Strootman Landscape Architects Contemporary survey 01
Piraeusplein 37 1019 NM Amsterdam / NL T. +31(0)20-419.41.69 F. +31(0)20-419.06.17
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Strootman Landscape Architects Strubben Kniphorstbosch Drentsche Aa Location Wieringen and Wieringermeer Schoonloo-Oost Bloemendalerpolder Water Treatment Park Het Lankheet Eusebiushof Arnhem Baena promenade Park Saksen Weimar Belvedères Drentsche Aa Smithfield Plaza Dublin
Strootman Landscape Architects Strootman Landscape Architects is a design office set up in 2002. The office is a mix of landscape architects & urbanists working on projects on the outer edges of the discipline. We explore crossover zones where landscape architecture meets urbanism, cultural history, ecology, art and architecture. This exploration takes us from regional plans to garden design, from rural areas to the city, and from research to realisation. We regularly collaborate with other disciplines such as ecology, architecture, transport planning, hydrology, & sociology. In our office we work on a mix of projects of divergent scales, both in rural and urban areas. We make plans for whole regions but also for parks, country estates, housing areas and squares.
Research & design
The Sublime
Spatial Heritage
Landscape Urbanism
Our work is characterized by a mix of analytical depth and
Increasing the drama of a landscape and intensifying the
The Dutch landscape has been formed by a long process
Cities around the world are expanding, the boundary with
visionary perspective. We work rationally and academically
emotions of the user is a central aspect in our work. In
of human intervention. Landscape Architecture in the
landscape is blurring and the difference between urban
in analysis and concept stages, then artistically and playfully
that sense we are romantics. Romance in our work is not
Netherlands is a part of this process, which means that
and rural environments has all but disappeared. Landscape
in the development of it. Our work is conceptual but always
a formal question, but has more to do with an intensity
we work on additions and adjustments to the landscape
is able to comprehend and order this new condition
with a view to being constructed; at the end of the day all
of life, related to the sublime. As landscape architects, we
and rarely in a ‘greenfield’ situation; every action in the
because the two have begun to resemble each other: the
that counts is what is to be built. We combine thought with
disagree with philosophers such as Kant and Burke, who
landscape is thus a transformative action.
city now changes, transforms and evolves as a landscape.
material craftsmanship; we strive for certain earthy quality,
claim that man-made landscapes cannot evoke the feeling
We approach design contextually, both in space and in
In integrated area developments we use landscape to order
warmth and playfulness.
of the sublime. Increasing the drama of a landscape, and
time. We set up a ‘dialogue’ between our proposals and the
and give form to various programmes and to play the role
We love people. Children form a continuing source of
arousing sublime experiences, can be achieved be creating
surroundings, to harmonize, or in some cases to contrast
of ‘integrator’ between other disciplines. These strategies
inspiration for us.
spatial contrasts such as in our design for the Drentsche Aa,
with it, but never ignore it. We position spatial heritage
have been used in the design of the Wieringerrandmeer, the
where we combine small and large-scale spaces. In addition,
within a future perspective because design is by definition
proposal for Bloemendalerpolder, and the urban plan for
it can be achieved by the overwhelming effect of planting
always a forward-looking activity.
the SaksenWeimar barracks.
masses, such as in Japanese garden design. We like to give the everday an extra dimension by stimulating the fantasy of the user. Our designs are therefore not minimalist or abstract geometries or high-tech, but are earthy, sensual and monolithic.
Strubben Kniphorstbosch Development and Management Plan
Strubben Kniphorstbosch is one of the gems of the
which is considered a landscaping architectural assignment
impact by opening up the lanes, by planting the gaps made
don’t grow thick again. This will be a shepherded flock,
catchment area of the Aa River in Drente and is by far
which focuses on the image. An important aspiration of the
by the missing trees and in constructing pathways in the
whereby it is of vital importance that the shepherd is aware
the largest national archaeological monument of The
design is the enhancement of the contrast between the non-
lanes. In the dark coniferous forest surrounding a number
of the desired image. We spent some time with him at the
Netherlands. The area has an enormous concentration of
reclaimed landscapes in the north and in the south, and
of burial mound, small-scale intimate spots will be created,
terrain and have discussed the plan extensively with him.
archaeological values, which to a large extent, are visible.
the rationally set-up reclamation landscape in the centre of
where the sunlight will light up the grass like a spotlight on
Aside from geological values such as depressions, aeolian
the planning area. The design caters for a greater diversity
the burial mound.
sands, small hollows and prehistoric monuments such as
of open places, contrasts are prompted more firmly and
megalith grave, many burial mound and ‘Celtic fields’, the
transitions are accentuated. Hence greater differences come
In the southern subarea too a section of the trees and
landscape will elevate it way beyond beauty alone. The
area contains many remnants from different periods, like
about in the perception of the three sections of the planning
shrubs will be removed from the place where there are
plan uses the opportunities to enlarge the visibility and the
major clusters of cart tracks over the Hondsrug, oak shrubs
many clusters of cart tracks, so that elongated open
spatial coherence between the traces of the past, in which
which clearly express the former prominent role of sheep on
When the plan has been realised, both the major contrasts, the vastness as wells as the tremendous timescale of this
‘trenches’ come about in the woods, where one emphatically
visitors might be impressed by the overwhelming amount
the heathland, remnants of ancient forms of (forest)control
In the northern subarea a broad belt is opened up along
perceives the dimensions of the clusters and the orientation
of historical material in this sublime landscape.
like cavities and copses, specially marked corners of
the fringe of the plateau of Schipborg, where most of the
on the Hondsrug, as well as the spatial coherence between
commons, relics from the Kniphorst country estate dating
visible monuments are situated. Here the heathland will
the cart tracks and the burial mound.
back to the 19th century and an almost complete collection
develop itself, which will be managed with sheep. This will
of military objects from the time that it served as a military
cause the old, erratic forests in the northern section, and
The proposed interventions bring about extremely rich
exercising ground.
the rationally set-up s in the central section to be separated
ecological gradients of closed to half-open and open
Until now the area has been managed as a nature reserve
from each other. The oak shrubs will be exempted, whereby
landscape, like the gradual transition from hollows via
In collaboration with: NovioConsult Van Spaendonck (process
and MoD terrain, which is why the present layout is rugged
their life span will be extended and whereby the fanning out
thickets to heathland. Furthermore rare species, which have
and communication) and Bureau Overland (cultural history)
with a great deal of forest. The amount of climbing plants
pattern becomes visible.
drastically reduced in numbers in the past decades because
has increased substantially in the past decades and the
The clusters of cart tracks and the major concentration of
the habitats strongly cohere with openness, will be given
Client: Northern Region of the National Forest Service in the
spontaneous growths of young forests and vegetation now
burial mound will also become visible again.
plenty of new opportunities in the proposed interventions.
cover a large portion of the archaeological relics. Due to
Designer: Strootman Landschapsarchitecten (Niels de Jong, Jan Maas, Jasper Springeling, Berno Strootman and Anne Zaragoza)
This will also be dramatized by the differences between nature and culture.
