36 minute read
Senior Health

Senior health and wellness have always been priorities for the senior-living industry, but maybe no more so than they have since the advent of COVID-19 into all of our lives. In fact, you would be challenged to fi nd a single senior-living company or community that is operating just as it did before March 2020. As the senior population has received COVID vaccinations and some restrictions have begun to loosen, the defi nition of the “optimal” senior community also has changed, thanks in part to lessons learned via the pandemic. The International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) recently gathered 85 independent-living, assisted-living, and memory-care leaders at an ICAA Forum to identify the “optimal community” that blends lifestyles and services that current residents desire with qualityof-life features that future residents will seek. They defi ned fi ve associated trends for senior living in 2021. According to McKnight’s Senior Living News, those trends include redefi ning the meaning of “community” by repositioning a seniorliving community as “an accessible neighborhood within the larger community” to make it easier to expand services to older adults and to open some services and amenities to nonresidents. Second, the Forum fi ndings focused in on the need for expansion of both built and unbuilt environments, including increasing outdoor features like sidewalks, gardens, paths, and recreation, and using moveable walls inside to maintain fl exibility, as well as increasing virtual healthcare spaces.
Notably, the third trend they identifi ed is a move to integrate technology through all operations, including providing technologyenabled spaces for staff and residents, both indoors and outdoors. Wearable technologies like activity trackers, heart-rate monitors, and rooms outfi tted with smart utilities, remote monitoring, voiceactivated systems, and more will be crucial for senior-living

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residents in the future. Fourthly, the ICAA foresees increased emphasis on a wellness culture and lifestyle and, lastly, an effort to strengthen workforce quality, growth, retention, and the addition of on-site healthcare opportunities. Getting to the age where you or your family start talking about senior living can be the start of an emotional ride, for sure. Feelings of denial or fear are completely normal but making a plan and knowing when to put it into play can help. We talked with senior health and living companies and communities in the Lincoln area that always maintain senior health and wellness as the top priority for their residents or clients, but they also have made some adjustments in the wake of COVID.
Planning for the Unplanned
It is never a comfortable conversation and often overwhelming and awkward, but for all seniors—and younger adults, for that matter—planning ahead for what you want when your time on earth ends is such a crucial thing to do. Wyuka Funeral Home and Cemetery is there to help decide upon and record both your loved ones and your own end-of-life wishes. Pre-planning can help every individual make an informed and thoughtful decision about their funeral, choosing sentimental things they want included, comparing prices, and helping your family. Wyuka offers a preplanning checklist with all the information you need to start the process, and they will help walk you through the entire process before a catastrophic event can force the issue. When you or a loved one passes away, your family will be making numerous important decisions, while also grieving. Pre-planning can help your family plan with ease when the time comes. Your family can confi dently put a loved one’s plan into action, knowing that these were their wishes. Working with Wyuka to create a plan in advance also leaves your loved one with the peace of mind that their family has been relieved of making burdensome decisions during their time of loss. Once completed, you can rest assured that you and your loved ones’ plans are in the hands of trusted individuals—without forcing anyone to make decisions in a hurried manner. It’s never too soon to get started.
Focus on What You CAN Control
Maintaining an appropriate fi tness regime—regardless of one’s level of abilities—is crucial to seniors’ long-term health. Right Foot Forward Fitness has extensive experience working with senior health and fi tness, and the good news is that it’s almost always something that you can control. “The pandemic and its ramifications, especially around activities and social distancing and isolation have had a pretty profound impact on all of us,” said Right Foot Forward Fitness Owner Jeff Madsen. “One of the most effective ways to deal with feelings of isolation and loss of control is to focus on things you DO have control over. You can impact your health and fi tness profoundly by making small changes to your routine, from both a diet and exercise standpoint.”Jeff Madsen Right Foot Forward Fitness Right Foot Forward Fitness can help you achieve this through in-person or remote training options—or a hybrid approach. They also have videoon-demand offerings that make it easy for anyone to work out at home and get professional results if they are not yet ready to go out to public places, and they focus mainly on people who are 40 years old and older.
