BA (Hons) Courses HE Level 3
No 3: Generic Assessment Criteria: Essay – HE 3 SMAC = Specific Module Assessment Criteria You will find below the kinds of areas that your tutors will be considering when assessing your written work. Remember, though, that your tutors will be looking at your piece of work as a whole when determining the final mark. They will be happy to discuss their assessment with you and show you how to maximise your strengths and firm up on your weaker points. Each section below is split into two parts, the first indicates the general criteria used within BA (Hons), the second indicates the specific criteria (otherwise known as SMAC). The additions will be used when relevant (if a specific box is blank then refer to the generic). Criteria may also be changed or added, weighting may also be changed. Subject Knowledge & Understanding Weighting 86 -100% Upper First
30% 2630
Has demonstrated outstanding knowledge and understanding of the subject through identification and discussion of key areas through wide reading. Significant up-to-date sources have been explored analytically. Conceptual understanding is highly developed. Shows deep insight. Mature, very original and imaginative, exceeding normal expectations of undergraduate work.
Intellectual skills- including analysis, evaluation and critical judgement 30% 2630
Has demonstrated a very high level of critical appraisal and judgement in analysis, evaluation and synthesis of data and abstractions. Has employed a wide range of techniques of analysis including differentiation and discrimination. Has shown a very high level of awareness of limitations and contradictions.
Subject specific skills- including applications and problem solving 25% 2125
Has demonstrated an ability to diagnose and creatively apply appropriate and selective innovative conceptual knowledge to a practical or theoretical problem/situation in order to produce valid, creative/original solutions which are logical, meaningful and effective. Has shown evidence of critically evaluating the existing view of the subject. Exemplary problem solving skills evident.
Transferable skills- including communication and presentation. 15% 1315
Written communication is clear, concise and formally academic. It is also presented in correct essay format with an excellent introduction and conclusion. Presentation, spelling and grammar are excellent. Extensively and accurately referenced throughout, and quotations/citations used are carefully selected; supported by a detailed list of references identifying all sources (on separate pages). Shows extensive use of refereed secondary sources. The flow is analytical and is well planned in the analysis of the topic. Articulate communication. Able to present a tightly structured, rigorous argument showing flow and progression, likely to be highly stimulating, and at the limits of what may be expected at undergraduate level. While a bibliography may be included it is no indicator of research undertaken within this assignment, so will not be attributed marks.
70 – 85% First
Define outstanding, up-to-date and highly developed. Refer to the creativity stage in the revised Bloom’s taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001). Clarify what a wide range of sources are e.g. 20 or above refereed sources. Has demonstrated outstanding knowledge and understanding of the subject through identification and discussion of key areas through wide reading. Significant up-to-date sources have been explored analytically. Conceptual understanding is highly developed.
Refer to the creativity stage in the revised Bloom’s taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001).
Becca Walker / Jeannie Alderdice / H Drive / BA degree / 01.06.09
Has demonstrated a high level of critical appraisal and judgement in analysis, evaluation and synthesis of data and abstractions. Has employed a wide range of techniques of analysis. Has shown a high level of awareness of limitations and contradictions. Cogently argued/reasoned using a well selected, collated and presented body
Has demonstrated an ability to diagnose and apply appropriate and selective conceptual knowledge to a practical or theoretical problem/situation in order to produce valid, creative/original solutions which are logical, meaningful and effective.
Formal academic writing style and presented in correct essay format. Excellent presentation, spelling and grammar. Careful choice of referenced material. Excellent structure, introduction and conclusion. Extensively and accurately referenced throughout, and quotations/citations used are carefully selected; supported by a detailed list of references identifying all sources (on separate pages). Shows extensive use of refereed secondary sources.
BA (Hons) Courses HE Level 3 of evidence.
The flow is analytical and tone and style are appropriate and contribute to the debate. Able to present a tightly structured, rigorous argument showing flow and progression. Presentation and organisation of work is of a very high standard, likely to be stimulating, showing a high level of maturity and originality. While a bibliography may be included it is no indicator of research undertaken within this assignment, so will not be attributed marks.
Clarify up-to-date and conceptual. Clarify what a significant amount of sources are e.g. 15 or above refereed sources.
60-69% 2.1
Has demonstrated a very substantial knowledge and understanding of the subject through identification and discussion of key areas within a wider context. A good variety of up-to-date sources have been identified and used effectively.
Application of good skills of critical appraisal and evaluation of new/ abstract data. Has employed a range of techniques of analysis including appraisal, compare and contrast and differentation to name a few. Has shown good awareness of limitations and contradictions of sourced material and theories. Good evidence of independent thinking.
Has demonstrated an ability to diagnose and apply conceptual knowledge to a new practical and/or theoretical problem/ situation, by generating responses which are logical and meaningful and are likely to offer an element of originality and creativity.
