SCW January 2018 Edition

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STRONG & COURAGEOUS WOMEN A magazine designed to influence the modern day woman from a Christian perspective. It is written to encourage, strengthen, bring resolve, and draw courage to her walk in life. Creating a fierce community of women while tackling real life issues. CONTACT SCW: Strong Courageous Women

FOUNDER:Francis Fernandez PHOTOGRAPHY: Studio 33

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TABLES OF CONTENTS Life From the Desk of the Editor A Lonely Light by Michelle Athens Sharing the Light By Suzette Ladouceur Alone But Not Lonely By Chelsea Drinkard Living the Light By Joy Morey

Well-Being 8-Personalities to Avoid on the Journey to Success By Karen Gillman Plan for Success in Fitness By Faye Adams Spread Light & Love By Rachel Ward

Leisure Honey Sweet Potatoe Falafel Recipe By Esther Volmar The Beauty of Ireland By Amy Barker New Year New Books to Read by Martha Brangenberg



FROM THE DESK OF THE EDITOR Our theme for this edition is “LIGHT” based on Luke 2:32 which reads, “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”

Christ not only brings light, but He also brings deliverance from the darkness”


s I prepared for this edition of SCW I found myself going thru a bible study by Lysa TerKeurst titled “Finding I Am”. It’s entirely a beautiful study based on the “I Am” statements found in the Bible. No other statement rang truer to me than “I Am The Light”. We find Jesus making this statement in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world”. There was much to learn from this study for me as a leader, but I felt that statement was the one God wanted me to focus on this edition of SCW. You’ll find that each article is posed with the question “How is Jesus the Light” in our marriages, our home, our life, and even our fashion choices. Lysa says, “Christ not only brings light, but He also brings deliverance from the darkness”. What a powerful truth that is. He should be the light we invite into our lives, but we should also seek His deliverance from the darkness that surrounds us. I pray that thru this edition of SCW you find ways to invite the light of Jesus into your life. Feel free to share with me via email at in what ways you’ve experienced His light thru these articles. The women that have come along side me in this journey have surely sought God on how to share His light with each of you. As our contributor Joy Morey shares with you in her article “Living the Light” she says, “You are a light in the dark place! But the people are not drawn to you for who you are, they are drawn to you for what you can give” How will you draw others to Jesus and share His light? Let us know by connecting with us on social media via Facebook at Strong and Courageous Women. I’ll be praying for you!



er husband bursts into the house. His smile is so wide he can hardly get it over the threshold and through the narrow doorway. “Guess what,” he exclaims, tossing his things onto the sofa and crossing the living room to where she sits.

A Lonely Light When your spouse is in the dark BY: MICHELLE ATHENS

He scoops her up in his embrace, twirling her around so that her feet are hardly touching the carpet. “Wow! What in the world happened?” she giggles, tightening her arms around his neck. He sets her down gently. Holding her by the shoulders and bending ever so slightly to meet her gaze, he says, “Today I gave my life to Jesus. I don’t know what came over me, but I just knew I had to do it. The pastor was preaching, and I felt something. It was so powerful. Now I know what you’ve been talking about all this time.” Just then, the worship music begins to play, and she is snapped back to reality. She’s still in church. The pastor is wrapping up his message. People are starting to stand. She stares at the empty seat next to her, wishing as she did every Sunday, that her husband had agreed to come with her. Have you ever felt that way? You’re not alone. This is reality for many Christian women.

Why God wants us to be equally yoked. The Bible warns against being unequally yoked in 2 Corinthians 6:14, Don’t become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark? (The Message Bible) 6

And for good reason. Like the good father that He is, this command for our own protection. God knows our marriages will eventually suffer as a result of our different beliefs and values. True intimacy is found in spiritual unity. As Christians, we are supposed to submit our most intimate selves to God’s influence. It’s impossible to unite a Spirit-led soul to one

Save your breath. Your actions will speak volumes over your words. A quiet example of genuine godliness is what will win your spouse over in the end. Never stop being loving and respectful.

that is at odds with God. Spiritually mismatched marriages are missing out on the full richness of love God intended marriage to be.

What if you are already in a spiritually mismatched marriage?