Small-Town Customer Service
LTC Pharmacy offers some unique free services (including house calls!) for their customers to help keep them healthy, home, and out of the hospital. “We have a patient care coordinator who will come to your home and gather all of your medications, then the pharmacist will conduct a medication review to ensure the medications do not interact poorly with each other,” said LTC Pharmacy Founder, Owner and Pharmacist Shannon Schultz. “We will contact any of the doctors involved with your care and convey any concerns to ensure that everyone involved is on the same page. We will put the medications into packaging that is extremely easy to use, and we will deliver Shannon Schultz the medications right to your door. When Nebraska LTC Pharmacy you are taking the right medications at the right time, it will help eliminate unnecessary trips to the hospital and keep you home safe and sound.” Shannon founded Nebraska LTC Pharmacy in 2011 because she recognized a need in the community for a pharmacy that did more than just count pills and slap labels. She wanted to make a difference. The goal of Nebraska LTC Pharmacy is to continue to offer the “small town” level of customer service while providing the highest level of care for their patients. All it takes is one phone call to the pharmacy and you will notice the difference. No automated systems, no punching in prescription numbers. Just great personal care. They genuinely want to help you with your medications and help you preserve your independence. As a locally owned company that provides a wide array of services in the Lincoln and Omaha areas, Nebraska LTC Pharmacy provides individualized patient care that increases


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safety and prolongs clients’ independence at home. They strive daily to differentiate themselves from big-box chain stores and pharmacies. That includes the use of free adherence packaging— the SureMed® bubble-packaging system—that has been proven to increase medication adherence up to 90%, helping you achieve your health goals for 2021 and beyond! “We also provide free delivery in the Lincoln or Omaha areas,” Shannon said, “and we will ship medications for clients outside of our delivery areas. We will communicate with your doctors to ensure a safe and effective medication regimen tailor-made for you, and we also provide a variety of other miscellaneous services, like environmentally safe disposal of medications, onsite vaccination/injections, and providing incontinence supplies and nutritional supplements. Here at Nebraska LTC Pharmacy, everything is about YOU!”
Person-Centered Care
If you or your loved one wants to stay in their home but needs a little help getting around, completing daily tasks, or just needs some companionship to keep them happy and healthy, you have some fabulous choices for care in the Lincoln area. A prime option is Home Care Partners, which provides person-centered home care, which has been there for seniors and their families throughout the roughest moments of the pandemic. With seniors getting vaccinated in big numbers, they are thrilled to see the opportunities for more activities opening up for them. “The clients that we supported during the pandemic were resilient because of the benefi ts of our person-centered care,” said Co-founder Karla Frese. “Although some of their lifestyles were different during COVID, their mental health was supported with a team that cares for and about them, which gave them compassion, peace of mind, joy, trust, and safety. As more individuals receive the vaccine, we are seeing an increase in the openness to ‘be together.’ Our teams and clients are getting out together and enjoying more Karla Frese activities, entertainment, and experiences.” Home Care Partners Home Care Partners has also been receiving increased requests for their home exercise programs, wherein they collaborate with therapy teams to improve clients’ balance, mobility, strength, memory, and cognition. Together, they identify a critical threshold that focuses on fi tness, strength, and gait. The Home Care Partners team helps improve function and help keep seniors above the critical threshold where a decline starts to occur. They have also helped chart seniors’ health by incorporating technology into their care plans. “The importance of technology has proven to be critical,” Karla said. “Electronic charting allows us to see health changes in real-time and react to them immediately. We also utilize this real-time information to communicate with healthcare-continuum professionals and to provide health condition updates to family members. This collaboration and ongoing communication provide a more integrated level of care. When clients' needs are intensive, they need interdisciplinary teams to communicate, ensuring they are receiving the right care at the right time.” Given that mental health is a crucial part of seniors’ overall health, the pandemic pointed up the importance of adapting communication technologies to keep the elderly connected with their families, in real time—and that’s not something that’s likely to slow, even after the pandemic ends. “We have increased communication to make sure that the families we support stay connected,” Karla explained. “Our teams provide Facetime, Zoom, computer, tablets, and phone support. We even helped a few clients with their Facebook accounts to stay in
contact with loved ones. With added human connectivity, we have been able to make sure that our clients know they are safe and continued to live purposeful lives. We want to do the little things for them each and every day to make them smile and give them meaningful moments.”

