Cardinia Connect - Apr/May

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Your Council magazine

April–May 2014

Learning, health and play Inside our new children’s centres Hop on board! Council’s MYBus in action


E-waste recycling Helping the community


Opening doors Neighbourhood houses welcome you



Council contacts

Message from the Mayor

Council offices are located at Henty Way, Pakenham, and are open 8.30am–5pm Monday to Friday. Address all correspondence to PO Box 7 Pakenham 3810.

Welcome to the April−May edition of Connect magazine.

Phone: 1300 787 624 Fax: 5941 3784 After hours emergencies: 1300 787 624 Email: Website: National Relay Service (NRS): Customers who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment can call through the National Relay Service: TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 1300 787 624. Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 1300 787 624. Connect is the official Cardinia Shire Council magazine. It is published six times each year and is distributed to more than 35,000 homes and businesses in Cardinia Shire. It is also available on audio CD from local libraries. All images and other personal information collected for Connect will be stored securely, and be made available only in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2000 and in accordance with Council’s Information Privacy Policy, a copy of which may be obtained from Council’s website For enquiries, contact the editor on 1300 787 624 or email: Next edition: June–July 2014 Cover photo: Kindergarten students Marley and Hannah enjoy playing at the new Bunyip Family Children’s Centre. Photo by: Hilton Stone Printing: Blue Star Print is a Forest Stewardship Council, Chain of Custody certified company. All processes are controlled via our Environmental Management System that is certified to ISO 14001. Printed on ecoStar paper made from 100% recycled post-consumer waste.

Connect with Council CardiniaShireCouncil

AUTUMN in Cardinia Shire is a favourite time of year for me, with so many great festivals and events held this season including Emerald’s PAVE Festival. Turn to the ‘What’s on’ section on page 6 and 7 of this edition for a rundown of local events for people of all ages – there is something to keep everyone happy! Putting together Council’s 2014–15 draft budget has been a priority in recent weeks. We have worked hard to develop a plan which is both financially responsible and fulfils our commitment to providing outstanding infrastructure and services for our growing and changing community. As part of the consultation process, I encourage residents to read through the draft budget and give your feedback, so that the final plan we put in place reflects your priorities for the Shire.

I’m pleased to tell you that construction of the Avenue of Honour in Cochrane Park, Koo Wee Rup is complete. Featuring 40 oak trees, this living memorial pays tribute to the many men and women from the Koo Wee Rup district who have served in or died at war. Council is proud to present this tranquil and moving site to the community, and it will indeed be a special place to pay our respects on the centenary of the Gallipoli landing on Anzac Day next year. I hope you enjoy reading this edition of Connect.

Mayor Cr Graeme Moore

Must do … 1. Pay tribute to Australians who have served in our armed forces by attending a dawn service ceremony on Anzac Day. Contact your local RSL branch for details. 2. Take the kids along to Council’s annual Easter treasure hunt at Emerald Lake Park on Sunday 20 April, 10am−2pm. Visit Council’s online events calendar for more information. Photo courtesy: Star News Group

3. Browse or buy traditional and contemporary artworks at Yakkerboo Festival’s art show, Pakenham Hall, Friday 30 May to Sunday 1 June. Visit for details. 4. Detox your home and garage by disposing of unwanted chemicals at a free collection in Pakenham on Saturday 3 May. Location details advised on registration. To register, visit or call 1800 353 233.

5. Snap up your ticket to hear former world surfing champion Layne Beachley at the next Casey–Cardinia business breakfast on Wednesday 25 June. Visit to book, but be quick – the last event in the series sold out!

Enjoy a game of tennis on us!





nu s

This pass entitles the bearer to one hour of FREE court hire, including equipment hire. Valid until Saturday 31 May 2014.

App for Android and Apple devices Subscribe to our eNewsletters

Pakenham Regional Tennis Centre 11 Webster Way, Pakenham 2 | 1300 787 624

Phone: 5940 8510 Email:

Open Monday to Thursday 12.30−9pm, Friday 12.30−8pm, Saturday 8am−5pm.

