Defense Communities [Nov/Dec 2012]

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The Magazine of Military Housing, Lodging & Lifestyles

communities NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2012 November/December

Bringing clean energy on base page 20

New jobs for veterans and military families page 38

2012-2013 Defense Communities’ Buyer’s Guide

Anatomy of an Evacuation Colorado military and housing professionals partner in the face of a devastating fire

page 43

CONTENTS 26 Homes for Heroes

A triple-amputee Army veteran is one step closer to home with help from a generous donation. By Meryl Large

28 Deep Freeze at Fort Bliss

An unexpected winter storm highlights the strength of one military housing community. By Fran McGehee

32 Stepping Up for Single Soldiers

New advances in Army unaccompanied housing enhance everyday life for single soldiers. By Edward C. Emden


34 One Giant Leap for Science

West Point’s new science center will bring 21stcentury learning to cadets and faculty. By JoAnne Castagna, Ed.D.

12 Anatomy of an Evacuation

37 Help Wanted

16 Freshening Up

38 Bug Off

One housing professional gives an inside look at the Waldo Canyon Fire. By Kelly Sieber

In the face of costly renovations, repainting can be a simple option with attractive results. By Bill Rafie

A new, nationwide program offers home-based work to veterans and military families. Adapted from a press release

Getting rid of pesky bugs doesn’t have to involve harming the environment. By Eric D. Frazier

20 Solar Solutions

Air Force communities in two states introduce solar power as a clean energy solution. By Ryan Mielke

24 Dream: Realized

A powerful partnership brings about the first-ever privately financed charter school on a U.S. military installation. By Joy King Lutes

2  Defense Communities



The Magazine of Military Housing, Lodging & Lifestyles

November/December 2012 u Volume 23, Number 6 u

communities A Publication of the Pro­fes­sion­al Hous­ing Man­age­ment Association Publisher Editor Managing Editor Production Assoc. Art Director Ad Sales Manager

Debra J. Stratton Birgitt Seymour Lia Dangelico Christine Umbrell Janelle Welch Alison Bashian

Publishing Offices Stratton Publishing & Mar­ket­ing Inc. 5285 Shawnee Road, Suite 510 Alexandria, VA 22312-2334 703/914-9200; fax 703/914-6777

34 FEATURES 40 Inventory Beyond Audits

Follow practical steps to better prepare for and make the most of audits. By Ben Saltzer, Ph.D.

42 Keys to Mental Health

Consider these tips and strategies for maintaining mental health. By Mark Towers

43 2012-2013 Defense

Communities’ Buyer’s Guide Here is your annual go-to resource for product and service providers serving military housing and lodging. Check out the digital edition at!

DEPARTMENTS 4 President’s Message

PHMA President Del Eulberg reveals our strength as a nation lies in our ability to work side by side to accomplish difficult tasks.

6 Association News

Details on PHMA’s Annual Golf Tournament, Chapter 63’s Energy Education program, and 2012 Writing Excellence Award finalists

51 Military Marketplace PHMA Corporate Sustaining Members

60 Advertising Index


This photo of the Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado was provided by the local fire department.

Please send your articles for Defense Communities to Birgitt Seymour at NEXT EDITORIAL DEADLINEs: March/April – February 13 May/June – March 20

Advertising Sales Manager Alison Bashian Stratton Publishing & Marketing Inc. 800/335-7500; fax 440/232-0398 Editorial Office 544 Windspirit Circle, Prescott, AZ 86303 928/771-9826 phmadefensecommunities@ PHMA Office 154 Fort Evans Road, NE, Leesburg, VA 20176 703/771-1888; fax 703/771-0299 Executive Director Jon R. Moore Defense Communities (ISSN #1088-9000 USPS #004-502) is pub­lished bi­month­ly by Stratton Pub­lish­ing & Mar­ket­ing Inc., 5285 Shawnee Road, Suite 510, Alexandria, VA 22312-2334, for the Pro­fes­sion­al Hous­ing Man­age­ment As­so­ci­a­tion, 154 Fort Evans Road, NE, Leesburg, VA 20176. PHMA mem­bers re­ceive this pub­li­ca­tion at the an­nu­al sub­scrip­tion rate of $30. Nonmembers’ annual sub­scrip­tion rate is $100. Send sub­ scription re­quests to Defense Communities at PHMA. Periodi­ cals post­age paid at Leesburg, VA, and ad­di­tion­al mail­ing offices. Defense Communities, ©2012, Pro­fes­sion­al Hous­ing Management As­so­ci­a­tion. All rights re­served. All con­tents of this pub­li­ca­tion are pro­tect­ed by copy­right; how­ev­er, they may be re­pro­duced in whole or in part with prior ap­prov­al of the publisher. Prior to photocopying items for educational classroom, internal, or personal use, or to request rights to republish an article, please request re­print permission from Editor, Defense Communities, phmadefensecommunities@ Unless otherwise stated, ar­ti­cles and ed­i­to­ri­als express the views of their au­thors and not nec­es­sar­i­ly those of PHMA, the editors, or the pub­lish­er. An­nounce­ments and ad­ver­ tise­ments in this pub­li­ca­tion for prod­ucts and ser­vic­es do not im­ply the en­dorse­ment of PHMA or any of its members or staff. Postmaster: Send subscription/address changes to: Defense Communities, 154 Fort Evans Road, NE, Leesburg, VA 20176 or e-mail: Defense Communities magazine is designed to keep those who operate and manage the whole spectrum of military housing and facilities maintenance informed on the industry’s latest technology, products, and services. It provides a forum for members to share lessons learned, news and events, and training opportunities and updates.

november | december 2012  3

| FEAT U R E |

Anatomy of an Evacuation One Colorado housing professional’s account of the devastating Waldo Canyon Fire By Kelly Sieber

Tuesday, June 26: Fire rages across the southern border of the Air Force Academy


aldo Canyon is a popular hiking area on the west side of Colorado Springs. With elevations ranging from 7,100 to 8,100 feet, the 6.8 miles of trail provide breathtaking views of the canyon and Pikes Peak. The fire started on Saturday, June 23, 2012, approximately four miles northwest of Colorado Springs, and was declared 100 percent contained on July 10, 2012. In all, the fire consumed 18,247 acres (28.5 square miles), and burned 346 homes to the ground, along with the Flying W Ranch, a Colorado Springs landmark built in 1953. Sadly, there were at least six injuries and two deaths. This is my story.