If you’re looking for a senior-living community that focuses on providing whole body-and-mind health, be certain to consider Immanuel Communities. Their Thrive by Immanuel program offers comprehensive life enrichment support for Immanuel residents. The approach was created by their senior-living experts and incorporates nine elements of whole-person wellness: music, wellness, connection, faith, recreation, community, creativity, service, and lifelong learning. “Thrive programming has been a foundation to resident wellbeing as we responded to a global pandemic,” said Immanuel Vice President Marketing, Sales and Communication Jennifer Knecht. “Our dedicated employees were able to reimagine our guiding elements to remain focused on overall wellbeing and safety for those we serve. During the last year, we’ve helped residents learn how to use Zoom, FaceTime, Facebook and other social media to connect with
Jennifer Knecht their families; we’ve created broadcast
Immanuel Communities fi tness resources that residents could view from their apartments; and we organized phone clubs, balcony exercises, courtyard concerts, and more. Plus, our resident portals, or touchscreen devices available at many Immanuel Communities, helped residents stay connected with community employees and services.” In non-pandemic times, Immanuel’s state-of-the-art wellness centers include indoor pools, spas, wellness classes, and one-onone training opportunities that help residents achieve goals like managing a chronic condition or getting ready for a trip or special event. Following their vaccination clinics and successful ongoing infection-control practices, residents are excited to see many of these services reopen in limited capacity. “Spiritual support is another key aspect to life at Immanuel,” Jennifer said. “As a mission-driven, faith-based organization, we’re thrilled to offer onsite pastoral support for residents of all faiths. Whether that’s help after a life-changing event or a supportive hand during uncertain times, our onsite pastors provide phenomenal benefi t across our campuses.” Immanuel residents were among the first retirement living residents in the area to receive the COVID-19 vaccine through onsite clinics. With support from their on-staff medical director, infection-control experts, and comprehensive educational details around the vaccines, they were able to fully educate residents and employees, and the response was tremendous. Residents and employees came together, and Immanuel is proud to say that their vaccination rates are well above national and state averages for senior-living communities. “The COVID-19 pandemic certainly brought well-due attention to the incredible frontline workers at senior-living communities,” Jennifer said. “In any given year, our employees go above and beyond to support the health and wellbeing of senior residents, and 2020 was no exception. At Immanuel, health, safety, and wellbeing have always been guiding principles. Being faced with a global pandemic only reinforced that focus. And because of our strong fi nancial standing, we are able to place additional resources where they were needed to continue providing for the safety of those we serve.”

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Mind-Body Health
Physical and mental wellbeing can be achieved in a variety of ways and typically go hand-in-hand. Legacy Retirement Communities are home to active seniors, and the companies makes available a combination of coordinated and spontaneous social activities to help keep residents’ minds and bodies engaged, happy, and healthy.
“Residents enjoy making exercise a part of their routine by working with our trainers in the fi tness centers or joining in on fi tness classes,” said Legacy’s Director of Clinical Operations Barb Scott, RN. “When it comes to health needs, residents know they can rely on our nurses that are available 24/7 and, if additional assistance is needed, either short-term or long-term, residents can utilize our Legacy Home Care team to help them with their day-to-day activities, such as Barb Scott bathing, dressing, medication, and more,
Legacy Retirement so residents have more time to spend Communities doing what they like to do.” To date, 99% of Legacy residents have been vaccinated against COVID-19, so the level of activities is increasing, and the social distancing decreasing. There does remain some fear, however, about the vaccine itself and its effi cacy in the older population, so they are still wearing masks, for now. All told, the pandemic really shined the light on retirement living communities, which Legacy turned into a positive thing. “The attention has allowed us all to tell our story and teach others along the way about the amazing people that call our buildings home and the employees who work here every day,” Barb said. “While technologies, additional employees, and new health protocols were necessary as a result of the pandemic, we saw the biggest need throughout was human connection. We always have and continue to develop strong company culture through investing in our people, employees, and residents alike.” The inability to see family did take a toll on seniors’ health, Barb said, but residents are now fi nally getting the opportunity to see family members and friends face-to-face again. “Visits are happening!” Barb said. “Family is very important to our residents, and when seeing them was limited or deemed unsafe,” it takes a toll on seniors’ emotional status. We, as an organization, have worked hard to counteract that impact by providing more one-on-one time spent with residents and staff together.”