‘Community compass’ online mapping and information tool


Council’s Compliance Services Officer Jack Alford and Partnerships and Engagement Officer Freya Mellor-Prior will be part of the team educating residents about the new Victorian Government laws.

In brief ... Please don’t feed the birds RESIDENTS are discouraged from feeding wild cockatoos which may visit homes or backyards.

as N Photo courtesy: Thom u at

Hand-feeding or leaving out seed or other food for these birds can cause them to flock in excessive numbers to residential areas, where they can damage houses and decks and create a noise problem.

‘Butt out’ where our children play UNDER new Victorian Government legislation, outdoor smoking bans in children’s recreational areas and sporting facilities will apply across the state from 1 April.

Cockatoos also need to chew to keep their beaks healthy and, in the wild, spend most of their day searching for food. Providing an easy source of food gives them more time to damage property and crops and reduces their ability to find their own food.

Sign up for school holiday fun LOOKING for exciting activities for your children these school holidays? Bookings for Council’s vacation care program for the June–July school holidays open on 19 May. The program will run each weekday from Monday 30 June to Friday 11 July from 6.30am to 6.30pm at Pakenham Springs Primary School, and at Beaconsfield Primary School on non-excursion days only. Staffed by early childhood educators, the program features a range of fun and affordable activities for children who attend a primary school in Cardinia Shire.

Smoking will be illegal within 10 metres (about two car lengths) of:

Bookings close on 20 June. To book or for more information visit the ‘Outside school hours care’ web page on Council’s website.

• children’s playground equipment • skate parks • sporting venues during organised sporting events for people aged under 18 • in outdoor areas of all public swimming pool complexes.

Cardinia Road repair works underway

Council is installing signs in these locations across Cardinia Shire to remind residents not to light up. Anyone aged 18 and over who is found smoking in these locations risks being fined or prosecuted under the Tobacco Act 1987.

COUNCIL is conducting road rehabilitation works to Cardinia Road in Officer, between Lecky and Ballarto roads. The works will repair damage caused by flooding in 2011 and 2012.

Council’s Partnerships and Engagement Officer Freya Mellor-Prior said the changes will help protect our youngest residents from being exposed to second-hand smoke while playing outside.

“Hopefully the bans will give smokers trying to quit another great reason to give up cigarettes for good, as well as help prevent former smokers from relapsing,” Freya said.

The Victorian Government has funded the project at a cost of about $1.6 million. Weather permitting, the upgrade is expected to be completed in late May.

“Council is expecting Cardinia Shire residents to show strong support for these new healthy laws,” Freya said.

The new laws will also benefit the environment; less cigarette butt litter will pollute the Shire’s reserves, streets and waterways.

Soccer venue on its way

“Children deserve to spend time in the great outdoors without risking their health by breathing in other people’s toxic and unpleasant tobacco smoke. Adult non-smokers will enjoy breathing easier too!” she said.

“Smoking is already prohibited at all Victorian patrolled beaches, in cars when carrying children, at bus, train and tram shelters, and in most enclosed workplaces. So extending the ban to places where children most commonly play makes great sense,” Freya said.

The bans will also help shift young people’s attitudes to smoking. “If children see adults smoking less often, they are much less likely to find the habit acceptable and become addicted themselves.

For more information about the new outdoor smoking bans, visit tobaccoreforms, or contact the Tobacco Information Line on 1300 136 775 or

CARDINIA Shire’s first dedicated soccer facility will begin construction in April. IYU Recreation Reserve in Henry Road, Pakenham, will feature one synthetic and three grass turf soccer pitches, along with a basketball half court, pavilions and a playground. The facility will cost about $7.5 million and is jointly funded by Council and the Victorian Government. Council consulted extensively with Cardinia United Soccer and Pakenham Little Athletics clubs to develop the reserve. Long-term plans for the facility also include a synthetic athletics track.

APRIL–MAY 2014 | 3

Your Council

Meet … Council’s Youth Outreach Officer John Veloso

Spotlight on ...


