutz Looks Forward to Great Season

In his final year at Strath Haven, Brady

OVERCOMING ODDS: Haven freshman Hannah Spielman places fourth in the PA Girls Wrestling Championship, despite Haven not having a girls’ wrestling team.

Chase Barlow was the first Freshman boys wrestler to qualify for states. Chase was also a district champion and was named Most Outstanding Wrestler at the Central League Championships. John Crawford, who committed to wrestle Division 1 at Franklin & Marshall College

SportsPage 12

PP: How do you think suiting up for Strath Haven has influenced your game to be able to play at the next level for Monmouth University?

BM: Playing for Strath Haven has helped me get to this point because of the amount of time we work out in the offseason. Also, the coaching staff we have that influences the way we play. Learning from guys that came before helped as well.

PP: Over your four years playing baseball at Haven, what is your favorite memory or prized accomplishment?

FACE OF A CHAMPION: Haven senior John Crawford celebrates a win in the PIAA Class 3A quarterfinals. Crawford is the schools’ first ever Regional Champion.

The senior baseball captain sat down with the Panther Press to discuss the current season.

BM: Harriton. They are off to a hot start and are very talented. We want to go over there and show them how we can play.

Haven Wrestling Produces Three Stade Bids, Two Medals

BM: Last year, the first round of Playoffs versus Bishop Shanahan. The team was fired up, we had a bunch of students there and it was a great atmosphere for a baseball game.

Photo courtesy Ryan Krouse


A class act on and off the mat, Crawford’s final step onto the podium has been likened to such touching moments as when Rudy made that tackle or when Vince Vaughn won that dodgeball tournament.

First, Spielman managed to qualify and compete for a medal at the PA State finals in Hershey, and Haven doesn’t even have a girl’s wrestling team! Placing 4th at states, Spielman is Strath Haven’s first female state medalist. With three more years of high school wrestling left, she hopes to build on this and collect even more medals before all is said and done.

Mutz is certainly looking to add to his decorated career for the Panthers this spring. The third-year varsity catcher is coming off a standout season in which he received first team All-Central League honors.His0.412 average and standout defense were instrumental in the team’s overall success, earning a record of 15-5 before losing in the second round of playoffs.

Coke Favorite Philadelphia athlete? Hoskins

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