Monday, June 25, 2012 I had just returned home from a wonderful long weekend with a life-long friend in Estes Park. Although I had heard of the fire in Colorado Springs, I was so engrossed in my weekend activities that I didn’t pay much attention to it, and certainly didn’t think it would affect the lives of so many people, let alone those residing on the Air Force Academy grounds where I work.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 I returned to work, and at 6:30 a.m., I saw a light, smoky haze in Pine Valley, where the housing office is located. It smelled like a campfire. By 11:00 a.m., a change in fire conditions warranted an urgent briefing at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) 12  Defense Communities

scheduled for 1:00 p.m. The Community Manager for Forest City Residential Management Amanda Bailey and I were included. Having never been involved in this type of emergency operation in my 23-year housing career, I was excited housing was included and proud to be part of it. The Deputy Fire Chief had been at the fire site. He reported an enormous growth in the fire and smoke activity, which was increasing at an alarming rate. Most important, a 100 percent ember catch rate produced a big surge. Firefighters were creating fire breaks to protect the Academy, along with Rampart Reservoir, which provides the drinking water for Colorado Springs. Queen’s Canyon would be a trigger point. If the fire made it here, there would be no good place to make a stand, as there were no roads, trails, or natural barriers. I was impressed watching my senior Air Force leaders discuss everything from weather, the anatomy of the fire, areas of responsibility for a potential evacuation, and the effect the fire would have on in-processing 1,053 new cadets two days later. By the end of the briefing, no one imagined that the expected 48-hour decision-making window would shrink to just five hours. Ash was falling from the sky when Amanda and I returned to the office. Forest City’s phones were ringing nonstop with calls from residents about the fire. At approximately 3:30 p.m., news reports stated the fire had started uphill towards the peak and heavy flames started coming down from the west into the Canyon. At 4:06 p.m., flames were seen on the ridge, followed by subsequent reports of a heavy fire moving quickly.

The perfect storm Amanda and I were called to the EOC for another urgent briefing. The Deputy Fire Chief looked very somber as he informed the Air Base Wing Commander (ABW) that the fire had increased significantly in size and was expected to get worse. The conditions were ripe and the fire was being fueled by changing winds of 65 miles per hour—it was the “perfect fire storm.” The fire had doubled in size from the day before and was quickly bearing down on the Academy. At 5:25 p.m., the Fire Chief reported the fire had moved past Queen’s Canyon by jumping two containment lines and was racing down into the Mountain Shadows Subdivision. At the same time, the fire was making its way to Peregrine, an upscale community high on the mountain bordering the Academy. At 6:08 p.m., Fort Carson reported it was set up to house all residents, and at 6:16 p.m., the ABW Commander issued a pre-evacuation order for the Pine Valley housing area. Every leader was working diligently on his or her respective slice of responsibility, including Amanda, who was rattling off all the families with special needs, language barriers, and even the requirement to follow up with a cadet who was caring for a resident’s cat while he was away. Over the next 14 minutes, thick black smoke bore down on the Academy so quickly that the ABW Commander issued an immediate evacuation order to the families in Pine Valley. Amanda and I were allowed to leave the EOC to retrieve her vehicle so we made a quick exit. We witnessed Security Forces personnel going door to door to ensure everyone departed, and there was a surprisingly calm demeanor on the part of the Security Forces and the residents as they gathered their most precious possessions and left their homes. The staff had worked in concert to remove all files, computers, and all other equipment to ensure they had the ability to set up a mobile office.

Service members set up cots in the Evacuation Center

An assembly line forms to carry cots and other supplies November | December 2012 13

| FEAT U R E |

Tuesday, June 26: A wall of smoke bears down on the Academy’s southern boundary

of the Academy, I took some photos. It was quite eerie—the calm before the “fire” storm. At 8:57 p.m., the ABW Commander issued an evacuation order for the permanent party dormitories and residents in Douglass Valley. He had also conducted a news conference directing a base closure and informed the military to call its chain of command. Cadet in-processing was still moving forward. Time flew by that evening. Amanda and I finally departed around 11:45 p.m.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A helicopter flies over the Academy into smoky skies

We had one last search through the office for valuables and then quickly departed. In the 25 minutes it took to travel to the office and return, the 14  Defense Communities

sky had turned black and the smoke clouds were swallowing up the south side of the Academy. As I parked at the EOC in the cadet area at the north end

Early the next morning, I went to Fort Carson to support the mission. As I approached the gate, I thought about the process and how I would be feeling if I were an evacuee. The compassionate guard provided directions to the Evacuation Center and it was easy following the signs. I was welcomed when I entered the door and was briefed by the Officer-in-Charge of Fort Carson’s 43rd Sustainment Brigade on how the evacuees were processed and informed that I just missed many of them, as they had just been escorted to a mess hall for breakfast. The battle rhythm was in perfect harmony. Evacuees were met at the door and were checked in for accountability. Hundreds of cots were lined up in a row, and separated by those with families and those without. Evacuees with pets were given an ideal setup at the Youth Center. All the while, there was constant communication between the Evacuation Center, Fort Carson Command Center, and the Academy’s EOC. Forest City was well represented. I learned the employees rotated shifts throughout the night to provide support and assistance. Their mobile office was close to being set up, and shortly thereafter many of the employees started calling residents for accountability. Forest City had also arranged for its insurance company to brief the residents on their renter’s insurance

entitlements for displacement costs, damage reimbursement, and how to file claims. I then briefed the entitlements to the active duty personnel, which had been provided to me by the Academy’s Financial Management Office. The briefing was well attended by those in the center. Throughout the day, updates were given via the Academy’s and Forest City’s websites, and on Facebook. We soon learned that the fire had burned about 10 acres of land on the Academy early in the morning and our Academy firefighters were successful in holding the fire line they had created the day before. I also learned dozers had created a fire line around two historical General Officer homes and the sprinklers were kept on to ensure these homes were safe. There was no shortage of information for those looking for it. For the next five hours, I assisted Forest City in calling residents and facilitated communications between the EOC and Forest City. I would have stayed there longer if my own town had not been placed on preevacuation orders. Although I felt comfortable that my housing subdivision would be unaffected, I returned home around 4:00 p.m. to gather my family’s important papers and sentimental items, just in case. I listened to the news all night and reflected on the last two days as I drifted to sleep on the couch.