I joined Cardinia Shire Council … In late 2007.

I began working in this field …

COUNCIL’S brightly coloured mobile youth facility, MYBus, is somewhat hard to miss – which is a good thing, given the fantastic free entertainment, information and support it provides to people aged 12 to 25 in Cardinia Shire.

Six years ago as a youth worker. My interest was sparked when I started volunteering with church groups, camps and events for young people around 15 years ago. I like connecting with people and making a positive impact in their lives.

The converted passenger coach features internet access, video and board games, music, sports equipment and skateboard and scooter hire, as well as information on topics including sexual health and relationships, drugs and alcohol, bullying and mental health.

I love my job …

Two Council youth workers are always on the bus to engage and support young people who use the service, and refer them to other programs and services as needed.

My role involves … Interacting with the young people and families who visit MYBus. I listen to young people when they want support or simply someone to talk to and, if required, refer them and their families to Council’s My Place youth facility in Pakenham and other community services.

MYBus is special. For young people facing tough times, it’s a ‘safe place’ of sorts – or just somewhere fun to hang out!

“It’s hard to call this ‘work’ because I’m so passionate about what I do!”

When I was growing up, the kind of support that young people can get now was never available. Working as part of a motivated team offering that support is brilliant. It’s such a privilege to have a young person trust you enough to open up about their life. Sometimes it can take a while to earn that trust, but that’s okay, I’m a patient guy!

It’s also rewarding to see parents coming to us to actively seek out information or support on behalf of their children.

My biggest challenge is … Helping young people see their potential when they are feeling lost.

MYBus visits local secondary schools during lunch breaks, and various towns during school holidays and after school. It is also a drawcard at many local events and festivals. Council’s Youth Services Team Leader Emma Firth said MYBus has become a haven of support and a popular ‘hangout’ for many young people since it started operating in 2008. “In 2013, the bus had close to 8,000 visits by young people, and this number just keeps on growing,” Emma said. MYBus visits at least four rural locations in the Shire every school term, including Bayles, Bunyip, Emerald, Koo Wee Rup, Lang Lang and Maryknoll. This ensures young residents in these areas can access the same information, referral services, recreation and support available at Council’s My Place youth facility in Pakenham. For more information, or to find out where MYBus is heading next, visit or contact 1800 4YOUTH or

It can also be challenging getting parents, carers and families to fully recognise how important it is to be supportive and understanding. Just being good role models is a great way to set our young people on the right path.

If I could offer young people one piece of advice it would be … So many people out there really do care about you and have your best interests at heart. Honestly! And if you’re not sure where they are, come and visit MYBus and My Place! 4 | 1300 787 624

Council’s Youth Services team members John Veloso and Maddie Drewitt on board MYBus.


Child’s play and more COUNCIL is proud to announce two more family and children’s centres for the Shire to meet the growing needs of our many young families. Henry Family Children’s Centre in Henry Road, Pakenham, features three- and four-year-old kindergarten programs operating from two rooms, as well as maternal and child health and early childhood intervention services. A community room and outdoor play space are also available for playgroups, mothers groups and the broader community to hire. The Victorian Government contributed more than $2 million to the centre, which is the first in the Shire to offer intervention and specialist support services including speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and dietetics. The centre also boasts a range of sensory play spaces to help children learn and explore. These include a mirror ball water feature, bush telephone, misting arch and a fallen tree trunk, as well as a shallow creek bed, fire pit and a secret garden. Bunyip Kindergarten in Princess Street has been transformed into a full children’s centre offering kindergarten and maternal and child health services, a toy library and playgroup facilities. Its $300,000 refurbishment was funded by the Victorian Government. Council’s Children’s Services Team Leader Cheryl Casey said she hopes these ‘one-stop’ facilities make life just that little bit easier for busy families by bringing vital services together in one place. “It’s wonderful to visit these centres and hear children laughing and playing during kindergarten or playgroup, and also see parents bringing their little ones in for maternal and child health and other health and development checks,” Cheryl said. The Shire now has 10 children’s centres and Council plans to provide another two centres by 2019.