Size: 295 hectares
The fringes of the commercial forests are firmly prompted
Grazing sheep will play an important role in the future of
Year of design: 2007-2008, year of implementation: 2009-
Strootman Landschapsarchitecten have drawn up a
by exempting the bordering wood embankments. The lane
the Strubben Kniphorstbosch. They will ensure that the
development and management plan for the entire area
structure associated with roads and paths, is given more
open sections of the planning area remain that way and
the ruggedness and the forest vegetation, valuable contrasts
In the central subarea the rational features of the former
have also disappeared from the area.
country estate and of the commercial forests are enhanced.
Three major landscape units
forest 1910 forest 1910
forest 1940 forest 1940
forest 1982 forest 1982
forest 2003 forest 2003
forest 2007 forest 2007
future forest future forest
Consecutive forested areas throughout the whole of the 20th century and future spatial main structure Three major landscape units
The Strubben area
on the plateau of Schipborg
Reclaimed area
(commercial forests
and Kniphorstbosch)
Aeolian sands and heathland area
with the sandy depressions Berekuil
[bear-pit] and Jerusalem
Burial mound
Wood embankment and pathway
Oak shrubs
at right angles to the cart tracks
Megalith grave
Hollow Driftw
ll Ho
Disappeared despression Borchermeer
ow Dr ay iftw
Assault course
Esweg [road] Shooting gallery at shooting range De Esch
Bomb crater Residence
De Koekoek Residence Residence Addersveentje [small lake] Residence
] weg [road Residence
Oak Thickets
Parabolic dune
Burial mound Specially marked corners of commons
Hand grenade range with building/ cellar
rg w
Small lake (sacrificial place)
Galgenberg [hill]
Bomb craters D7
open places in the forest at present
Boekweitenveentje [small lake]
future open places in the forest future transparent forest
ge or
future forested areas
rw ad
[ro ]
KrĂśller-MĂźller (Berlage) experimental farm
Game keeper's cottage which has disappeared, still recognisable by the beech trees and the cellar
field / meadow
De Berekuil depression Disappeared watch tower Forest ranger's cottage of the 1920s
Disappeared Villa Maria recognisable by the pond and the beech trees
General's barrow
Relics map
Bomb crater
axis hollow Jerusalem depression
Old holding farm
plateaus at Schipborg / at Anloo
ad] eg [ro
peat depression (hollow with a surrounding bank)
urnfields / remaining urnfields settlement site Late Neolithic burial mound Early and Middle Bronze Age
burial mound in the Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age tumulus in the Late Iron Age Middle Neolithic megalith grave possible traces of Celtic field holt / wood
oakshrub vegetation
Existing situation on
es pr
cart tracks / distinct
parking area
at o lo An
cart tracks / vague
Grazed heathland + Clumps of trees + brushw ood + vegetation of saplings + creating new brushwood influenced by grazing
Clumps of trees + brushwood + vegetation of saplings + shrubbery
Northern Galgenbergweg [road]
Assault course
Shooting gallery at shooting range De Esch
Bomb crater Grazed heathland + Clumps of trees + brushw ood + vegetation of saplings + creating new brushwood influenced by grazing
Clumps of trees + brushwood + vegetation of saplings + shrubbery
Future situation
Dr if
tw ay
Present situation : New heathland at present spontaneous woods Ho llo w
Addersveentje [small lake]
Parabolic dune
Oak Thickets
rg w
Present situation: Accentuate relief (sand ridges/hollows)
Development plan
Small lake (sacrificial place)Trench [ro
Boekweitenveentje [small lake]
Bomb craters
To thin-out fringe of oaks = Schipborgremoval of vegetation and undergrowth weg Oak fringe [road]
Exempt oak shrubs = removal of undergrowth Embraced by the Parabolic dune: oak shrubs obstructed by competitors and cart tracks
Exempt Parabolic dune = leave only the oak shrubs and tree rings Thickly overgrown Parabolic dune
Schipborgweg [road]
Embraced by the Parabolic dune: oak shrubs obstructed by competitors and cart tracks
Thickly overgrown Parabolic dune
ge or
Middle Neolithic megalith grave
possible traces of Celtic field
Exempt Parabolic dune = leave only the oak shrubs and tree rings
Accentuate uneven relief by specifically keeping more trees on the higher sections and less in the hollows
Clumps of trees + brushwood + vegetation of saplings + shrubbery
Western Galgenbergweg [road]
tumulus in the Late Iron Age
Future situation Exempt oak shrubs = removal of undergrowth
To thin-out fringe of oaks = removal of vegetation and undergrowth
Eastern Galgenbergweg [road]
Galgenberg [hill]
Late Neolithic burial mound, Early and Middle Bronze Age
Accentuate uneven relief by specifically keeping more trees on the higher sections and less in the hollows
Clumps of trees + brushwood + vegetation of saplings + shrubbery
Hand grenade range with building/ cellar
burial mound in Late Bronze Age Early Iron Age
Burial mound Specially marked corners of commons
[ro ch
distinct cart tracks
s or
De Berekuil depression
grassland with scarce heathland shifting sand area
Disappeared Villa Maria recognisable by the pond and the beech trees
General's barrow
small pool / hollow
Bomb crater
field / meadow
Inside Outside the pasture area
eg Bosw
holt / wood
Present situation
m ale ion rus ss Je pre de
heathland with depression
Oak fringe
old forest
Inside Outside the pasture area
Anloo despression view
oak shrub vegetation forest with outdoor character
Embraced by the Parabolic dune: oak shrubs and tree rings + coming about of new oak shrubs influenced by grazing + distinct cart tracks + the coming about of a wealth of various-specied grasslands through grazing / mowing.