Academy officials deemed it safe for residents to return to the housing area, effective 5:00 p.m., Friday, June 29. As I arrived at work Friday morning, I felt the calm of normal operations. Forest City again was in full force to answer residents’ questions and had already arranged for its insurance company adjuster to inspect properties for damage. By the following week, clean-up crews were on-site cleaning the exterior and interior of the homes, along with the air ducts, and they estimated that the clean-up of all 668 homes would be completed by September 30. Amanda and I toured the burn scar a month after the fire. Mother Nature had already provided enough rain to feed the landscape. Among the burned trees were signs of life. It was amazing to see how quickly the area was recovering.

Kelly Sieber is a housing capital asset manager at the USAF Academy. Reach her at

Design Quality Price Selection Four reasons why the Pilot Rock brand is your best choice for park, camp, and street site furnishings. Across the different product lines we offer you hundreds of choices in styles, sizes, features, materials, and colors.

Thursday, June 28, 2012 At 8:30 a.m., I returned to the Evacuation Center. Many of the evacuees had found friends or family with whom they could stay, but Fort Carson’s emergency operations at the Evacuation Center remained in full force. Forest City employees were already working the phones in synchronization and had even recruited help from their landscaping company, Davey Tree. Their operation appeared seamless. By 5:00 p.m., Forest City was able to account for 88 percent of its residents. Later in the evening,

The Waldo Canyon Fire caused the evacuation of over 32,000 Colorado Springs-area residents, including 2,141 residents from the Academy. It was called a “fire storm of epic proportions” and has been declared the most destructive and expensive fire in Colorado state history. As I reflect on my experience at the EOC and the Evacuation Center, I can’t help but be reminded of the heartfelt compassion, selflessness, and professionalism I witnessed from every leader, firefighter, community leader, and volunteer, as well as from the private partner. I’ll never forget the teamwork and support from the Academy and the city of Colorado Springs—it was a close call! n

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November | December 2012 15


Buyer’s Guide

Designates companies that offer eco-friendly/green products and services.

Appliances ............................................................................... 44 Architectural Services ............................................................. 44 Bar Code Asset Tracking ........................................................ 44 Bath/Kitchen Products & Services .......................................... 44 Building Products & Supplies .................................................. 45 Carpet/Flooring ....................................................................... 45 Construction Services ............................................................. 45 Development & Property Management .................................. 45 Draperies, Bedspreads & Window Treatments ...................... 45 Electronics ............................................................................... 46 Energy & Water Conservation................................................. 46 Furniture .................................................................................. 46 Furniture Refinishing & Reupholstering .................................. 47 Guest Amenities & Supplies ................................................... 48 Hospitality Technology ............................................................ 48 Landscape/Grounds Maintenance & Management ................ 48 Laundry Services .................................................................... 48 Lighting .................................................................................... 48 Mattresses ............................................................................... 48 Paints and Coatings ................................................................ 48 Payment Processing Services ................................................ 49 Playground/Recreation Equipment ......................................... 49 Real Estate/Relocation Services ............................................ 49 Security & Safety Products ..................................................... 49 Software .................................................................................. 50 Utility Submetering & Billing Services ..................................... 50 Wall Covering & Paint/Repair ................................................. 50

novEMBER | decemBER 2012 43


Buyer’s Guide


General Services Administraton and Air Force Non-Appropriated Funds schedules.

Absocold Corporation

P.O. Box 1545 Richmond, IN 47375-1545 800/843-3714 or 765/935-7501 765/935-3450 (Fax) Tim McCullum, VP Sales & Operations GS-21F-0087H, Expires 06/29/2013, Small Business

Absocold Corporation is “The One-Stop Solution” for compact and major appliances, offering a large assortment of compact refrigeration products including our popular Cook ‘N Cool® microwave/refrigerator-freezer combination appliances. In addition, Absocold offers quality Frigidaire®, Whirlpool®, Maytag®, GE®, and Hotpoint® major appliances featuring numerous ENERGY STAR® qualified selections.

Bar Code Asset Tracking

BarTracks™ Kenyon International, Inc.

P.O. Box 925 Clinton, CT 06413 860/664-4906 860/664-4907 (Fax) Suzanne Owens, Vice President, Sales & Marketing GS-21F-0091H, held by Intirion Corporation

Manufacturer in the USA of Kenyon “green” and sustainable 1- and 2-burner specialty ceramic electric cooktops and award-winning patented indoor/outdoor Kenyon All Seasons™ Grills. All backed by our exclusive three-year product replacement warranty. BIM objects now available! Established 1931, Kenyon supplies residential, hospitality, institutional, academic, military, marine, and mobile customers worldwide.

2892 Collier Avenue San Diego, CA 92116 619/282-3211 619/282-0108 (Fax) Jacklyn Nevelow, Managing Partner GS-07F-0830N

Barcode your inventory (furniture, IT equipment, tools)! BarTracks™ will track and manage it. Saves money, simplifies audits. Tracks Funding Source, Condition, Depreciation, Warranty, Cost, Where and When Last Seen, Assets Not Seen Since…, Audit Trail, and much more. Complete reporting. New features: Regional Management and Responsible Party. Easy to use. Bath/Kitchen Products & Services

Capitol Supply, Inc.