Remember that you’re still a Christian.

How can you help your spouse get closer to Jesus? Here are some tips on shining your evangelic light in the most effective way possible.

Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. (Ephesians 5:25) That means to the death. That means the ultimate sacrifice.Wives, God calls you to treat your husband with the same respect as the church does for Jesus. Jesus is the head of the church as the husband is the head of the household. We aren’t excused from this just because our spouses aren’t operating under the same value system. The fact that your spouse isn’t a Christian makes it even more essential to model what Christianity means and shine that light every single day. Our ultimate commitment is to honor God first. Being the only believer within a marriage can be a lonely walk at times. When you want to share something, the Lord has revealed to you through scripture and your spouse looks at you like you’ve got two heads, it can be rough. But keep your faith. God knows what’s in your spouse’s heart and just how to deal with it. While you may feel alone, know that Jesus is always with you. He can fill the gaps you didn’t even know you had.

Release Your Spouse to God

Remember God is in control. Your spouse will walk his or her own spiritual journey with God. They may be on a path that you don’t know anything about. You must let that unfold organically. It can’t be forced. Be patient. God sees everything, and His timing is always perfect. He’s the one that will flip the switch in your spouse’s heart, not you. Pray, but stay out of His way.

Don’t nag.

Ever been tempted to ask your spouse when he/she will get right with the Lord? Over and over again? Fight that urge. Let’s face it. Nagging is a spouse repellent. Personally speaking, it’s never produced an effective positive response in my own husband. It makes him rebel against whatever I’m trying to get him to do and it ends up taking twice as long to accomplish. He may eventually fix that squeaky door hinge, but it certainly won’t be in any joyful kind of way.


A writer who is eternally grateful for the “perfect for her” husband God has blessed her with. Find her @ 7

Sharing the Light with



Did you grow up singing “Thy Word” by Amy Grant, or am I just dating myself?

a flash light a clear path in your home a couple of stuffed animals

The words are based off of Psalm 119:105, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

Before the activity, take the stuffed animals and place them strategically on the ground in your cleared path. With the lights out, use your flashlight to read Psalm 119:105 from the Bible to them. It is important for this activity that you use an actual Bible.

Are you humming the song now? Not only can we teach this verse to our children through song, but in a beautiful visual as well.

Tell your children that the flashlight is going to represent the Bible. To avoid any injuries or tripping, walk one child at a time in the dark with only the light of the flashlight to guide your way and repeat the verse to her as you walk.

Our goal when teaching our children God’s Word is to show them that the Bible was given to us as a guide to get us from Point A (our lives) to Point B (God). Our paths will not always be smooth. There may be pitfalls, stumbling blocks, or sudden trappings that are meant to keep us from reaching our goal. Yet, when we shine God’s Word onto any and every situation, we can see the way before us and make the adjustments in our steps that we need to take in order to avoid tripping and falling.

Make sure that your light shines on the stuffed animals that are meant to block the path. Help them to see that God’s Word will alert us to things in our lives that can cause us to trip and fall. God’s Word truly is a light. It shines in the darkest places of our hearts and minds and brings awareness to us when we are not living in a way that honors God. In the same way, God’s Word will do that for our children, but only if we are helping them hide God’s word in their hearts.…

To help our children see how God’s Word helps us navigate the path we are walking in our journey of life, you will need:a Bible


Her desire is to share her experiences, life lessons, and simple tips to inspire and build up women. Find her @ 9


Can we be alone but not lonely? Have you ever questioned God about where you are on your single journey? You just want more clarity or confirmation that you’re heading in the right direction? Maybe, if God just whispered, “Your husband’s name is _______. You will meet _____, have ____kids and your career will______” about your future to ease the itch of who, where and when?


than 20 feet in front of me. I felt a title wave of thoughts rush back into my mind, “how can I hike if I can’t see where I am going? I am not prepared for cold weather.” I remembered I had the authority to “take every thought to make it obedient to Christ” and kept climbing. How often does God only reveal our next step? He will only show us the glimpse we need to move forward. If I would have seen what lied ahead, I would have been distracted by the wet, slippery rocks I was going to have to climb over, the muddy water I would trudge through and fallen branches blocking my path. I would not have not been prepared for the decisions I would have to make; deciphering what the signs said, which trail I was supposed to stay on and not following hikers who detoured off the trail.