Future situation
seedbed forest
exempt Parabolic dune + the coming about of a wealth of various-specied grasslands through grazing / mowing. variable
production forest transparent production forest
spontaneous forest
Embraced by the Parabolic dune: oak shrubs and tree rings + coming about of new oak shrubs influenced by grazing + distinct cart tracks + the coming about of a wealth of various-specied grasslands through grazing / mowing.
avenue and wooded bank oaks placed out of line
exempt Parabolic dune + the coming about of a wealth of various-specied grasslands through grazing / mowing. variable
parking area visual relationship with environment
at o
lo An
(Bailey)bridge or underpass N34 in the direction of Annen
s es pr
former shooting range and assault course
Anloo church view
solitary tree
Artist’s impression: Hollow and parabolic dune with thicket
2 12
Drentsche Aa Landscape plan
The river basin of the Drentsche Aa is a fantastic landscape
The river basin of the Drentsche Aa is approximately
In the current situation less than half of the waterways
that has survived the wave of post-war land consolidation.
30,000 ha. The landscape plan is predominantly a design
still retain their original character. The plan proposes
Even so the area is slowly fragmenting and clogging up.
approach and contains a large number of proposals at all
the reinstatement of natural character to all waterways
The landscape plan demonstrates how the drama of the
scales, consistent with each other. A thorough analysis of
in the catchment area. In addition a number of artificial
landscape can be brought to life and how the historical
the current landscape is accompanied by proposals which
waterways are to be dammed to raise to the groundwater
layers can be made more visible. The plan works on all
accentuate the landscape and improve the legibility of
level. These measures will also improve the visual and
scales and delves into aspects which are important for the
historical elements. Also there are proposals for adjusting
amenity value of the landscape and increase natural values.
future of the area: archaeology, management, new country
water management, improving village expansions and
The proposal also improves retention capacities, discharge
estates, traffic control, recreational facilities, water retention,
making new viewpoints. Using a number of trial projects,
rates and reduces flow rates so that natural processes of
scenic viewpoints, village extensions and agriculture: under
a provocative perspective on the future is presented in
infiltration and percolation can occur.
the motto ‘conservation through development’.
which new developments are envisaged in a powerful and proactive landscape.
Client: Staatsbosbeheer & Nationaal beek- en esdorpenlandschap Drentsche Aa
The landscape plan for the Drentsche Aa accomodates major developments in places where interventions have
The landscape plan is based on an in-depth, visual,
already occurred. Despite widespread appreciation of the
integrated analysis of the landscape and its historical
Team: Strootman Landschapsarchitecten
cultural history of the area it is inadvisable to put a freeze
development. That development goes back approximately
In association with NovioConsult Van Spaendonck
on development and turn the landscape into a museum.
6000 years. Design principles are borrowed from all phases
The North-Willems canal between Assen and De Punt for
of history for the landscape vision. The plan is based both
example is an ideal new development axis for new country
on history and nature values and outlines a solution for
estates. This line could develop into an alternative for the
contemporary conflicts and dilemmas. The new landscape
villas along the Rijksstraatweg in Haren and can guide
must be strong enough to accommodate new developments.
development between Groningen and Assen.
Status: completed
Harry de Vroome
Implementation: 2005-2025
In 2005 Berno Strootman was awarded the Harry de Vroome medal for the landscape plan Drentsche Aa.
Nothern streambed of the Drentsche Aa
NAP – In the Netherlands the altitude of structures is recorded in relation to NAP (Normaal Amsterdams Peil). In English this is also called AOD (Amsterdam Ordnance Datum).
5 km
Stream valley
Cultivation Mound
Field sections
Long section
Field sections
BallooĂŤrveld present situation
BallooĂŤrveld design proposal
3 22
Location Wieringen and Wieringermeer Wieringen Passage
If there is one spatial development that has captured the
This is a construction plan being designed at a regional
The easternmost island is like a boat floating in the lake.
2,100 houses, 600 hectares for new natural areas
headlines in the Netherlands in recent years, it is the
scale. It involves simultaneous conceptualization of a large
In the northeastern part a new housing island is nestled
and a new 850-hectare lake
plan to separate the former island of Wieringen from the
water body in the peninsula of Noord-Holland, traffic
against a relic of the former ‘boezem’ of the polder Waard-
polders of Noord-Holland by the creation of a new lake. A
design around the lake, design of water edges and banks,
Nieuwland, that will dissolve in the future lake. Moreover,
mayor had to step down, letters were sent to government
the form of housing islands, subdivision principles and the
the historical dyke, the Wierdijk, which is now on the
Strootman Landschapsarchitecten
ministers asking them to examine the plan critically, and
design of bridges, housing thresholds and water levels.
border between Wieringen and the polder, can regain its
(Berno Strootman, Gloria Font, Bieke van Hees,
traditional significance. Extensive areas for recreation and
René van der Velde, Ymkje van de Witte and
fire to the planner’s office. At the beginning of 2008, the
Wieringen is very old and up to 1930 was an island; the
beaches will be scattered around the islands. There will
Thijs van der Zouwen)
municipalities of Wieringen and Wieringermeer as well as
Wieringermeer polder is pumped dry only in the 1930’s.
also be space available for housing on the other (eastern)
the province of Noord-Holland approved the masterplan
The atmosphere of the islands reflects the atmosphere of the
side of the lake at the Robbenoordbos, which will have
In collaboration with
for the Wieringen Passage. This new passage to the south
land behind the dykes. In the western part the former Island
waterways for pleasure boats. An ecological corridor will
Palmboom & van den Bout Stedenbouwkundigen
of the former island of Wieringen is intended to connect
of Wieringen has a romantic, organically developed, soft-
be created on the south shore. The selection committee
(Jaap van den Bout, Monique Mooij, Leonie Rupert and Bas
the Amstelmeer with the IJsselmeer. 1,845 to 2,100 new
rolling landscape, while in the east there is the pragmatic
thinks that this large-scale, courageous intervention is the
van der Vinne), Jos Rademakers Ecologie en
permanent and recreational dwellings are planned in and
polder of the robust Wieringermeer with its long strong
only way of providing this declining region with the desired
Ontwikkeling, Witteveen+Bos Consulting Engineers
around the passage. The Wieringen passage is expected to
socio-economic impulse. In the Netherlands, planners
an angry artist spent three months in prison for setting
provide a much-needed economic impetus to the region.
