Supermarket Sales and Merchandising
Merchandising is any practice which contributes to the sale of products to a retail consumer and sale is the act of selling a product or service in return for money or other compensation. Signalling completion of the prospective stage, it is the beginning of an engagement between customer and vendor the extension of that engagement.
Sales and Merchandising Relation Sales and merchandising are two different functions, they are closely related. Effective merchandising leads to sales, even without the aid of a salesperson, as it induces customers to make purchases. For example, aprominently displayed mannequin attractively adorned in the latest fashions can entice customers to try on and possibly purchase the clothing. The technique of cross merchandising, where two compatible items are displayed together, can lead to additional purchases.
Skill Differences While workers in a retail environment may be required to perform sales and merchandising functions, there are some differences in the skills needed for each. The sales function requires strong verbal presentation skills to persuade customers to make a purchase, as well as customer service skills.
Basic Difference Merchandising is where you display a product eg. skipping ropes in a way which is appealing to a customer eg. instead of the skipping ropes being in a basket, hanging them up neatly on a wall grouping them in brand, sort, colour etc. Sales is actually selling the product to the customer which is usually helped with good merchandising.
In-store merchandising is a term applied to any method for maximizing sales at the retail level by making a product stand out from competing products or simply stand out from the clutter of messages in the store environment. It applies to making sure that your product is displayed properly and in sufficient quantity, in its allotted space, with the appropriate merchandising materials, and without other products encroaching on your shelf space. In-store merchandising is also the last chance to present shoppers with information about a product's features, benefits, price, and positioning. Thus it has implications for packaging and the complete array of point-of-purchase (POP) materials, such as product displays, posters, banners, shelf-talkers, and danglers..
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