recently spent a few weeks alone traveling and hiking. My first stop was the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee. I decided to challenge myself to hike 11.2-mile hike on a cold, windy, cloudy and foggy day, little did I know what my Heavenly Father had in store. In the beginning, the path was wide, and the sun was glistening through the leaves. The breeze kept me cool enough to avoid breaking a sweat and the rushing water of the creek was my soundtrack. To my surprise, the longer I hiked, the darker the sky and the narrower and steeper the trail. As the incline increased, the fact the path was getting narrower, steep and my vision of what was ahead was hidden amongst the clouds I would feel doubt creeping over one shoulder and fear was over the other. “What if I am going the wrong way? 11.2 miles is a long way, what if I can’t do it? What if there is someone following me? What if I get hurt? No one would be able to find me”. Holy Spirit reminded me of 2 Corinthians 10:5, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” I knew what I had to do to get to where I wanted to go. As I continued, the fog thickened, and temperature dropped. I quickly put up my hood and stuffed my hands in my jacket. The fog became so thick, I couldn’t see clearly more

I really do not think I would have chosen that trail, if I knew what I was going to face and overcome. Is there something in your life that if God would have shown you the whole picture you would have said, “No way, I am NOT doing that; I can’t do that! I don’t know how to” but here you are now, at the top of the mountain? Our Heavenly Father wants what is best for His daughters; He knows and protects our hearts, so we can “press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). 10

How do we know if we are on the right path? Applying scripture, is the only way we will know if you are on the right path: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5 Holy Spirit lives inside of us and His desire and purpose is to “teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to

you” John 14:6. We can confidently hike the trail set before us, trusting our Heavenly Father as He leads us one step at a time. Although, we might be walking alone without a husband or boyfriend, we aren’t lonely, the Holy Spirit will lead us down the right path. Join me to choose trust, to believe our Heavenly Father has our best interest in mind and will guide us every step.


A millennial with an Entrepreneurial spirit leading Christian Business Women’s Connection. Find her 11

Living The Light BY JOY MOREY 12


magine this… you walk into an alley on a cold and rainy evening. As your eyes adjust to the night, you see lumps of life in corners and under tarps. In the middle of that alley, you set up a large barrel, throw in some wood, and coax a fire to life. Slowly, the shadowy figures take form as they move towards the heat and light. But you’re not done; you pull out a rack and lay it on top of the barrel and throw on some hot dogs. Now, the people move closer to you, curious… and hungry. You smile, welcome them, and hand them a hot dog in a fresh bun. You are a light in that dark place! But the people are not drawn to you for who you are, they are drawn to you for what you can give! It was the same with Jesus! The people were drawn to Jesus, not because He was the Son of God, but because of what He gave. He told interesting stories, He exuded the joy of the Lord, He fed them well, He healed the sick, and brought their dead back to them. Jesus’ actions set free those who were captive physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Imagine the joy of the woman who was accused of adultery but walked away with a new perspective. Jesus was Light and Life (John 1:4) before the foundations of the earth! Upon His birth, that Light became manifested in a way that many could see but did not truly understand. What they did understand was what Jesus did! His actions were a revelation of wholeness that the people desperately craved! Knowing His time on earth was short, Jesus passed the torch to His followers in Matthew 5: “You are the light of the world!” The Passion Translation says it this way, “Your lives light up the world. Let others see your light from a distance, for how can you hide a city that stands on a hilltop? So don’t hide JOY MOREY - FAITH