Formal academic writing style presented in correct essay format. Good presentation, spelling and grammar. Careful choice of referenced material. Good structure, introduction and conclusion. Extensively and accurately referenced throughout, and quotations/citations used are carefully selected; supported by a detailed list of references identifying all sources (on separate pages). Shows extensive use of refereed secondary sources. The flow is analytical and tone and style are appropriate and contribute to the debate. Could be more articulate. Able to present a logical structure showing flow and progression. Presentation and organisation of work is likely to show few mistakes/limitations. Mature style. While a bibliography may be included it is no indicator of research undertaken within this assignment, so will not be attributed marks.
SMAC 50-59% 2.2
SMAC 40-49% 3rd
Clarify up-to-date and substantial. Clarify what a good variety of sources are e.g. 10 or above refereed sources. Has developed a deeper understanding of the subject/discipline than a third classification but the extent of reading is lacking in some significant areas. Can review and consolidate literature. Has developed a greater critical depth of knowledge/understanding in an area of specialisation.
Clarify what a number of refereed sources are e.g. 7 or above. Has developed a sufficient knowledge base of the subject /discipline at Bachelors level. Some important/current writings/issues have been explored but which are mainly
Clarify good 1517
Fair ability to analyse and evaluate the significance and meaning of information and its relevance to the argument. Some evidence of independence of thought. Some awareness of limitations and contradictions shown of sourced material and theories.
Clarify fair 1214
Becca Walker / Jeannie Alderdice / H Drive / BA degree / 01.06.09
Has shown sufficient ability to critically appraise and evaluate new information. Likely to have used limited techniques of analysis hence mainly descriptive. May have shown little awareness of
Reasonably sound ability to apply diagnostic skills to a range of practical or theoretical situations. However creativity and innovation may be largely absent. Problem solving ability is still stronger when applied to routine/standard problems, previously encountered.
Appropriate style and presentation of work in an essay format. Adequate spelling and grammar. The piece is thoroughly referenced throughout and uses an adequate number of quotations/citations. A detailed list of references is included at the end. There is an overall structure evident but does not offer strong flow and progression. May be inconsistent in places. Presentation style and grammar may show limitations. While a bibliography may be included it is no indicator of research undertaken within this assignment, so will not be attributed marks.
Appropriate style and presentation of work in an essay format. Adequate spelling and grammar. The piece is correctly referenced throughout and uses an adequate number of quotations/citations. A list of references is included at the end.
Clarify sound 1012
The work may show limited understanding appropriate to this level. There is a limited ability to apply diagnostic and creative skills to a range of practical or theoretical situations. Attempt at problem solving
BA (Hons) Courses HE Level 3
SMAC 26-39% Marginal Fail
descriptive. Limited number of refereed sources used.
any limitations and contradictions. Unsubstantiated opinions may be evident. Lack of logical development of an argument is likely to characterise the work.
ability is stronger when applied to routine/standard problems, previously encountered. Lack of logical and effective solutions will be evident.
Clarify what a limited number of refereed sources are e.g. 5 or above. Shows insufficient level of factual and conceptual understanding of the subject appropriate to this level. Little or no evidence of reading/research beyond a reproduction of information gained through class contact.
Explanation of what constitutes a pass to be given to students. Work is entirely or virtually entirely descriptive, showing little or no evidence of appropriate analysis. The student has accepted information uncritically. Unsubstantiated opinions may be common.
Clarify limited
Little evidence of ability to relate theory to practical solutions or theoretical dichotomies appropriate to this level.
Structure of work is weak or inconsistent, the introduction and conclusion may be incoherent and the essay lacks the devlopment of a coherent argument. Language may lack the expected maturity at this level. Presentation details may be basic and show limitations. While a bibliography may be included it is no indicator of research undertaken within this assignment, so will not be attributed marks. 4-5
Inappropriate style and/or poorly presented. Spelling, grammar and reading skills are poor. Poor referencing inadequately related to citations or with many mistakes. The flow is descriptive and rushed. Incorrect or fragmented paragraphing, poor links between themes. Structure weak and / or inconsistent and lacking in sequential development. Mistakes in grammar or syntax. Immature style. Citations and referencing poorly or inconsistently presented. While a bibliography may be included it is no indicator of research undertaken within this assignment, so will not be attributed marks.
SMAC 0-25% Clear Fail
4 refereed sources or below. No evidence of factual and conceptual understanding of the subject, appropriate to this level, or of reading/research.
Work entirely descriptive. No evidence of appropriate analysis. Unsubstantiated opinions.
Clarify little No evidence of ability to relate theory to practical solutions or theoretical dichotomies at this level.
Incorrect technical style and/or poorly presented. Spelling, grammar and reading skills are poor. Poor referencing inadequately related to citations or with many mistakes. The flow is descriptive and rushed. Incorrect or fragmented paragraphing, poor links between themes. Structure weak and / or inconsistent and lacking in sequential development. Mistakes in grammar or syntax. Immature style. Citations and referencing poorly or inconsistently presented. Markedly poor language. May be seriously deficient in quantity. While a bibliography may be included it is no indicator of research undertaken within this assignment, so will not be attributed marks.
Becca Walker / Jeannie Alderdice / H Drive / BA degree / 01.06.09