“It’s wonderful to visit these centres and hear children laughing and playing during kindergarten or playgroup ...”

For more information contact Council’s Children’s Services team on 1300 787 624 or visit the ‘Families and Children’ section of Council’s website.

APRIL–MAY 2014 | 5

What’s on Cardinia Kids in Action Join in the fun during the April school holidays with activities for children through Council’s new program ‘Cardinia Kids in Action’. Activities, in Emerald, Pakenham, Koo Wee Rup and Cockatoo, include pavement art, book making, treasure hunts, badge making, ‘fruit critter’ making, musical instrument making and a ‘Let’s get moving’ session. For details visit Council’s online events calendar or contact 1300 787 624 or

E-waste drop-offs Have you got unwanted electrical appliances at home? Head to one of Council’s e-waste drop-offs where you can dispose of items including computers, televisions, radios and vacuum cleaners. No whitegoods will be accepted. For more information see page 9 of this edition or contact Council on 1300 787 624 or

‘Detox your home’ mobile chemical collection Council, in partnership with Sustainability Victoria, brings ‘detox your home’ to Cardinia Shire on Saturday 3 May 8am–4pm. To be a part of this event, register online at or phone 1800 353 233. Location details provided on registration. Contact Council’s Waste Officer 1300 787 624 or or visit

April Wednesday 9 ‘Ten types of innovation for business’ webinar

Sunday 6 to Sunday 13 PAVE Festival PAVE brings different generations together across the week, with community groups and local performers showcasing their programs and talents. Visit

6 | 1300 787 624

Sunday 20 Emerald Market

In the comfort of your own home or office 11am. Contact Council 1300 787 624 or or visit

Kilvington Drive, Emerald 9am–3pm. Contact Non Blair or Michelle Perera 5968 3881 or or visit

Tuesday 15

Saturday 26

Neighbourhood Watch Cardinia monthly meeting Pakenham Police and emergency services complex, Princes Highway 7–8.30pm. Contact Richard Stanios 0488 026 881.

Business planning basics seminar Living Learning Pakenham, 6B Henry Street 10am–12noon. Contact 5941 2389 or

For more Council and community events visit

May Friday 2 Cardinia Calisthenics Club market night Officer Public Hall, Tivendale Road 6pm–8.30pm. Contact Rebecca Roche 0411 067 476 or

Saturday 3 Lakeside Lutheran College open day 2 Portobello Road, Pakenham 10am–2pm. Contact Rebecca McAleese 5941 7544 or

Tuesday 13 Health and wellbeing forum Cardinia Cultural Centre, Lakeside Boulevard, Pakenham 9am–4pm. Contact Council’s Health Promotion team 1300 787 624 or

Sunday 18 Emerald Market Kilvington Drive, Emerald 9am–3pm. Visit or contact Non Blair or Michelle Perera 5968 3881 or

Wednesday 21 National Simultaneous Storytime Pakenham Library, corner John and Henry streets, Pakenham and Emerald Library, 400B Belgrave–Gembrook Road, Emerald 11am. Visit, or contact Council’s Best Start Community Facilitator on 1300 787 624 or

Library news All events are free. Bookings are essential. To book visit or phone the library.

Council meetings Meetings are open to the public and are held in the Council Chambers at Council offices, Henty Way, Pakenham (unless otherwise advised). Ph: 1300 787 624 Email:


Monday 7 Town planning meeting 7pm

Monday 28 (in lieu of Easter Monday) General Council meeting 7pm

May Emerald Library

Monday 5

400B Belgrave–Gembrook Road, Emerald Ph: 5968 3925

Monday 19

Thursday 8 May 4pm–6pm Family movie Frozen (PG) – animated comedy adventure featuring the voices of Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel. BYO snacks.

Wednesday 21 May 6.30pm–7.30pm Family history for beginners – get your search underway, including convict ancestors and World War 1 veterans.