your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that the commendable things you do will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14, 16 TPT) My heart’s desire is to be like Jesus… and as I study His life, I realize that He declared Himself as the Light of the world only after He had spent a lot of time being the Light! It was His actions, anointing, and attitude that drew people to Him. As believers, too often we are guilty of more talking than being. Jesus challenged us to BE the light by demonstrating His love in a way that everyone could see it. What if that barrel of warmth and light were us? What if we exuded light and life in the dark places of our world through our actions instead of our words? Once we choose to follow Jesus, you and I are appointed as the light of the world carrying the Good news of the Kingdom of God. But words without actions have little impact on a society of calloused hearts. It is as we demonstrate integrity, compassion, acceptance, patience, and generosity, that those in our realm of influence will be drawn to the Light of Jesus in us. Establishing authentic relationships through living as His light will naturally (and eventually) open doors to share the truth of His love and sacrifice. Then, what wonderful opportunities will come for His truth to fall on the fertile soil of hungry or hurting hearts! So believer, follower of Jesus… be the LIGHT! For the Light of all mankind lives in you and me! As we grow to know Him more deeply, embracing His love for us, our actions, attitude, and anointing will shine brightly and draw others to Him. Let’s walk in our destiny together, reflecting the Father’s love, allowing our actions to shine His marvelous Light into the darkness of this world.

She is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, but most importantly, a Princess daughter of the King of kings! She hopes that her words will always be ones that build others up and encourage them to fulfill their destiny. Find her 13

8 Personalities to Avoid on The Journey to Success - and How to be an Encouragement in Return BY KAREN S. GILLMAN


ou’ve heard me share this belief before, “You are the average of the ten people you spend the most time with.” It is a fact that the people we hang out with, the people we call friends (including family), all have an influence on the decisions we make in life, and therefore the success we have (or don’t have). Nobody knows the desires of your heart aside from your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Not everyone will push you to be better. Not everyone will encourage you to take risks. Not everyone has your future and your goals in mind when giving you advise. It is important to be aware and consciously choose who you spend time with and who you allow to fill up your headspace. There are only so many hours in a day. Are you investing them or wasting them?

3. The Complainers


Complainers are the people who are always faultfinding about how bad their life or job or whatever is. They constantly whine about everything but never do anything about it.

1. The Entitled

These are the people who feel like they are entitled to certain things in life, they do not have to work for anything and the people around them owe them something. They are also the ones who will try to talk you out of following your dreams because of the sole fact that they don’t include serving them. You, nor anyone else, are entitled to anything. If you want the good life, you have to create it and work towards it. Encourage the entitled by expressing gratitude.

Pessimism is contagious. Think twice before sitting down with a complainer as their negative thinking WILL infect you. Encourage the complainers with positivity. The complainers will draw power from your positive disposition and display of an optimistic attitude.

4. The Worn-Down Socialite

2. The Mockers

They’re the ones who are planning which events they are attending – seven days a week. Sure, the party animal might be fun, but use caution—they will distract you from your dreams. If the party, networking event or social occasion does not serve you or your priorities – beware! Avoid saying yes to every invitation.

These are the people who are making fun of you and the things you do while working towards your goals. Listen carefully, they will give their selves away in the stories they share and their observations of your goals. Set boundaries and choose to respond in grace instead of a defensive reaction. Encourage the mockers confident and steadfast.


Encourage the over-extended socialite by sharing your need for balance and priorities.

remaining 14

5. The Cynics

This is a one-sided relationship and not one that is fueling your future plans. Encourage the chatterbox by scheduling short conversations with specific talking points. Help them understand and respect that both of your time is precious.

Cynics can be downers—they will listen to your big dreams, but they will be the first ones to tell you they don’t think it is a good idea or not to get your hopes up. They disparage your dreams by downplaying them. Don’t overanalyze their feedback. Instead, limit your time with this type of person. Encourage the cynics by sharing snippets of your wins. Allow them just enough room to witness your success for themselves.

8. The Takers

These are the people who are around you only for their gain. Eager to take all that you are willing to give, but not so quick to give back. This is a one-sided hand – and its usually palm up. Look for friends who equally give and take. Their hand is palm up with gratitude and thanksgiving and palm down when holding yours or guiding you one step closer to your dreams. Encourage the takers by continuing to give with a grateful heart. Allow them to see the givers heart. Be the living example that God has called us all to be. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says, Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift his fellow up. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lay together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken. It is extremely important to keep supportive people around you, people who encourage you and lift your spirits when you are losing motivation. Lead by example and surround yourself with people who will support and inspire you to chase your dreams, through the good and the bad. Your success depends on it.