Care, Comfort, and Cost
If you are seeking 24-hour, long-term care for your loved one but don’t need “fancy,” it’s important to focus on the things that matter most. Care, comfort, and cost—those are the three C’s around which Orchard Park Assisted Living’s mission revolves. Founded by Virgil and Jan Carner, the community is committed to an affordable “health-fi rst” philosophy that emphasizes familiar comforts and creating moments of joy for each resident. Some of the care and safety features in place at Orchard Park include 24-hour care, medications administered by licensed medication aides, Wanderguard, assistance with bathing, dressing, and personal hygiene, emergency call systems and pull cords, dietary accommodations, and transportation to and from doctors’ appointments. They also believe that fresh air and sunshine are critical to long-term health and well-being, so Orchard Park has perfectly planned outdoor spaces, including the covered porch, gazebo, patio dining, and garden paths that offer safe opportunities to enjoy the park-like setting.
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When they started Orchard Park, Virgil and Jan did not set out to create a fancy-living facilities or nursing home with resortstyle amenities and gourmet chefs that came with a big hit on the wallet. Instead, they saw the need for a community where seniors could simply continue living the way to which they were accustomed. By keeping their focus on what they believe is most important, they can offer a cost for care that is more affordable to residents who want to preserve more of their nest egg and make it last as long as possible. They provide a community that feels like home—familiar, comfortable, and rife with friendly faces at every turn. Orchard Park Assisted Living also has more registered nurses on staff than any other assisted living facility in town. The result is more thorough, thoughtful care for residents across a wide range of aging-related health issues.
A Custom Fit
The folks at Windcrest Assisted Living believe that the seniorliving community is one where you can comfortably and safely age in place, easily socialize with friends, enjoy healthy meals among good company, and remain connected to friends and family. So, Windcrest tries to offer every option going to make that happen naturally for residents, whatever their individual needs. That includes assisted living services, featuring spacious apartments, a dedicated staff 24 hours a day, and a warm community fi lled with the most sought-after amenities, so residents enjoy the best years of their lives. Residents are warmhearted, interesting people who enjoy the freedom of assisted living—the freedom from the worries and dangers of solitary living and cooking and cleaning in surroundings that are kind and gracious—with the knowledge of knowing someone is always at hand if help is needed. COVID may have thrown a few wrenches into the works but there is fi nally a light at the end of the tunnel. “Our community amenities enhance the homelike environment while encouraging social and family connections within the changes the pandemic has brought,” said Executive Director Kylee Graham. “The majority of our residents have been vaccinated, and we’re starting to get back to some kind of normal with dining services. It’s a relief for everyone because residents can see friends and neighbors up-close and get that crucial personal interaction. We are also continuing our Ambassador Program, through which offi ce staff are assigned to residents to touch base with them, spend some time with them, and ensure that they are getting what they need.” Probably the most dramatic recent improvement in residents’ health at Windcrest stems from the ability to have face-to-face visitations with friends and family again—and even go on drives to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. “This has had a big, positive impact on seniors, both their physical and mental health,” Kylee said. “Seeing the excitement and joy when they see their family members face-to-face is priceless and uplifting. Religious services are also starting back up again, while maintaining social distancing and wearing masks, and activities are getting going, too, including full bingo, puzzles, trivia, morning exercise, and walking groups, to name a few. Windcrest is empowered and encouraged to continually look for new and innovated ways to improve our services and care for our residents.”
Compassionate In-Home Care
If your loved one is still able to stay at home but needs a little help with everyday tasks or companionship, Visiting Angels is a fabulous in-home care provider to consider. Some of the services available through Visiting Angels include bathing assistance, dressing assistance, walking assistance, meal preparation, light

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housekeeping, errands and shopping, medication reminders, joyful companionship, respite care for family caregivers, and more. Temporary or long-term care is available, as well as weekend, holiday, and 24-hour care. Although home-care requests are usually planned and families need the time to research and evaluate many solutions, Visiting Angels is able to respond quickly to those families and clients that require a faster response in situations that result in immediate care. They’ll learn everything they can about you and walk you through developing a care plan that is specifi cally tailored to your loved one’s needs.
“When you choose Visiting Angels as your home care provider, we begin by reviewing your loved one's needs,” said Owner Natalie Leon. “We will meet with involved family members and, when necessary, consult with the physician(s) of the care recipient, social workers, hospitals, or nursing home staff. Our goal is to get a complete picture of your loved one's in-home care needs. Home care can be a great support allowing one to maintain their lifestyle and continue their routines in the comfort of their homes.”