1000 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Suite 452 Sunrise, FL 33323 888/485-5001 or 954/485-5000 954/485-0407 (Fax) sales@capitolsupply.coma David Ostan, Vice President of Sales GS-21F-0001K, GS-06F-0070R, GS-27F-0028P

Capitol Supply’s got that! With over one million items ready to ship, Capitol Supply has a huge selection of major appliances like refrigerators, freezers, microwaves, washers, dryers, and more from names like Whirlpool, Amana, General Electric, and KitchenAid. Plus, we feature Karcher commercial-grade cleaning equipment and small electronics such as flat-screen TVs and alarm clocks. Capitol Supply is the first and last place you need to look.

Pioneering Technology Corp. 220 Britannia Road East Mississauga, ON L4Z 1S6 Canada 800/433-6026 or 905/712-2061 x 230 905/712-3833 (Fax) Laird Comber, VP Sales

The Safe-T-element® cooking system is engineered to help prevent stovetop cooking fires (the #1 cause of household fires in the U.S.) and reduce the amount of electricity required to cook. Safe-T-sensor™ (New!) was created to substantially reduce fire alarm activations caused by microwave ovens by interrupting power to the microwave at the first sign of smoke.

LG Hausys America, Inc.

900 Circle 75 Parkway, Suite 1500 Atlanta, GA 30339 678/486-8224 678/486-8251 (Fax) Michelle Rhee, Marketing Manager

LG Hausys America, Inc. manufactures HIMACS® Acrylic Solid Surface and Viatera® Premium Quartz in Adairsville, GA, making LG Hausys the only domestic manufacturer of both materials. These surfacing products are backed by a leading 15-year warranty, thus making either choice the best value within their respective product categories.

Architectural Services

Mincey Marble Manufacturing, Inc. Intirion/MicroFridge

2 Annette Road, Suite 3 Foxboro, MA 02035 800/637-7567 x 2121 866/460-4568 (Fax) Lea Tuccinardi, Government Contract Administrator GS-21F-0091H

MicroFridge/Intirion is the leading provider of amenities to military and government communities. Proudly serving this marketplace since 1989, we manufacture MicroFridge® with Safe Plug® combination appliances and distribute Maytag commercial laundry equipment and residential appliances. Products are available through MicroFridge/Intirion via

44  Defense Communities

American Direct Procurement 11000 Lakeview Avenue Lenexa, KS 66219 800/593-5310 or 913/677-5588 913/677-5416 (Fax) Byron Whetstone, President

Single-source intermediary for products in CSI specification divisions 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12. Specializing in military family housing, new construction, and renovation, including barracks and commercial construction.

4321 Browns Bridge Road Gainesville, GA 30504 800/533-1806 or 770/532-0451 770/531-0935 (Fax) Woody Dobbs, Corporate Sales Manager

Mincey Marble is the leader in the design and manufacturing of cast marble bath products for the military housing industry; new construction and renovation. Our products are non-porous, highly resistant to the development of mold, mildew, germs, and bacteria, easy to install, and virtually maintenance free. Available in Classic™, MINCOR™, and minceygreen™.


Development & Property Management

The Swan Corporation 515 Olive Street, Suite 1800 St. Louis, MO 63101 800/325-7008 800/342-7926 (Fax) Robbin Mabery

The Swan Corporation is a leader in the development, manufacturing, and marketing of high-performance surfacing materials and products for the bath and kitchen. The Swanstone brand is the recognized mark of enduring products that will withstand the rigorous demands of residential and commercial baths while maintaining a beautiful finish. Swan is headquartered in St. Louis, and its products are sold throughout the world. Building Products & Supplies

American Direct Procurement 11000 Lakeview Avenue Lenexa, KS 66219 800/593-5310 or 913/677-5588 913/677-5416 (Fax) Byron Whetstone, President

Single-source intermediary for products in CSI specification divisions 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12. Specializing in military family housing, new construction, and renovation, including barracks and commercial construction.

Continental Flooring Company

Forest City

For over 30 years, we have been government flooring specialists. We now extend our expertise in the ceiling systems category so we can cover you from floors to ceilings. Complete lines of resilient, ceramic, carpeting, floor mats, and ceiling systems are available on our GSA contracts or via open market. Complete installation services are offered on contract. Manufacturers represented on GSA include Armstrong (flooring, Soundsoak acoustical walls, and ceiling systems), Centiva, CFC Installation, Congoleum, Crossville, Flexco, DalTile, Notrax mats, RC Musson, Roppe, and Shaw Contract. Price. Selection. Service.

Forest City provides exceptional placemaking for military families in over 14,600 homes in eight states. Forest City prides itself on offering the full range of services needed for outstanding, long-term, privatized housing including development, construction management, historic preservation/ rehabilitation, asset management, facilities management, and ongoing, responsive community management.

9319 N. 94th Way, Suite 1000 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 800/825-1221 or 480/949-8509 866/553-8892 (Fax) Richard Bickler, National Sales Manager GS-07F-0429J, GS-27F-0034R

ADM International, Inc. 5565 N. Elston Avenue Chicago, IL 60630-1314 773/774-2400 773/774-2099 (Fax) Tom Chapman, President GS-27F-5079C

ADM International, Inc. has floor coverings for all environments, from high-use entryways to luxurious dining rooms. Our staff can help you select the right product for your needs. Construction Services

Wojan manufactures custom aluminum windows and sliding glass doors, AAMA rated for a variety of commercial and architectural applications. Our diverse product line consists of single-hung, slider, fixed, and projected windows, including Blast-Resistant and Hurricane-Impact models, plus a series of sliding glass doors engineered and manufactured by Wojan.

Michaels Military Housing 3 East Stow Road Marlton, NJ 08053 856/355-1531 856/355-1547 (Fax) Ronald J. Hansen, President

The Michaels Organization has a full array of development, financial, and operational services. Michaels Military Housing and Michaels Management Services provide superior development, planning, management, and facility sustainment support to residents throughout the United States. More information can be found at Draperies, Bedspreads & Window Treatments

Wojan Window & Door

217 Stover Road Charlevoix, MI 49720 800/632-9827 or 231/547-2931 231/547-4327 (Fax) Rick Pagano, VP Sales

50 Public Square, Suite 1200 Cleveland, OH 44113 800/726-1800 or 216/621-6060 216/263-4800 (Fax) Angelo Pimpas, Co-President, Forest City Residential Management, Inc.

