LEAF award winner

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LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten

Wieringen Passage A constructionplan designed at a regional scale

If there is one spatial development that has captured the

of housing islands, subdivision principles and the design of

Wieringermeer with its long strong lines.

Program: 1845-2100 new houses, 664 hectares for new

headlines in the Netherlands in recent years, it is the

bridges, housing thresholds and water levels.

In the eastern part the water is relatively deep and banks

natural areas and a new 850-hectare lake

plan to separate the former island of Wieringen from the

Wieringen is very old and up to 1930 was an island; the

are steep. The easternmost island is like a boat floating in

polders of Noord-Holland by the creation of a new lake. A

Wieringermeer polder is pumped dry only in the 1930’s.

the lake. In the northeastern part a new housing island is

Designers: Strootman Landschapsarchitecten

mayor had to step down, letters were sent to government

The designers had a preference for the scenario in which

nestled against a relic of the former ‘boezem’ of the polder

(Berno Strootman, Gloria Font, Bieke van Hees, René van der

ministers asking them to examine the plan critically, and an

Wieringen was to become the sole boulder clay island of the

Waard-Nieuwland, that will dissolve in the future lake.

Velde, Ymkje van de Witte and Thijs van der Zouwen).

angry artist who spent three months in prison for setting

Netherlands once again, with offshore sandbanks providing

Moreover, the historical dyke, the Wierdijk, which is now

In collaboration with PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes

fire to the planner’s office. At the beginning of 2008, the

space for the development of recreational facilities and

on the border between Wieringen and the polder can regain

(Jaap van den Bout, Monique Mooij, Leonie Rupert and Bas

municipalities of Wieringen and Wieringermeer as well as

housing. This version envisages the flooding of the entire

its traditional significance. Extensive areas for recreation

van der Vinne), Jos Rademakers Ecologie en Ontwikkeling,

the province of Noord-Holland approved the masterplan

polder of Waard-Nieuwland and part of Wieringermeer.

and beaches will be scattered around the islands. There will

Witteveen+Bos Consulting Engineers

for the Wieringen Passage. This new passage to the south

also be space available for housing on the other (eastern)

of the former island of Wieringen is intended to connect

Ecological gradients are to be introduced depending on

side of the lake at the Robbenoordbos, which will have

Commissioned by Boskalis, Volker Wessels Vastgoed, the

the Amstelmeer with the IJsselmeer. Around 2000 new

the depth of the water and the situation in relation to the

waterways for pleasure boats. An ecological corridor will be

municipalities of Wieringen and Wieringermeer, and the

permanent and recreational dwellings are planned in and

island, ranging from the shallow foreshores to the reed

created on the south shore.

province of Noord-Holland

around the passage. The Wieringen passage is expected to

lands just above water level, and from the wet grasslands to

provide a much-needed economic impetus to the region.

the dry-land wooded nature areas on the small islands with

We think that this large-scale, courageous intervention

Design 2007

In addition, the project will enlarge and improve natural

housing. Further it involves traffic design around the lake,

is the only way of providing the declining region with

Implementation period 2009–2032

habitat areas and improve agriculture, recreation and rural

subdivision principles and the design of bridges, housing

the desired socio-economic impulse. In the Netherlands,

Budget € 300,000,000

living standards in the area.

thresholds and water levels.

planners have to go back to the days of Cornelis Lely,

The Lago Wirense consortium – composed of Boskalis and

Area 1,600 ha

the engineer known for the Afsluitdijk (IJsselmeer dam)

Volker Wessels Vastgoed – commissioned the designers

The configuration of the new islands is partly based on

and IJsselmeer polders, for any long-term plans of this

at Strootman Landschapsarchitecten and Palmboom

sightlines to and from Wieringen. The shaped woodland-

magnitude. Some of the present residents and users find it

& van den Bout Stedenbouwkundigen to design the

elements play an important role in the visual structure of

difficult to accept that their agricultural landscape is going

masterplan, which was developed on the basis of various

this part of the lake. They outline spaces, connect, hide or

to be overturned for a recreational and nature landscape,

existing models designed by Bureau Alle Hosper. This is

emphasize different parts of the area. The atmosphere of the

which only their children and grandchildren will be able

a construction plan being designed at a regional scale. It

islands reflects the atmosphere of the land behind the dykes.

to enjoy. One of the designers puts it this way: ‘For

involves simultaneous conceptualization of a large water

In the western part the former Island of Wieringen has a

centuries, we sacrificed water for land without difficulty

body in the peninsula of Noord-Holland, traffic design

romantic, organically developed, soft-rolling landscape,

for our own well-being. Now we have to learn that it is

around the lake, design of water edges and banks, the form

while in the east there is the pragmatic polder of the robust

legitimate to sacrifice land for water for the same reason.’

LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten

Bird’s-eye view of the housing islands.

LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten


Former island of Wieringen (1930)

LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten


dkwaliteitsplan Wieringerrandmeer n

Masterplan Wieringerrandmeer The ‘’Schorren’’ plan October 2007 Droge graslanden

= Geluidswal

Natte graslanden

dry grasslands

= Ontsluiting auto

sound bar rier


wet grasslands

= Fietspad



= Voetpad

bicycle path

shrubs on sandy ridges

= Brug gemotoriseerd verkeer



Bescherming rietlanden

Ecozone Zuid

= Brug langzaam verkeer

reed lands

protection of reed lands

= Fietspont


car bridges bicycle bridge

Watersportgebonden bedrijvigheid ecozone - south

= Ondiepe vooroever, < N.A.P. -1.3 m bicycle ferry


= Water ondiep, < N.A.P. -1.9 m

harbour area

Locatie recreatiewoningen

shallow water ( 1.30 metres below sea level) = Water diep, < N.A.P. -3 m


Recreatief fort


recreational houses

= Vaargeul, < N.A.P. -4.25 m

recreational ‘forts’


2000 m.

shallow water ( 1.90 metres below sea level)

shallow water ( < 3 metres below sea level)

fairway ( 4.25 metres below sea level)



sound bar rier






bicycle path


car bridges bicycle bridge

bicycle ferry shallow water ( 1.30 metres below sea level) shallow water ( 1.90 metres below sea level)

shallow water ( < 3 metres below sea level)

fairway ( 4.25 metres below sea level)

2000 m.



2000 m.



LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten

Impressions of the historical (1930), current and future situation, seen from Wieringen.




Open views to the water from

Water in contact with the old dyke of

Open views to the water from

the island of Wieringen

the island of Wieringen

the island of Wieringen

New design for water and landscape

LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten

Location of shallow shorefaces

Reference image of shallow shorefaces

Location wood

Robbenoord wood

Location of reed marsh (natural reed-lands)

Reference image of natural reed marsh (photo:Joop van Reekum)

Location Southern dyke (dry ecological zone)

Reference image of Southern dyke (Wierholt)

Location of shrubs

Reference image waterlogged meadows (photo: Joop van Reekum)

Location of other nature (dykes, ecological connections)

-Reference image of other nature (dykes, ecological connections)

Ecotope types

Location of shrubs

Reference image of shrubs on ridges Lauwers lake (photo: Google Earth)

Areas in the Master Plan

Shallow shorefaces


215 ha.

Reed marsh


150 ha.

Waterlogged meadows


40 ha.



20 ha.



5 ha.

Southern dyke: dry ecological zone


75 ha.

Other nature: dykes, ecological connections


95 ha.

Total nature


600 ha.

Total Wieringerrandmeer

approx. 1,600 ha.


LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten

+0.30 water level -0.40 water level

Wier dyke


Typical section

Impression of the proposal



shrubs on sandy ridge

wet grassland

shallow water

housing area


LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten

Models of the housing proposals

LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten

Housing typologies

LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten

metres +/sea level

Wier dyke

New dyke

Wier-dyke with wet-land

housing area +0.70 (backwater level)


+0.30 (max. water level) +0.10 (floodgate closed) -0.20 -0.40


dry ecotopes

-0.40 (fixed water level) wet grasslands and shrubs reedlands shallow waters (type 1) shallow waters (type 2)

deep waters


Levels metres +/sea level

Wier-dyke with reed-land

LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten

LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten


LEAF Awards Master Planning & Landscaping PALMBOUT Urban Landscapes Strootman Landschapsarchitecten

Jaap van den Bout & Berno Strootman at the LEAF awards ceremony

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