Wednesday 28 May 6.30pm–7.30pm Family history online resources, using and other websites.

Pakenham Library Corner John and Henry streets, Pakenham Ph: 5941 2036

Sunday 11 May Ukulele workshop for teens aged 15 and over with Matthew Fagan. BYO ukulele. Finger-styles, strumming and flat picking, melody arrangements and more 1pm–2pm followed by an afternoon music session for all ages 2.15pm–3.30pm. Pick up a brochure for more information.

Town planning meeting 7pm General Council meeting 7pm


Monday 2 Town planning meeting 7pm

Cardinia Cultural Centre Lakeside Boulevard, Pakenham Ph: 1300 887 624 E:

School holiday movie – ‘Turbo’ (rated G) Wednesday 16 April

From the makers of ‘Madagascar’ and ‘Kung Fu Panda’ comes this high-velocity comedy about an underdog snail with the miraculous power of super-speed, 10am. Tickets: $2.

Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow Saturday 3 May

Superstars of Australia’s biggest comedy festival are let off the leash and go on the road for this comedy odyssey, 8.30pm. Tickets: $35; concession: $32.

Thursday 22 May 4.30pm–5.30pm Let’s talk books. For teens aged 13 and over. Chill out and explore what others are listening to, watching or reading! Snacks provided.

School holiday program – pick up a brochure for details.

Friday 30 May – Sunday 1 June Yakkerboo art show Pakenham Hall, corner John and Henry streets, Pakenham. Open night Friday 30 May from 7.30pm; general viewing Saturday 31 May and Sunday 1 June from 10am to 5pm. Visit or contact Jillian Ronald 0413 147 396 or

Casey–Cardinia libraries will be closed on: • 18 April Good Friday • 21 April Easter Monday • 25 April Anzac Day. Casey–Cardinia Library Corporation operates public library services for Cardinia Shire Council in Pakenham and Emerald. The Cardinia Mobile Library visits townships on a weekly schedule. Library membership is FREE. Pick up a brochure or visit

Morning melodies Wednesday 7 May

Morning tea 10am; show 11am Jerry Lee Lewis and Fats Domino tribute. Tickets: $15 (includes morning tea and show).

Mother’s Day celebrations Sunday 11 May

Spoil mum with great food while overlooking the lake. A la carte breakfast available 8–11am; high tea from midday or ‘Lunch in the Lakeview room’ two course meal (includes carvery main course with scrumptious dessert). Bookings essential. Tickets: $28 per person for high tea; $35 for per person for two course lunch ($15 for children under 12). For bookings and information on all upcoming events at Cardinia Cultural Centre visit

APRIL–MAY 2014 | 7


Council’s Waste Officer Melanie Kerr with Outlook Environmental employees Luke Cranston, Rhys Eldrett and Peter Breen.

Recycling old electrical items helps people and the planet COUNCIL’S free e-waste collections are convenient for residents, good for the environment and as an added bonus, provide jobs and vocational training for disadvantaged members of the community. Council’s regular e-waste collections across Cardinia Shire give residents the chance to clear their homes and garages of unwanted electrical appliances. Rather than going straight into landfill, these appliances are taken apart, processed and recycled. Goods which can be deposited at the drop-offs include batteryoperated items or those with a power cord, such as computers, toasters, vacuum cleaners, radios, televisions, blenders and hair dryers. Whitegoods cannot be accepted as e-waste, but should instead be left out at your next hard waste collection. Please make sure you remove the door before placing these items out for removal.

“Many materials salvaged are even quite valuable, such as platinum, gold and copper.

“The good news is that these nasty elements are removed during recycling.”

Council’s Waste Officer Melanie Kerr said recycling old electrical goods makes great environmental sense for a number of reasons.

8 | 1300 787 624

“Materials recovered during e-waste processing are about 95 per cent recyclable, and are put to good use to manufacture new products.

“In addition, electrical appliances sometimes contain toxic substances such as lead or mercury, which can potentially contaminate soil and groundwater systems and damage ecosystems,” Melanie said.