have to go back to the days of Cornelis Lely, the engineer
Commissioned by Boskalis,Volker Wessels Stevin Bouw
In addition, the project will enlarge and improve natural
Ecological gradients are to be introduced depending on
known for the Afsluitdijk (IJsselmeer dam) and IJsselmeer
& Vastgoedontwikkeling, the municipalities of Wieringen
habitat areas and improve agriculture, recreation and rural
the depth of the water and the situation in relation to the
polders, for any long-term plans of this magnitude. Some
and Wieringermeer, and the province of Noord-Holland
living standards in the area.
island, ranging from the shallow foreshores to the reed
of the present residents and users find it difficult to accept
lands just above water level, and from the wet grasslands to
that their agricultural landscape is going to be overturned
The Lago Wirense consortium – composed of Boskalis,
the dry-land wooded nature areas on the small islands with
for a recreational and nature landscape, which only their
Volker Wessels Stevin Bouw & Vastgoedontwikkeling and
children and grandchildren will be able to enjoy. One of the
Witteveen+Bos – commissioned the designers at Strootman
Area 1,600 ha Design 2007 Implementation period 2009–2032
designers puts it this way: ‘For centuries, we sacrificed water
Landschapsarchitecten and Palmboom & van den Bout
The configuration of the islands is partly based on sightlines
for land without difficulty for our own well-being. Now we
Stedenbouwkundigen to design the masterplan, which was
to and from Wieringen. The shaped wood-elements play an
have to learn that it is legitimate to sacrifice land for water
developed on the basis of various existing models, designed
important role in the visual structure of this part of the lake.
for the same reason.’
by Bureau Alle Hosper.
They outline spaces, connect, hideor emphasize different
Budget € 300,000,000
parts of the area. In the eastern part the water is relatively deep and banks are steep. 23
Former island of Wieringen (1930)
Masterplan Wieringerrandmeer The ‘’Schorren’’ plan October 2007
dry grasslands
sound bar rier
wet grasslands
bicycle path
shrubs on sandy ridges
reed lands
car bridges
protection of reed lands
bicycle bridge
ecozone - south
bicycle ferry
harbour area
shallow water ( 1.30 metres below sea level)
shallow water ( 1.90 metres below sea level)
recreational houses
shallow water ( < 3 metres below sea level)
recreational ‘forts’
fairway ( 4.25 metres below sea level)
The island of Wieringen and the sea, situation 1930
The island of Wieringen and the reclamed land, situation 2007
Open views to the water from
Water in contact with the old dyke of
Open views to the water from
the island of Wieringen
the island of Wieringen
the island of Wieringen
The island of Wieringen and the new water passage, situation 2012
New design for water and landscape
Location of shallow shorefaces
Reference image of shallow shorefaces
Location wood
Robbenoord wood
Location of reed marsh (natural reed-lands)
Reference image of natural reed marsh (photo:Joop van Reekum)
Location Southern dyke (dry ecological zone)
Reference image of Southern dyke (Wierholt)
Location of shrubs
Reference image waterlogged meadows (photo: Joop van Reekum)
Location of other nature (dykes, ecological connections)
-Reference image of other nature (dykes, ecological connections)
Ecotope types
Location of shrubs
Reference image of shrubs on ridges Lauwers lake (photo: Google Earth)
Areas in the Master Plan
Shallow shorefaces
215 ha.
Reed marsh
150 ha.
Waterlogged meadows
40 ha.
20 ha.
5 ha.
Southern dyke: dry ecological zone
75 ha.
Other nature: dykes, ecological connections
95 ha.
Total nature
600 ha.
Total Wieringerrandmeer
approx. 1,600 ha.
+0.30 water level -0.40 water level
Wier dyke
shrubs on sandy ridge
wet grassland
shallow water
housing area
Typical section
Impression of the proposal
metres +/sea level
Wier dyke
New dyke
Wier-dyke with wet-land
housing area +0.70 (backwater level)
+0.30 (max. water level) +0.10 (floodgate closed) -0.20 -0.40
dry ecotopes
-0.40 (fixed water level) wet grasslands and shrubs reedlands shallow waters (type 1) shallow waters (type 2)
deep waters
Wier-dyke with reed-land
metres +/sea level
4 30
Schoonloo-Oost Forest design
The project site, anciently 22 hectares farmland, lied
A first layer of plantation, namely the North and South
The third and most autonomous layer enriched the woods
along a long strip of woods connecting two major forests
broad alleys and the backward meadow should provide a
with a variety of open spots. These spots must be unusual
over 3 kilometres from east to west. The long woods was
consistent framework. The woodland estate was regarded as
and bring excitement along. As principle each spot must
becoming a place of nature as well as of culture. Already
a whole, a clear entity with a plain outline.
be unique in terms of size, shape and filling, no matter
few farmlands lying along had been in turn converted into
Inside the regular framework would grow the inner woods.
it accommodates a sole species, a body of soil or a water
places of leisure, namely a woodland estate and a horse
A great challenge for these inner woods was to create an
feature. Most of the spots would be located in the inner
farm. The project site was also to become a woodland
attractive heterogeneous woodland environment within
woods though few would overlap with the regular plantation.
estate, benefiting/increasing simultaneously to the value
limited amount of time. This would be achieved through
According to the flowering calendar, the seasons would
of the ecological corridor. The project site would host two
simulating the diverse development stages of a natural
enlighten the spots each in turn.
woodland houses.
woodland. Natural referred here to a mosaic woodland
The edge of the long woods displayed superb full-grown
made of various patches. Each patch would differ according
Location: Schoonloo near Assen & Emmen,
beeches, what had an great impact on the surrounding open
to size, species and density.
district Aa-en-Hunze, Drenthe
landscape. This aspect was fully taken into account in the design for the new woodland estate. In order to allow sights
Client: Terra Beheer BV
along both edges, the long woods and the woodland estate were to be demarcated through an elongated wetland.
Team: Strootman Landschapsarchitecten
The design for the woodland estate contained mostly three layers.