BELFOR Property Restoration 15600 Trinity Boulevard, Suite 106 Fort Worth, TX 76155 800/856-3333 or 214/683-4242 972/988-0564 (Fax) Gina Dolezal, Regional Marketing Director GS-07F-0279U

BELFOR is the worldwide leader in disaster recovery services and solutions. BELFOR offers complete 24/7 emergency response services, including water extraction, structural drying, emergency boardup and barrier erection, mold remediation, document freeze drying, power generation, electronics restoration, duct cleaning, decontamination services, machinery retrofitting, vital records recovery, contents restoration, and complete reconstruction.

ADM International, Inc. 5565 N. Elston Avenue Chicago, IL 60630-1314 773/774-2400 773/774-2099 (Fax) Tom Chapman, President GS-27F-5079C

ADM International, Inc. specializes in the fabrication of window treatments and bedspreads. We also offer design, measuring, and installation services.

novEMBER | decemBER 2012 45


Buyer’s Guide

Thomas W. Raftery, Inc. 1055 Broad Street Hartford, CT 06106 800/243-2887 or 860/278-9870 860/278-9873 (Fax) Robert O’Connor, President GS-03F-6019D

TWR celebrates our 50th Anniversary in 2013 and our 38th year as a GSA contractor. TWR manufactures all styles of custom window treatments, bedspreads, and related products in our own factory. Our straight line approach as a prime manufacturer selling directly to the end user enables us to provide superior quality and service at highly competitive prices. Our team of specialists is ready to serve you.

Valley Forge Fabrics, Inc.

2981 Gateway Drive Pompano Beach, FL 33069 954/971-1776 954/968-1775 (Fax) Jason Gans, Product Manager #71-GS-28F-8062H, #73-GS-07F-0315V

Valley Forge Fabrics is the world’s leading supplier of high-quality and low-cost FR upholstery and drapery for Hospitality. Valley Forge made the preservation of the planet a top priority with its FRESH (Fabrics Redefining Environmental Standards (for) Hospitality®) initiative launched in 2007, followed by the inroduction of Bedding Collection and Upholstery fabrics made with Tencel+Plus™ Lyocell Eucalyptus. Electronics

ADM International, Inc. 5565 N. Elston Avenue Chicago, IL 60630-1314 773/774-2400 773/774-2099 (Fax) Tom Chapman, President GS-07F-9857H

ADM International, Inc. has the latest HD technology, a wide variety of nam-brand televisions, home theater equipment, and installation services. Energy & Water Conservation

VingCard Elsafe

631 International Pkwy, Suite 100 Richardson, TX 75081 800/225-8464 or 770/820-2409

46  Defense Communities

972/907-2771 (Fax) Ethan Mayeux, Director of Military Sales

Orion is an intelligent energy management solution that allows military lodging facilities to remotely manage guestroom temperatures from a centralized location. Orion provides the ability to automatically adjust guestroom environmental settings based on occupancy and other factors, thereby reducing overall energy consumption and saving valuable environmental resources, while ensuring guest comfort. Facilities Maintenance/Products

ADM International, Inc. 5565 N. Elston Avenue Chicago, IL 60630-1314 773/774-2400 773/774-2099 (Fax) Tom Chapman, President GS-29F-0028M

Simplify the process of office reconfiguration and relocation. Use ADM International, Inc. for project management, design, and ancillary repairs and alterations. Furniture

Adden Furniture

710 Chelmsford Street Lowell, MA 01851 800/625-3876 978/453-1449 (Fax) Linda Kane, Executive Vice President GS-27F-0002V, GS-27F-0003V

Adden Furniture produces casegoods and seating of extraordinary quality and durability for Department of Defense housing and quarters as well as Veterans Administration medical centers. Adden products are constructed with North American hardwoods from certified sustainable forests and are produced in an environmentally low-impact facility in Hildebran, North Carolina.


1151 Empire Central Drive Dallas, TX 75240 800/285-8315 or 214/905-9001 214/905-9666 (Fax) Karen Cook, Marketing Coordinator GS-27F-0035R

AVTEQ /Living designs and manufactures the most functional and customized steel furniture that endures the most demanding conditions—including military, university, and institutional living environments. Our customers want quality, durability, and sustainability in their furniture and AVTEQ/Living delivers it all in one room!

Blockhouse Furniture Company 3285 Farmtrail Road York, PA 17406 800/346-1126 or 717/764-5555 717/767-8939 (Fax) Dotty Shaffer GS-28F-0030J, GS-27F-2032B, NSN #: GS-29F-Y0002

Blockhouse Furniture Company has been providing our nation’s military bases and government agencies with top-notch furniture for over 40 years. Our streamlined ordering system and seasoned representatives ensure you a fast and easy purchasing process. From lounge seating to bedroom sets, Blockhouse offers quality furniture to fit your everyday needs.

Capitol Supply, Inc. ADM International, Inc. 5565 N. Elston Avenue Chicago, IL 60630-1314 773/774-2400 773/774-2099 (Fax) Tom Chapman, President GS-27F-2015B, GS-27F-3047D

Whether you’re outfitting a dormitory, club, or lounge, ADM International, Inc. has the products to meet your needs. Our Whole Room Packages meet the GSA purchasing directive of providing quality products and services at affordable prices.

1000 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Suite 452 Sunrise, FL 33323 888/485-5001 or 954/485-5000 954/485-0407 (Fax) David Ostan, Vice President of Sales GS-21F-0001K, GS-06F-0070R, GS-27F-0028P

Capitol Supply’s got that! Offering well-rounded lodging solutions for dorms, barracks, officers’ quarters, MWR facilities, and embassies. Choices include solid wood, wood-ply, and wet and dry construction. Furniture from Kincaid, Capitol, Mastercraft, and other famous makers. Bedspreads and draperies, window treatments, bathroom fixtures, lighting, ready-to-hang artwork, silk plants, accessories, and more. Most with 10-year commercial warranties. Design, staging, and installation services are also available.