“The good news is that these nasty elements are removed during recycling.” While e-waste recycling is clearly kind to our earth, it also delivers some great social benefits.


Switched on to e-waste Cardinia Shire residents have embraced e-waste collections and use of the service continues to grow. Keep up the great work! Almost 25 tonnes of electrical appliances were dropped off at Council’s e-waste collections in 2011−12; this amount more than doubled to over 53 tonnes in 2012−13. Televisions made up around 60 per cent of the total weight collected during this time.

Council works with Outlook Environmental to deliver its e-waste service. Outlook is a not-for-profit organisation that creates employment, training and social integration opportunities for people with physical, mental or social disabilities, as well as those who have been unemployed for some time. E-waste items deposited by residents are transported to Outlook’s waste transfer and recycling centre in Hampton Park for processing by its staff. These workers carefully dismantle most items by hand, separating parts into different waste streams for recycling. “Outlook helps people get the training they need to find and maintain ongoing, meaningful employment,” Melanie said. “It’s inspiring to visit Outlook’s site and see its workers performing their roles with such precision and enthusiasm. They are clearly proud of what they do.


collections in 2014 Saturday 26 April 9am–2pm Council’s Operations Centre Purton Road, Pakenham

Saturday 19 July 9am–1pm Gemco Players Community Theatre 19 Kilvington Drive, Emerald

Saturday 2 August 9am–1pm

“Council has a great working relationship with Outlook Environmental. We are pleased to support and collaborate with a social enterprise doing such good in the community,” she said.

Bunyip Primary School Nar Nar Goon–Longwarry Road, Bunyip

For dates of all e-waste and other Council waste collections in your area, use the ‘Community compass’ tool at or visit the online events calendar on Council’s website.


Saturday 18 October Council’s Operations Centre Purton Road, Pakenham

APRIL–MAY 2014 | 9


Staff and volunteers from Upper Beaconsfield Community Centre.

New skills and friendships could be yours NEIGHBOURHOOD houses and community centres in Cardinia Shire are putting out the welcome mat for Neighbourhood House Week from Monday 12 to Sunday 18 May. Morning teas, luncheons, trial courses and more will be held during the week of celebrations.

• short introductory courses in computers, first aid, accounting and more

Council’s Community Strengthening Officer Allison Howard said Neighbourhood House Week is the ideal time for residents to pop into their local centre to find out about the many free or low-cost training courses, exercise classes, social groups and activities on offer.

• childcare and playgroup services

“The centres strengthen our community by giving people of all ages the chance to learn new skills, take up new hobbies and meet new friends,” Allison said.

It’s on for young and all JOIN the fun of the National Youth Week Festival this month. Enjoy the nail-biting excitement of the South Eastern League Skate and BMX competition, live music, a barbecue, and Council’s MYBus, plus a range of other activities and entertainment.

• community gardens • men’s sheds • special needs support groups • cooking classes • art and craft sessions • yoga and tai chi • dance classes and • business workshops.

“They are often the first port of call for new residents seeking to make new connections in their local area, and also offer free computer and internet access.”

Cardinia Shire’s neighbourhood houses and community centres are jointly funded by Council, the Victorian Government and the Adult Community and Further Education Board.

This free event will also provide information on local education opportunities, programs and services for young people in Cardinia Shire.

Cardinia Shire’s eight neighbourhood houses and community centres are spread across the Shire in Lang Lang, Cockatoo, Bunyip, Emerald, Pakenham, Beaconsfield and Upper Beaconsfield. They are run by managers or coordinators who report to volunteer committees of management.

“Council is committed to helping the centres continue to thrive and give real value to the community,” Allison said.

Organised by a committee of local young people, the event is drug, smoke and alcohol free and proudly supported by Council and the Victorian and Australian governments.