6. The Prayerless

These are your friends or family who you never witness in prayer. If they are not talking to your Heavenly Father, how can they possibly know what He knows? Which are the desires of your heart! Avoid spending large amounts of time with the prayerless. Encourage the prayerless by continuing to lift them up in prayer. Offer to pray for them. Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. Romans 12:9-13

7. The Chatterbox

These are the people who are in constant chatter, often about nothing. They spend far more time talking then they ever do listening. If you find you are in relation with someone in your top 10 who talk ten times more than they listen – beware!


Her life work is devoted to helping others seek God and through Him realize and go after their hearts desires. Find her 15


“Do you have a New Year’s Resolution?”


WeightLoss: Plan for Success BY FAYE ADAMS

ou know you’ll be asked the question at least once because this is the pivotal time of year when dreams of improvement and progress are born. For so many people, the start of a new year offers a “reset”. No matter what happened the year before, we view January 1st as the “official” first page in a brand-new book that is yet to be written. And so, we make our resolutions in the hopes of seeing something new and different in our lives. And yet… How many people do you think actually keep their resolutions? I know from personal experience as a member at a local gym, the beginning of the year can offer some challenges for us “regulars”. This is the time of the year when fitness classes that we normally attend get filled quickly by those who are now “motivated” to exercise, and we now find it a challenge to get a parking space. But unfortunately, the sad reality for us as regulars, is that we can find comfort in the fact that... “In just a few weeks, this will all die down.” Numbers will decrease, and parking spaces will once again be easily available to us.

Why? Because the enthusiasm and initial momentum created from the beginning of the New Year “hype” is not enough to maintain one’s success along the journey. It goes along with a familiar quote that says, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Many people “wish” for change and begin their race with a lot of excitement at the start of the New Year. However, there is a lot more to accomplishing that change than merely enthusiasm and motivation. How many times before I finally found success did I start out excited to lose weight only to relapse into patterns of unhealthy eating and inconsistent in my exercise? One too many, I can assure you. But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. You can reach the goals that you set for yourself in the New Year. Let me offer you seven helpful suggestions that will keep you from becoming a New 17

Year’s Resolution statistic. Know Your “Why”: Are these extra pounds a giant in your life that has kept you feeling inferior to others? Has your weight caused you to experience unnecessary physical problems that could be reversed with a good diet and exercise? Would losing some weight cause you to finally start loving the person God created you to be? Has food become a stronghold in your life? Find your “why” and then keep that always in the forefront of your mind… So that on the days when you’re feeling weak and want to quit, you remember “why” you entered the battle in the first place. This giant must fall. You will have the victory through Christ.

be a regular treat). But… I can either give into instant gratification and cravings and reap unwanted results or resist (and even cry over the struggle -true story) and find victory. How good does it feel getting on the scale the next morning after a previous night’s struggle and finding you’re down two pounds from where you were just a few days ago? Trust me, it’s worth it. (See Luke 14:28) Have Strategies in Place: Do you know what steps you’ll need to take in order to reach your goal? I know that when it has come to me working towards weight-loss and healthy eating, learning from someone else has always been a key factor in my success. Whether you get a food and fitness plan from a dietician, a fitness instructor at the gym, a knowledgeable friend, or whether you study on your own, getting wisdom and advice from those who are in the “know” will be pivotal to your success. (See Proverbs 15:22) Surround Yourself with Support: Will there be days when you’ll want to sleep in and skip the gym before work…Of course! Will there be days when you feel a craving for a second “cheat” meal even though you just had one two days ago? Sure there will! But this is where knowing you’re not alone in your fight for change comes into play. Having a friend who also has similar goals can be there to help and offer encouragement along the way. Maybe they’ll be the voice that keeps you from eating that second cheat meal. Or perhaps you do eat that second cheat meal. What then? Talking to a friend who truly cares and who is supportive of your transformation journey will help you extend grace to yourself and also be there to reassure you that you will get back up again. (Proverbs 24:16; Ephesians 4:10) Depend on God: Regardless of anyone’s level of motivation for achieving change,

(See Romans 8:37; 1 Corinthians 6:12; 15:57)