Status: Design 2007-2008 Implementation: 2009
Ettenstoel (holt)
Planning area 22 ha 74 a 70 ca
Planning area with existing small hollow 10 10m
Meadow / Stabling facilities 6 ha 63m
NSW wood / Terra Natural terrain 6 ha Scho onloĂŤ
t rstraa
Woodland living 1 5,2 HA
Forest strip
Woodland living 2
5,2 ha
Dodshoorn country estate
Small wood for horses 2.5 ha
existing forest edge
sustainable frame
mozaic forest
open spaces
typical section of the natural (existing) forest
sketch design
existing forest edge
sustainable frame 34
4 11 10 3 9
Dense phase: 60% Soft birch 40% Sessile oak
Dense phase: 100% Beech
Staking phase: 100% European oak
Staking phase: 100% False acacia
Dense phase: 100% Aspen
Staking phase: 80% European oak 20% Beech
Dense phase: 100% Beech
Staking phase: 85% European oak Dense phase: 15% False acacia 100% Aspen Dense phase: 60% Soft birch 40% Sessile oak
Dense phase: 100% Common silver birch
Tree phase: 60% European oak 20 % Beech 20% Soft birch
Dense phase: 100% Soft birch
Construction basis for wood mozaic
Special open places: field of rhododendrons
Special open places: field of rhododendrons
Special open places: field of liliaceae
Special open places:
Special open places: field of apple serviceberries
(preferably Fritillaria)
each time, throughout the year, a space is highlighted
(Amelanchier lamarckii) 36
5 37
Bloemendaler polder Landscape and city merged into one overall composition
This 500 hectare plan is situated on the river Vecht to the
One of the ambitions of the plan is to ensure a strong
A large new lake is the central feature of the plan and is the
Client: Public-Private Partnership (National Government,
east of Amsterdam, between the towns of Muiden and
relation with the river. A characteristic of the Vecht
focus for the remaining housing areas and recreation. A
province of North-Holland, Water board Amstel, Gooi &
Weesp. The scheme includes 2,350 houses and associated
region is the contrast between compact river-towns with
new subdivision strip is proposed between the Vecht city
Vecht and the municipalities of Muiden and Weesp) and three
infrastructure, including the relocation and widening of the
high density housing, and the open, sparsely populated
and the new lake utilizing a variety of house typologies.
private real estate developers (Adriaan van Erk associates,
A1 motorway and the construction of an aqueduct for the
landscape around them with housing in a very low density.
Small communities are clustered around the lake, and are
AM/Ymere en Van Wijnen/Delta Lloyd/Blauwhoed).
motorway under the Vecht river, retail and social services,
This contrast has been translated in our plan by establishing
connected to the strip. Along the river, four new parks
a new water system and a 330 ha strategic landscape project
a new river-town close the existing centre of Weesp, with
- estates really - are proposed. These estates are primarily
In consultation with the Departments of Rural Services
for recreation and nature. The design strategy conceives
relatively high density housing, and including canals,
programmed for recreation and ecology. They connect
and State Forestry.
the area as totality, in which landscape and city are merged
boating channels with locks between the river and the
the centre of the scheme to the river. Wetland recreation
into one overall composition. By designing the landscape,
interior, and narrow streets. High-quality brickwork and a
and ecological areas are proposed to the west of the site
Team: Strootman Landscape Architects
water & urban components together a weave of housing and
range of interesting and pleasant public spaces give the new
- including meadows, a teahouse, an arboretum, raised
with input from Atelier Dutch and
landscape is achieved, which is characteristic for the Vecht
city its specific character.
promenades for pedestrians and cyclists, alder woodlands
Loof & Van Stigt architects.
and wetlands.
Woodland Littoral forest and scrubland Reedbeds Grassland Water Estate
Cycle path Footpath Track Boardwalk
Long bridge Short bridge Causeway Sluice Railway viaduct
Decoy pond
Bloemendaler polder to the centre of Amsterdam by bicycle
Maitenance depot Boathouse Beach Grazers Angling Water arboretum Park Ferry Skating rink Jetty Waterlandtak Observatory Flower garden Picking garden Campfire Special bridge Forest playground Horse meadow
Canal system
Section: canals
Wetlands and housing area
Impression of the new water bird grove
Recreational use of the canals
Wetlands between the dykes
Small canals (situation)
Housing typologies of the new river town
Small canals (section)
The town of Muiden and motorway A1: existing situation
Houses around a park / estate (situation)
town near the Vecht
The town of Muiden and motorway A1: proposed aqueduct Houses around a park / estate (section)
Arboretum park
6 44
Water Treatment Park Het Lankheet Lankheet estate is primarily a production forest. Typical
A number of locations in the water park will be accentuated
Water purification by reed beds is a natural process. The
estate features such as avenues and a hedge labyrinth exist
by special objects. Granite boulders will mark places where
biomass of the harvested reed produces sustainable energy.
but there is no central house. The estate has a centuries-old
water flows from one basin to another as well as where
Diverting the filtered water into existing drought affected
tradition with water. Traditional water features on the estate
water enters the system. Fords are to be built where a supply
woodland produces optimum conditions for development
retain water and release it later onto pastures. In the past
ditch crosses a sand path. The Scottish artist Jim Buchanan
of new alder-cherry woodland.
a creek used to service the estate but these days the roles
is making a water feature at the end of the system.Extensive
are reversed â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the estate maintains the creek. The water
new woodlands are planned for the estate. Part of the new
park will become the main attraction in the estate: water
woodland will be marshy and is to be planted with marsh
in all its aspects demonstrates an intimate relationship
cypresses and other unique species. A boardwalk is to be
Team: Strootman Landschapsarchitecten
with the landscape. Water will be purified naturally using a
constructed through the marsh. Other parts of the existing
In association with Plant Research International and Alterra
terraced reed bed system. The water purification system has
woodlands are to be accentuated with exotic perennials and
been used to transform the estate into a spectacular water
Client: Landgoed Het Lankheet bv, Provincie Overijssel
Status: Partly completed
garden. Each link in the water system has been made into a park element. The elements are linked by water and an undulating, sinuous dyke which forms a backbone to the park and a lookout at the same time.
