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Class Itinerary -:10 1) Teacher arrives and sets up classroom prior to student arrival.

:00 2) Children arrive quietly and put backpacks and guitar casesunder and behind chairs while you play arrival music.

:05 3) Stand up and lead kids through the noise game. Have them make as much noise as they can, then give them silence signal to make them stop. Use variations (strum guitar, stomp feet, laugh like maniacs, etc.). This will help them releaseexcessenergy, while having them practice seeing your silence signal.


4) Establish and\or play song of the day


5) Tune Guitars

6) Bring class to order with call and responsegame (Shave and a hair cut, charge!! Classic waltz lick).


7) Play together something basic like half note/quarter note exercisesback to back..


8) Practice \ Lesson time – Let more advanced kids practice whatever they’re working on while you give a lesson to less advanced kids –OR- Split kids into groups based on levels and float from group to group.


9) Pick and teach a song all or most can play to play together as class.


10) Write assignments into their books.

:00 10) Have each kid grab their chair and music stand and bring it back to where it belongs (Or just have kids help you break down class).

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