Have a Clear Goal and a Deadline: What is it that you want to accomplish? Do you want to lose five pounds? Ten pounds? Forty? Write it down. Then find an achievable deadline in which that goal can be accomplished. Post a picture of what you envision for yourself along with an end date. Hang that size 8 dress you’ve been dying to fit back into in a visible location of your home. Understand what your long-term goal is, and then break that goal into smaller manageable goals along the way. In that way you will be able to celebrate the small (but very important) milestones as you work toward your larger vision. (See Habakkuk 2:2; Proverbs 29:18) Count the Cost: What is it going to take to get you to the place where you want to be? Will there be sacrifices you’ll have to make along the way? Will it be easy? These are all questions you should ask yourself before beginning any journey you want to see through to the end. Trust me, there have been nights when I have gone to bed feeling upset inside because I have to say “no” to enjoying a favorite dessert (which used to 18

true success is always dependent on God. What if you completely change your physical appearance on the outside, yet remain filled with insecurity on the inside? Did you truly achieve success through the weight-loss? I’d like to submit that it was only partial success. Honestly, during my weight-loss journey last year, there were days when I didn’t see the change that was occurring and became frustrated. And yet, in my frustration, I cried out to God and each time found the motivation I needed to press on. I’ve learned over the years that my own bootstraps aren’t strong enough to help me stand up, and so dependency on God has become my greatest strength. In Him, we can always find comfort and the strength to continue.

yet, here I am today, writing as the fitness contributor for SCW and sharing my success. In the words of Paul, we can say, “I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.” (Philippians 3:13 NIV) Be excited about the New Year and all that God has in store for you, and don’t ever shy away from the vision you have for yourself simply because you think it’s more than you ever thought you could achieve. It’s time to see your hopes and dreams become a reality. God loves you, and He wants to help you accomplish the dreams He’s placed in your heart. Go forward in confidence, with your vision, plan, and support in place. You were made to slay giants… and with God’s help, this is the year you can see them fall.

(See Psalm 30:5; Isaiah 40:31)

Believe in Your Success: The title of this article could be translated two ways depending on how you interpret the word “plan”. First, as was explained above, you want to ensure that you follow a clear path for success. You need to know your goal and how to accomplish it. But secondly, “expect” success! As you begin your journey, it is equally important that you expect yourself to succeed! Don’t think about the past or how many times you’ve tried to lose the weight before and failed. That’s not the kind of thinking that will propel you forward. I’ve been there myself, trust me! How many times did I start a diet only to get off track? And

Disclaimer: This article was shared by one of our contributors from her personal experience who was able to make a weight-loss transformation of over 20 pounds by following a path as the one described above. Always consult your doctor before beginning an exercise or weight-loss plan to ensure your body will be able to adjust in a healthy way to it.


Her greatest desire in life is to please the Lord, point others to Him, and bring Him honor. Find her 19

Back to the lighthouse {sorry, I get easily sidetracked!}. I always encourage women to share their story because you never know who is listening and needs to know they are not alone. I have no qualms sharing my story in hopes that someone will identify and not be afraid to speak up and confide in me because I’m authentic and relatable. This is where the lighthouse comes in. While we were talking, my life coach envisioned me as a lighthouse. She visualized it above and beyond, high up. Lighthouses deliver a give/ take function – they give out light but draw people near because they feel safe. Since that conversation I look at light houses with a whole new meaning and also adopted the phrase “Spread light and love” in my business.

Spread Light & Love

What light do YOU shine on a daily basis? Do you get dressed, accessorize and step out the door with your best foot forward every day? Let’s face it, some days we don’t even want to get out of bed, am I right? But, every day God gives us an opportunity for new life, new love and new light. When we shine brightly for the world to see, people notice a glow about us and question how we got it, right? The glow we exude is no secret, it’s Jesus. His light and love for us shine through us allowing that glow to overtake us. Do you share this light with others? I read a quote by Edith Wharton that states “there are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” Which one are you? Fashion relates a lot to light, specifically in photography. The way the light reflects our eyes and our smile is the difference between a good picture and an amazing picture.



arlier this year I was working with a life coach. In our first session, with her prophetic gifting, she pictured a lighthouse. During a bible study, a friend once mentioned that one of the strengths she saw in me was that I was a “connector”. I had never looked at it as strength because it comes naturally but her pointing that out made me own the fact that I thrive on connecting people to other people or organizations or events or what have you. I love seeing women connect with other women and form friendships, share stories or collaborate on business ventures.