CORT Business Services

15000 Conference Center Drive, Suite 440 Chantilly, VA 20151 504/736-3540 Peggy A. Moore, Director, Federal Sales GS-28F-7018G

CORT can help you find and furnish your next apartment home. CORT is the nation’s largest and most experienced furniture rental services provider with over 100 showrooms. Visit for apartment locating or visit to view furniture available for rental. For more information, please contact us at govsales@ or call us toll free at 888/472-2678.

R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co. Inc.

Trinity Furniture, Inc.

Designer and manufacturer of Pilot Rock Brand of: picnic tables, accessible tables, benches, charcoal grills, campfire rings, trash and recycling containers and lids, animal-proof trash containers, bike racks, lantern poles, custom signage, and more. 100 percent recycled plastic products available. Made in the USA since 1959.

For over 25 years, Trinity Furniture has provided traditional and transitional styled furniture. We take pride that our products are designed, engineered, and manufactured exclusively in Trinity, NC, and are certified at Level 1 of the BIFMA Sustainability Standard. We are dedicated to providing quality furniture of good value with a high level of customer service. Our furniture meets GSA Heavy Duty testing requirements and carries a 20-year warranty.

P.O. Box 946 Cherokee, IA 51012-0946 800/762-5002 or 712/225-5115 712/225-5796 (Fax) Customer Service Department GS-07F-9714G, GS-07F-0351N

P.O. Box 150 Trinity, NC 27370 336/472-6660 336/475-0037 (Fax) Jorge Lagueruela, President GS-28F-2070D

RT London Company HPFI

1104 Bedford Street High Point, NC 27263 800/447-3462 or 336/431-7101 336/431-0673 (Fax) Mike Wissman, Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing GS-27F-0016V, GS-27F-0017V

HPFI manufactures casegoods, reception, healthcare, and office seating, combining the expertise of seasoned craftspeople with modern technology to deliver exceptional value since 1958. 600+ casegoods products and all seating products in 61 upholsteries are available in a three-day quick-ship program with all products available in only three weeks.

1642 Broadway Avenue NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 877/613-2012 or 616/364-4800 616/634-1131 (Fax) Abbi Adams, GSA Customer Service GS-27F-0016P

RT London manufactures and supplies a broad range of quality furniture solutions for the GSA market. Our focus on product quality and customer service sets us apart. In providing these products and services, RT London has made the commitment to make all products in the U.S., employing U.S. workers.

University Loft Company

2588 Jannetides Boulevard Greenfield, IN 46140 800/423-5638 or 317/866-5638 317/866-5642 (Fax) and Ventura Lopez, Director GS-27F-0022J

Defense quarters by University Loft Company has a wide selection of the most durable furniture on the market. We specialize in whole room concepts, providing everything from furniture and appliances to draperies and artwork for the barracks. And at ULC, we know first-hand what the military needs because our entire sales team has military experience. So when you buy from us, you can buy with confidence in both our products and our knowledge.

Marvin J. Perry & Associates 4101 Howard Avenue Kensington, MD 20895 888/564-5476 or 301/564-1112 301/564-1076 (Fax) Malcolm Wilson, President GS-27F-0030U

From solid oak casegoods for dormitory to fine veneer construction for hospitality, solid wood accessory pieces, “zipperlock” technology carpet, wall art, and lamps, we bring the best to market for you. Dubois Wood Products, Leisters, Panatex Drapery, Kraus Carpets, Chessler Wall Art, and Ashley Lamps, our partners in progress.

Trade Products Corporation (TPC) 12124 Pope’s Head Road Fairfax, VA 22030 888/352-3580 or 703/502-9000 703/502-9399 (Fax) David Richardson, Sales Manager GS-28F-0024M, GS-29F-0018R, GS-03F-0010J A Small Business GS-28F-0024M Packaged Furniture (71: 71 200 Dorm & quarters, 71: 71 1 Offices), GS-29F-0018R CFMS; GS-03F-0010J Drapes, Bedspreads.

TPC is a GSA Prime Furniture Contractor that furnishes and installs turnkey living quarters and office projects anywhere in the world. Place one purchase order to TPC for all products and services. Quality Products—Exemplary Service—Unparalleled Expertise—TPC has it all.

Furniture Refinishing & Reupholstering

The Refinishing Touch

9350 Industrial Trace Alpharetta, GA 30004 800/523-9448 or 770/642-4169 770/475-4782 (Fax) Mario Insenga, President GS-29F-0002M

The Refinishing Touch is a furniture asset management company specializing in environmentally friendly on-site refinishing and upholstery programs designed to be cost efficient—saving up to 80 percent vs. new furniture. A wide

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Buyer’s Guide

selection of fabric is available from our Touch Textiles division, making the entire restoration process a one-stop-shopping experience. Please call 800/523-9448 for more information or visit Guest Amenities & Supplies

A-1 Textiles & Hospitality Products P.O. Box 5259 Chatsworth, CA 91313 800/351-1819 800/453-0952 (Fax) Bonne McCarty, Linen Expert GSA Linen Experts, GS-07F-0136V

A-1 Textiles has been a top supplier of textiles for the past 33 years. We are proud to be certified by the WBENC as a women-owned business. We offer a full line of Golden Mills products including towels, sheets, blankets, bedding, and pillows. We stock a full line of products in our six distribution centers located across the U.S. Hospitality Technology

Immersion Companies

2426 Parker James Avenue Henderson, NV 89074 702/233-8212 702/425-1005 (Fax) Mark Swanson, President & CEO

Immersion Companies—our experience and engagement with hotel management and technology spans decades. We implement, manage, and support PMS, CRS, and POS systems, as well as provide Call Center services for customers worldwide. We’re dedicated to assisting your operations reach your objectives. How man we be of service today? Landscape/Grounds Maintenance & Management

Laundry Services

Alliance Laundry/Speed Queen

P.O. Box 900, Shepard Street Ripon, WI 54971-0990 920/748-1671 920/748-1720 (Fax) Kate Holmes, Government Contract Sales Manager GS-21F-0007J

World’s largest commercial laundry equipment manufacturer offering a full line of commercial and industrial laundry equipment under GSA contract.