Water filtration system
Infiltration of filtered water in the wet forest
Panorama dyke and water distribution canal: sections
Path of wooden poles, where water flows through 48
Impression of gargoyles in a dyke between filtration fields
Filtration fields
Models for gargoyles
Model of gargoyles in a dyke between filtration fields
Model of the giant sculpture based on an existing pump structure
Impression giant sculpture based on an existing pump structure
Dragonfly as inspiration for the sculpture and gargoyles
Panorama dyke under construction
Filtration fields and panorama dyke
Circuit walk
7 52
Eusebiushof Arnhem Two Internal Courtyards
A new offices complex has been built along Eusebiussingel
We perceive the Voorhof as an ‘urban lobby’: a
Cheerful mowing robots which look like ladybirds,
Client: Eurocommerce Holding BV
in Arnhem which was designed by Pi de Bruin (Architekten
representative place with a special atmosphere, where you
guarantee a perfectly maintained lawn and provide a
Team: Strootman Landschapsarchitecten
Cie) and Royal Haskoning. The building is an extension to
take a seat for a short while before going inside or where
very special scene to look at. A white wooden fence has
Status: Under construction
the existing municipal offices of Arnhem. At the surface
you make appointments with others. During the day the
been placed around the hill. Incorporated in this fencing
level on top of the basement parking garage there are
Voorhof is accessible to the public via a high portal and a
are parking spaces for 20 cart-seats, which look like they
three courtyards: Voorhof, Binnenhof and Expeditiehof.
fancy gate.
are part of the fence. The cart-seats are panelled stone
On commission for Eurocommerce Holding BV, we have
The paving comprises a designed cobbled panel of dark
wheelbarrows. Visitors can pick up a cart-seat and drive to
designed the layout of the Voorhof and the Binnenhof.
grey concrete (2.00 x 1.30 m), which is filled with stone
their favourite spot. After use, the cart-seats are placed in
chippings that ensures a beautiful contrast of texture. The
their storage racks again. The same paving has been used
Street and square
colour of the stone chippings is grey-green and has the
around the grass hill as for the Voorhof. In some spots the
In an abstract fashion the layout of the courtyards
same shade as the natural stone slabs on the façades of
cobbled panels are not filled with stone chippings but with
refers to scenic icons, which are partially taken from
the surrounding building. Variously sized dome-spots in
the surroundings of Arnhem and partially from other
the flooring bring about a cloud of little highlights in the
landscapes. For the visitors, that leads both to a recognition
as well as to an estrangement and a smile. Abstracted giant
Art In the Voorhof a large red seating element has been
pebbles refer to a river beach, pines refer to the Veluwe,
placed, which also acts as a tree basin. The seating element
a green hillside refers to undulating landscapes, ferns to
The Binnenhof has been fitted-out softer and greener
measures approx. 12.5 x 7.5 m and is made of polystyrene
the forest, ladybirds to sunny fields, and a ‘white-picket-
than the Voorhof. This place has been fitted-out like an
with a polyethylene coating. The seating element has
fence’ to horse ranches. The scenic references cause the
ornamental garden and is a pleasantly habitable place for
varying seating profiles, in which one can sit either straight-
visitors to conjure up thoughts about other places and offer
employees. This is the heart of the building, which already
up or one can lounge and hang about. The middle of the
an opportunity to distance oneself somewhat from the
draws attention from the entrance hall due to the large
seating element is filled with soil, in which pines have been
delusion of the day.
green hill. From a weight-saving point of view the grass hill
planted and when these have matured, they will fill the
is made of polystyrene blocks with a covering layer of soil.
space of the Voorhof. The soil around the trees has been topped with erect pine cones.
Situation outline of the building Along Eusebiusingel, near the Rhine River in Arnhem
Expeditiehof [delivery yard]
Binnenhof [inner court]
Voorhof [forecourt]
Cross sections Voorhof
Cross section Binnenhof
Voorhof [forecourt] impression
Tile model
Binnenhof [inner court] impression
Ladybird robot lawn mower
Cart-seat 58
Cart-seat as part of the wooden fence
Cross section of seating element and underlying layer
Cross section of the grass mound and the wooden frame
Grating with waterproof coated pine cones in the plant bed 59
3D model of the seating element 60
Production of the seating element
Voorhof Construction
Construction of
of the Voorhof
the Binnenhof 61
Carmine red polyesther coated seating element as part of Voorhof [forecourt]
Pine cones in the plant bed of the seating element
Concrete cobbled pathways filled with stone chippings
Seating element with pine trees as part of Voorhof [forecourt]
The seating element in the public space of Voorhof [forecourt]
Entrance to the public space of Voorhof [forecourt]
Removable cart-seat as part of the wooden frame in the Binnenhof [inner court]
Removable cart-seat tree from the wooden frame in the Binnenhof [inner court]
Vegetation as part of the Binnenhof [inner court]
8 64
Baena promenade Competition Entry
Ladera Sur-Baena is a walled town near the city of Cordoba
that is logical, but it is no longer necessary. After all, the
The boulevard changes in height by means of slopes and
in the south of Spain. We have designed a promenade on
town no longer needs to defend itself against the landscape.
Because of the boulevard, the southern slope of the town
stairs. Because the boulevard follows the line of the existing
the southern side of the town which, like an urban balcony,
The slope directly opposite the Arco Oscuro gate is a great
changes from a rear end into a front end. In order to
urban periphery, a changing orientation comes about and
provides a view of the terrific landscape. The intervention
place to give stature to this interaction between the old city
increase the accessibility of the landscape, a number of
a stroll along the boulevard will be a cinematic experience:
that we propose is simple, but has a major effect on the
centre and the surrounding landscape.
footpaths will be created from the boulevard all the way to
from high to low, from left to right, with changing
the river. By adding a water feature in this less precipitous
perspectives onto the landscape, the city wall, the existing residences, and the public space in the old city.
town. By adding a spacious boulevard that acts like a balcony of the town, the town’s perspective turns 180
portion of the slope, the diversity of the plants can be
degrees. The rear end becomes the urban periphery’s front
The entrance to the water bar will be positioned centrally
increased. The flowery Jacarandas will blend in with the
end; instead of turning its back towards the landscape, it
along the promenade. The water bar will be incorporated in
pines, the Aloe Vera, and the palms which are present
will be facing it from the front.
the wall of the boulevard and is connected directly onto the
locally. Due to the improvement of the development
Aside from the boulevard being an architectural
The boulevard will become a place in which to meet and to
central fountain square and the main entrance to the park
circumstances, in the course of time other plant species will
intervention, it is also a ‘sponge’ which catches the surplus
enjoy this fantastic view. At and along the boulevard there
situated lower down. From the fountain square there will be
also come about here. In order to realize the growth of the
rainwater from the town and gives life to the adjacent
will be a new hotel, the school for tourism, the Iberian
a fantastic view across the landscape. In the recessed water
rockery plants in the wall, a mixture of water and Saxifraga
landscape. In the present situation, the water from the
museum, a water bar and a park.