Yet another superb option for in-home care is CCA Home Care. They are the area’s most affordable home-care solutions and screen and refer certifi ed nurse assistant (CNA) level caregivers who work privately for clients in their own homes. CCA caregivers are available to help with things like morning and evening routines, companionship throughout the day, medication reminders and administration, and transportation to and from personal appointments. Throughout the pandemic, CCA Home Care has helped seniors adapt to change and thrive.
Natalie Leon Visiting Angels
CCA Home Care has offi ce locations in Omaha and Lincoln. Between the two locations, they currently have more than 235 active CNAs on their Home Care Registry. All of them are licensed through the State of Nebraska, privately insured, and bonded. CCA also publishes an annual ElderCare Resource Handbook, which is available online at ccahomecare.com and provides an all-inclusive listing of business services for elderly clients. The Handbook includes information about government, fi nancial and legal services, medical support, home health services, living options, and more. CCA Home Care can help walk you through the process for home care that allows your loved one to stay in their home—and do so at an affordable price.
A Culture of Care
If you’re looking at a move to a senior living community, Pemberly Place tailors its senior living care and services to the individual lifestyles of each resident—including all levels of independent and assisted living, as well as memory support. Pemberly Place operates in a culture of care and meets and exceeds the quality benchmarks set forth by the National Center for Assisted Living. What’s more, they represent the only senior-living community in Nebraska that can offer an onsite medical clinic.
“This feature allows our residents to remain at ease with their healthcare needs, knowing if they needed to see a provider, that it can be arranged very quickly,” said Pemberly Director of Marketing Kelly Mans. “Our onsite medical clinic is special, because it gives us the ability to treat our residents right at the clinic or via house calls, which are great when residents are not feeling well because they can stay in their pajamas and our medical staff comes to them!”
provide a family feel versus a corporate atmosphere, and their independent-living apartments recently became licensed to use for assisted-living residents: “So, once you come to live with us, you may never have to move again!” Kelly said. “You can continue living in your apartment, whether or not you need day-to-day assistance. This gives more options to all levels of the population, so if you want a kitchen with a full-sized refrigerator and stackable washer and dryer, we can make that happen regardless of the level of care you require.”

Navigating to a Decision

Oasis Senior Advisors can help you navigate the sometimescomplicated morass of details to fi nd the just-right care or living situation for your loved one’s specifi c needs. It’s always a good idea to plan ahead for senior living whenever possible—at least when you fi rst start recognizing that your loved one might have increasing needs for assistance. Oasis can walk you through all of your options, including in-home, independent, assisted, and memory-care communities—and all of the services from Oasis Senior Advisors are FREE!
“The realities of 2020 taught us a lot about expecting the unexpected, said Oasis Senior Advisors Lincoln Franchise Owner Beth Friesen. “One thing for sure, it’s not fun. When it comes to senior living, we encourage people to plan ahead! If you have a loved one with dementia, don’t wait until there is a crisis to select the appropriate living or day-stay community when or if that time comes. If you or your loved one is experiencing physical or health
Beth Friesen Oasis Senior Advisors challenges that are making staying in the home more difficult, select an assisted living community BEFORE it becomes a crisis situation. Calm heads tend to make better decisions.”
In addition to senior housing, Oasis can connect you with many resources across our community, including in-home care, skilled nursing, home health, veterans’ benefi ts, elder-law attorneys, and so much more. One call does it all when that call is to Oasis!
“We do more than just help you fi nd a place for your loved one,” Beth said. “We welcome you into our Oasis family, provide resources, advocate for both you and your loved ones, and provide a listening ear and shoulder to lean on. You don’t have to do this alone. We do this because it is our calling to serve those around us, and there is never a charge to you or your loved one to use our services.”
While families worried about their loved ones in senior living throughout lockdown during the pandemic, but Beth said studies prove that assisted-living and other forms of senior living were actually some of the safest places for COVID-19-related illnesses. “In Lincoln, I applaud all our communities for doing an absolutely outstanding job caring for their residents and keeping them safe throughout COVID and moving forward,” Beth said.
Baby Boomer Boom
While Lincoln is fortunate to have many options for seniors, Tabitha Senior Living Advocate Aubrey Paulsen said the baby-boom generation is bringing new demand for community needs, in the form of a growing need for “age-inplace” communities where older adults fi nd a place to call home that grows with them as they age and provides access to additional services if the need arises.