Education and accredited training opportunities, activities, courses and services on offer at the centres include:

For more information on courses, events and activities happening during Neighbourhood House Week contact your local community centre or neighbourhood house. Contact details for all centres in the Shire are listed on Council’s online ‘Community directory’ at

Did you know …

Did you know …

The word ‘Cardinia’ means ‘look to the rising sun’ in the language of the area’s first inhabitants, the Bunurong and Wurundjeri people.

Hollins Children’s Centre in Pakenham is named after Sister Lillian Hollins, a local nurse who was instrumental in helping to establish Cardinia Shire’s first infant health service in 1934.

10 | 1300 787 624

National Youth Week Festival will be held at PB Ronald Reserve, Pakenham on Sunday 13 April from 11am to 4pm. For more information visit or the Cardinia Youth Services Facebook page, or call 1800 4 YOUTH.


Michelle Johnson (middle) with fellow members of Lang Lang’s Community Emergency Response Team, Rosie Keane and Gavan Keane.

Three cheers for volunteers! VOLUNTEERS are vital in our community. Hundreds of Cardinia Shire residents regularly devote their time and energy to making our community a better place to live, work and play. National Volunteer Week (12 to 18 May) gives us all the opportunity to say “thanks a lot!” to these generous people.

Centre can be exhausting, but that seeing people back on their feet days, weeks or months after an emergency makes it all worthwhile.

Some of our volunteers fight bushfires or raise funds for sporting clubs. Others are busy protecting the environment, helping injured animals or, like Nyora resident Michelle Johnson, saving lives.

“It’s very rewarding to see a patient in good health and spirits again. People often say ‘thanks so much for helping me the other night’, or you hear on the grapevine that they’re well.”

Michelle is an Ambulance Victoria first responder with Lang Lang’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). When a medical emergency happens in a town some distance from an ambulance station, like Lang Lang and its surrounding areas, CERT members provide emergency care until paramedics arrive.

Michelle highly recommends volunteering and says it is something most people can squeeze into their busy lives.

“Nobody can do everything – but everyone can do something!”

Despite having no medical background and only basic first aid training at the time, Michelle was quick to put up her hand when the team was formed 10 years ago. With more extensive training now under her belt, she is fully equipped to handle all manner of health emergencies. “It’s certainly confronting to come face-to-face with people who need urgent medical care; especially children,” Michelle said.

“You definitely get back more than you give. Many people think they don’t have the time to help, but just a few hours a month can make a difference.

“Nobody can do everything – but everyone can do something! And you can make some great friends at the same time!” Michelle said.

Cardinia Shire Mayor Cr Graeme Moore said National Volunteer Week gives residents a chance to recognise and appreciate the huge contribution volunteers make to the local community. “It’s reassuring to know we have such selfless and dedicated people in the Shire,” Cr Moore said.

“But my training helps me to stay calm so I can give the help that’s needed and reassure patients that an ambulance is on its way.”

“On behalf of Council, I extend a big thank you to all our volunteers. And to residents considering giving their time to a good cause, I urge you to give it a go,” he said.

Michelle says balancing her volunteer role with her ‘everyday’ job at Lang Lang Community

“It is likely to change your life for the better – not to mention other people’s lives!”

Thanks, Red Cross! When it comes to helping people who have fallen on hard times, Australian Red Cross is one of the most active community organisations in Cardinia Shire. Many residents also volunteer for the iconic organisation. Council wants to thank and congratulate Red Cross, which is celebrating 100 years of helping our nation’s most vulnerable people this year. Want to help? Why not visit the Red Cross Shop at 4/27 Treloar Lane, Pakenham or consider becoming a volunteer yourself! Visit for details.

Council supports local volunteering in many ways, including through its ‘Connecting our community’ online database at The free resource connects people with volunteering opportunities in more than 500 not-for-profit organisations and allows organisations helping people in the local community to post volunteer opportunities to the database. Council also offers training subsidies for eligible volunteers working to help people in Cardinia Shire.