bar one finds oneself on the level of the landscape. Between
seeds is sprayed onto both the wall and the area on the slope
town is discharged, partially via subterranean water pipes,
the natural plants of pines and Aloe Vera, Jacarandas will be
which borders directly onto the wall. Through a natural
directly into the Marbella River. This mainly occurs during
Cultural history
added. Hence a green oasis comes about, which will radiate
spread this will slowly cover over a number of areas on the
bouts of heavy rainfall, when there’s also water flowing
Ladera Sur-Baena has a magnificent positioning at the
a purple glow across the mountain slope in the flowering
down to the river from other areas. Due to the construction
top of the plateau. Due to the geological history of the
season, and cause a differentiation in the natural landscape
development of the plateau with the steep edge on the
on the slope. At the other end of the boulevard, the eastern
Street and square
underneath, the boulevard will act as the catchment area of
southern slope, the town has mainly developed in a
side, the Iberian museum will be incorporated in the wall of
The boulevard measures a total length of 630 metres; the
the water from the town, thus buffering the water that falls
northerly direction. The southern edge of the town is still
the boulevard. Two layers will be incorporated in the wall, a
width varies between 5 and 25 metres. The architecture of
during the rainy season, and dispersing it again in the dry
partially formed by the old urban peripheral with the old
small volume will be placed on the boulevard as an entrance
the wall also partially forms the architecture of the new
season. By concentrating this water storage in a part of the
city wall, the edge of the old city centre at the top of the
and information point. In the recessed museum, because of
buildings which, to a certain degree, are incorporated in
slope which is already less steep naturally, here it is possible
slope. The positioning of the city centre, which links up
the refined interspersal of light slits and windows, there will
this wall. In the earth-coloured brickwork of the wall, areas
to add special plants like the Jacaranda to the existing
directly onto the landscape, provides unique opportunities
be a great view across the landscape and also a view of the
are created for rockery plants. The new buildings, the hotel,
for recreative developments in the adjacent landscape and
solar tower.
the water bar and the museum will be made of contrasting
of the boulevard this will be different: in the hollow areas
for the town, which are currently not being used. The town
materials, particularly wood and glass. Trees and lighting
presently averts from the landscape. Historically speaking
full of atmosphere will be placed along the boulevard. 65
The buildings are build in front
The buildings are build on top
of the Defensive wall
of the Defensive wall
The buildings are the Defensive wall
Urban growth
Frontal view From the Ladera Sur
Olives Pies Jacaranda trees Existing pine trees
Existing buildings
Defensive Wall Elevators Platform
Architectonical concept
Water reserve
Information-Entrance WaterBar
Iberic Museum
View point /Pestaurant
New buildings
Irrigation system
Landscape Concept
Water reserve
421m 420m
416m 414m 412m
View & relation to the city
Water & ecology
Section A
Section B
Detail plan of the competition area
View of the perimeter path along the Defensive Wall
View from the inside of the WaterBar
View of entrance to the WaterBar, on the perimeter path along the Defensive Wall
View of the fountain in the perimeter platform from the urban garden
9 71
Park Saksen Weimar Competition Entry
Housing landscape
Until recently the Saksen Weimar barracks was an off-
The hilly character of the site has reconstructed and
Several parties have been brought together to make the
Client: Rabo Vastgoed, Driegasthuizen,
limits military complex on the edge of Arnhem. Now the
accentuated. Some terracing have been retained for housing
plan: developers, artists, neighbours, care providers and
Slokker Vastgoed en BPF Bouwinvest
area is to be revamped for residential and recreational
clusters in the park. The southern edge of housing terraces
future occupants. Their wishes have been interwoven into a
Team: Strootman Landschapsarchitecten in association with:
use. Landscape is central to the look and the structure
are embedded into the slope, while in the north they are
coherent plan.
Frank Donders project development, Concire, Faro, Drost &
of the plan: soft elements above dominant built form,
raised some meters above the slope and front the park. In
ambiance instead of hard edges and a minimum of urban
other areas private gardens are incorporated in the scheme
elements such as streets, squares and pavement. The plan is
in the form of loggias and verandas, closed blocks, or
The plan provides for natural rainwater runoff. Runoff
composition of space, relief, planting & built form.
collective gardens.
channels and retention basins are an integral component of
van Veen and Architectenbureau K3. Status: invited competition entry, shortlisted. Second prize
the park design.
A central park zone forms the backbone of the proposal.
430 houses are to be built within the park and the existing
The park area stretches out in the form of a branching tree
barracks. Part of the housing stock is designed for target
to the edges of the site. This design has been conceived as
groups such as care houses, studios, eco-housing and
a moving decor, with constantly changing spaces and sight
lines. As a result the park seems larger than it in reality is. Level differences are exploited to create sightlines and views to and through the park.
Footpaths and bicycle paths
Housing typologies and access plan
Situation 73
Movement / spatial sequencing
Model, looking south
New houses, water storage and bunker
Village green and tea-house
Houses in the park 75
10 76
Belvedères Drentsche Aa Family style
In the landscape plan Drentsche Aa, we designed in 2004,
The belvederes will be fitted-out with specially designed
In the north of the Aa River basin, where all sub catchments
we have proposed the designing of new belvederes in the Aa
furnishings, dependent on the situation. A sculptural seat
are merged into a mainstream, an important roadway
River area in Drenthe. On the basis of the contour map we
has been designed for two locations. For the furnishings,
crosses the stream, but you hardly notice that at all. Here a
have selected almost 30 locations and surveyed them in the
use has been made of indigenous and untreated materials,
‘car belvedere’ has been designed, which ensures that road
field in more detail. A house style has been designed for all
like Larchwood and rusty, rugged-looking, perforated Cor-
users have an overwhelming view across the river valley. It’s
the new locations: furnishings, signboards, parking facilities
Ten steel.
for that purpose that a considerable amount of shrubs and
and brand marks. A definite design has been made for 8
trees have been removed from the valley. The crossing of
locations. The design interventions mainly consist of the
removal of shrubs and trees to create views in combination
In general, the belvederes have been designed with reserve,
with the creating of a special place where one can enjoy the
making use of natural means: soil, plants and objects of
view. Implementation commenced at the end of 2008.
untreated wood and rusty Cor-Ten steel. The belvederes
the stream thus becomes a prominent spot in the route. Status: Partly completed
provide a view of the beautiful nature in the Aa River valley
Cultural history
of Drenthe.