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opportunity,” Aubrey said. “As a faith-based, mission-focused nonprofi t, Tabitha has been committed to caring for and about Nebraska seniors for more than 130 years. Our senior-care services include results-driven rehabilitation, accessible at-home health care, innovative living communities, and compassionate hospice care. In Lincoln, more than 500 clients daily also rely on Tabitha’s Meal on Wheels program.” Tabitha offers two living-community campuses in Lincoln, which include assisted living, memory care, skilled nursing, and long-term care to meet all levels of care and health needs. The innovative, homelike Tabitha Residences represent a one-of-a-kind hospice community that also offers inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. The Crete campus offers assisted living and residential-style, long-term care in a rural setting. When planning for senior living, seniors and their families must consider their individual goals to determine which is the best fi t.
“Are they looking for one place to continue their aging journey, or would they consider relocating again?” Aubrey asked. “This comes down to understanding the levels of care at each potential community or continuum. They should also consider their fi nances and research the private-pay commitment at each community, including what happens if they outlive their resources. Does the community accept Medicaid and let them continue to live there, or would they be required to move? Another consideration is the location and whether it provides convenient access to their families, doctors, and places of worship.”
Home-Like Care
If you’re looking for a renowned assisted-living community, The Waterford Communities in Lincoln serve up prime opportunities in three different facilities: The Waterford at Williamsburg, The Waterford at College View, and The Waterford at Wilderness Hills, all part of one local, family-owned company.
The Waterford at Williamsburg is the company’s largest and most traditional community. The Waterford at College View is nestled in the middle of a neighborhood, giving it an extra homelike feel, where they have two separate buildings that also allow them to take care of residents needing memory care. The Waterford at Wilderness Hills Memory Care is the newest of their communities, with just 16 rooms solely dedicated to memory care, where they provide the optimal environment for caring for your loved ones who need more attention and specialized care. The Waterford Communities has created a resources hub on its website at thewaterford.net, where it provides materials and articles to help you along as you explore your assisted-living operations. That includes a simple care-level quiz to help point you in the right direction for your particular situation and needs and a senior-care glossary to help you understand all the lingo you might encounter during your search, which they’ll walk you through every step of the way. So, while fi nding the right assisted living community can leave you feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone.
Making the Most of Every Day
While we all have people we love and want to take care of, including those with Alzheimer’s and dementia, there may come a time when the needs of a person who has a disease are too much to for a family member to manage alone. That’s when Agemark’s CountryHouse Residence for Memory Care can step in. They work with families whose loved one may be in the early stages of memory loss, so they know what resources are available if and when they need them. CountryHouse also sponsors a regular family-support group—to learn about how to cope with cognitive memory loss when it involves someone you love—and participants do not have to know someone living there to participate. They operate on the philosophy that “So long as a person is living, they are on a journey — and there remains ample opportunity for joy and for wonder.” This philosophy guides everything they do on behalf of their residents and families. In short, they don’t settle for providing a place for people just to stay. Instead, they seek to make every part of every day truly engaging to the residents who live with them — providing them with real joy and fulfi llment.
“Our view of those who have memory loss is that, if it comes with physical or cognitive challenges, they’re just challenges,” said COO Marty Hug. “We don’t see age. We don’t see challenges. We just see people. And all people want the same thing: to live a purposeful, welllived life. So we focus on them individually and use our resources to give them a voice that’s heard. We help them to grow, to have fun, and to live the life they always wanted before their diagnosis.”
Marty Hug Agemark’s CountryHouse Residence for Memory Care
Five-Star Senior Care
With the top rating for quality measures – fi ve stars from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Hillcrest Firethorn is superb choice for post-acute rehab after a surgery, illness, or hospital stay, or for long-term care services. Part of the care continuum in Lincoln, Hillcrest Home Care can provide in-home skilled medical services and telehealth. Outpatient therapy is also offered through Innovate Physical Therapy at 70th and Pioneers. Choosing Hillcrest each step of the way ensures the continuity of care. At Hillcrest Firethorn, there are even some COVID adaptations they’ve made out of necessity that they plan to continue as responsible practices. Jonathan Anderson Hillcrest Firethorn


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“Focusing more on our sanitation processes and protocols has undoubtedly reduced the amount of the common cold and flu bugs among our seniors this year,” said Jonathan Anderson, Lincoln business development specialist for Hillcrest Health Services. “This helps to reduce hospitalizations and contributes to positive outcomes where individuals are healing faster and going beyond previous functional baselines.”