In fashion we have the power to be unique and promote our own style. Fashion makes us individual and represents our true self. It shows our innate ability to create a look that represents not only who we are but how we feel. Days I wake up and feel great, my outfit and hair and makeup reflect that mood. Days when I wake up feeling not so great, I throw on workout clothes (even though I have no intention to work out), throw my hair in a bun 20

and go sans make up. Even though we are daughters of the King of Kings, we are still entitled to some down days, aren’t we? But, no matter your mood, you should always be shining and shedding light on the biggest love of your life, Jesus. The glow he gives us is by far the best accessory we can ever wear. Matthew 5:14-16 says “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it give light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” You can’t hide a city on a hill just like you shouldn’t hide your love for Jesus. We hide our light by being quiet when we should speak up, going along with the crowd, allowing sin to dim our light, denying the light altogether, not explaining our light to others and ignoring the needs of others. Don’t shut your light off; always be a beacon of hope and truth. I used to think I couldn’t love fashion and love Jesus at the same time. Then, my friend who said I was a “connector”, who happens to be a stylist, let me know that I can love both. Praise God! I can love shopping, fashion and accessorizing while still loving Jesus and allowing my light to shine through the way I dress and speak. Now, go out into the world my gorgeous friend and SPREAD LIGHT AND LOVE. And when you see a lighthouse, think of me. Xoxo Rachel RACHEL WARD- FASHION

She has been in fashion for 20+ years. She owns Gemara’s Gems (Jewelry Distribution) and Rachel Gemara (an inspirational shirt line to empower and inspire women). You can get fashion inspiration, be in community with awesome fashionistas and SHOP her jewels and shirts. Find her at gemarasgems/


Sweet Potato & Chickpea Falafel BY: ESTHER VOLMAR


FALAFELS: 1 medium sweet potato, peeled and finely grated 1 (15-oz) can chickpeas, rinsed and drained 2/3 cup brown rice flour (great to use gluten-free option, however any flour will do) 1/4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped, divided 1 medium yellow onion, minced 2 large eggs, beaten 2 tablespoons tahini 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon curry powder Salt Pepper 23



May The Road Rise Up To Meet You

A Trip to Ireland BY AMY BARKER

rom the moment your plane approaches the astounding coastline of Ireland and you see firsthand the rolling hills, the expansive green grass unlike any shade you can find in a crayon box, and the stone walls that stretch across farmlands in all directions, you are smitten. There is a nostalgic innocence about Ireland and that’s why I found myself returning for THE SECOND TIME. On my first trip to Ireland, I landed in Dublin and traveled to the southern coast to stay in a B&B in Cork, the second most populous city in the Republic of Ireland. While that was lovely, this trip was far more rustic. On this trip, in early October, we flew into Shannon, rented a car and proceeded to drive on the primarily narrow roads to Adare, a small town of just a few thousand people in County Limerick. There, we had booked an Airbnb cottage on a working farm that, as an added bonus, included a sweet Australian Shepherd named Wilson who greeted our comings and goings. The cottage appeared to be renovated from what was once a hay barn but had every amenity we needed, albeit unrefined. It truly was the type of little stone cottage with a loft and a pot belly, wood burning fire place that you imagine yourself writing novels in. From Shannon’s well-situated location, we were able to take several day trips to some amazing Ireland attractions and towns. We began our exploration with a day trip to the Cliffs of Moher. The Cliffs are massive, 702 feet high and they span across eight miles across the coast of Ireland. On my prior trip, on a far clearer day, I was able to climb to the top and take in a view of the Aran Islands, cows grazing carelessly and freely within mere feet behind a protective fence and a variety of birds that literally leaves you speechless. On this day, however, the skies were thick with moisture and the winds were relentless, necessitating a return visit the following day which fared much better results. I wasn’t about to visit Ireland and not visit the Cliffs of Moher and neither should you. Galway is a harbor city on Ireland’s west coast where the River Corrib meets the Atlantic Ocean. Just a leisurely drive from the Cliffs through very narrow farmland roads where you are side by side 25


the landscape becomes a mixture of rivers, lakes, woodlands, rich meadowlands, rugged hills, dramatic mountains and even stunning unpolluted coastline of sandy beaches and blue waters. We will have to see that gem on our return trip to Ireland since the weather was uncooperative on this particular day (yes, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!) For every star God put in the sky, it is said, He laid a million stones in Connemara.