In the Aa River area in Drenthe, belvederes have been present since the 19th century. The most famous one, which
Regional design
has also been captured in paintings, is the Kymmelsberg.
On the basis of a detailed contour map and a vast amount of
The new belvederes provide an opportunity to enjoy the
knowledge of the landscape of the Aa River area of Drenthe,
culture-historical and natural qualities of the Aa River area
the most special places over the entire river basin (30,000
in Drenthe at some of the most spectacular places. At the
hectares) have been sought. These places depict the special
Looner Esch the new belvedere will provide a view between
qualities of this National Landscape in a very special way.
the megalith and a small peatbog situated further along, which have an important historical relationship.
View from the Kymmelsberg
2. Potential belvederes in the central part of Drentsche Aa area - contour map
23 1. Potential belvederes in the northerly part of the Drentsche Aa area - contour map
Overview of detailed contour maps in the river valley of the Drentsche Aa
3. Potential belvederes in the southern part of the Drentsche Aa area - contour map
The Schoonloo area seen from an hydraulic platform elevator (30 meter).
Autumn 2007 The trees to the left of the view are removed for about 50 m. The 4 trees to the right of the view will also be removed. The trees with the green circle are image-determining and will remain;
Autumn 2008
Autumn 2007
The small wood behind the megalith will be thinned-out so that a quarter of the trees will remain. These are image-determining trees, now roughly indicated with a green circle. A more accurate picture is gained on site about which trees must remain and which must be removed. The two small benches to be removed. The small bench at the megalith to be replaced with a new bench. The picnic table to be replaced by a new picnic table.
Autumn 2008
3d model and foam model of furnishing
Pasture with furnishing
Pasture with furnishing
Close up of furnishing
Close up of furnishing
360Ë&#x161; Panoramic view from pasture furnishing 83
11 84
Smithfield Plaza Dublin Urban Regeneration Project
Smithfield Plaza is situated just outside Dublin’s city centre,
The intention of the concept is to keep the unity of the
Trees are placed additionally to the ‘drops and ripples’, to
on the north bank of the River Liffey. It is the largest open
existing space and in the same time make it less hard.
introduce a new scale and ambiance in the plaza. At the
space in Dublin with about 13,000 sq m. In 2000 Smithfield
There’s no need to change the present pavement; it’s of high
moment, the lighting masts in combination with the tall
Plaza was upgraded as part of an urban regeneration project
quality and testimony of the historical market square. It just
buildings and the narrowness of the square appear to be
to improve the neighbourhood.
needs some new interventions, to change the atmosphere,
(have an effect that goes) beyond human scale; the place
The regeneration crated new deficiencies to the previous
make it softer, warmer, more articulated and more attractive
is hard to grasp. In this situation, trees provide shade
design. Therefore the new activities on the south side of the
to stay. In the way it functions, is a bit like a park: so, go
and shelter, creating little spaces under the canopy. For a
area have lead to the creation of a new vision for Smithfield
for a walk, sit in the sun, enjoy events. The measures to be
relaxed and loose effect, the trees are placed in a mixture of
Plaza and its surroundings. The location of the area is
taken can be metaphorically seen as dropping a stone in the
three species, planted in clusters, to gives a more intimate,
important when we relate it to the city’s context, which got
water. It disturbs the surface, spreads out in ripples and ties
colourful twist to the square.
virtually closer by the intervention of the LUAS light rail in
to different intensities. Still, the surface is one, perceived as
2004. In Dublin, the River Liffey structures the activity of
an entity. The drops and ripples generated, appear as small
Lights of small dimension will be placed on the floor of the
the city. By linking the area to the river in a visual, physical
places, but the total space is continuous.
square to create an almost romantic atmosphere in the dark
and functional way the position of the square becomes
and connects to the scale of the pedestrian. It contrasts the
recognizable, as the river is one of the most distinctive
Drops and ripples of different grasses will interfere creating
existing lighting masts, accentuating the scale of the whole
urban landmarks of Dublin.
a contrast with the hard layer of granite cobble stones, in
field and connecting the buildings.
New activity and varying functions along the edges of the
order to soften the square. The composition of this new
square create differences of intensity within the space.
pattern is a reaction to the (program in the) facades, but it
Seats, café and terrace will be added in combination with
Different things are needed throughout the square. Precisely
also functions independently to instigate new activities.
the green and soft parts, where people are invited to stay for
these different intensities should be emphasised in creating
Lawn grass provides possibilities for sitting, playing and
a while.
a more diverse plaza. An advantage is the fact that the space
relaxing; the purple blooming meadow grass beautifies
Is important to accentuate the entrance to the new
itself is already specific. The extreme length and width-
the viewing, also from the surrounding buildings, and
buildings, where the plaza functions as a ‘business card’
height proportion make it easy to remember, but difficult to
when walking through the square. It creates a more ‘rural’/
for employers. A bar facility is positioned in the southern
relate to.
‘agricultural’ atmosphere.
centre of the square providing a comfortable place to lunch and relax.
Present situation
Spatial features
Smithfield Plaza / Dublin Masterplan Option 1
Reference image
Option 1
Smithfield Plaza / Dublin Masterplan Option 2
Reference image
Option 2
08:00 am Impression
Option 1 For the southern part of the Smithfield area 2 options are proposed. The first option makes the square more green and soft, and articulates the division in smaller spaces. Larger open spaces are positioned in connection with New Church Street and Hay Market, and more north around Market Square and Thunder Cut Alley. The cafĂŠ is positioned between the new Headquarters and the gas-building.
08:00 pm Impression
Option 2 The second option leaves the square more open and a bit less green and soft. This option leaves more flexibility in the use for events. Larger open spaces are positioned in connection with the new tram line and the new Headquarters and more north around Market Square and Thunder Cut Alley. The cafĂŠ is positioned close to the tram line.
Thresholds For the thresholds of the new Headquarters we propose a pavement of grey granite, consisting of elements of 50x20 centimetres. The top of the granite will be flamed or hammered. The intention of the paving design is to create a representative outdoor space for the new Headquarters and in the same time connect the public space on both sides of the tram line. The area between Smithfield, New Church Street, Bow Street and North Phoenix Street will be treated as one entity. Several trees are proposed on both sides of the tram line, to connect the area between North Phoenix Street and the tram line with the square and the new Headquarters. The trees are also proposed in Arran Street to provide a visual connection between Smithfield and the river Liffey.