Excel Laundry Equipment Co. 565 Rahway Avenue Union, NJ 07083 800/334-1824 908/686-8756 (Fax) Dean Fowler, Government Sales GS-21F-0005N

Excel Laundry Equipment Co. offers energyefficient domestic and coin-operated laundry equipment including Whirlpool and Continental brands. With over 50 years’ experience in the industry, Excel can find you the best equipment for your needs and advise you on installation and service. Lighting

ADM International, Inc. 5565 N. Elston Avenue

Chicago, IL 60630-1314 773/774-2400 773/774-2099 (Fax) Tom Chapman, President GS-27F-5079C

Let ADM International, Inc. be your source for lighting. From floor lamps to high-abuse lamps, we have what you’re looking for. We also carry standard and specialty light bulbs.

the longest warranty on GSA schedule (10 years), custom options (nightlight and outlet), and Energy Star approval. Plus scratchproof colors to complement your interiors. Samples available for your evaluation. Mattresses

American Bedding Manufacturers, Inc. P.O. Box 1048 Athens, TN 37371 800/203-2507 423/745-2772 (Fax) Dale Reynolds, Vice President Sales GS-27F-0007V

American Bedding Mfg., Inc. is a premier bedding and furnishing provider specializing in bed-bug proof, waterproof mattress covers, quilted mattresses, blankets, pillows, pillow cases, sheets, and linens. Please review our online catalog for current products and pricing at

Sealy Global Hospitality

One Office Parkway at Sealy Drive Trinity, NC 27370 888/332-2226 or 520/628-7596 / Betsy Marco, Government Sales Representative GS-07F-9970H

Sealy Global Hospitality is one of the world’s largest bedding manufacturers whose mattresses are on the leading edge of comfort technology and product performance. From Sealy’s military-specific collection to its popular Posturepedic collection, BABCO can help you select the perfect mattress. Paints and Coatings

TruGreen LandCare

7840 Bethlehem Road, Suite 100 Manassas, VA 20109 877/LandCare or 703/906-5847 703/368-4687 (Fax) Anita Childress, Director of National Accounts GS-06F-0076M

TruGreen LandCare is a National Landscape Maintenance Provider serving over 64 branches throughout the country. Our core services include: landscape maintenance, landscape design and installation, irrigation maintenance and installation, LEED and environmental compliance including retention ponds and erosion issues, parking lot sweeping, and snow removal services.

48  Defense Communities

JES Lighting, Inc.

5605 W. Hemlock Street Milwaukee, WI 53223 888/330-LAMP (5267) or 414/760-3377 x 201 414/760-3380 (Fax) Jamie Schumaker, President GS-03F-7063G

Lamps for lodging and dormitories! Heavyduty, energy-efficient JES table and floor lamps are designed and built specifically for military housing. Features include the toughest, crush-proof shade in the market,


101 Prospect Avenue NW Cleveland, OH 44115 800/524-5979 or 216/566-2000 440/826-1989 (Fax) Tim Skufca, Sales Manager GS-10F-0004J

Whether looking for color options, environmentally responsible solutions, or guidance on selecting the best coating, military communities and their managers can turn to SherwinWilliams to find the product, service, and

program solutions they need to keep housing and lodging facilities looking their best.

business. The Leader in Recycled Plastic Playground Equipment.

Real Estate/Relocation Services

Payment Processing Services

Yardi Systems, Inc.

430 S. Fairview Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93117 800/866-1144 or 805/699-2040 x 1139 805/699-2044 (Fax) Spencer Stewart, National Account Executive

Yardi Voyager Military Housing software uses a centralized integrated database to perform wait-list processing, required reporting, BAH handling, and real-time accounting. Designed to benefit both government agencies and private management companies, Voyager Military Housing provides realtime accounting and reporting, centralized resident management, and easy access to distributed data. Playground/Recreation Equipment

R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co. Inc. P.O. Box 946 Cherokee, IA 51012-0946 800/762-5002 or 712/225-5115 712/225-5796 (Fax) Customer Service Department GS-07F-9714G, GS-07F-0351N

Designer and manufacturer of Pilot Rock Brand of: picnic tables, accessible tables, benches, charcoal grills, campfire rings, trash and recycling containers and lids, animal-proof trash containers, bike racks, lantern poles, custom signage, and more. 100 percent recycled plastic products available. Made in the USA since 1959.

Oakwood Extended Stay Lodging 400 15th Street South Arlington, VA 22202 888/268-9998 Mary Jacenich, National Government Account Coordinator GS-33F-0020T

Oakwood Extended Stay Lodging provides temporary furnished accommodations that meet the unique requirements of government travelers. From governmnet civilians to military personnel and government contractors, we offer lodgings that are conveniently located and priced within agency per diem. Oakwood makes procurement and management of domestic and global accommodations easy, flexible, and reliable. Security & Safety Products


150 PlayCore Drive, SE Fort Payne, AL 35967 800/235-2440 or 423/648-5896 256/845-9361 (Fax) David Hill, Regional Manager GS-07F-0397K

GameTime has been a pioneer in the commercial playground industry since 1929 with a commitment to enriching childhood through play. GameTime combines the vast wealth of research and intellectual resources of our parent company, PlayCore, with an unmatched distribution network to lead the industry with innovative products, programs, and play environments that inspire a child’s imagination and promote health and wellness for future generations.

Vortex Aquatic Structures Intl. 328 Avro Pointe Claire, QC H9R 5W5 Canada 877/586-7839 or 514/695-3868 514/335-5413 (Fax) Kevin Engels, Sales Coordinator

Vortex was founded in 1995 with the introduction of the first Splashpad®. With over 5,000 installations and a worldwide distribution network, Vortex’s mission is to lead the aquatic play industry by continuing to develop the most fun, innovative, and safe products for families and children of all ages and abilities.

Zeager Bros., Inc.

Play Mart, Inc.