with miles of those un-mortared stone walls and the occasional sheep herder, we gratefully dove into a restaurant for what turned out to be the best meal of our trip. Every meal in Ireland was wonderful and fresh but this particular generous bowl of seafood chowder with a hospitable hunk of piping hot Irish soda bread complete with rich, Irish butter was a piece of heaven. Topped off with hot tea and a feisty Irish server with a wicked sense of humor made for a completely cozy, lingering lunch. Forget what you’ve ever heard about Irish food just being potatoes~ Ireland’s variety of food from bangers and mash to fish and chips was nothing but first rate. Connemara is also located in the western county of Galway and it is said that it’s the “real beauty of Ireland”. There is a scenic drive you can take where

On our final day in Ireland, we drove to Kinsale, a fishing town in County Cork. It was a beautiful, cool day and we meandered the many shops, chatted with the always friendly retailers and even bought the nearly mandatory Claddagh ring which I now happily wear as my wedding ring. There is a charm and sincere friendliness in this country that sets it apart and Kinsale didn’t disappoint. From an impromptu barbershop visit for my husband where I sat waiting side by side with Molly the Irish Setter (of course) to the decadent dessert in a bakery overlooking the main thoroughfare of this village setting to the colorful shops that beg to be visited, Kinsale was simply delightful.

So, to my new Irish friends, until next time…..

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. traditional Gaelic blessing

AMY BARKER – TRAVEL She is a Pastor’s wife, a mom, a Morai to a beautiful grandson, new step-mom and step-grandma, a newly ordained Pastor, a struggler, a conqueror, a lover of good books, a committed friend, a crazy-about-animals but especially my rescue pit bull girl, a fan of long weekends away discovering new sites and a Christian striving to be all that God intends her to be. Find her 27

New Year New Books to Read BY MARTHA BRANGENBERG

Navigating in the dark is hard. When we drive down the highway at night, we automatically turn on our headlights. If we need to walk in a dark alley, we flip on our cellphone flashlight. Why then do we try to navigate our spiritual life without light for our Path? We have been given a perfect lamp to walk by, but do we access it? God’s Word is the source of light for our lives. Now walk in the light! Psalm 119:

105 Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.


31 Proverbs to Light Your Path by Liz Curtis Higgs

The book of Proverbs has 31 chapters, but this time we are just looking at 31 verses. Liz Curtis Higgs provides the framework to whet our appetite towards the book of Proverbs, full of wisdom, comfort, and challenge. At the end of each day is a “One Minute, One Step” to make sure we apply what we learn to keep walking in His path. Marriage:

No more perfect marriages by Mark & Jill Savage 28

Mark & Jill Savage share from their REALlife marriage experiences. They are not perfect people, but have allowed God to use them to teach others about being real in our marriages. In fact, they said writing this book felt like getting naked in front of strangers. Their fun format includes hearing both of their voices in the writing. My copy is well underlined and dogeared for future reference. Bibles:

The One Year Bible: Expressions

I love reading through the Bible in a year. This NLT version has some beautiful features for you to consider. In a journal format, the wide margins give you plenty of room to write and color. Artwork is dispersed through some of the margins, ready for you to color. Allowing scripture into your daily life will illuminate the path God has for you. Cookbook:

The Gift of Bread by Karen Whiting Who doesn’t love a warm loaf of fresh bread? Combine a great bread recipe with some warm biblical inspiration and you have the makings of a good book like this one! Karen Whiting takes life experiences, Biblical wisdom, and recipes to create a book for any kitchen. MARTHA BRANGENBERG-BOOKS

She works alongside her husband, as host on the iWork4Him radio program weekdays on WTBN AM 570 & 910 in Tampa Bay and online around the world. Their desire is to help listeners incorporate Christ in their workplace, wherever that workplace might be. Find her 29

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