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SEI Structural Columns
Monday – Tuesday, October 1-2
ICC-ES Committee Meeting and Hearings – Environmental and Evaluation Committees at the Hilton Frontenac,
St. Louis, MO October 1-6, 2012 Friday Morning – October 5
Roll call and Member Organization Reports For Member Organization Executive Directors: Lessons
Learned and Strategies Session ATC Cliff Notes: What You Should Know But Don’t
Have Time to Read – Jon Heintz, P.E. S.E., and Ronald
Hamburger, S.E., SECB
Wednesday, October 3
ICC-ES Committee Meeting and Hearings – Structural engineering topics NCSEA Board Meeting NCSEA Committee Meetings Software and Non-Software Vendor Presentations AZZ Plant Tour and Lunch SECB Reception – Everyone invited.
Thursday, October 4
The Spirit of St. Louis…Design Trends for the Future Overview of 2012 Codes and Standards
Ron Hamburger, S.E., SECB Where ASCE 7 Wind Provisions Might Go in 2016
Don Scott, S.E. Seismic Anchorage and Appendix D
Kevin Moore, P.E., S.E., SECB Strength Design of Masonry
Ed Huston, S.E. ICC-ES Collaboration, Process, and Effect
Bill Warren, S.E., SECB, and Jim Collins, Ph.D., P.E. Keynote: Structural Engineering Practice – Instilling “A
Culture of Discipline” – Larry Griffis, P.E. Snow Load Provisions in ASCE 7-10
Michael O’Rourke, P.E., Ph.D. The Performance of New England’s Buildings in the Winter of 2010-2011
Joe Zona, P.E., SECB The 2011 Joplin Tornado
Randall Bernhardt, P.E., S.E. and Malcolm Carter, P.E., S.E.
Thursday Night – Welcome Reception
Friday Afternoon
Diaphragms and Wall Anchorage / Serviceability and
Foundation Systems – Timothy Mays, Ph.D., P.E.
Friday night – Awards Banquet
Saturday, October 6 – NCSEA Business Meeting
The NCSEA Business Meeting will be a little different this year. Member Organization(MO) reports will be given on Friday, from 8 a.m. – 9:45 a.m., per Delegate requests that they hear from each other, and therefore get to know each other better, earlier in the course of the Conference. Saturday, October 6, will be reserved for Committee Reports, followed by discussion of the following topics, brought to you by members of the NCSEA MO Ad Hoc Committee on Collaboration and Communication: • MO to MO Communications • NCSEA and MO Communication • Executive Directors • SE Exam • Webinars • Websites The NCSEA MO Ad Hoc Committee identified the above initiatives this past April, formed subgroups on these initiatives in May, discussed the initiatives with their subgroups in July, discussed and received input on their recommendations from the Delegates in a web-based meeting in August, and will be finalizing their proposed recommendations in September for presentation and discussion at the NCSEA Business Meeting on October 6. Ad Hoc Committee findings and recommendations will be addressed through the noon hour, with lunch tables earmarked for discussion on the topics above. Lunch table leaders will report additional feedback to members, and the NCSEA Business Meeting will conclude at approximately 1:30 p.m.
Consider three fundamental tenets of NCSEA that relate to local SEA’s and your individual structural engineering firm: NCSEA advocates for the practicing structural engineer. NCSEA and local SEA’s both seek to develop future leaders to assume leadership positions on their Boards. NCSEA, local SEA’s and our individual firms all seek to develop engineering skills of practicing engineers. What better way to infuse our profession with enthusiasm than with our young professionals? Beginning with NCSEA’s 2012 Annual Conference in St. Louis, the NCSEA Board of Directors announces an ongoing incentive to encourage Young Member attendance by discounting their conference registrations by 25% (Young Members are members of SEA’s under the age of 35). Encourage and allow even more Young Members to attend NCSEA’s Annual Conference and learn from the best – sponsor a conference registration ‘scholarship’ of a deserving Young Member! Ben Nelson, upcoming NCSEA President, writes: “I feel Young Members are so vital to the future success of our individual firms, our local SEA’s, and to NCSEA, that my company will sponsor the first full conference registration ‘scholarship’ for a highly motivated Young Member to attend.” Please contact the NCSEA offices at 312-649-4600 to obtain more information on how to contribute to the scholarship fund.
The Newsletter of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE Structural Columns

Th e Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) proudly recognized the following recipients at the Structures 2012 Congress in Chicago, Illinois on March 29, 2012:
Structural Engineering Institute Awards
2012 Chapter of the Year Award Th e SEI Chapter of the Year Award was initiated this year to recognize an SEI Chapter for its exemplary activities and eff orts to advance the structural engineering profession. Th e fi rst SEI Chapter of the Year Award has been given to the SEI New Orleans Chapter. Th is Chapter has been operating successfully since its formation in 1990 as the ASCE New Orleans Branch Structures Committee. Since then it has gained admiration from engineering professionals and local organizations for its contributions through technical activities, student support, community activities, public and government relations, and involvement in ASCE and SEI activities. Dennis L. Tewksbury Award Th e Tewksbury award recognizes an individual member of the Structural Engineering Institute who has advanced the interests of SEI through innovative or visionary leadership, promoted the growth and visibility of SEI, established working relationships between SEI and other organizations, or otherwise rendered valuable service to the structural engineering profession. Th e 2012 Award was presented to Craig Barnes, P.E., SECB, M. ASCE. Mr. Barnes has a distinguished history of service to SEI and the structural engineering profession. He served for several years on the SEI Business & Professional Activities committees, and has been a lead supporter in developing a standardized structural engineering curriculum in universities

Award winners, left to right: Ahsan Kareem, Fahim Sadek, Michael Scott, Om Dixit, Steven E. Pryor, John W. van de Lindt, Charles Roeder, Shiling Pei, Don Dusenberry, Craig Barnes, Sherif El-Tawil, Nicholas Isyumov, Jeff rey A. Packer, Sam Rihani, Andrew Herrmann.
throughout the United States. Craig has long served on the STRUCTURE magazine editorial board producing articles of interest to practicing engineers, while forging links between SEI, CASE and NCSEA Walter P. Moore, Jr. Award Th is award is presented for signifi cant contributions to the development of codes and standards. Th e 2012 recipient was Don Dusenberry, P.E., F. ASCE. Mr. Dusenberry has given generously of his time and talents to ASCE and SEI. For many years, he has played a leadership role in key ASCE standards activities aff ecting the practice of structural engineering. In addition to his numerous leadership roles in ASCE Standard Committee 7 on Minimum Design Loads, he has served as Chair of the SEI Technical Activities Division Executive Committee, Chair of the Performance of Structures Technical Administrative Committee, as Associate Editor of the Journal of Structural
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before September 6th to receive the