170 Allens Way Somerset, KY 42501 800/43-PLAYS (7-5297) or 606/679-2572 606/678-0911 (Fax) Tabitha Sani, Director of Marketing GS-07F-0206L

Recovering yesterday’s plastics for today’s play, Play Mart playgrounds are made from exclusive recycled structural plastic with an outstanding warranty! Highly durable, safe, low maintenance. Stainless steel hardware and metal welds won’t corrode or rust. Natural-play product line. ADA accessible. Woman-owned small

4000 E. Harrisburg Pike Middletown, PA 17057 800/346-8524 or 717/944-7481 717/944-7681 (Fax) Robert T. Zeager, Sales Manager GS-07F-5422R

Zeager is a leading playground surface manufacturer offering WoodCarpet, Bonded WoodCarpet, RecMat, and RecGrass surfaces. WoodCarpet is produced locally with production facilities throughout the U.S. All our surfaces meet ADA, ASTM, CPSC, and CSA guidelines. Call, email, or visit our website for a free catalog.

American Direct Procurement 11000 Lakeview Avenue Lenexa, KS 66219 800/593-5310 or 913/677-5588 913/677-5416 (Fax) Byron Whetstone, President

Single-source intermediary for products in CSI specification divisions 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12. Specializing in military family housing, new construction, and renovation, including barracks and commercial construction.

CorKey Control Systems Inc. 2817 Milo Hae Loop Koloa, HI 96756 800/622-2239 or 808/742-6385 808/742-7652 (Fax) Lin Sedley, Managing Director GS-07F-7841C

Get exceptional masterkeying and access control with CorKey magnetic, mechanical card-operated door locks. Lost cards can be locked out in seconds and replaced by management.

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Utility Submetering & Billing Services

Yardi Systems, Inc. InstaKey Security Systems 7456 West 5th Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226 800/316-5397 x 105 303/761-6359 (Fax) Scott M. Serani, President GS-07F-0041H

The InstaKey Security System combines three basic components to accomplish simple, effective key control throughout your facility: serialized keys that cannot be duplicated, lock cylinders that can be rekeyed up to 12 times without removing cores or lock hardware, and online database tracking for each location’s keys.

VingCard Elsafe

631 International Pkwy, Suite 100 Richardson, TX 75081 800/225-8464 or 770/820-2409 972/907-2771 (Fax) Ethan Mayeux, Director of Military Sales

Signature RFID electronic locks offer the latest Radio Frequency Identification technology with unmatched benefits for both military lodging facilities and their guests. Signature RFID offers increased security through anti-coning technology, easy transition to next-generation technologies such as NFC-cell phones, and unmatched ease of use for guests of all ages. Software


Roto Frank of America

14 Inspiration Lane Chester, CT 06412 407/850-4131 David Warr, Director North American Business Development

Angel Ventlock™—a window opening control device that is much improved from old-fashioned window guards and screens. They are cost effective and will not detract from the appearance or function of the window. They can be integrated easily by the window manufacturer. After-market retrofitting is accomplished in minutes.

2892 Collier Avenue San Diego, CA 92116 619/282-3211 619/282-0108 (Fax) Jacklyn Nevelow, Managing Partner GS-07F-0830N

Barcode your inventory (furniture, IT equipment, tools)! BarTracks™ will track and manage it. Saves money, simplifies audits. Tracks Funding Source, Condition, Depreciation, Warranty, Cost, Where and When Last Seen, Assets Not Seen Since…, Audit Trail, and much more. Complete reporting. New features: Regional Management and Responsible Party. Easy to use.

Yardi Systems, Inc. Stanley Security Solutions, Inc.

6161 E. 75th Street Indianapolis, IN 46250 980/721-3536 Jeff Huggins, Government Programs Manager GS-07F-5835R

Stanley Security Solutions is a provider of integrated access control and security solutions. We offer a comprehensive line of high-quality mechanical products, systems, and services for mechanical access control and security applications in the government segment. Our powerful and innovative technologies help build, repair, and protect government’s most important assets!

50  Defense Communities

430 S. Fairview Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93117 800/866-1144 or 805/699-2040 x 1139 805/699-2044 (Fax) Spencer Stewart, National Account Executive

Yardi Voyager Military Housing software uses a centralized integrated database to perform wait-list processing, required reporting, BAH handling, and real-time accounting. Designed to benefit both government agencies and private management companies, Voyager Military Housing provides real-time accounting and reporting, centralized resident management, and easy access to distributed data.

430 S. Fairview Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93117 800/866-1144 or 805/699-2040 x 1139 805/699-2044 (Fax) Spencer Stewart, National Account Executive

Yardi Voyager Military Housing software uses a centralized integrated database to perform wait-list processing, required reporting, BAH handling, and real-time accounting. Designed to benefit both government agencies and private management companies, Voyager Military Housing provides real-time accounting and reporting, centralized resident management, and easy access to distributed data. Wallcovering & Paint/Repair

ADM International, Inc. 5565 N. Elston Avenue Chicago, IL 60630-1314 773/774-2400 773/774-2099 (Fax) Tom Chapman, President

ADM International, Inc. carries an extensive line of vinyl wallcoverings in a number of colors and textures.

Advertise in

Defense Communities today!

Your sales message in Defense Communities and on influences the buying decisions of thousands of top military housing and lodging managers who work hard to enhance the lives of military personnel and their families and unaccompanied personnel and want access to your company’s products and services. Reserve your space today by contacting Alison Bashian at alisonb@ strattonpub. com or 800.335.7500 ext. 21.

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Web Site


Balfour Beatty Communities

Kathy Grim



Coit Worldwide

Shawn Aghababian



Davey Commercial Grounds

George Gaumer

800/447-1667 x 225


GSA 27 HD Supply Facilities Maintenance



Kaba Multihousing & Institutional

LaShawnda Robinson



Microfridge Inc.

Benjamin Otte



MilitaryByOwner Advertising

Dave Gran



Norix Group, Inc.

Randy Duffer



Picerne Military Housing

Amanda Filipowski



R.J. Thomas Manufacturing Co. Inc.

Bob Simonsen



Salsbury Industries

Ricardo Alva




Kate Holmes



The Mohawk Group



The Refinishing Touch



Mario Insenga

University Loft Company

James Jannetides



Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Customer Service




Spencer Stewart



60  Defense Communities

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