Live, Relax, and Thrive!
Gramercy Hill also offers both independent and assisted-living housing and services in Lincoln. Located on six acres of luscious gardens and floral walking paths, the community invites residents to enjoy comfort and relaxation while taking advantage of exceptional services. They offer residents a vibrant lifestyle that encourages health and independence through innovative recreational, educational, health, and wellness programs. Spacious apartments provide peace of mind and thoughtful safety features, while also offering residents sought-after amenities and privacy. Gramercy is a great place to live, relax, and thrive! In planning for the move to senior living, every case is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all formula. Regardless of your extenuating circumstances, however, it’s never too early to start planning. It also is helpful to make a list of your wants and needs that allows you to be able to ask questions when you tour and consider specific senior-living communities. With baby boomers retiring at breakneck pace, Gramercy Hill is seeing strong demand for both independent and assisted living, which provides support for caretakers of seniors as well as the seniors themselves. They also offer respite care, which can be helpful to everyone involved. Clients can stay two weeks to three months in a completely furnished apartment. They don’t have the worry of trying to get furniture moved, and Gramercy provides all of the amenities. Their family knows that their loved one is safe and well cared for.
Building a Bridge
If you’re considering moving your loved one into senior living and want help navigating the search for senior care and removing the associated guesswork and frustration, we recommend considering Bridge to Better Living. They consult with seniors, their families, and loved ones to connect them with all levels of senior-living communities. They are there to make the process comfortable and specifically tailored to your or your loved one’s needs. The choices for senior-living retirement options are transparent with the no-cost-to-clients assistance of the Bridge to Better Living team. Thousands of lives have been changed with their unique one-on-one approach, with gratitude at the core. “My mentor and retired transition consultant Robbie Nathan once said, ‘We all need to remember there is so much to be grateful for,’” said Margaret Burnham. “It’s not what we don’t have; it’s what we still have. Age may decrease hearing, vision, or agility, but the memories seniors have, the life events they’ve experienced, affect how others’ lives evolve. Each person of age should feel valued, so do not hesitate to ask questions until you have an answer. Bridge to Better Living
Margaret Burnham finds seniors to be inspirational, and we
Bridge to Better Living have the latest technologies to continue to serve seniors and their loved ones through whatever lies beyond COVID.”
Dignity in Life
Sumner Place Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation is another seniorliving community that prides itself on providing resident-focused care, independence, and offering a home like atmosphere. They have three households, and they have a walk-out entrance and patio for Alzheimer residents in the secure Memory Support household. They work hard to create a living environment that continuously enriches each resident’s life, and it shows. In their Memory Care household, Sumner Place focuses on the strengths of each memory-care resident by using their historical personal interests as a method of minimizing the difficulties associated with dementia-related symptoms, which could be as simple as giving a former painter a paintbrush. They also use “Buddies Forever,” which is a comprehensive dementia program that employs techniques and skills such as getting down below eye level, using simple statements, and endorphin boosts—to name a few—to create a foundation for person-centered care. “Dementia can be a long and unforgiving journey for all who are involved,” said Sumner Place Admissions and Public Relations Coordinator Megan Herter. “It is impossible to truly understand the fear, confusion, and emotions that those who suffer from dementia with struggle with on a daily basis. At Sumner Place, we specialize in individualized programs designed to reduce feelings of confusion, Megan Herter fear, and agitation, and offer meaningful, Sumner Place Skilled enjoyable activities that stimulate the Nursing & Rehabilitation mind and body.”

Our seniors are the very heart and soul of Lincoln, and we’re clearly blessed to have such top-notch care facilities and services to keep them safe, healthy, and happy, even in difficult times. Our thanks go out to every person involved in senior care. You are truly heroes!
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Call today to schedule your tour! Pemberly Place offers Pet-Friendly Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Support. ON-SITE MEDICAL CLINIC
Pemberly Place is the only senior living community in Nebraska that has its own on-site medical clinic. Archer Place Medical Clinic, gives residents the healthcare they need without the hassle of leaving home.
Call for a tour! 402-413-9770 | www.PemberlyPlace.com 7655 Archer Place, Lincoln, NE