APRIL–MAY 2014 | 11

Looking forward Cr Brett Owen Ranges Ward

From your councillors Cr Leticia Wilmot Ranges Ward

Phone: 0418 993 370 Email: Council has stepped up our advocacy in the lead up to the State election in November. Councillors and senior officers have already met with current members and known candidates to advocate for much needed funding for critical infrastructure and services for residents. If you are on Facebook, please ‘like’ my ‘Brett Owen – Cardinia Shire’ page for regular updates and information on what is happening around the shire. Ranges Ward councillors also have the ‘Friends of Ranges Ward in Cardinia Council’ page.

Cr Tania Baxter Ranges Ward

Phone: 0427 135 879 Email: National Volunteer Week and Neighbourhood House Week are happening at the same time this year (12 to 18 May). National Volunteer Week acknowledges all those volunteers who make a significant contribution in our communities. Now in its 25th year, it is the largest celebration of volunteers and volunteerism in Australia. The eight neighbourhood houses across the Shire will be holding free activities to boost participation at the centres during their week of celebrations.

Cr Collin Ross Central Ward

Phone: 0427 528 358 Email: Council has released the revised draft Emerald community facilities spatial plan for review by the local community. It summarises the outcomes from previous community consultation and also outlines further investigations by Council. The plan is available on Council’s website or by phoning 1300 787 624. Please provide your written feedback, particularly in relation to two key recommendations: future skate facility location and the town centre precinct long-term strategic planning.

Cr George Blenkhorn Central Ward

Phone: 0428 598 491 Email: It is great to be part of such an exciting and challenging Shire. Good luck to the newly formed Pakenham Silverbacks gridiron (American football) club in their first competition season. I met with the men’s sheds and looked at the fantastic work and camaraderie they offer local residents. I participated in the Cardinia Relay For Life, which raises money for Cancer Council Victoria. I did the 2am to 4am shift. Well done, team! Thank you to the organisers.

Phone: 0429 139 902 Email: Work is progressing on the duplication of McGregor Rd. The first stage is the relocation of the major underground services, with construction of the road pavement scheduled to be completed before Christmas. Widening of the rail crossing will be the last stage and this will depend on negotiations with VicTrack regarding the $4 million funding required for these works. The first stage of the multi-year development of the IYU reserve soccer and athletics facility is to commence this month.

Cr Kate Lempriere Central Ward Phone: 0427 371 263 Email: Hi everyone, don’t miss Yakkerboo art show, Pakenham Hall! Great news, upgrade of Bourke Park near Pakenham railway station started, this will ensure a safer entrance from station to Main Street. New playground equipment installed, new public toilet, shelter creatively improved. Lighting and stage refurbishment happening. Contributed Ward funds. Works completed June 2014. Pakenham Show and Yakkerboo Festival both fabulous community events.

Cr Graeme Moore Port Ward

Cr Jodie Owen Central Ward Phone: 0427 294 893 Email: Relay For Life was a great event again this year, and it was fantastic to have a Councillor team as sadly many of us have been touched by cancer. As many will have seen, works have commenced in Bourke Park to make it a more inviting reserve for families and young people. Residents can rest assured that all councillors are working hard to deliver a budget which is fiscally responsible for Cardinia Shire residents.

Cr David Young Port Ward

Phone: 0400 167 844 Email: What a wonderful couple of months it’s been, attending art and agricultural shows and in particular the excellent Yakkerboo Festival. I congratulate the organising committees for their contribution and support of these events. It was great to have residents’ input at Council’s offsite meeting in Nar Nar Goon last month. We plan to have more meetings in future across the Shire (see our online events calendar). I invite residents to join me in attending the various Anzac Day ceremonies across Port Ward.

Phone: 0427 455 798 Email: When summer finally arrived it hit with a vengeance with extended periods of extremely hot weather. Work on the rehabilitation of Cardinia Road began in March. When finished, the road will be much improved. This month we come together as a community on Anzac Day to remember those individuals who served our nation during wartime. I hope to catch up with many residents of Port Ward on this special day. I hope everybody has a safe and happy Easter break.

Views expressed in ‘Looking forward’ are those of the Ward councillors.

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